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Slovenian to German
Specializes in
Law (general), Tourism & Travel, Law: Contract(s), and 1 more.
Native in
German Native in German

8 positive reviews

(8 reviews) profile photo
GORR d.o.o.
May 23, 2016 Blue Board Prevajalska agencija GORR, d.o.o.
Avg. LWA : 5 (13 entries)
Reliable and professional translator. It is a pleasure to work with her. profile photo
Oct 07, 2015 Blue Board AlleSprachen / Translate Trade
Avg. LWA : 5 (5 entries)
We highly appreciate the work of Mrs. Hladnik, she is a very good and reliable translator. We can recommend working with her! Allesprachen Translation Office profile photo
Sanja Lončar (publisher Jasno in glasno)
Oct 07, 2015
Iskanje prevajalca za Ščepec rešitev ni bilo enostavno ker je v tej knjigi veliko strokovne terminologije s področja botanike, mikrobiologije, kemije, medicine in tradicionalnih medicin. Dodatno pa je to knjiga z dušo in smo res bili v dvomih ali lahko prevod ohrani energijo teksta in njegovo poetičnost. Testirali smo 10 kandidatov, In na koncu izbrali Karin Hladnik. nemški bralci zelo hvalijo lepoto jezika v naših knjigah, ter natančnost in doslednost pri vseh uporabljenih izrazih. Sanja Lončar, urednica
Schnell, pünktlich und zuverlässig! Vielen Dank für die gute Zusammenarbeit! profile photo
Jul 27, 2012 Blue Board PSD d.o.o.
Avg. LWA : 2 (1 entry)
A very good, fast and professional translator.
Karin translated only 4 projects for us so far but we are satisfied, she is reliable, communicates and send her translations on time and in good quality, we recommend her. profile photo
Dejan Šušnik
Nov 09, 2010
Good response time, high quality deliveries, all PMs very satisfied
Karin je opravila kar nekaj prevodov v NEM.jezik. Vsi so bili brezhibni, natančni in lepo oblikovani. Močno priporočam vsem, ki iščete zanesljivega, vestnega in natančnega prevajalca.

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