Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 24 eng>ara nothing really works together غير متلائمين easy closed ok
- Aug 19 eng>ara يعاقب بغرامة/ تفرض عليه غرامة A fine shall be imposed Shall be fined… /shall be subject to a fine of… pro closed ok
4 Aug 14 ara>eng غرف التبريد والتجميد Cooling (also called conservation chambers ) and freezing chambers pro closed ok
4 Aug 8 ara>eng حصر عدد Determine the final number of pro closed no
- Jul 27 eng>ara Last Take Off آخر إقلاع pro closed ok
4 Jul 27 eng>ara Formation Skydiving القفز التشكيلي pro closed ok
- Jul 21 eng>ara of even a large opportunity ولو من فرصة مميزة/كبيرة pro closed ok
- Jul 18 ara>eng وبإعادتها إليها To remand it to the said court pro closed ok
4 Jul 15 ara>eng عهد العاملين Tools assigned to workers/employees pro closed ok
- Jul 14 eng>ara transeasonal layers الملابس الموسمية الإنتقالية متعددة الطبقات/ملابس الإنتقال الموسمي pro closed ok
4 Jul 14 eng>ara rugged قاحلة pro closed ok
- Jul 14 eng>ara brings to life themes of تعيد إحياء ثيمات pro closed ok
4 Feb 6 ara>eng مسطحة She had an imperforate hymen pro closed no
- Feb 5 fra>ara enquête d’environnement البحث الميداني pro closed ok
- Jan 1 ara>eng رفع اليد The release pro closed ok
- Dec 7 '23 ara>eng رجاحة Trueness pro closed no
4 Nov 15 '23 ara>eng ديك الحي الفحل The neighborhood’s virile (brave) rooster pro closed no
- Nov 12 '23 ara>eng يجوز ولكن ليس إلزاميا It may optionally be …. pro closed ok
4 Nov 9 '23 ara>fra rojla être un vrai homme (virilité) pro closed no
3 Nov 5 '23 ara>eng أفرغ جموحي Unleash my wildness pro closed no
- Nov 3 '23 ara>eng يتعاطاه That he was addicted to/he used to drink pro closed ok
- Oct 9 '23 ara>eng تأتي استكمالاً لها The present policy comes as a complement thereto pro closed ok
- Aug 28 '23 ara>eng تصبح حقًا خاصًا للطرف الأول …shall become a personal property of the first party… pro closed no
- Aug 22 '23 ara>eng بعد قراءتها عليه …after reading it to him/before him pro closed ok
4 Aug 22 '23 ara>fra غضروف Ménisque pro closed no
- Aug 16 '23 eng>ara are engaged الذين تتم الإستعانة بهم/يتم اللجوء اليهم/يتم استخداممه pro just_closed no
- Aug 12 '23 eng>ara set aside لم يتم إقصاءه/تنحيته pro closed ok
- Aug 6 '23 eng>ara Material Amendment تعديل المواد pro closed ok
- Jul 22 '23 ara>eng استجابة نوعية Gender-specific responsiveness/response pro closed ok
- Jul 18 '23 eng>ara Complexity تركيب pro closed ok
- Jul 18 '23 ara>eng الممارسين Professionals pro closed ok
4 Jul 17 '23 eng>ara movement التيار pro closed ok
- Jul 17 '23 eng>ara net ستقدم/ستوفر صافي ربح بقيمة pro closed ok
- Jul 17 '23 ara>eng أرض وعرة Rough terrain pro closed no
- Jul 17 '23 ara>eng تاريخ قيد التصرف Registration of the disposition act pro closed ok
- Jul 17 '23 ara>eng يحل محل في النصيب Shall Substitute them in their share pro closed ok
- Jul 17 '23 ara>eng بالغا ما بلغت No matter what their value/amount is pro closed ok
4 Jul 17 '23 ara>eng محل تجاري Business premise pro closed ok
- Jul 16 '23 eng>ara account to يقدم تقريرا للبائع بخصوص/حول pro closed ok
- Jul 16 '23 ara>eng الجفاف المدقع Extreme drought pro closed no
- Jul 16 '23 eng>ara solvent reconstruction إعادة البناء/التأهيل بهدف القدرة على سداد الديون pro closed ok
4 Jul 16 '23 eng>ara solvent amalgamation الاندماج بغية سداد الديون/بهدف القدرة على سداد الديون pro closed ok
- Jul 15 '23 ara>eng البيع حاضر The sale must be actual pro closed ok
- Jul 15 '23 ara>eng ثمن المثل The price of the properties (companies) alike /similar properties(companies) pro closed ok
4 Jul 14 '23 ara>eng ما يُثبت استلامه للبضائع To sign what shall serve as proof of receipt/deliver receipt of those items / merchandises pro closed ok
4 Jul 13 '23 ara>eng تفسر وتتمم بعضها بعضاً And shall be mutually explanatory and complementary pro closed ok
4 Jul 13 '23 fra>eng Plateau Miroir (Dining table) Mirror top pro closed ok
4 Jul 13 '23 fra>ara Plateau Miroir Table à Manger طاولة سفرة بسطح عاكس pro closed ok
- Jul 12 '23 ara>eng الموظف الشامل The comprehensive agent/official/employee (the single window system) pro closed ok
- Jul 12 '23 ara>eng يقف الجميع متساوين Equal pro open no
Asked | Open questions | Answered