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English to Spanish: Medical Translation - Hypocalcemia, in Manual of Emergency Medicine [G. Richard Braen] General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English Hypocalcemia may be associated with hypoparathyroidism, hyperphosphatemia, the malabsorptive states, hypomagnesemia, chronic renal failure, renal tubular acidosis, malnutrition, acute pancreatitis, and vitamin D resistance or deficiency (Table 3). In addition, hypoalbuminemia produces a reduction in the measured serum calcium, although the corrected ionized serum calcium may be normal and patients are asymptomatic. Hypocalcemia in the setting of hypomagnesemia (i.e., serum magnesium less than 1 mEq/L) is related to a reduction in parathyroid hormone secretion and a reduced effectiveness at the kidney.
OF HYPOCALCEMIA Hypoparathyroidism
malabsorptive states
chronic renal failure
renal tubular acidosis
acute pancreatitis
vitamin D resistance or deficiency
Diagnosis. Clinicaly, patients with hypocalcemia may report distal extremity numbness and tingling; latent tetany may be demonstrated with Chovestek’s sign (twitching of the perioral or perinasal muscles in response to gentle tapping over the facial nerve) or Trousseau’s sign (the elicitation of carpal spasm after 3 minutes of ischemia produced by inflating a tourniquet above systolic pressure on the upper extremity). The ECG may demonstrate a prolonged corrected QT interval in some patients (Table 4). In all patients with hypocalcemia, serum albumin, magnesium, phosphate, creatinine, BUN, vitamin D, electrolytes, and amylase should be determined.
Treatment depends on the specific cause; however, patients with severe or symptomatic hypocalcemia require intravenous calcium. Calcium gluconate may be added to 5% D/W and given intravenously at 0.01 to 0.5 mL/kg/hr. Urgent replacement can be accomplished with 20 to 30 mL of 10% calcium gluconate intravenous given over 10 to 15 minutes followed by a continuous infusion as described above. In patients with severe coexistent magnesium deficiency, which may contribute to hypocalcemia, 2 mEq/kg of magnesium sulfate may be administered in 5% D/W over 6 to 8 hours. Less severe deficiencies of this ion may be treated with oral magnesium supplementation as magnesium oxide, 250 to 500 mg two to four times daily.
Translation - Spanish La hipocalcemia puede estar relacionada con el hipoparatiroidismo, la hiperfosfatemia, situaciones de malabsorción, hipomagnesemia, insuficiencia renal crónica, acidosis tubular renal, desnutrición, pancreatitis aguda y resistencia o carencia de vitamina D (Tabla 3). Además, la hipoalbuminemia produce que la medición del calcio sérico sea menor, aunque el calcio sérico ionizado corregido puede ser normal y los pacientes serían asintomáticos. La hipocalcemia en el marco de la hipomagnesemia (es decir, magnesio sérico inferior a 1 mEq/l) está relacionada con una reducción en la secreción de la hormona paratiroidea y una insuficiencia renal.
DE HIPOCALCEMIA Hipoparatiroidismo
Situaciones de malabsorción
Insuficiencia renal crónica
Acidosis tubular renal
Pancreatitis aguda
Resistencia o carencia de vitamina D
Diagnóstico. Clínicamente, los pacientes con hipocalcemia pueden presentar entumecimiento y hormigueo en las extremidades distales; la tetania latente puede ponerse de manifiesto con el signo de Chvostek (espasmo de los músculos perioral y perinasal al percutir el nervio facial) o el signo de Trousseau (la inducción del espasmo del carpo después de 3 minutos de isquemia producida al inflar el manguito del tensiómetro por encima de la presión sistólica en la extremidad superior). El ECG muestra una prolongación del intervalo QT corregido en algunos pacientes (Tabla 4). Deben analizarse en todos los pacientes de hipocalcemia, seroalbúmina, magnesio, fosfato, creatinina, BUN, vitamina D, electrolitos y amilesia.
