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    • Slovenian
      • Marketing
        • Search
          • Term
            • segmentacija trga
          • Definition(s)
            • Segmentacija je razdelitev celotnega trga v manjše število relativno homogenih skupin porabnikov, ki imajo podobne želje in ... EF - by Helena Koželj
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Zakaj je potrebna segmentacija trga? Večina podjetij ponuja svoje izdelke kupcem, ki se zelo razlikujejo po življenjskem stilu, željah, nakupnem vedenju, .. - Mediana by Helena Koželj
            • Nova segmentacija trga vrednostnih papirjev ukinja razdelitev organiziranega trga na borzno kotacijo in prosti trg. - Ljubljanska borza by Helena Koželj
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    • Russian
      • Marketing
        • Search
          • Term
            • сегментация рынка
          • Definition(s)
            • Сегментация рынка - это разделение рынка на группы покупателей, обладающих схожими характеристиками, с целью изучения их реакции на тот или иной товар или услугу. Wikipedia - by Olga D.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Сегментация рынка — основной метод маркетинга, с помощью которого предприятие делит его с учётом результатов анализа по определенным признакам на некоторые сегменты Потребителей. - by Olga D.
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    • English
      • Marketing
        • Search
          • Term
            • market segmentation
          • Definition(s)
            • the division of a market into segments. Each segment consists of a group of consumers with similar requirements, which can be distinguished from the requirements of other consumers in the market. There will be distinct differences between the goods and services needed to meet the requirements of each segment. NSW Small Business
          • Example sentence(s)
            • There are many reasons for dividing a marketing into smaller segments. Any time you suspect there are significant, measurable differences in your market you should consider market segmentation. - Marketing
            • The degree of market segmentation (aggregation or disaggregation) ranges from the extremes of offering one product to the entire market (Ford only made one model "T"), to total customization for each customer (Nike's website now allows you to totally customize your own shoes by picking style, color and then emboss them with your own initials). -
            • The purpose for segmenting a market is to allow your marketing/sales program to focus on the subset of prospects that are "most likely" to purchase your offering. - Center for Business Planning
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    • Romanian
      • Marketing
        • Search
          • Term
            • segmentarea pieţei
          • Definition(s)
            • Procesul de împărţire a pieţei în grupuri diferite de consumatori cu nevoi, caracteristici şi comportamente diferite ce pot necesita produse sau mixuri de marketing separate, se numeşte segmentare a pieţei. - by Lucica Abil (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Segmentarea pieţei înseamnă împărţirea ei în grupe de cumpărători omogeni atât prin caracteristicile lor manifeste, cât şi prin mentalitatea lor de cumpărare. - facultate.regielive by Lucica Abil (X)
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    • Turkish
      • Marketing
        • Search
          • Term
            • pazar bölümlemesi
          • Definition(s)
            • Pazarın benzer istek ve ihtiyaçları olan tüketicilerin oluşturduğu, göreceli olarak homojen sayılabilecek alt bölümlere ayrılması. myenocta - by Selcuk Akyuz
          • Example sentence(s)
            • PHIL Collins'in perşembe gecesi Abdi İpekçi'deki konseri muhteşemdi. Etkinlik ve doğru pazar bölümlemesi arasındaki bağlantıyı görmeyen pazarlamacıların Collins'in bu muhteşem konserini izlemelerini isterdim.. - Hürriyet by Selcuk Akyuz
            • Pazar bölümlemesi kendi başına bir amaç olmayıp, işletmenin en iyi hizmet sunabileceği tüketici kitlesinin veya hedef pazarın belirlenmesi ve seçilen hedef pazar veya pazarlara uygun pazarlama pazarın belirlenmesi ve seçilen pazar veya pazarlara uygun pazarlama bileşenlerinin oluşturulmasına imkan tanıyacak alt yapının sağlanmasıdır. - pazarlamaturkiye by Selcuk Akyuz
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  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Croatian, Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Chinese, Danish, German, Dutch, Greek, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Swedish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

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