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    • Slovenian
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          • Term
            • segmentacija trga
          • Definition(s)
            • Segmentacija je razdelitev celotnega trga v manjše število relativno homogenih skupin porabnikov, ki imajo podobne želje in ... EF - by Helena Koželj
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Zakaj je potrebna segmentacija trga? Večina podjetij ponuja svoje izdelke kupcem, ki se zelo razlikujejo po življenjskem stilu, željah, nakupnem vedenju, .. - Mediana by Helena Koželj
            • Nova segmentacija trga vrednostnih papirjev ukinja razdelitev organiziranega trga na borzno kotacijo in prosti trg. - Ljubljanska borza by Helena Koželj
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    • French
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          • Term
            • segmentation de marché
          • Definition(s)
            • Aussi appelée micro segmentation, la segmentation de marché peut porter sur plusieurs critères : objectifs (caractères propres aux consommateurs, géographique, sociodémographique) ou subjectifs (psychographiques, comportementaux). Dico du Marketing - by Nathalie Reis
          • Example sentence(s)
            • La segmentation aide à définir et cibler les marchés à fort potentiel en classant la population par groupes distincts de consommateurs. Plusieurs variables démographiques, sociologiques et géographiques peuvent aider à identifier les similarités entre consommateurs et ainsi dévoiler les habitudes de consommation type du segment auquel ils appartiennent. - Optima Marketing by Nathalie Reis
            • Segmentation du marché : Nous établissons une segmentation du marché en segments homogènes, mesurables et exploitables. Nous définissons les parts accessibles pour votre société. - SM technologie by Nathalie Reis
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    • Albanian
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          • Term
            • segmentimi i tregut
          • Definition(s)
            • Edhe në shqip kjo dukuri quhet segmentimi i tregut. Lidhja e mëposhtme tregon me hollësi se çfarë është. Qendra e Studimeve Ekonomike e Sociale - by Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Me segmentim të tregut nënkuptohet ndarja e tërësisë heterogjene në pjesë më të vogla, në segmente, ku mundësisht nevojat të jenë homogjene. Nga ky definicion kuptojmë shumë gjëra duke u nisur nga ndarja e tregut e deri në klasifikim e tyre të konsumatorëve. Tregu sipas këtij botëkuptimi ndahet në bazë të konsumatorëve dhe jo shitësve ose ofruesve në treg. E gjithë kjo bëhet për të lehtësuar analizën ekonomike..... - Revista Drejtësia by Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni
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    • English
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          • Term
            • market segmentation
          • Definition(s)
            • the division of a market into segments. Each segment consists of a group of consumers with similar requirements, which can be distinguished from the requirements of other consumers in the market. There will be distinct differences between the goods and services needed to meet the requirements of each segment. NSW Small Business
          • Example sentence(s)
            • There are many reasons for dividing a marketing into smaller segments. Any time you suspect there are significant, measurable differences in your market you should consider market segmentation. - Marketing
            • The degree of market segmentation (aggregation or disaggregation) ranges from the extremes of offering one product to the entire market (Ford only made one model "T"), to total customization for each customer (Nike's website now allows you to totally customize your own shoes by picking style, color and then emboss them with your own initials). -
            • The purpose for segmenting a market is to allow your marketing/sales program to focus on the subset of prospects that are "most likely" to purchase your offering. - Center for Business Planning
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    • Chinese
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          • Term
            • 市场细分
          • Definition(s)
            • 市场细分(market segmentation)是指营销者通过市场调研,依据消费者的需要和欲望、购买行为和购买习惯等方面的差异,把某一产品的市场整体划分为若干消费者群的市场分类过程。每一个消费者群就是一个细分市场,每一个细分市场都是具有类似需求倾向的消费者构成的群体。 MBAlib - by Alvin Liu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 运营商大战学生市场,反映出电信竞争的领域扩大和针对性加强。运营商比拼的焦点已经不止是单一的用户群体、资费和技术水准,更是对市场细分能力和用户需求捕捉的最大考验。如何针对具体用户群的不同需求提供多元化和差异化的个性服务已经成为电信竞争的主流趋势。 - QQ by Alvin Liu
            • CCTV与BBC电视频道市场细分的分析与比较 - 新华网 by Alvin Liu
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