El tratamiento depende de la causa concreta, sin embargo, los pacientes con hipocalcemia severa o sintomática requieren calcio intravenoso. El gluconato cálcico puede añadirse a una solución al 5% de salino y administrarse por vía intravenosa con una dosis entre 0,01 y 0,5 ml/kg/h. Se puede lograr una reposición urgente con una dosis entre 20 y 30 ml de gluconato cálcico intravenoso al 10% durante entre 10 y 15 minutos, seguido de una infusión continua tal y como se describe arriba. En pacientes que presenten al mismo tiempo una deficiencia de magnesio severa, que puede contribuir a la hipocalcemia, pueden administrarse 2 mEq/kg de sulfato de magnesio en una solución al 5% de salino durante entre 6 y 8 horas. Deficiencias menos severas de este ión pueden tratarse con un suplemento de óxido de magnesio oral, entre 200 y 250 mg de dos a cuatro veces al día.
English to Spanish: Literary Translation - Letters of an Irish Parish Priest [John B. Keane] General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English
The Willows,
Dear Father O’Mora,
I called twice but you were out on each occasion. Let me introduce myself. I am Henry Dring, a native of this place, who is now home to stay after forty years in exile. I bought this fine house some months ago but only took up residence a fortnight back. I am a retired headmaster, widowed and without family. I had better come to the point and in so doing would have you remember that it is from a sense of duty and nothing else that I am compelled to unfold the following harrowing tale; as you will recall, the second fortnight of October was exceptionally fine. The last Monday of the month, in particular, was more like a June day than an October one. I motored in the afternoon to the beach known as Trawbofin four miles from here and set out for a walk across the dunes. There were few about; an elderly couple as I recall and a mother or governess with some children far up the beach. Suddenly a young couple dashed from behind a sandhill and ran towards the sea. You will say to yourself that they were perfectly entitled to do so. I concur and I would fight to the death for their right to dash into the sea provided they were wearing bathing attire, however immodest that attire might be.
I regret to inform you that they wore nothing whatsoever. They ran past me shamelessly, ignoring me even when I called after them in protest. The only words that escaped the young man’s lips were when he administered a half-hearted slap to the girl’s buttocks – I recall what he said: ‘Get moving or get mounted, your posterior has me intoxicated.’
I left the dunes in disgust vowing never to return until they were made safe for God-fearing people.
I naturally assumed that this immoral couple were from some distant city or foreign land forsaken by God, such as England or Wales. Some weeks later I was shocked to discover that the young man is a teacher in Lochnanane. Worse still the girl works in a chemist’s shop here. You can imagine my feeling of outrage at this gruesome discovery. My first thought was to report the matter to the Civic Guards but I decided, before doing so, that you should know first. The young man’s name is Thomas Cooley. Being a gentleman I will not mention the girl’s. I hope to hear from you soon regarding this most serious matter.
Henry Dring, M.A.
* * *
Loafer’s Lane,
Aha if twas the rich youd have them ansered long go. How is it not the poor. The keeping down of the poor is the work of the priests thes days I see for sure. The Monster struk agin las night an I sleeping. The docter said the las time it was tech and go. I’m lucky I’m not in the famly way. It wasent my time. His polci is strike first and ask qestens arter. Will you cum to my aid or I’ll get the brednife to him soon. They shuld be cut off all the men. I will rite to the bishop.
Your fateful servant,
Rosie Monsey.
