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Source text - English Watson's Behaviorist theory persuaded most academic researchers in experimental psychology of the importance of studying behavior. In the field of comparative psychology in particular, it was consistent with the warning note that had been struck by Lloyd Morgan's canon, against some of the more anthropomorphic work such as that of George Romanes, in which mental states had been freely attributed to animals. It was eagerly seized on by researchers such as Edward L. Thorndike (who had been studying cats' abilities to escape from puzzle boxes).
However, most psychologists took up a position that is now called methodological behaviorism: they acknowledged that behavior was either the only or the easiest method of observation in psychology, but held that it could be used to draw conclusions about mental states. Among well-known twentieth-century behaviorists taking this kind of position were Clark L. Hull, who described his position as neo-behaviorism, and Edward C. Tolman, who developed much of what would later become the cognitivist program. Tolman argued that rats constructed cognitive maps of the mazes they learned even in the absence of reward, and that the connection between stimulus and response (S->R) was mediated by a third term - the organism (S->O->R). His approach has been called, among other things, purposive behaviorism.
Methodological behaviorism remains the position of most experimental psychologists today, including the vast majority of those who work in cognitive psychology – so long as behavior is defined as including speech, at least non-introspective speech. With the rise of interest in animal cognition since the 1980s, and the more unorthodox views of Donald Griffin among others, mentalistic language including discussion of consciousness is increasingly used even in discussion of animal psychology, in both comparative psychology and ethology; however this is in no way inconsistent with the position of methodological behaviorism...
Translation - Serbian Votsonova bihevioristička teorija uverila je mnoge akademske istraživače iz polja eksperimentalne psihologije o značaju proučavanja ponašanja. Ona je posebno u polju uporedne psihologije dosledna belešci na koju upozorava pravilo Lojda Morgana, nasuprot nekih više antropomorfnih radova, kao oni Džordža Romaniza, u kojima se mentalna stanja otvoreno pripisuju životinjama. Željno su ga prihvatili istraživači poput Edvarda L. Torndajka (koji je izučavao sposobnosti mačaka da pobegnu iz kaveza sa lavirintom).
Međutim, većina psihologa je zauzela stav koji se danas naziva metodološki biheviorizam: oni priznaju da je ponašanje jedini ili najlakši metod posmatranja u psihologiji, ali smatraju da ono može i da se koristi za donošenje zaključaka o mentalnim stanjima. Među priznatim bihevioristima dvadesetog veka koji su se držali ovog stanovišta bili su Klark L. Hal, koji je svoj stav opisao kao neo-biheviorizam, i Edvard K. Tolman koji je razvio veći deo onog što će kasnije postati program kognitivista.
Tolman je smatrao da su pacovi oblikovali kognitivne mape naučenih lavirinata čak i u odsustvu nagrade, i da je veza između nadražaja i reakcije (N->R) isposredovana preko trećeg člana – organizma (N->O->R). Njegov pristup je nazvan između ostalog i svrsishodni bihevioralizam.
Metodološki biheviorizam ostaje pozicija većine današnjih eksperimentalnih psihologa, uključujući i veliku većinu onih koji rade u polju kognitivne psihologije – sve dok definicija ponašanja obuhvata govor ili barem ne-introspektivni govor. Porastom interesovanja za kogniciju životinja od osamdesetih godina dvadesetog veka, kao i nekonvencionalnijim stavovima Donalda Grifina između ostalih, mentalni jezik se, uključujući i raspravu o svesti, sve više koristio čak i raspravama o psihologiji životinja, uz uporednu psihologiju i etologiju, međutim to se uopšte ne kosi sa stavom metodološkog biheviorizma…
English to Serbian: Finance
Source text - English According to its preliminary 2002 financial statements, the HBP Group has once again increased its year-on-year results. All figures are provisional and not yet finally audited. Review and endorsement of the financial statements by the Supervisory Board is scheduled for end of February. HBP will be presenting its 2002 financial statements at its press conference and analysts' meeting in Düsseldorf on March 5, 2005.
Translation - Serbian Према свом привременом финансијском извештају за 2002. годину, ХБП Група је још једном увећала своје годишње резултате. Све бројке су привремене и нису коначно проверене. Преглед и одобрење финансијског извештаја од стране Надзорне комисије палниран је за крај фебруара. ХБП ће представити свој финансијски извештај за 2002. годину на својој конференцији за новинаре и на састанку аналитичара у Диселдорфу, 15. марта 2005. године.
Translation education
Other - vocation expert degree
Years of experience: 30. Registered at May 2006.
Experienced native Serbian speaker and professional Translator/Reviewer/Transcriber/Voiceover/Subtitler/QCer in English to Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian language since 1994. My expertise covers Law, Finance, Business, Marketing, IT, Localization, Manuals, Technical field, Documentary contents, AI, MTPE, etc.
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