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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Transcription
Specializes in:
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Education / Pedagogy
International Org/Dev/Coop
Human Resources
Cooking / Culinary
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Volunteer / Pro-bono work
Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
English to Spanish - Rates: 0.12 - 0.15 USD per word / 35 - 40 USD per hour / 0.50 - 0.65 USD per audio/video minute Spanish to English - Rates: 0.12 - 0.15 USD per word / 35 - 40 USD per hour / 0.50 - 0.65 USD per audio/video minute
Payment methods accepted
Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Spanish: One Neighborhood, Two Perspectives General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - English Saturday, July 4, a wintry afternoon and a soccer game: Argentina and Chile are competing for the America's Cup and the streets are empty. When I start my walk, I can smell logs burning in fireplaces, and later popcorn when the game starts. Except for a dog’s bark, maybe a car, or a neighbor welcoming friends who arrive (pastries from the local bakery in hand) to watch the game together; everything is quiet. These are the same places I remember from my childhood: the three blocks to school, my friends’ homes, the York Cinema, the Borges Café.
Some of the homes look exactly the same. The paint, the building materials, and the general appearance are as they used to be. Not surprisingly after 30 years, many houses have been restored and others have been demolished and built anew.
The streets are lined with jacarandas, plátanos and linden. In fact, people opposed tree removal for the construction of the central lanes to be used only by public buses on Avenida Maipú. One thing is new: tree trunks decorated with colorful materials and wool. There is also a sapling with a sign asking that people care for it as it grows. For some reason the sign is written in English.
One of the major changes in the last several years is the rise in crime. Few houses remain without a gate or low fences. Many have high gates, solid walls or coverings that prevent anyone from looking in. There are also electric fences, cameras, and alarm systems. The growing number of taxi services is linked to the traffic problems common in a city that continues to grow without adequate infrastructure and regulations.
But it is also related to the sense of a lack of safety. Families develop trust relationships with certain companies, the driver rings the doorbell to let the passenger know they’ve arrived, and does not leave until the passenger is safe inside the drop-off point. In many cases, it is better to take one of these taxis than to drive one’s car or to take the bus.
Translation - Spanish Sábado, 4 de Julio, tarde de invierno y fútbol: Argentina y Chile compiten por la Copa América y las calles están vacías. Cuando salgo a caminar se huele a leños encendidos en los hogares y más tarde a pochoclo cuando empieza el partido. Salvo el ladrido de un perro, algún coche o un vecino saludando a los amigos que llegan (paquete de panadería en mano) para ver juntos el partido, hay mucho silencio. Son los mismos lugares que recuerdo de chica: las tres cuadras hasta el colegio, las casas de mis amigas, el cine York, el Café Borges.
Algunas casas están exactamente igual que antes. La pintura, los materiales y su apariencia general son como las recuerdo. Como es de esperar a lo largo de treinta años, hay casas que fueron reformadas y otras son totalmente nuevas.
Las calles siguen muy arboladas con jacarandás, plátanos y tilos; de hecho los vecinos se opusieron a que se sacaran árboles de la avenida Maipú para construir los carriles centrales para transporte público.
Hay un retoño con un cartel que pide se lo cuide mientras crece, por alguna razón escrito en inglés.
Uno de los cambios mayores en los últimos años es sin duda el aumento del delito. Quedan pocas casas sin portón o con cercas bajas. La mayoría tiene rejas o muros macizos que impiden ver al interior. También hay cercos eléctricos, cámaras y alarmas. La presencia de agencias de remises está relacionada con los problemas de transporte propios de una ciudad que crece sin la infraestructura y regulación necesarias. Pero también con la sensación de inseguridad. Así es como se establecen relaciones de confianza entre familias y remiserías; el conductor toca el timbre para avisar que llegó a buscar al pasajero, y no se va hasta que el pasajero entró a su lugar de destino. En muchos casos es más conveniente viajar en estos coches que conducir el propio o viajar en colectivo.
Spanish to English: Abierto al público General field: Marketing Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - Spanish Me fascina pensar en cómo el espacio virtual se usa y se vive como su contraparte física. Al igual que en una ciudad hay plazas, juegos y espacios de encuentro; hay mercados de productos y barrios donde se intercambian servicios; hay escuelas donde aprender desde cálculo y filosofía hasta cómo se arregla un lavarropas y se teje en punto arroz.
Para abrir mi local, creé un perfil en una plataforma virtual para todo tipo de proyectos freelance. Como en una tienda a la calle colgué un cartel, listé servicios y precios, mi experiencia en el ramo y comentarios de clientes satisfechos.
Junto a profesionales de todo el mundo salgo todos los días a la calle invitando a entrar a la gente que viene a la Avenida de las Traducciones (también de todo el mundo) para encontrar a quién contratar para su proyecto. Como recién llegada, curioseo en las vidrieras de mis vecinos, aprendo a "re-decorar" la mía, y salgo a la calle otra vez.
Translation - English I find it fascinating to think about how the virtual world is used and experienced much in the same way as its physical counterpart. Just like in a city, virtual spaces have plazas, games, and meeting rooms; there are marketplaces where to buy products and exchange services; there are schools where you can learn everything from calculus and philosophy to how to fix a washing machine or knit a seed stitch.
To open my shop, I created a profile on a platform for professional freelance projects. As with any business on Main Street I put up a sign, described my services and fees, my experience and examples of past work, and comments by satisfied customers.
Along with many other professionals from all over the world I step outside onto Translation Avenue every day and invite potential customers in - people who’ve come to this neighborhood (also from around the world) to find an expert for their project. It’s early days so I am peeking into other people’s shop windows, learn to “re-decorate” my own, and go back out into the street.
Years of experience: 11. Registered at Jan 2024.
I am a native Spanish speaker and fully bilingual PhD in sociology, an expertise I rely on to render translations reflective of cultural nuances, differences in Spanish terms used in different countries, and inclusive language. My priority is providing you with a product that your end user will find clear, familiar, and easy to follow while conveying the same meaning and intent of your original communication. My EN-SP-EN translation and transcription expertise includes interviews, focus groups, blogs, articles and papers, instruction manuals, education and workshop materials, presentations, surveys, and more.
I can be especially helpful to you with the following:
* Translation, verification, transcription, editing and proofreading of written and audio communications related to social issues and trends; innovation, strategy, management, and leadership; surveys and questionnaires; personal development; education, and related topics.
* Translation of instructional materials, press releases, handbooks, reports, social science academic papers, book chapters, and blogs in English and Spanish.
* Transcription, translation, and review of audio/video files of interviews, focus groups, and teaching tools.
* Internet research
I look forward to supporting your work.
Keywords: English, Spanish, inglés, español, translation, verification, transcription, editing, proofreading, written. See more.English, Spanish, inglés, español, translation, verification, transcription, editing, proofreading, written, audio/video communications, instructional materials, press releases, handbooks, academic texts, blogs, interviews, focus groups, documentaries, social media, press releases, announcements, community development, ultra processed foods, mental health, recipe books, employee manuals, education, liderazgo, organizaciones sin fines de lucro, documentales, instituciones culturales, música, drogas, migraciones, niñez, juventud, niñas, LA Philharmonic, NY Philharmonic, Carnegie Hall. See less.