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Poll: Can you remember the Chinese word for lepidoptery but not your mother's phone number?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Dec 16, 2006

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Can you remember the Chinese word for lepidoptery but not your mother's phone number?".

This poll was originally submitted by Maria Eugenia Farre

View the poll here

A forum topic will appear each time a new poll is run. For more information, se
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This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Can you remember the Chinese word for lepidoptery but not your mother's phone number?".

This poll was originally submitted by Maria Eugenia Farre

View the poll here

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Henry Hinds
Henry Hinds  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 21:43
English to Spanish
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In memoriam
Always Dec 16, 2006

Was what I replied. Mine was a silly answer, and this is a silly poll. Can't we come up with something better?

Nicole Schnell
Nicole Schnell  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:43
English to German
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In memoriam
Maybe the example is extreme Dec 16, 2006

The poll isn't silly at all, IMO.
I can recite the account number of my very first bank account and the number of my first bicycle's combination lock (!). I also have a photographic memory. However, when it comes to persons' names I seem to have a blank spot in my brain...)
This can be quite embarrassing sometimes...

Hipyan Nopri
Hipyan Nopri  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
English to Indonesian
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Not Silly but Lighter Dec 16, 2006

My answer is never.

It is not a silly poll altogether, but rather a lighter side of our translation experience. This is a relaxing break after a translation activity that requires full-concentration. Indeed, my head is rather painful after all day translation yesterday. This is greatly relaxing before starting a new job of research article translation in the next few minutes.

Thanks God, I always remember anything related to numbers - bank account number, phone numbe
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My answer is never.

It is not a silly poll altogether, but rather a lighter side of our translation experience. This is a relaxing break after a translation activity that requires full-concentration. Indeed, my head is rather painful after all day translation yesterday. This is greatly relaxing before starting a new job of research article translation in the next few minutes.

Thanks God, I always remember anything related to numbers - bank account number, phone number, password, etc., and words alike. When a translation process is in progress, I never forget any important terms/phrases that have been translated. It seems that they keep showing up and lingering on my mind.

Best Regard

Hipyan Nopri

Viktoria Gimbe
Viktoria Gimbe  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:43
English to French
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I think it depends on how much you wash your brains each day ;) Dec 16, 2006

If you work a lot, you can get short-term memory troubles - I often get these. Translation is intensive exercise for your brain and it gets tired just like your body. When this happens, it's not that your brain functions less, it's just that it doesn't dig up what you are requesting, but it sure digs up bits and pieces you don't need. It's like all the information in there gets messed up and your brain can't sort it out. Taking a sip of cola out of your cellphone and the like...

I h
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If you work a lot, you can get short-term memory troubles - I often get these. Translation is intensive exercise for your brain and it gets tired just like your body. When this happens, it's not that your brain functions less, it's just that it doesn't dig up what you are requesting, but it sure digs up bits and pieces you don't need. It's like all the information in there gets messed up and your brain can't sort it out. Taking a sip of cola out of your cellphone and the like...

I haven't spoken German in ages, but the word for power outlet always comes to me in German (steckdose) - and the rare times when it doesn't, it's at moments when I am in shape and relaxed. Can somebody explain this really weird symptom?

Does any of you sometimes pick up the phone to call someone and realize you just dialed your own number? Happens to me when I'm tired...

Steven Capsuto
Steven Capsuto  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 23:43
Member (2004)
Spanish to English
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I can't even remember the English word for lepidoptery Dec 16, 2006

But I know my parents' phone number and e-mail address.

Pundora  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:13
English to Hindi
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Never. Dec 16, 2006

There are many words in English that do not have suitable Hindi equivalents. Even though I encounter them frequently during my translation, I turn to the dictionary every time, to check if there is a better substitute.

But I cannot forget my mother's phone number. It is another thing that I do not call her as often as I think of it. Perhaps, because I know somewhere deep inside my brain that there is no problem with her health and she is working hard still.

I think it
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There are many words in English that do not have suitable Hindi equivalents. Even though I encounter them frequently during my translation, I turn to the dictionary every time, to check if there is a better substitute.