Translation - Spanish
The Willows,
Estimado Padre O’Mora,
Fui dos veces a visitarle, pero estaba fuera en las dos ocasiones. Deje que me presente. Soy Henry Dring, autóctono de este lugar y que ha vuelto su tierra para quedarse tras cuarenta años en el exilio. Compré esta magnífica casa hace algunos meses aunque hace solo quince días que me he instalado. Soy un director de secundaria retirado, viudo y sin familia. Será mejor que vaya al grano y al hacerlo me gustaría recordarle que es el sentido del deber y nada más lo que me obliga a revelar la desgarradora historia que sigue. Como recordará, el tiempo en la segunda quincena de octubre fue excepcionalmente bueno. El último lunes del mes, en concreto, se parecía más a un día de junio que a uno de octubre. Por la tarde conduje hasta la playa conocida como Trawbofin a cuatro millas de aquí y me dispuse a dar un paseo a través de las dunas. Había poca gente alrededor; una pareja de ancianos, si no recuerdo mal, y a lo lejos una madre o institutriz con algunos niños. De repente, una pareja de jóvenes salió de detrás de un montón de arena y corrió hacia el mar. Estará pensando que tenían todo el derecho a hacerlo. Coincido con usted y lucharía hasta la muerte por su derecho a lanzarse al mar siempre y cuando vistieran atuendo de baño, por muy poco modesto que fuera.
Lamento informarle que no llevaban nada en absoluto. Me sobrepasaron corriendo sin ningún pudor, ignorándome incluso cuando les grité en señal de protesta. Las únicas palabras que escaparon de los labios del joven fueron al administrar una palmada desganada en las nalgas de la chica. He aquí lo que dijo: “O te mueves o te monto, ebrio estoy por tu trasero”.
Dejé las dunas asqueado jurando no volver jamás hasta que la gente temerosa de Dios pudiera estar a salvo en ellas.
Lógicamente asumí que esta pareja de inmorales procedían de alguna ciudad lejana o tierra extranjera olvidada de la mano de Dios, como Inglaterra o Gales. Unas semanas más tarde, descubrí horrorizado que el joven es profesor en Lochnanane. Peor aún, la chica trabaja en una farmacia local. Puede imaginarse mi indignación ante tan espantoso descubrimiento. Lo primero que se me pasó por la cabeza fue informar de este asunto a la Guardia Cívica, pero decidí que usted debería saberlo antes. El joven se llama Thomas Cooley. Como soy un caballero, no mencionaré el nombre de la chica. Espero recibir pronto noticias suyas respecto a tan serio asunto.
Henry Dring, M.A.
* * *
Camino de Loafer,
Aja si seria una rica habriame contestao ace mucho. Como es qe no a los pobres. Tener los pobres bien abajo es travajo de cura hoi en dia desde luego. El Mostruo ataco otra bez la noche pasada de la qe dormia. El medico dijome la ultima bez qe casi no lo cuento. Tengo suerte no estar en estado. No eran mis dias del mes. Su poritica es golpear primero y peguntar despues. Vendra en mi alluda o sacare el cuchillo de pan contra el pronto. Debian cortarselos a todos los ombres. Escribrire al obispo.
Su fiel serbidora,
Rosie Monsey.
English to Spanish: Subtitles - Season 8 Episode 11 from How I Met Your Mother (CBS) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English
Can I get you guys anything to drink?
Scotch neat.
Oh… my… God…!
Kids, you may be wondering why five adults in their thirties would take a jinx so seriously. It all started one day five years ago.
Uuuh, Van Helsing!
Jinx! You’re jinxed. That means that you can’t speak until someone who was present for the jinx says your name or else, you will have very bad luck.
Prrff… that’s ridiculous!
You broke the jinx!
Marshall, I’m a grownass man. I’m on my building’s co-op board. When I say a Pinot noir tastes luxuriously earthy with a hint of rhubarb… I’m not faking it. I’ve had several of the same sexual partners as Henry Kissinger. I’m not about to stop talking just because I was jinxed.
[later that day…]
Barney broke three limbs and two vertebrae, but he never broke another jinx. In fact, he started taking jinxes way too seriously. So, when someone finally jinxed Barney for the first time in years, we were pretty excited.
* * *
The reign of terror is over!
I’ve had this cigar in my pocket for two years waiting for this moment. Oh! That would have been good about two years ago.
Oh, oh, oh, you want us to say your name and unjinx you?
