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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Thread poster: QHE
ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:31
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“日子总得过下去” Jan 6, 2017

QHE wrote:


Air Quality Index




Meixia Jordan
Meixia Jordan  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:31
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治理雾霾需要多少年? Jan 6, 2017


ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:31
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Don't take the blue sky and sunshine for granted Jan 6, 2017


[Edited at 2017-01-07 16:44 GMT]

United States
Local time: 21:31
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“Brewski” :) Jan 7, 2017

    Frisco BrewSki
    This family friendly event is for all ski abilities and ages, and costumes are encouraged (maybe even a little bit required).

    The Nutcracker - Chinese Dancers

    [Edited at 2017-01-08 00:28 GMT]

Meixia Jordan
Meixia Jordan  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:31
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瑞雪兆丰年 Jan 12, 2017

ysun wrote:

[Edited at 2017-01-07 16:44 GMT]


ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:31
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窗含西岭千秋雪 Jan 12, 2017

Meixia Jordan wrote:




今年冬天,科罗拉多州下雪比往年少,但前几天下了一场大雪。这里有个小镇 Crested Butte,10天内下了2米多厚的雪。洛矶山脉有些地方山顶终年积雪。每年冬天,都有来自世界各地的游客来科罗拉多州滑雪。

Crested Butte Receives 7½ Feet Of Snow In 10 Days½-feet-of-snow-in-10-days/

Meixia Jordan
Meixia Jordan  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:31
English to Chinese
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江山如此多娇 Jan 12, 2017

ysun wrote:


今年冬天,科罗拉多州下雪比往年少,但前几天下了一场大雪。这里有个小镇 Crested Butte,10天内下了2米多厚的雪。洛矶山脉有些地方山顶终年积雪。每年冬天,都有来自世界各地的游客来科罗拉多州滑雪。


ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:31
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去云南和海南是好主意 Jan 12, 2017

Meixia Jordan wrote:



United States
Local time: 21:31
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《佩瑜怀瑾 纨质蕙心》 Jan 14, 2017



  是一部 “传奇”。


wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:31
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Optical Illusion Jan 14, 2017

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:31
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读后感 Jan 14, 2017

QHE wrote:





[Edited at 2017-01-15 01:11 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:31
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留学 New England Jan 14, 2017

纪录片《幼童》中文版 (共5集)

《幼童》英文版 第1集

《幼童》英文版 第2集

United States
Local time: 21:31
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观后感 Jan 19, 2017

ysun wrote: 留学 New England

纪录片《幼童》中文版 (共5集)

《幼童》英文版 第1集

《幼童》英文版 第2集



故事的源头是容闳(Yung Wing)。影片中有一些细节给我留下了很深的印象,其中之一是容闳在 Mrs. Gutzlaff 离开两年后进入马礼逊学堂(Morrison Education Society School)继续学习的轶事。容闳在 My Life in China and America 中是这样写的:

    Soon after the gleaning days, all too few, were over, a neighbor of mine who was a printer in the printing office of a Roman Catholic priest happened to be home from Macao on a vacation. He spoke to my mother about the priest wanting to hire a boy in his office who knew enough English to read the numerals correctly, so as to be able to fold and prepare the papers for the binders. My mother said I could do the work. So I was introduced to the priest and a bargain was struck. I returned home to report myself, and a few days later I was in Macao and entered upon my duty as a folder on a salary of $4.50 a month. My board and lodging came to $1.50— the balance of $3.00 was punctually sent to my mother every month. I did not get rich quickly in this employment, for I had been there but four months when a call for me to quit came from a quarter I least expected. It had more the sound of heaven in it. It came from Dr. Benjamin Hobson, a medical missionary in Macao whose hospital was not more than a mile from the printer’s office. He sent word that he wanted to see me; that he had been hunting for me for months. I knew Dr. Hobson well, for I saw him a number of times at Mrs. Gutzlaff’s. So I called on him. At the outset, I thought he was going to take me in to make a doctor of me, but no, he said he had a promise to fulfill. Mrs. Gutzlaff’s last message to him, before she embarked for America with the three blind girls, was to be sure to find out where I was and put me into the Morrison Education Society School as soon as it was opened for pupils.

    “This is what I wanted to see for you,” said Dr. Hobson. “Before you leave your employment and after you get the consent of your mother to let you go to the Morrison School, I would like to have you come to the hospital and stay with me for a short time so that I may become better acquainted with you, before I take you to the Morrison School, which is already opened for pupils, and introduce you to the teacher.”

虽然故事的源头是容闳,他在选择大学时认为“the calling of a missionary is not the only sphere in life where one can do the most good in China or elsewhere” ; 然而,他之所以能到美国并完成在耶鲁大学的学业,正是得益于 Mrs. Gutzlaff、Dr. Hobson、特别是 Rev. Samuel Robbins Brown 多年的教诲和慈善帮助。我觉得,留美少年们在新英格兰寄宿家庭得到的悉心关爱和家庭温暖,对他们潜移默化的影响是根深蒂固的。从影片中可以感受到 Chinese Educational Mission 和百年的情结仍在继续。

[Edited at 2017-01-19 03:25 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:31
English to Chinese
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令人难忘的 New England Jan 21, 2017

QHE wrote:



曾在美国、尤其是曾在 New England 地区留学的中国人,看了这部纪录片之后都会有较深的感触。New England 地区民风淳朴,老百姓对外国留学生十分友好。许多大学周围的教会和居民,都会热情地帮助留学生,帮他们适应新环境,获得悉心关爱和家庭温暖。这一优良传统一直延续至今。如你所说,从这方面也可窥见人性中极致的善。

United States
Local time: 21:31
English to Chinese
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3D Optical Illusion Jan 22, 2017

Qui Croire? - Created by French artist François Abélanet at the
Ephemeral Garden Square in front of the Hôtel de Ville, Paris

Landscapes That Fool You - by Jared Green

"Qui Croire ?"

[Edited at 2017-01-22 00:45 GMT]

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