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MemSource vs. MemoQ
Thread poster: Ekaterina (Katia) Glass
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:07
English to Italian
you need a paid version... Oct 28, 2015

to be able to add TMs and TermBases... so, in order to use your tools, and do a better job, you have to pay...

I also agree that it limits my productivity enormously... you obviously have the choice of turning jobs in Memsource down or raise your rate...

Also, the editor (online and offline) is slow... again! In some segments, the match/hit takes about 5 seconds to be displayed... not sure why this keeps
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to be able to add TMs and TermBases... so, in order to use your tools, and do a better job, you have to pay...

I also agree that it limits my productivity enormously... you obviously have the choice of turning jobs in Memsource down or raise your rate...

Also, the editor (online and offline) is slow... again! In some segments, the match/hit takes about 5 seconds to be displayed... not sure why this keeps happening... maybe slow server? Very frustrating when it happens...

[Edited at 2015-10-28 14:41 GMT]

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 05:07
English to Russian
Re: you need a paid version... Oct 29, 2015

In fact, you don't. You need to ask your PM make a TB for you. I requested an individual TB so that I can add my own terms while client's TB remains intact.
Definitely Memsource is not a professional tool but it is still good for novices to using CAT tools.

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:07
English to Italian
don't understand... Oct 29, 2015

Stepan Konev wrote:

In fact, you don't. You need to ask your PM make a TB for you. I requested an individual TB so that I can add my own terms while client's TB remains intact.
Definitely Memsource is not a professional tool but it is still good for novices to using CAT tools.

what the difference is between using their TB and using one for yourself... you don't add terms to their TB? Only to yours? Why? And you can't download it, anyway... so, what's the point?

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 05:07
English to Russian
Exactly. I cannot add terms if not allowed Oct 29, 2015

Clients normally have their glossaries etc., and PMs are reluctant to grant you (a translator) too much freedom. So they just lock all editing features including adding new terms. Once a PM ticks one checkbox, you can edit and/or download TM/TB. But they don't. So, in fact, you cannot download a TM/TB because of project managers, not payment conditions.
As a workaround you can ask for an individual TB. Thus you can add your own terms without 'affecting' theirs.
A very uncomfortable
... See more
Clients normally have their glossaries etc., and PMs are reluctant to grant you (a translator) too much freedom. So they just lock all editing features including adding new terms. Once a PM ticks one checkbox, you can edit and/or download TM/TB. But they don't. So, in fact, you cannot download a TM/TB because of project managers, not payment conditions.
As a workaround you can ask for an individual TB. Thus you can add your own terms without 'affecting' theirs.
A very uncomfortable way of work. That's why I support your opinion.
However Memsource is not that bad for translators who never used CAT tools before as most settings and preparations are done by PM.

[Edited at 2015-10-29 11:02 GMT]

Huw Watkins
Huw Watkins  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:07
Member (2005)
Italian to English
+ ...
Absolutely agree Oct 29, 2015

Stepan Konev wrote:

In fact, you don't. You need to ask your PM make a TB for you. I requested an individual TB so that I can add my own terms while client's TB remains intact.
Definitely Memsource is not a professional tool but it is still good for novices to using CAT tools.

I had to ask for them to create a blank TB just so that I could enter the most repetitive terms and save me a bit of typing. This is just one of a multitude of time saving tips a translator picks up if they are allowed control over the projects assigned to them.

We spend decades picking these tips up through bitter experience and then inexperienced PM set up projects in a ridiculously restrictive environment and expect us to translate with both hands tied behind our backs. Memsource, for me, is beyond frustrating. It's only a short distance away from the old days of typing over word documents...

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:07
English to Italian
It's a cloud platform... Oct 29, 2015

focused on managing the translation process as a whole... it's up to the company how the process is managed... I have to pay to be able to add my own resources... the free account is just useless. Unfortunately, the translation environment is still miles behind the competitors'... being asked to work with the free account is like going back to Medieval times...

Vaclav Balacek
Vaclav Balacek  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 04:07
English to Czech
+ ...
Your comments Oct 29, 2015

Hi everyone,
This is Vaclav, head of Memsource technical support team.

I am quite surprised at how much hate for Memsource you have expressed, and I am convinced a lot of your comments result from the lack of knowledge of the tool, either on your side or on the side of the PMs creating your project. This is in fact our fault, of course - it tells us that we are not successful in training our users.

... See more
Hi everyone,
This is Vaclav, head of Memsource technical support team.

I am quite surprised at how much hate for Memsource you have expressed, and I am convinced a lot of your comments result from the lack of knowledge of the tool, either on your side or on the side of the PMs creating your project. This is in fact our fault, of course - it tells us that we are not successful in training our users.

You are right in assuming that it is the project manager that defines the rules in most ways. They set up projects, select TMs and TBs, define your rights to create new content (for example new terms in TBs), etc.
It is also true that if you want to use your own TMs/TBs, you need to have your paid own paid account.

Please note that we offer a series of webinars for both PMs and linguists, with the next one for linguist users scheduled for 18 November. Maybe we could meet there and discuss your ideas? You will find the invitation here:

Please also feel free to contact me on [email protected]. Perhaps we could set up a separate online meeting and discuss your opinions?

Thank you.


Local time: 05:07
Turkish to English
Memsource is absolutely frustrating Nov 14, 2015

Huw Watkins wrote:

In short, I have hated my experience thus far with Memsource. I know it's free, but I can see why - I'd rather pay and get a decent CAT tool.

