Having graduated from Leeds University in 2013 with BA Hons French and History (First Class) , and again in 2015 with MA Global Development and Education (Merit), I have established my career in Children's Rights , specialising in Participation with disabled children and young people .
I currently have two jobs, one as Project Coordinator for Young Advisers Havering with Advocacy for All, a project which builds the skills and confidence for disabled young people and children to become peer researchers for the local council's consultations. A large part of this role is making information accessible to young people with intellectual and communication impairments, including autism and learning difficulties.
My second role is as Project Officer for Child to Child, on a large-scale international project which aims to mainstream children's rights through developing and centralising training and tools. Child to Child is an INGO which specialises in child participation, working in a wide range of contexts.
The combination of these roles means I am very familiar with rights discourse and terminology, as well as making information accessible in terms of language level as well as translation.
Regarding language, my primary language is English and secondary is French . While studying for my undergraduate degree, I was strongly encouraged to take translation or interpreting up as a career, having come third in my year in the translation module and top for interpreting. I have came first in the FR>EN category of the Hello Veritas! international student translation competition. |