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English to Chinese: Proposal Requirements General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - English The following Forms requesting data and information from Bidders shall be completed in full by Bidder and submitted with Bidders Form of Proposal. All information submitted by Bidder may be used by Owner/MWP in evaluating Proposals. Appropriate segments of the information provided shall be included in the formal Contract.
This Guarantee shall not be valid with respect to any written notice received by us after such date and shall thereafter be null and void. When the validity of this Guarantee has expired it must be returned to us for cancellation but we shall be released from any obligation hereunder even if, in breach of this provision, such return has not taken place.
Translation - Chinese 以下表格所需的数据和信息须投标方完成,所有投标方提供的信息将用于MWP/业主评标,合适的部分将作为正式合同的一部分。
English to Chinese: Exhaust gas turbocharger General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Energy / Power Generation
Source text - English Each engine as 2 turbo charges fitted feeding into a common chamber.
The exhaust gases entering the turbine housing drive the turbine wheel, and therefore also the compressor impeller which is situated on the same shaft as the turbine wheel.
The compressor impeller draws air-gas mixture from the air-gas mixer housing and the throttle valve to the intake chamber of the engine.
Lubrication for the turbo charger is via the engine lubrication system, this system on the 6 series engine continues to be pressurised after the engine stops and the mechanical drive engine oil pump stops by either a 415VAC oil pump or a 24VDC oil pump to allow turbo rundown and cooling after engine stopping.
Translation - Chinese 每台发动机安装2个涡轮增压器,装进一个普通室内。
English to Chinese: In-situ chemical oxidation General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Source text - English In the Netherlands, in-situ chemical oxidation has been applied in soil remediation for a number of years now. This technique is abbreviated to ISCO. In the event of soil remediation involving in-situ chemical oxidation, a strong oxidant is inserted in the soil. When the oxidant comes into contact with the pollution, it is broken down chemically (oxidized). This produces harmless compounds. Thanks to the relative simplicity of the technique and the fast degradation of the pollution, the technique is becoming increasingly popular as a means to treat the source of the pollution. Its popularity is further based on the large mass of pollution which can be removed from the soil in a short period of time. In addition, the so-called aftercare phase, the period in which the remainder of the pollution must be monitored to establish the scope and the development thereof, is reached quicker and often involves lower levels of residual pollution compared to other in-situ techniques.
Translation - Chinese 在荷兰,使用原位化学氧化(ISCO)进行土壤修复已经有多年的历史。 这项技术简称为ISCO。 使用原位化学氧化技术进行土壤修复时,是将强氧化剂注入土壤中。 当氧化剂接触到污染物时,氧化剂被化学分解(氧化)。产生无害的化合物。 该技术相对简单并且能够快速退化污染,越来越多地被用来处理污染源。 该技术能够在短时间内将大量污染物从土壤中清除,这也是其被普遍采用的一个原因。 此外,与其它原位技术相比,能够更快进入护理期(在此期间,必须监视污染物残余,以便确定污染物残余的范围和扩展情况),残余污染水平较低。
English to Chinese: Production Estimate and Wind Load Parameter Report General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Energy / Power Generation
Source text - English The calculation has been carried out for two layouts of 28 wind turbines (WTG) of the type S82 - 1.5 MW with a hub height (HH) of 78.3m. One layout has been provided by the client, the other one has been developed by Suzlon. On average an air density of
1.204kg/m3 at HH has been used in the production calculations. The individual WTG density adjusted power curves have been used based on the WindPRO 2.6 calculated density variations based on an extrapolation to the average site HH. The climatic
information utilized is temperature data from the Yantai weather station.
The production estimates include array losses due to shadowing effects (wake effects) from one turbine to another within the wind farm. The neighbouring wind farms have not been taken into account. Electrical and availability losses have NOT been included in the calculation.
