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Poll: Do you prefer Mac or Windows for your translation projects?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
May 22

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you prefer Mac or Windows for your translation projects?".

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Lawal Sulaiman (X)
Alex Lichanow
Alex Lichanow
Local time: 10:33
Member (2020)
English to German
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Can't tell May 22

I have never used MacOS in any capacity, so I cannot tell whether it would be better than the Windows OSs I have been using all my life.
One thing that deters me from Macs is their price tag, which is completely disproportionate when looking at their technical specifications. I know the hardware is better optimized, but the prices are still completely blown out of proportion.
I am also an avid gamer, so I actually need a Windows PC if I don't want to mess around with virtual Windows
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I have never used MacOS in any capacity, so I cannot tell whether it would be better than the Windows OSs I have been using all my life.
One thing that deters me from Macs is their price tag, which is completely disproportionate when looking at their technical specifications. I know the hardware is better optimized, but the prices are still completely blown out of proportion.
I am also an avid gamer, so I actually need a Windows PC if I don't want to mess around with virtual Windows environments (or hope that Xbox/Windows exclusives get a PlayStation port after a few years).

[Edited at 2024-05-22 08:46 GMT]

Alexandra Speirs
Jorge Payan
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:33
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Windows May 22

I used Mac only once (my brother has one) and didn’t like it…

Baran Keki
Baran Keki  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:33
English to Turkish
Neither??!!? May 22

I'm relying on my trusty Amstrad CPC 464 running on 56k modem (don't get me started on slow websites!), which is an improvement on my vintage Remington Streamliner (which is sadly gathering dust in the basement)...
I still don't use CATs, trackballs, MT (on account of my modem I suppose). Yes, there are still some of us 'dinosaurs' left out there!

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:33
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Windows, but I don´t really know May 22

My clients use Windows, and all the software I have is based on Windows, so I fit in with that.

It is MANY years since I tried a Mac on a voluntary project, when I needed to work on the client's computer - and even then, it was an elderly model! It was OK, but did not persuade me to change from the system I was used to.

I am a creature of habit, and once I have learned to use technology, I prefer to stay with it. New mechanical processes distract me - I can't translate
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My clients use Windows, and all the software I have is based on Windows, so I fit in with that.

It is MANY years since I tried a Mac on a voluntary project, when I needed to work on the client's computer - and even then, it was an elderly model! It was OK, but did not persuade me to change from the system I was used to.

I am a creature of habit, and once I have learned to use technology, I prefer to stay with it. New mechanical processes distract me - I can't translate if I have to keep thinking about how the computer works!

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Wolfgang Schoene
Wolfgang Schoene  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:33
Member (2007)
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Mac May 22

Since 1984, with a short Windows period when the first CAT tools appeared. As soon as Parallels was released I went back to the Mac. Sure, the price tag is high, but reliability has no cost.

Hans Lenting
P.L.F. Persio
Peter Simon
Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:33
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MAC May 22

I work on a 10 year old Mac mini (a little known Apple pc, which is way more affordable than the known iMac and various laptops) and it still runs like new. In those 10 years, it happened maybe 1 time a year that the machine crashed, and guess what... with Microsoft files
Some programs won't work on a Mac, but since I don't use local CATs, that's not an issue.
Windows has evolved a lot, but knowing and using both ope
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I work on a 10 year old Mac mini (a little known Apple pc, which is way more affordable than the known iMac and various laptops) and it still runs like new. In those 10 years, it happened maybe 1 time a year that the machine crashed, and guess what... with Microsoft files
Some programs won't work on a Mac, but since I don't use local CATs, that's not an issue.
Windows has evolved a lot, but knowing and using both operating systems, I prefer iOS. One aspect that should not be underestimated is the lower risk of viruses and other malicious attacks.

Wolfgang Schoene
P.L.F. Persio
Peter Simon
Robert Rietvelt
Robert Rietvelt  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:33
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It is a matter of what you are used to May 22

I started off with Windows, and I am still working with Windows, but I can imagine that if it was the other way around, I would be comfortable with Mac.

So, IMHO it is not so much a 'preference', but an 'experience' over years.

