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Thread poster: Zhoudan
ysun  Identity Verified
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Pasadena, CA Jun 4, 2011

wherestip wrote:

I've been to Pasadena once, but only for a short stay. I just looked it up, it's located right next to Arcadia. The thing that impressed me the most was the cleanliness of the city sidewalks. I thought the area was beautiful.

Yes, Pasadena is also beautiful. It is about 7 miles west of Arcadia. Pasadena is famous in the world for hosting the annual Rose Bowl football game and Tournament of Roses Parade. It is also the home to the prestigious California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA.

However, the photo at this link is not Arcadia, but downtown Los Angeles:

Likewise, the photo at this link is not San Marcos, but downtown Austin near the 1st street Bridge:

[Edited at 2011-06-05 07:05 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Places to go Jun 5, 2011


I think the suburbs in the Los Angeles area in general have a wonderful park-like setting, pristine and very well manicured, similar to the Lakeway area where you live. Austin, on the other hand, is more natural. People from Austin like to describe the city as "weird" and "laid-back" - Ha, just another couple of terms for a dump.

No, I'm definitely just kidding. Austin has its own charm. And
... See more

I think the suburbs in the Los Angeles area in general have a wonderful park-like setting, pristine and very well manicured, similar to the Lakeway area where you live. Austin, on the other hand, is more natural. People from Austin like to describe the city as "weird" and "laid-back" - Ha, just another couple of terms for a dump.

No, I'm definitely just kidding. Austin has its own charm. And it actually did quite well during this recession.

Austin weathered the recent recession better than any other major metro area in the United States, and better than some of the biggest cities in the world, according to a Brookings Institution report issued Tuesday.

The report found that "Austin's continued attraction and retention of high-skilled human capital, its diverse set of export-based industries and its avoidance of the worst U.S. housing market excesses of the 2000s help explain its stronger-than-national performance."

One of these days I need to get off the dime and do some traveling.

[Edited at 2011-06-06 11:17 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
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One of the best places to work, live and retire Jun 5, 2011

wherestip wrote:

Austin, on the other hand, is more natural and laid-back - Hah, another euphemism for a dump.

No, I'm definitely just kidding. Austin has its own charm. And it actually did quite well during this recession.

A lot of people know that there is a Silicon Valley in California, but they may not know Austin has a nickname of "Silicon Hills".,_Texas
The city is home to development centers for many technology corporations and in the high-tech 1990s adopted the nickname "Silicon Hills".

Austin was named by Kiplinger as the No. 1 best cities for the next decade:

Austin was also ranked No. 9 on the list of the best places to retire by Money Magazine. So, one doesn’t have to drive a Cadillac on Route 66 in order to know what freedom is and to live a happy life.

ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 21:33
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Make a fortune in China and then enjoy freedom on Route 66 Jun 8, 2011


[Edited at 2011-06-08 02:52 GMT]

jyuan_us  Identity Verified
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把公路與自由放在一起 Jun 8, 2011


wherestip  Identity Verified
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文化上的差异 Jun 8, 2011

jyuan_us wrote:



这问题可能涉及你所谈到 语用学 范畴。

昨天我突然想到,"the American dream" 这个短语英文原本完全是褒义的, 如果简单狭隘地理解为 “美国梦”, 意思就不免歪曲了。

不过我离开中国已经很久了,对中文在国内多年来的发展情况消息不太灵通。 比如说,如今连 “我要做最好的自己” 这样糟糕的句子都能被人们广泛地接受,我是根本没有料到的。 也许 “美国梦” 这种我听起来含有贬义的中文目前也不带什么贬义了。

不管怎样,斟酌一下, 我觉得 "the American dream" 还是翻成 “美国梦想/梦景” 或 “美国憧憬” 比较恰当些。 "The American dream" 这个短语其实意味着 在一个自由平等的社会条件下,人人都持有为自己创造幸福生活的理想与机会。

American Dream 
1. the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American.
2. a life of personal happiness and material comfort as traditionally sought by individuals in the U.S.

the American Dream
the notion that the American social, economic, and political system makes success possible for every individual

American dream
coined 1931 by J.T. Adams (1878-1949), U.S. writer and historian, in "Epic of America."

