English to Indonesian: Cognitive Psychology and Its Implication General field: Medical Detailed field: Psychology | |
Source text - English Goel and Grafman (2000) describe a patient, PF, who suffered damage to his right anterior prefrontal cortex as the result of a stroke. Like many patients with damage to the prefrontal cortex, PF appears normal and even intelligent, scoring in the superior range on an intelligence test. Nonetheless, for all these surface appearances of normality, there were profound intellectual deficits. He had been a successful architect before his stroke but was forced to retire because he had lost his ability to design. He was able to get some work as a draftsman. Goel and Grafman gave PF a problem that involved redesigning their laboratory space. Although he was able to speak coherently about the problem, he was unable to make any real progress on the solution. A comparably trained architect without brain damage achieved a good solution in a couple of hours. It seems that the stroke affected only PF’s most highly developed intellectual abilities. | Translation - Indonesian Goel dan Grafman (2000) menggambarkan seorang pasien, PF, yang mengalami kerusakan pada korteks prefrontal anterior kanannya akibat stroke. Seperti kebanyakan pasien dengan kerusakan pada korteks prefrontal, PF tampak normal dan bahkan cerdas, mencetak skor superior pada tes kecerdasan. Meskipun demikian, untuk semua kenampakan normalitas permukaan ini, ada defisit intelektual yang mendalam. Dia telah menjadi arsitek yang sukses sebelum stroke, tetapi terpaksa pensiun karena kehilangan kemampuan untuk mendesain. Dulu PF bisa bekerja sebagai juru gambar. Goel dan Grafman memberi PF masalah yang berhubungan dengan mendesain ulang ruang laboratorium mereka. Meskipun ia mampu berbicara secara koheren tentang masalah itu, PF tidak dapat membuat kemajuan nyata dalam penyelesaiannya. Seorang arsitek yang terlatih tanpa kerusakan otak mencapai solusi yang baik dalam beberapa jam. tampaknya, stroke hanya memengaruhi kemampuan intelektual yang paling berkembang dari PF.