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    • Croatian
      • Government / Politics
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          • Term
            • think tank
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            • Think-tank je moderan tip neprofitne organizacije, koja se bavi istraživanjem i edukacijom o određenoj javnoj politici ili problemu, a s ciljem utjecaja na javnu raspravu i proces donošenja odluka. Putem organizacije radnih stolova, izdavanjem različitih publikacija i zagovaranjem interesa, think-tank pokušava istaknuti i formulirati važne političke i druge teme. Think-tank je generator novih ideja i politika. U svijetu danas postoji velik broj think-tankova koji se razlikuju svojom veličinom, utjecajem i problematikom kojom se bave. CEPOR - by Marina Pjevalica
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Natječaj za strukturne potpore organizacijama koje se bave istraživanjem europskih javnih politika („think-tank-ovima“) te za organizacije civilnoga društva na europskoj razini u sklopu programa Europa za građane JOSIP ŽUPANOV (Autor je sveučilišni profesor u mirovini, redoviti je član HAZU) Ako se znanost svodi na »tvrde« znanstvene discipline i unaprijed marginaliziraju društvene i humanističke discipline (čak i ekonomija!) onda ne treba ni sanjati o primjeni znanosti na političke i društvene promjene. A u nas je, barem u posljednjih desetak godina, upravo tako... Ima li Hrvatska ikakve think tankove? Naravno, da ih nema. Ali što ima umjesto njih?......................Međutim, najvažnije institucije za »policy research« u suvremenom svijetu, u prvom redu u Americi, jesu think tanks. (Naziv je neprevediv pa ću ga zadržati u engleskom originalu.) - Vlada Republike Hrvatske by Marina Pjevalica
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    • English
      • Government / Politics
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            • think tank
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            • A think tank is an organization that sponsors research on specific problems, encourages the discovery of solutions to those problems, and facilitates interaction among scientists and intellectuals in pursuit of these goals. A public policy think tank explicitly focuses on government policies, usually for the purpose of improving those policies or creating viable alternatives. NATIONAL CENTER FOR POLICY ANALYSIS
          • Example sentence(s)
            • The 25 most media-prominent think tanks were cited 17 percent less in 2007 than they were the year before, FAIR’s annual survey of think tank citations found. The decline was felt across the board among centrist, conservative and progressive think tanks. - FAIR
            • The Think Tank has already played an important role in defining priorities for HIV/AIDS policy formation on HIV/AIDS with in European Union and in its Neighbourhood. - European Comission
            • In any event, we encourage you to GET INVOLVED, whether you set up your own NGO/think tank or donate some time and money to existing organizations. - Romanian Think Tank
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    • Spanish
      • Government / Politics
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            • Think tank
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            • Un think tank o tanque de pensamiento es una institución investigadora u otro tipo de organización que ofrece consejos e ideas sobre asuntos de política, comercio e intereses militares. El nombre proviene del inglés, por la abundancia de estas instituciones en Estados Unidos, y significa "depósito de ideas". Algunos medios en español utilizan la expresión "fábrica de ideas" para referirse a los think tank.[1] WIKIPEDIA - by Regina Calcagno
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Think tank: Grupo de peritos que buscan soluciones. Comité de expertos. - WORDREFERENCE by Regina Calcagno
            • Por su parte en México, existen algunos "Think Tanks", de los cuales la mayoría se encuentra en la Ciudad de México. Entre ellos se encuentran: El Consejo Mexicano para el Desarrollo Económico y Social (COMDES), el Centro Nacional para el Desarrollo Económico (CNDE), El Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo A.C. (CIDAC), FUNDAR, Transparencia Mexicana y Mexicanos Primero por citar algunos. Cabe señalar que en México, muchos de los "Think Tanks", son relativamente nuevos pero se encuentran ganando influencia y muchas de sus ideas han tenido impacto efectivo en políticas públicas. - WIKIPEDIA by Regina Calcagno
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