Update TM when CafeTran quits
Thread poster: Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Member (2006)
German to Dutch
Feb 25

CafeTran Espresso doesn't have a feature to automatically update the TM when CafeTran quits.

Here is a Keyboard Maestro macro that updates the (first) assigned TM when Cmd+Q is pressed:

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 12.14.18

You have to assign this macro to Cmd+Q*). Alternatively, you can assign it to Shift+Cmd+Q instead.

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 12.31.50

*) If you do so, make sure that you place the macro in a macro group that is only available in CafeTran Espresso:

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 12.34.18

2024-02-25 13.36.16

[Edited at 2024-02-25 12:38 GMT]

Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Member (2006)
German to Dutch
I used a workaround Feb 27

For reasons unclear to me, I wasn’t able to simulate a click on the first memory listed in the TMs pop-up.

Since the size of this pop-up depends on the number of listed memories, I had to use a workaround: move the pop-up to a fixed position, the top left position. Now, the first (or only) listed memory will always be located at exactly the same position.

I’ll also make a macro to just update the memory—without quitting CafeTran. I do this because I don’t like
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For reasons unclear to me, I wasn’t able to simulate a click on the first memory listed in the TMs pop-up.

Since the size of this pop-up depends on the number of listed memories, I had to use a workaround: move the pop-up to a fixed position, the top left position. Now, the first (or only) listed memory will always be located at exactly the same position.

I’ll also make a macro to just update the memory—without quitting CafeTran. I do this because I don’t like the number of clicks required for such a crucial action.

Igor Kmitowski
Igor Kmitowski  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:34
Member (2016)
English to Polish
+ ...
TMs are updated as you go in the workflow Feb 27

CafeTran does update the translation memories used in the project on the segment basis. Here, the user decides which segments to update "on the fly" going from one segment to the next or previous one. This solution enables the translator to choose which segments should be added to the translation memory, and to discard the ones that might 'pollute' the TM. In other words, it should help to maintain the quality of the TM.

If they wish to update all the project segments at once, they
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CafeTran does update the translation memories used in the project on the segment basis. Here, the user decides which segments to update "on the fly" going from one segment to the next or previous one. This solution enables the translator to choose which segments should be added to the translation memory, and to discard the ones that might 'pollute' the TM. In other words, it should help to maintain the quality of the TM.

If they wish to update all the project segments at once, they can select this action via the Memory menu. Your macro can do it automatically when CT quits. I guess it might be useful to those who prefer to store ALL the segments in the TM.

Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Member (2006)
German to Dutch
Correct Feb 27

Igor Kmitowski wrote:

I guess it might be useful to those who prefer to store ALL the segments in the TM.

Since I constantly make changes to the project's target segments, I indeed want to commit all segments to the TM:

Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 09.06.11

Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Member (2006)
German to Dutch
Improved version of the macro Mar 27

Version 11 of Keyboard Maestro offers a Press a Button action that can be used to improve this macro:

Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 14.01.39

The macro assumes that you use the following naming scheme for your TMs:


[Edited at 2024-03-27 13:11 GMT]


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Update TM when CafeTran quits

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