How to lock empty segments in an Excel project?
Thread poster: Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Member (2006)
German to Dutch
May 12, 2023

Hello Igor,

How can I lock empty segments in an Excel project?

I tried to use QA Empty segments / filtering on \A\z (checkbox 'Reg.ex.' selected). All empty target segments are selected, but locking / replacing with a placeholder like '¤' doesn't work.

It is an Excel project that I have to proofread. I don't want empty cells in the Dutch column to get populated.

Thank you for detailled instructions!


Igor Kmitowski
Igor Kmitowski  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:20
Member (2016)
English to Polish
+ ...
QA and locking task May 12, 2023

Please try the following:

1. QA > Empty segments.
2. Task > Lock segments (on the filtered empty segments).
3. Turn off the QA filter.

Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Member (2006)
German to Dutch
Worked May 13, 2023

Thanks for your confirmation.

It was a big table, so CafeTran Espresso was slow with assigning the Locked status. LO Calc caused further slowdown – I should have been more patient.


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How to lock empty segments in an Excel project?

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