我认为翻译质量差的原因 往往是因为译者对原文理解不透彻, 加之不少译者经常是只从文字表面,逐字亦步亦趋地进行翻译。这就难免产生象 “我要做最好的自己” 这种蹩脚的译文。 其实一个翻译在工作中,真正能把原文的精神实质理解清楚,并且准确地用自己的语言表达出来并不是那么容易的。



Incidentally, here's a couple of old posts of mine that expresses this same opinion ...

wherestip wrote:

One Less Bell to Answer (Marilyn McCoo)

One less bell to answer
One less egg to fry
One less man to pick up after
I should be happy, but all I do is cry

IMHO, quite often the inherent beauty of a language isn't really translatable. For example, try translating these few lines of simple lyrics from this old song by The 5th Dimension. I seriously doubt the end result in Chinese would be anything elegant, or anything still singable to the original tune.

On the flip side, imagine someone wanting to sing in English a few segments of the Peking Opera "红灯记"

I truly believe certain pieces in certain art forms are better left alone in their original form. Besides paraphrasing, a footnote of explanation might be the right prescription for getting the message across to different cultures.

[Edited at 2011-06-09 11:33 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Local time: 21:33
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Rules of the Road Jun 8, 2011

I have absolutely no idea how people drive in China. But this is how a Texan named Josh Summers who once taught English in Xinjiang describes it.


Cruising in China: Drive Defensively or Die

To the first time visitor or expat (a foreigner living in China), Chinese traffic seems like chaos. Cars are weaving in and out of lanes, darting from hidden side streets and honking their horns, all without the use of that nifty little feature called a turn signal. Escape from the vehicle is impossible because most cars are never more than 4 inches apart, just wide enough to fit the mirrors.


You see, a Chinese driver has to be constantly aware of his surroundings and operates under a very simple assumption: Nobody else is going to follow the rules.

In America, the opposite is true.  We focus straight ahead and assume everybody else will follow the rules.  It is for this reason that many Americans have to take a Defensive Driving course.  It’s because we suck at it.

[Edited at 2011-06-08 13:43 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 21:33
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What Josh Summers said is true Jun 8, 2011

1. Chinese drivers in the western world are a danger to society
2. Western drivers in the Chinese world are a danger to society



在洛杉矶某些华人集居的地方,rules 也完全颠倒了。本来应该是车让行人,但到了那里,行人就得让车,不然就可能被撞。

ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 21:33
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“野蛮驾驶” Jun 8, 2011



ysun  Identity Verified
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Good dream vs. bad dream Jun 9, 2011

wherestip wrote:

不管怎样,斟酌一下, 我觉得 "the American dream" 还是翻成 “美国梦想/梦景” 或 “美国憧憬” 比较恰当些。 "The American dream" 这个短语其实意味着在一个自由民主的社会环境中,人人都有成功地创家立业的理想与机会。


I agree. "The American dream" should be commendatory. There is a film “Route 66 - An American (bad) Dream”, which is a documentary created by three German travelers who travelled on Route 66 in their ramshackle Cadillac to experience and discover America. I haven’t watched the entire film yet, but I guess they specifically indicated it was a "bad dream" just because they frequently got into troubles with their near death Cadillac on the road.

There is also a Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, Texas.

Probably, it was due to the ties between Cadillac and Route 66 that made Cadillac to choose Route 66 for making this advertising film for the Chinese market.

[Edited at 2011-06-09 07:22 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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Amarillo, TX Jun 9, 2011

ysun wrote:

I agree. "The American dream" should be commendatory. There is a film “Route 66 - An American (bad) Dream”, which is a documentary created by three German travelers who travelled on Route 66 in their ramshackle Cadillac to experience and discover America. I haven’t watched the entire film yet, but I guess they specifically indicated it was a "bad dream" just because they frequently got into troubles with their near death Cadillac on the road.