English to Chinese: Bidding Document General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - English The rates and prices entered in the priced Bill of Quantities, shall except insofar as it is otherwise provided under the Contract, include all Constructional Plant, labour, supervision, materials, erection, maintenance, preparation and supply of drawings to the extent required by the contract, waste, temporary works, responsibility for carrying out all necessary testing of materials for the Works and testing of any aspect of the works as required by the specification and or as ordered by the Engineer, attendance and transport for sampling and testing carried out by the Engineer, supplying results of tests carried out by the Contractor and provision of all samples and test certificates, insurance, overheads, profit, taxes and duties together with all general risks, liabilities and obligations set out or implied in the Contract.
Translation - Chinese 除非合同中另有规定,标价工程量清单中的单价和价格应包括所有施工设备、劳工、监督、材料、安装、维护、合同要求的图纸准备与提供、废料、临时工程、进行所有必要的工程材料试验和技术规范要求或工程师命令的任何工程试验的责任、工程师取样和试验的维护与运输、提供承包商所作试验的结果、提供所有试样与试验证书、保险费、间接费用、利润、税费,以及合同中规定或暗示的所有一般风险、责任与义务。
English to Chinese: (COG CHP Application)Three TITAN 130 Generator Sets General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Energy / Power Generation
Source text - English SER 09-0500 is applicable to this project. Many customer features have been added to the packages to enhance engine performance and address safety concerns for coke oven gas application. The customer features include low BUT dual fuel system, additional control features, anti-corrosive turbine hardware, hazardous gas sensors, addition CO2 cylinders, TEWAC generators, and all motor and electronic components meet NACE CII, Div 2, Group B requirements, etc.
Translation - Chinese SER 09-0500 适用于本项目。 这些成套设备增加了许多客户特征,以便提高发动机的性能和焦炉煤气使用的安全性。 这些客户特征包括双燃料系统、附加控制特征、防腐涡轮机硬件、危险气体传感器、加成二氧化碳汽缸、 TEWAC 发电机,所有发动机及电子元件满足NACE CII, Div 2, B组的要求。
Translation education
PhD - China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing)
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Feb 2007.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV available upon request
I am a native Chinese speaker and English <> simplified/traditional Chinese freelance translator, interpreter and project manager with a PHD degree in Project Management. I have 9 years translation experience and good understanding of both languages and cultures. During my career I have tried my hand at many fields such as oil & gas, energy, power generation, CDM, patent, construction, civil engineering, real estate, ecology, environment, geology, geography, business, marketing, tourism, travel, IT and book. All of these are in various formats, e.g. brochures, catalogues, manuals, articles, websites, press releases etc.
I never miss the deadlines and I always commit to providing quick turnaround time.
(1) I aim at providing faithful, accurate, fluent and elegant translation.
(2) I am familiar with many CAT tools such as Trados, MemoQ and Wordfast. I am willing to learn new CAT tools as required by my clients.
(3) I always do my best to present the clients entire satisfaction and satisfy all their requirements.
(4) My rates are competitive and negotiable.
I take quality assurance measures as follows:
I. Process Quality Control
1. Translation
(1) Collecting relevant terminology and Creating Termbase
(2) Accurately comprehending the source text
(3) Searching and confirming the term translation and updating the Termbase
(4) Expressing accurately and fluently
2.Editing & Proofreading
(1) Checking for omissions
(2) Checking for errors of grammar, number, term, spelling and form
(3) Checking for faithfulness, consistency and fluency
II. Computer-assisted Control
I use the checking function of CAT tools for quality assurance.
I take pride in delivering quality translations on time and I make it my business to promote your business.
Keywords: English, Chinese, Oil & Gas, Energy, Power Generation, CDM, Patent, Construction, Civil Engineering, Real Estate. See more.English, Chinese, Oil & Gas, Energy, Power Generation, CDM, Patent, Construction, Civil Engineering, Real Estate, Ecology, Metallurgy, Mining, Environment, Geology, Geography, Business, Finance, Marketing, Tourism &Travel, IT, Localization, Book, Luxury, Arts. See less.
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