[Edited at 2024-05-22 09:16 GMT]

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Christopher Schröder
Kevin Fulton
Christine Andersen
Angie Garbarino
Wolfgang Schoene
Wolfgang Schoene  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:33
Member (2007)
English to German
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Actually, to be more precise May 22

Wolfgang Schoene wrote:

Since 1984, with a short Windows period when the first CAT tools appeared. As soon as Parallels was released I went back to the Mac. Sure, the price tag is high, but reliability has no cost.

I should say „...with a short PC period„ as I still have Windows (11) sitting on my Macs.

Baran Keki
Baran Keki  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:33
English to Turkish
No so much May 22

Robert Rietvelt wrote:
It is a matter of what you are used to

There is a significant price gap between a Windows computer and an Apple computer (apples and oranges, what?). Of course, if you're rich and money is no object, then it's very easy to get used to nice and expensive things...

Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:33
Member (2009)
English to German
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... May 22

Robert Rietvelt wrote:

I started off with Windows, and I am still working with Windows, but I can imagine that if it was the other way around, I would be comfortable with Mac.

So, IMHO it is not so much a 'preference', but an 'experience' over years.

I started off with Windows too and used it for years, but after discovering the user friendy, stable and well-conceived macOS as well as the reliability of Apple firmware, I wouldn't go back by no means.

Robert Rietvelt wrote:

There is a significant price gap between a Windows computer and an Apple computer (apples and oranges, what?). Of course, if you're rich and money is no object, then it's very easy to get used to nice and expensive things...

There are also affordable Apple machines. It's the substance that makes the difference.

[Bearbeitet am 2024-05-22 13:52 GMT]

Wolfgang Schoene
Peter Simon
Robert Rietvelt
Robert Rietvelt  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:33
Member (2006)
Spanish to Dutch
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@Baran May 22

Baran Keki wrote:

Robert Rietvelt wrote:
It is a matter of what you are used to

There is a significant price gap between a Windows computer and an Apple computer (apples and oranges, what?). Of course, if you're rich and money is no object, then it's very easy to get used to nice and expensive things...

Sorry, but I think you are missing my point. It's NOT about money.

[Edited at 2024-05-22 10:53 GMT]

Hans Lenting
P.L.F. Persio
Baran Keki
Baran Keki  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:33
English to Turkish
@Uncle Bob May 22

Robert Rietvelt wrote:
Sorry, but I think you are missing my point. It's not about money.

I get your point actually. Of course, you people living in the affluent West don't have to pay extortionate amounts of taxes (customs tax, electronics tax, import tax, yarrak tax and various other taxes imposed on Turkish citizens) like we do on electronic products, so you can buy an Apple product at reasonable prices (we, in the third world, however, have to pay double the amount you pay because of the said taxes), so I can understand that it does come down to a matter of choice/getting used to.
I mean see it for yourself (an Iphone 15 in Germany costs 949 EUR):
Whereas the same phone costs 1677.67 EUR in Turkey:
(58,499 TL = 1677.67 EUR)

Ikram Mahyuddin
Ikram Mahyuddin  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:33
English to Indonesian
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Windows May 22

I always uses Windows and never use Mac OS so far. I think Windows is comfortable to use.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Robert Rietvelt
Robert Rietvelt  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:33
Member (2006)
Spanish to Dutch
+ ...
@Baran May 22

Baran Keki wrote:

Robert Rietvelt wrote:
Sorry, but I think you are missing my point. It's not about money.

I get your point actually. Of course, you people living in the affluent West don't have to pay extortionate amounts of taxes (customs tax, electronics tax, import tax, yarrak tax and various other taxes imposed on Turkish citizens) like we do on electronic products, so you can buy an Apple product at reasonable prices (we, in the third world, however, have to pay double the amount you pay because of the said taxes), so I can understand that it does come down to a matter of choice/getting used to.
I mean see it for yourself (an Iphone 15 in Germany costs 949 EUR):
Whereas the same phone costs 1677.67 EUR in Turkey:
(58,499 TL = 1677.67 EUR)

Thank you for the information. I feel sorry for you, but this is an answer on which question? This is IMHO not about the topic at hand.

And by the way, people here call me 'Rob', not 'Bob'.:-)

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