But I cannot forget my mother's phone number. It is another thing that I do not call her as often as I think of it. Perhaps, because I know somewhere deep inside my brain that there is no problem with her health and she is working hard still.

I think it's a matter of what priority your brain gives to what things. If you forget the deadline of your project then it's a real problem.


Perry Svensson
Perry Svensson  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:43
Member (2003)
English to Swedish
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Linchimu Dec 16, 2006

鱗翅目 is what it is actually called in Chinese, if someone's interested. There were quite a few articles about in the local papers here in Taiwan a year or so ago.

Nesrin  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:43
English to Arabic
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I don't think the poll was meant literally! Dec 16, 2006

There's a "slight" exaggeration in the wording of the poll of course, but I guess what it means is that you find your brain completely taken over by the work you do, and that you end up forgetting basic everyday things that you're expected to remember - like phone numbers, important dates etc.

Anyway, I'm grateful for this poll cause now I know that an English word I never heard before means 鱗翅目 in
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There's a "slight" exaggeration in the wording of the poll of course, but I guess what it means is that you find your brain completely taken over by the work you do, and that you end up forgetting basic everyday things that you're expected to remember - like phone numbers, important dates etc.

Anyway, I'm grateful for this poll cause now I know that an English word I never heard before means 鱗翅目 in Chinese!

Deborah do Carmo
Deborah do Carmo  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:43
Dutch to English
+ ...
Finally ....... Dec 16, 2006

Nesrin wrote:

There's a "slight" exaggeration in the wording of the poll of course, but I guess what it means is that you find your brain completely taken over by the work you do, and that you end up forgetting basic everyday things that you're expected to remember - like phone numbers, important dates etc.

......... and I would have thought translators, of all people, would be among the first to realise it wasn't to be taken literally.

[this paragraph has been censored]

The mind boggles .....

[Edited at 2006-12-17 08:58]

Andres & Leticia Enjuto
Andres & Leticia Enjuto  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:43
Member (2005)
English to Spanish
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Concentration Dec 16, 2006

Viktoria Gimbe wrote:

Translation is intensive exercise for your brain and it gets tired just like your body.

I read an article once saying that actually what gets tired is not the brain, since it is not a muscle, but our attention capacity. That's the moment to take a short break.
Actually, the more we use our brain, the better it works, right?

It happens to me when I read a book that I have to go through the same paragraph several times... that's the moment to drop the book!

Does any of you sometimes pick up the phone to call someone and realize you just dialed your own number? Happens to me when I'm tired...

Yeah, more and more often!

I also remember that when I was younger (about 10-15 years ago, in my twenties) I never needed an agenda, since I could remember all my activities for the next two weeks, with times and so.
Over the years it seems that I lost that capacity, and now I forget the simplests things... maybe because I still try to remember them!
But yesterday I assumed the change and bought a brand new agenda for 2007

I do remember numbers though... but never names!

Happy weekend,


Parrot  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:43
Spanish to English
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Not a fair question Dec 16, 2006

Telephones now have memories of their own

Ritu Bhanot
Ritu Bhanot  Identity Verified
French to Hindi
+ ...
What a relief Dec 16, 2006

Parrot wrote:

Telephones now have memories of their own

And thank god for that

I remember faces and names quite well, and if I meet them often then I have no problems, but then there's always a time when I meet someone whom I met once years ago and ... Oh, I'm a very good actress and manage the situation pretty well (except once). I'm good at playing with words and open-ended sentences so most of them don't know that I don't remember them.

But my family knows that... 'coz often when they've left, I turn to my sister/ mother and ask: "Who was he/ she?"

And numbers, dates... I forget them all the time. I didn't write any date in my History exam and at the last moment I thought, there should be at least one date... and I wrote (btw it was wrong).

Still, I've never forgotten anyone's birthday (at least I hope so)

(so now it's no more a secret )


Marta Riosalido
Marta Riosalido
Local time: 05:43
German to Spanish
+ ...
Agree Dec 16, 2006


Paul Roige (X)
Paul Roige (X)
Local time: 05:43
English to Spanish
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Exqueeze me Dec 16, 2006

What was the question again? Have I voted yet? Who are you guys?

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Poll: Can you remember the Chinese word for lepidoptery but not your mother's phone number?

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