Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 25 '09 pol>eng doradztwo personalne Personal Growth and Development Coaching/Consulting pro closed ok
- Jan 6 '09 pol>eng wiedza o Polsce i świecie współczesnym Knowledge about Poland and the Modern World pro closed ok
4 Jan 6 '09 pol>eng zaangażowana w życie klasy i szkoły (remained, staying) involved in class(room) and school activities pro closed ok
4 Jan 6 '09 pol>eng w pracach zespołowych (when) working as a part of a team pro closed ok
- Oct 1 '08 eng>pol senate house siedziba senatu (władz prawnych) (uniwersytetu) pro closed no
- Sep 26 '08 eng>pol counsel chur/lead adwokat/prawnik główny pro closed ok
- Sep 4 '08 eng>pol a recognised programme uznany/przyjęty/zaakceptowany program pro closed ok
- Sep 2 '08 eng>pol bridging wyrównawczy pro closed ok
- Aug 18 '08 eng>pol Primary Schools Admissions Book Biuletyn Informacyjny - pro closed ok
- Jul 23 '08 pol>eng makrokierunki macrospecialization(s) pro closed ok
- Jul 1 '08 pol>eng specyfika pracy placówki (institution's) area of expertise pro closed no
- May 23 '08 pol>eng hospitacja (in-house, school principal) classroom evaluation (program ) pro closed ok
- Mar 23 '08 pol>eng w klasie szkolnej w młodszym wieku szkolnym in the elementary education classroom environment/setting pro closed no
4 Mar 18 '08 pol>eng siatki studiów study (program) plan(s), schedule pro closed ok
4 Mar 4 '08 pol>eng pracownia kopii grafiki fine arts reproduction course/study/workshop pro closed no
- Feb 25 '08 pol>eng opiekun merytoryczny funkcjonariuszy pozostających... Police cadet(s) mentor pro just_closed no
4 Feb 10 '08 eng>pol Withdrawal Passing przerwanie (toku) studiow z (oficjalnym) zaliczeniem... pro closed no
- Feb 10 '08 eng>pol units of high school work program/material wymagany do ukonczenia Szkoly Sredniej pro closed no
- Feb 10 '08 eng>pol carry degree credit mozliwosc uzyskania kredytu w kierunku stopnia (naukowego) pro closed ok
4 Feb 8 '08 pol>eng przygotowanie do egzaminu IDT (IDT) examination/test preparation (course) pro closed no
- Feb 6 '08 pol>eng Już znam, już wiem I am familiar with it, I know it pro closed ok
- Jan 17 '08 pol>eng Zespół Szkół Samochodowych Cooperative (Vocational) Auto-Technical School pro closed no
- Jan 14 '08 pol>eng poziom opanowania umiejętności assesment of knowledge and skills (test) pro closed ok
4 Jan 10 '08 eng>pol report card pisemne sprawozdanie/ocena pracy ucznia pro closed ok
- Jan 10 '08 eng>pol Distinguished Teaching Professor X Wyrozniajacy sie w nauczaniu Professor X pro just_closed no
- Jan 6 '08 pol>eng szkola z klasa school with an exemplary status/distinguished status pro closed ok
- Jan 6 '08 eng>pol Use of Reasonable Force/Safe Handling Policy umiarkowane/rozsadne uzycie sily/taktyka bezpiecznego podejscia pro closed ok
- Jan 2 '08 eng>pol House placing wyrzucony (do domu) pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered