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    • angol
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            • aside
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            • In drama, a speech directed to the audience that supposedly is not audible to the other characters onstage at the time. When Hamlet first appears onstage, for example, his aside "A little more than kin, and less than kind!" gives the audience a strong sense of his alienation from King Claudius. Bedford/St. Martin's
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            • In order to highlight Palaestrio’s craftiness, Plautus has Periplectomenus in a long aside describe the slave's planning while the actor playing the slave mimes intense deliberation - Brooklyn College by
            • What does not occur very often in Faust, though, are true asides, and most particularly those comical remarks which would normally produce a laugh in the audience. - Nancy Thuleen by
            • Rene would regularly explain his ongoing predicament at the start, and make asides at the Audience regarding other people's leading statements. - by
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    • olasz
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            • a parte
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            • a parte [a pàrte] loc.sost.m. (teat.) battuta o monologo che l'attore recita rivolgendosi direttamente al pubblico, come di nascosto dagli altri personaggi presenti im scena. Da Dizionario Garzanti della Lingua Italiana Own research - by Giuseppe Sorrentino
          • Example sentence(s)
            • La musica e il teatro I monologhi e gli a parte: la fuga di notizie Tra le battute si distinguono in particolare i monologhi e gli a parte. il monologo è la parte di testo drammatico affidata alla voce di un unico personaggio, il quale può trovarsi solo sulla scena. L'a parte è una battuta che un personaggio pronuncia presupponendo che gli altri personaggi presenti sulla scena non lo odano. In essa egli corregge o addirittura capovolge il senso delle parole destinate allo scambio dialogico. I monologhi e gli a parte possono anche essere denominati fuga di notizie: infatti l'informazione diviene improvvisamente più accessibile e più ampia quando un personaggio rivela le proprie intenzioni. - by Giuseppe Sorrentino
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    • szerb
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            • aparte
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            • APARTE (fr. d part - razgovor nasamo; govor za sebe) Monolozi ili replike koje glumac govori publici, pri čemu se smatra da akteri na pozornici to ne čuju; njegova primena bila je poznata već u antičkoj tragediji, javlja se u pozorišnim komadima sve do XX veka, u novijim dramama se retko pojavljuje. forumteatar - by emina88
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            • Posebna pažnja u knjizi posvećena je važnim dramaturškim kategorijama: likovima, prostoru i vremenu (str.102-119), kao i retorici bulevarskog pozorišta, kodovima u govoru likova: jeziku i jezičkim registrima, odstupanjima od norme (str. 120-122), dijalogu i aparte govoru. - STERIJINO POZORJE by emina88
            • Komad je igran u nešto malo komotnijoj verziji, pa je naročito u drugom delu kada se otmu mnoga naravoučenija skoro aparte - direktno u publiku, malo razvučen i razblažen, ali sve u svemu ima mnogo istinitog naboja i duboko doživljenih tragičnih rešenja koja opominju - NARODNO POZORISTE TUZLA by emina88
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    • japán
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            • 傍白
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            • 傍白とは、舞台上のほかの人物には聞こえないという約束で語られるせりふ。この技法により登場人物は観客に自分のこころのうちを見せることができる。多くの場合ほかの人物の言動に対する反応として語られる。映画のクロースアップに似た効果があげられる。ひとり舞台に立って直接観客に向かって語りかける独白(soliloquy)と似ているが、舞台にほかの人物がいる点が違う。 シェイクスピアをたのしむた� - by Aogara
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            • 歌舞伎には独白(たとえば「酒屋」のお園の「今頃は半七さん」や「三人吉三」のお嬢吉三の「月も朧に白魚の」)はあっても、傍白はない。独白と傍白はどこが違うか。独白はたいてい誰もいないところで主人公が内心の声を語る。 傍白は傍に人がいるのに主人公が内心の声を語る。歌舞伎に傍白がないのは、一つは芝居自体がリアルだから(その証拠に狂言には傍白がある)。もう一つはその役割を竹本にまかせて来たからである。それはそれですぐれた演劇的方法であった。ところがオペラは傍白だらけ。のみならず二重唱や三重唱で、相手の芝居を止めてまで傍白を使う。「愛陀姫」でいえば斉藤道三(弥十郎)、その娘の濃姫(勘三郎)、侍女愛陀姫(七之助)、その恋人木村駄目助左衛門(橋之助)らが、傍白を使ってそれぞれの心のうちを相手かまわずいうところは、このドラマの白眉であり、四人のおかれている劇的な状況が一挙にあきらかになる。その立体感、そのスピード感が出たのこそ傍白のもつ効果であり、この効果によって第二点があらわれる。 - 渡辺保「歌舞伎劇評」 by Aogara
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  • Compare this term in: albán, arab, bolgár, katalán, cseh, kínai, dán, német, holland, spanyol, perzsa (fárszi), francia, magyar, koreai, norvég, lengyel, portugál, román, orosz, svéd, török, ukrán, vietnami

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