I fully agree with you. I tried my best to work with Memsource, but their approach is out of touch with reality. Some of my experience:

- A TM is not automatically created when you start a translation. You have to explicitly create it.
- You have to explicitly upload your translated segments to the TM on the cloud.
- Terrible support forum. You have to ask for every little bit of information as there is no handholding. Their approach is "have you considered reading the manual" (actual response to me on the forum).
- Absolute lack of an intuitive approach.
- Complete disconnect from well-established Windows conventions - CTRL+INSERT is used to paste instead of copy!!!
- No tutorial. The help site is a reference document, which is worthless for a new user.
- The UI is awkward and poorly designed. There are blank columns without titles wasting valuable screen real estate.

I am willing to bet that Memsource is destined to fail because they just "don't get it". The only reason one would use Memsource is if he/she is forced to use it.

Absolutely frustrating product, if you can call it that.

Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:07
Finnish to French
Memsource is quite good IMO Nov 15, 2015

soaper wrote:
- A TM is not automatically created when you start a translation. You have to explicitly create it.

Not a big deal IMO. Not everyone would want to create a new TM for every single project anyway (you can reuse an existing TM).
soaper wrote:
- You have to explicitly upload your translated segments to the TM on the cloud.

I don’t understand this. All you need to do is press Ctrl+Enter, and your segment pair will transparently be stored in the active TM. I don’t see what’s "explicit" in that. The TM appears is in the cloud? So what, it’s by design.
soaper wrote:
- Absolute lack of an intuitive approach.

I disagree with that. I’ve made a number of videos about CAT tools I’m not using on a regular basis (or at all), eg. my "First steps with..." series on YouTube and I was able to complete the Memsource video without hardly using the manual at all.
soaper wrote:
- No tutorial. The help site is a reference document, which is worthless for a new user.

My new "First steps with Memsource" video should be out in a few days (already recorded, just need some time to edit it)
Memsource also has a few training videos of its own, albeit voiceless, which makes them more difficult to follow.
soaper wrote:
I am willing to bet that Memsource is destined to fail because they just "don't get it".

I would be ready to bet my money on Memsource, which I believe is one tool that will make it and stick around. Time will tell.
soaper wrote:
Absolutely frustrating product, if you can call it that.

If you want a truly frustrating tool, try the Translation Workspace XLIFF editor

Local time: 05:07
Turkish to English
Re: Memsource is quite good IMO Nov 15, 2015

> Not everyone would want to create a new TM for every single project anyway (you can reuse an existing TM).

What makes you think that a reusable TM exists? And if you don't create a new TM, you won't have an active translation memory.

> All you need to do is press Ctrl+Enter, and your segment pair will transparently be stored in the active TM.

If you attach a TM *after* you start, you will have to explicitly upload the previous segments.

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> Not everyone would want to create a new TM for every single project anyway (you can reuse an existing TM).

What makes you think that a reusable TM exists? And if you don't create a new TM, you won't have an active translation memory.

> All you need to do is press Ctrl+Enter, and your segment pair will transparently be stored in the active TM.

If you attach a TM *after* you start, you will have to explicitly upload the previous segments.

> So what, it’s by design.

Something being by design does not make it intuitive and user-friendly!

> I’ve made a number of videos about CAT tools...

I am talking about videos from the vendor. Also, the experience of a user who is familiar with the workflow will differ.

> If you want a truly frustrating tool, try the Translation Workspace XLIFF editor

My comments are about a particular tool, not about a contest to find the most frustrating one.

In my original post, I wanted to share my experiences here in the forum for the benefit of others. Your response, on the other hand, seems to be a defense of Memsource at any cost based on poorly constructed arguments.

[Edited at 2015-11-15 11:55 GMT]

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:07
English to Italian
Unfortunately... Nov 15, 2015

I'm still finding that, for some segments, it takes up to 5 seconds for the match to appear... not sure why. Then, the next 10 will be really quick... and then another 5 seconds for the following one. It seems that the search for a particular term or sentence takes a very long time, occasionally... it is frustrating and time-consuming... this happens both with the online editor and the desktop one.

Also, rather frustrating that the keyboard shortcuts have NOT yet been implemented...
... See more
I'm still finding that, for some segments, it takes up to 5 seconds for the match to appear... not sure why. Then, the next 10 will be really quick... and then another 5 seconds for the following one. It seems that the search for a particular term or sentence takes a very long time, occasionally... it is frustrating and time-consuming... this happens both with the online editor and the desktop one.

Also, rather frustrating that the keyboard shortcuts have NOT yet been implemented... it's a basic function, that every decent CAT tool offers... come on!

Finally, still no autosuggest for the desktop editor...

Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:07
Finnish to French
Let me know about such a tool Nov 15, 2015

soaper wrote:
If you attach a TM *after* you start, you will have to explicitly upload the previous segments.

Can you mention any CAT tool that would automagically update the TM with a document you have already started to translate after you attach the TM? I’m not aware of any.

Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:07
Finnish to French
Autosuggest & Memsource Nov 15, 2015

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL wrote:
Finally, still no autosuggest for the desktop editor...

I agree with you autosuggest is a feature most translators would expect from a CAT tool in late 2015, at least if they are familiar with any of the other main tools available out there. I would imagine it’s something the Memsource folks will add to their editor in the near future.

Local time: 05:07
Turkish to English
Re: Memsource Nov 15, 2015

> Can you mention any CAT tool that would automagically update the TM with a document you have already started to translate after you attach the TM? I’m not aware of any.

Why is this so unthinkable? At the time you attach a blank TM, the tool would ask you whether you'd like to include the segments already translated.

Local time: 05:07
Turkish to English
Re: Unfortunately Nov 15, 2015

> I'm still finding that, for some segments, it takes up to 5 seconds for the match to appear... not sure why. Then, the next 10 will be really quick... and then another 5 seconds for the following one.

It seems there is caching going on behind the scenes where the segments are processed in batches. This is probably to minimize round trips to the cloud from the desktop editor. Again, design decisions negatively affecting user experience.

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