That looks like an interesting film; thanks for the link. It lasts for an hour and 43 minutes though. I'm going to download it to watch it at a later date.

I think that Cadillac Ranch is such an eyesore. I've heard about it, but have never been up in that direction past San Saba.

ysun  Identity Verified
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Local time: 21:33
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Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo, TX Jun 9, 2011


Amarillo 基本上是 Austin 和 Boulder, CO 两点之间的中点。如果我从 Austin 开车去 Boulder,就要在 Amarillo 住一夜。不过,我原先也不知道那里有一个 Cadillac Ranch。从地图上看,它就在 Amarillo 城西的40号公路旁。不知我以前经过时为什么没有注意到。我是比较喜欢开车旅游的,因为就像此广告所说,“想去哪里,转身就出发”。开车可以游览许多乘飞机无法直达的地方,�
... See more

Amarillo 基本上是 Austin 和 Boulder, CO 两点之间的中点。如果我从 Austin 开车去 Boulder,就要在 Amarillo 住一夜。不过,我原先也不知道那里有一个 Cadillac Ranch。从地图上看,它就在 Amarillo 城西的40号公路旁。不知我以前经过时为什么没有注意到。我是比较喜欢开车旅游的,因为就像此广告所说,“想去哪里,转身就出发”。开车可以游览许多乘飞机无法直达的地方,例如被称为世上第八奇迹的 Calrsbad Caverns, New Mexico。

如果单纯是为了赶路,当然还是坐飞机方便。而且有时候,从 Austin 飞到丹佛票价只有$49美元(距离相当于杭州到北京)。从 Amarillo 去 Albuquerque, NM 的40号公路就属于以前的 Route 66。进入 New Mexico 之后,公路两边风景很美,不像广告里那段如此荒凉。不过,在荒无人烟的地段也并不是想开多快就开多快。即使在路上没有警察巡逻的地方,有时也有飞机测速。搞不好等你开到前面时,警察已经接到通知在路边“守株待兔”了。所以,自由不等于无法无天。我有时真想试一试我的车到底能开多快,但还是努力克制住了。吃罚单还是小事,但如果失去安全,那就什么自由都没有了。

[Edited at 2011-06-09 16:52 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
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丧尽天良 Jun 10, 2011

说起野蛮驾驶,正巧昨天看到 CNN 的一则报道,说陕西省前几天处决了一名开车肇事的杀人犯。

这位西安音乐学院的学生开车无意撞了人,被撞的是一位骑自行车的农村妇女,受了伤但并不致命。 开车的这位老几非但不帮助受伤的妇女,反而杀人灭口,将她用刀子捅死。

真给 “瞒天过海” 和 “道德滑坡” 谱写了新的篇章。

[Edited at 2011-06-11 10:58 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
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简直是道德山崩 Jun 10, 2011

wherestip wrote:

真给 “道德滑坡” 和 “瞒天过海” 增添了新的意义。


ysun  Identity Verified
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汽车广告 Jun 21, 2011

上世纪80年代,我每次去首都机场时,在机场路旁都能看到一块巨大的广告牌“车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车”。电视也常播这个广告。当时看到 Toyota 这块充满霸气的广告,心里不免有些反感。相比之下,当时尼桑(又称为日产,即 Nissan)在中国做广告宣传的力度就差得多。后来我到日本才发现,许多日本人似乎更青睐于尼桑,认为尼桑车的引擎较好。来美国后,常听到的尼桑车广告是: Drive a Nissan, then decide。我觉得这个广告也充满自信,但不令人反感。

据说 Toyota 目前在中国用的广告词是“宝马驾后不开其他车,丰田驾后不开宝马车”。这种说法,岂非自相矛盾?我倒想问,按照这种说法,开了宝马(BMW)车的人,究竟还会不会再去买丰田车?尽管我也买过丰田车,丰田车的质量也不错,但我认为靠贬低别的公司来做广告不是正道。在美国我似乎没见过明目张胆地贬低别的公司的广告。也许是广告法不允许吧?

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