CafeTran Espresso Preview in LibreOffice Writer
Thread poster: Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Member (2006)
German to Dutch
Feb 24, 2023

Preview in LibreOffice Writer

Screen Shot 2023-02-24 at 14.04.55

Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Member (2006)
German to Dutch
Comparison with preview in Déjà Vu Feb 24, 2023



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Mario Cerutti
Mario Cerutti  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:18
Italian to Japanese
+ ...
In DVX3 Feb 25, 2023

So, DVX3 previews multiple-column files as one column only? I never tested it with more than one column actually.

File preview in CTE with LibreOffice is awesome, provided that the current annoying issue is fixed and, as in DVX3, the preview is shown in a separate tab, not as an external application only. On the other hand, we don't necessarily need to look at it continuously while translating, right?

By the way, I wonder if Office files preview in CTE is possible only
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So, DVX3 previews multiple-column files as one column only? I never tested it with more than one column actually.

File preview in CTE with LibreOffice is awesome, provided that the current annoying issue is fixed and, as in DVX3, the preview is shown in a separate tab, not as an external application only. On the other hand, we don't necessarily need to look at it continuously while translating, right?

By the way, I wonder if Office files preview in CTE is possible only with Libre Office, that is, if one day we will be able to use a different Office suite such as Only Office, for instance.

Mario Cerutti
Mario Cerutti  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:18
Italian to Japanese
+ ...
DVX3 shows the target language too Feb 25, 2023

Here is another difference, and quite an important one in my opinion: as you translate, the real-time preview shows the already translated part in the target language, with the remaining part in the source language. And at the end you can proofread your translation directly in the preview pane. Useful, isn't it?

Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Member (2006)
German to Dutch
Language combination Feb 26, 2023

Mario Cerutti wrote:

Here is another difference, and quite an important one in my opinion: as you translate, the real-time preview shows the already translated part in the target language, with the remaining part in the source language. And at the end you can proofread your translation directly in the preview pane. Useful, isn't it?

I can see that this is very useful for language combinations with different syntaxes (e.g. Italian ⇆ Japanese). For my language combination, it is sufficient to see a source preview (AAMOF: I always use PDF, since this format covers all supported file formats, like MIF, InDesign etc.)


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CafeTran Espresso Preview in LibreOffice Writer

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