Working languages:
English to German
French to German
German to English

Renate FitzRoy

St Andrews, Scotland
Local time: 15:11 GMT (GMT+0)

Native in: German 
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Training:Staatsexamen 1 (equ.MA) 1975
French/German Heidelberg, incl. theatre and linguistics Aix-en-Provence 1972/3

Staatsexamen 2 (teaching in secondary schools) Berlin 1979

MSc Translation & Technology Heriot-Watt Edinburgh 2000

Having lived in both German and British cultural surroundings, I am comfortable working from English into German as well as from German to English. Much of my work has been published, but I also translate websites for direct clients and do occasional translation work for agencies.

List of Published Translations

About to be published: R. Renneberg, Biotechnology for Beginners 2nd edition 2016

Coordinator and translator of Umweltbundesamt publication
Treibhausneutrales Deutschland im Jahr 2050, published February 2015

Co-translator of Lucius/Frank-Loos, Biologie von Parasiten, Springer 2008, to be published later in 2013.

Main translator for the English version of the guide book for the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, 1st edition 2008, 2nd edition 2010, 3rd edition 2013.

Main translator for Reinhard Renneberg, Biotechnologie für Einsteiger, Elsevier 2006, ISBN: 3-8274-1538-1, Biotechnology for Beginners, ed. by Arnold L. Demain, ISBN: 0123735815, October 2007

Co-translator for Michael Wink et al., Molekulare Biotechnologie, Wiley VCH 2004, ISBN 3-527-30992-6 An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology, ISBN: 3-527-31412-1, June 2006

Co-translator for Will Minuth et al., Zukunftstechnologie Tissue Engineering, Wiley VCH 2003, ISBN 3-527-30793-1 Tissue Engineering: From Cell Biology to Artificial Organs, ISBN: 3527311866, March 2005

Stavros Kromidas, More Practical Problem-Solving in HPLC, Wiley VCH November 2004 ISBN: 3-527-31113-0

Introduction to the intermediary report of the select committee of the Bundestag‚’Globalisierung der Weltwirtschaft – Herausforderungen und Antworten’
"Globalization of the World Economy – Challenges and Responses“, 2002

J. Hacker/J. Heesemann, Molekulare Infektionsbiologie, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Heidelberg March 2000, ISBN 3-86025-368-9, Molecular Infection Biology, published in September 2002 at J. Wiley, New York, ISBN 0-471-17845-2

Into German

Co-translator Bert Hölldobler/E. O. Wilson, The Superorganism: The Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies, (Chapters 1, 3, 4 and 10) W.W. Norton, 2008. ISBN 978-0393067040, Der Superorganismus Der Erfolg von Ameisen, Bienen, Wespen und Termiten
Hölldobler, B., Wilson, E.O., 2010, published by Springer, Heidelberg,ISBN 978-3-540-93766-1

Rachel Black/Louise Scull, Beyond Childlessness, Rodale London 2005, ISBN 1-4050-7761-1, Rachel Black, Louise Scull: Wenn Frauen keine Kinder haben. Gefühle, Erfahrungen, Perspektiven, published by Herder (Freiburg, Basel, Wien) 2007. ISBN 978-3-451-29264-4

Co-translator for Tortora/Derrickson, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Wiley New York 2006, ISBN 0-471-68934-3, Anatomie und Physiologie, published by Wiley-VCH September 2006, ISBN 978-3-527-31547-0

E.U.v. Weizsäcker, O.R. Young, M. Finger eds, Limits to Privatization, Earthscan London 2005, ISBN 1-84407-177-4, chapters by non-German authors, Grenzen der Privatisierung, Hirzel Verlag Stuttgart 2006, ISBN978-3-7776-1444-1

Kenneth Leong, Zen Stories, Anleitung zum Glücklichsein
100 Zengeschichten für das neue Jahrtausend, Herder March 2006. ISBN 3-451-07053-7

Co-translator for Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Begins Here, Parallax Press 2004, ISBN 1888375450, Versöhnung beginnt im Herzen, Herder Verlag Freiburg, August 2005, ISBN 3-451-28825-7

Epstein/Perkin/Cookson/de Bono, Pocket Guide to Clinical Examination, Third Edition, Mosby 2004, Anamnese und Untersuchung auf einen Blick Urban & Fischer, Munich April 2006, ISBN: 3-437-41083-0

Alan Watts, The Religion of No-Religion, Tuttle publ. 1995, ISBN 0-8048-3056-8 Buddhismus verstehen, Herder Verlag Freiburg 2005, ISBN 3-451-05567-8

Thich Nhat Hanh, Opening the Heart of the Cosmos, Parallax Press Berkeley CA 2003, Das Herz des Kosmos, Herder Verlag Freiburg 2005, ISBN 3-451-28468-5

Philip Kapleau, Zen Merging of East and West, Anchor Books New York 1980, Erleuchtung nicht ausgeschlossen, ISBN 3-451-05325-X published by Herder Verlag Freiburg Aug. 2003

Thubten Chodron, Buddhism for Beginners, Snow Lion Ithaca, NY, 2001, ISBN 1-55939-153-7, Buddhismus. Antworten auf die häufigsten Fragen. Herder Verlag Freiburg, ISBN 3-451-05160-5, published Jan. 2003

Translations of which I hold the copyright:

H.W. Müller-Wohlfahrt, Mensch, beweg Dich! ISBN 3-89883-013-6 Zabert Sandmann Verlag Munich

Reinhard Renneberg,Bioanalytik für Einsteiger: Diabetes, Drogen und DNA, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Heidelberg 2008 ISBN978-3-8274-1831-9, even-numbered chapters
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 509
PRO-level pts: 489

Top languages (PRO)
German to English283
English to German148
French to German28
French to English22
English to Latin4
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Medical (general)55
Business/Commerce (general)16
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters12
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)11
Education / Pedagogy11
Medical: Pharmaceuticals11
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Keywords: Molecular biology, microbiology, biotechnology, medical, renewable energy, carbon emissions trading, arts, music, website translation, proofreading. See more.Molecular biology, microbiology, biotechnology, medical, renewable energy, carbon emissions trading, arts, music, website translation, proofreading, liaison interpreting, tuition, work for publishers English German English Molekularbiologie, Mikrobiologie, Biotechnologie, Medizin, Musik, Nachhaltigkeit, Erneuerbare Energien, Emissionshandel Übersetzen, Dolmetschen, Unterricht Deutsch Englisch Deutsch. See less.

Profile last updated
Apr 9, 2018

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