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    • English
      • Finance (general)
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          • Term
            • encumbrance
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          • Definition(s)
            • A claim against property or an interest in property that limits the ownership right of the property. Examples include liens, mortgages and leases. Iowa State University
          • Example sentence(s)
            • If you buy a car that has a debt or encumbrance attached, it can be repossessed by a financial institution and you lose both the car and your money. - Keys2Drive by
            • It is an extract of the register maintained by the sub-registrar, which in turn is based on the documents registered with the registrar. In case a particular document is not registered with the registrar, it won't be captured in the encumbrance certificate. - The Economic Times by
            • Depending on the legal structure of the settlement, the beneficiary may or may not use a structured settlement as collateral for a loan or another investment option. This is especially true if the payments are not taxable, since federal law prohibits the encumbrance of these tax-free benefits. - Investopedia by
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    • Romanian
      • Finance (general)
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          • Term
            • sarcină
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            • Termen juridic general care desemnează situaţii în care proprietatea deplină asupra unei proprietăţi este afectată sau limitată de revendicările sau interesele altei părţi decât proprietarul: credit ipotecar, garanţii şi alte drepturi acordate unor terţi, hotărâri executorii, restricţii, impozite şi alte plăţi datorate restante etc. Own research - by George C.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • În consecinţă, imobilul fiind cumpărat fără a fi grevat de vreo sarcină, acţiunea reclamantei pentru recunoaşterea dreptului de uzufruct viager a fost respinsă, neavând relevanţă în cauză faptul că pârâţii nu au solicitat, pentru o perioadă de timp după cumpărare, eliberarea locuinţei. - ed. Hamangiu by George C.
            • Vânzătorii declară ,cunoscând consecinţele penale pentru declaraţii nesincere prevăzute de art. 292 Cod penal că terenurile ce fac obiectul prezentului contract nu sunt scoase din circuitul civil şi nu sunt grevate de sarcini aşa cum rezultă din extrasul de CF nr. … eliberat de OCPI - contract by George C.
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    • Russian
      • Finance (general)
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          • Term
            • обременение
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          • Definition(s)
            • Обременение - статус объекта, ограничивающий возможность действий по распоряжению объектом, а также по изменению его качеств, характеристик и состояния. Наиболее распространёнными видами обременения являются залог и арест. Wikipedia (Russian) - by Alexander Palatash
          • Example sentence(s)
            • В соответствии с п. 2 ст. 13 Закона обременение права собственности и иных вещных прав правами третьих лиц можно зарегистрировать по инициативе правообладателей или приобретателей указанных прав. - РИЦ Регион by Alexander Palatash
            • Под обременением понимают наличие установленных законом или уполномоченными органами условий, запрещений, стесняющих правообладателя при осуществлении права собственности либо иных вещных прав на конкретный объект недвижимого имущества. - РИЦ Регион by Alexander Palatash
            • Обременение как обязательственное правоотношение имеет своей целью исполнение обязанности должником. - by Alexander Palatash
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