Is there a PDF manual for CafTran Espresso?
Thread poster: Egmont Schröder
Egmont Schröder
Egmont Schröder  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:31
Member (2013)
Chinese to German
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Mar 30, 2018


I am planing to switch to CafTran, but I never used it before.

When I am learning a new software, I always like to have a printed version of the manual where I can take notes, use bookmarks and read in my "off" time.

Is there something like that for CafTran?


Yaotl Altan
Meta Arkadia
Meta Arkadia
Local time: 04:31
English to Indonesian
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Nope Mar 30, 2018

Egmont Schröder wrote: Is there something like that for CafeTran?

And for a good reason, development is fast, very fast.

However, there are "Solutions," written by the developer, that you can find here:
They are pretty good, and very short. And there are "Reference Documents" written and maintained by user Jean [too difficult Greek name, too difficult for me anyway] where you should be able to find anything you need:

And theres the Help group, called Discussions, if the above is not enough:



Yaotl Altan
Michael Choi
Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
English to French
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CafeTran Espresso Mar 30, 2018

Hello Egmont,

Just another CafeTran user here. I suppose you mean CafeTran Espresso (in that case, could you edit your post title?).

While there is no manual per se, there are various resources that can help you get started and take it further.

In CafeTran Espresso 2018, if you go to Help > Contents, you get r
... See more
Hello Egmont,

Just another CafeTran user here. I suppose you mean CafeTran Espresso (in that case, could you edit your post title?).

While there is no manual per se, there are various resources that can help you get started and take it further.

In CafeTran Espresso 2018, if you go to Help > Contents, you get redirected to which is the official Knowledge base, featuring short videos and explanations covering various subjects.

Additionally, in the following link, you will find several Reference Documents I have devised:

"Getting comfortable" is targeted at beginners, the rest aims to serve any CafeTranslator. The documents cover the following: Preferences, Menu and Interface, TM options, File formats and Project templates.

Feedback is welcome.

I can create a PDF version of these if you wish so, otherwise any Markdown to PDF converted will do (if you download the .md files in the Code tab).

For support questions, you can just create a new thread in the “CafeTran support” section of the ProZ forum, or head to the official CafeTran Espresso discussions:


[Edited at 2018-03-30 11:16 GMT]

Egmont Schröder
Egmont Schröder  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:31
Member (2013)
Chinese to German
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Yes, CafeTran Espresso Apr 23, 2018

Thanks for the resources, I will need some time to get through.

Would you mind to post the guides on "" as a PDF file?

With "Getting comfortable" in the first chapter.

Yaotl Altan
Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
English to French
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TheCafeTranFiles in PDF format Apr 23, 2018


I have uploaded TheCafeTranFiles in PDF format as requested (each reference document is in a separate file).

They are available for download (along with the original Markdown files) at the Code section of the GitHub repository:

Please note the developer has recently updated the videos and info
... See more

I have uploaded TheCafeTranFiles in PDF format as requested (each reference document is in a separate file).

They are available for download (along with the original Markdown files) at the Code section of the GitHub repository:

Please note the developer has recently updated the videos and information included in several of the official Knowledge Base (Solutions) articles:

Make sure you check these as well.


Egmont Schröder
Egmont Schröder  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:31
Member (2013)
Chinese to German
+ ...
Thank you Apr 24, 2018

This will help me a lot.


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Is there a PDF manual for CafTran Espresso?

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