I don’t think so, pal. This is gonna be a long jinx, like Yom Kippur-services-long. The only difference is: Yom Kippur is a fast and this one is gonna be a slow.
Now Ted, I was wondering if you could expand upon what you were saying earlier about antiquated currency.
Oh, yes, yes. On the contrary to popular belief, the Buffalo nickel was modeled on the Black Diamond bison rather than the more iconic Western Plains bison. […unintelligible]
[how i met your mother]
* * *
But, guess what? I sent Professor Vinick the invitation to the opening of my building, so he’ll see that I did become an architect and that I’ve moved past his petty hurtful words.
Wow, fifteen years later and you are still this obsessed.
Yeah, if Vinick ever goes missing, the cops are gonna come looking for him in your basement.
Totally, he is Ted’s pit-guy.
How dare you! And what is that?
A pit-guy is someone you’ve been obsessed with for so long that it’s driven you crazy enough to throw them in a pit in your basement like in The Silence of the Lambs.
I’m not gonna Silence-of-the-Lambs him, at most, I’d Revenge-of-the-Nerds him, though I don’t see a scenario where he agrees to play me in a pentathlon.
Here I’m with Ted. There’s no one I hate enough to throw into a pit. What?
When Robin’s most hated co-worker Patrice started dating Barney, she became obsessed.
Patrice. Patrice goes in your pit.
Guys, I told you. I am done obsessing about Patrice. Just drop her.
Drop her in a pit.
We all have people that we would throw in our pits and I’m sure we all have people who would like to throw us in their pits.
Yeah, if Marshall or I ever go missing, I’ll tell you whose basement to look in. Daryl Lacourt.
* * *
To this day, we are still getting emails and posts from Daryl.
He has commented on every photo of baby Marvin we have ever posted. And then, he comments on his own comments.
DARYL (written):
[Look at that little hack
from your sack!
(Laughing Out Loud
While Hacking)]
Oh! Hey!
Hey guys, it’s Bar-non, my favorite non-speaking-jinx-person in the world! How was your day?
[I’ll tell you how my day was,
you bastards.
I spent an hour in a taxi
unable to
tell him where to go.
So I got reamed out at work
for being late.
But at least when they asked
who was too busy to work
this weekend,
I couldn’t say anything,
so that’s my Sunday!
Now I beg of you,
in the words of the almighty
Destiny’s Child…
Say my name!
Yeah… I didn’t get a word of that.
Translation - Spanish
0001 00:00:01:20 00:00:03:03
¿Queréis algo de beber?
0005 00:00:13:13 00:00:16:17
Chicos, os preguntaréis
por qué cinco treintañeros
0006 00:00:16:19 00:00:18:20
se tomaron un gafe tan en serio.
0007 00:00:19:11 00:00:21:14
Todo empezó cinco años atrás.
0008 00:00:21:20 00:00:23:17
Van Helsing.
0009 00:00:24:10 00:00:25:10
Estás gafado.
0010 00:00:25:21 00:00:28:24
No puedes hablar hasta que
uno de nosotros diga tu nombre
0011 00:00:29:23 00:00:31:12
sino, tendrás muy mala suerte.
0012 00:00:31:21 00:00:33:03
Menuda tontería.
0013 00:00:34:11 00:00:35:15
Rompiste el gafe.
0014 00:00:36:06 00:00:39:16
Ya soy un hombre adulto.
Estoy en la directiva de mi edificio.
0015 00:00:39:19 00:00:43:20
Cuando digo que un Pinot noir tiene
aroma a tierra con un toque de ruibarbo
0016 00:00:43:22 00:00:44:22
no me lo invento.
0017 00:00:45:02 00:00:48:10
Me acosté con mujeres
que se acostaron con Henry Kissinger.
0018 00:00:48:14 00:00:51:07
No voy a dejar de hablar
solo porque me han gafado.
0019 00:00:51:09 00:00:53:18
Más tarde...
0020 00:00:53:21 00:00:56:06
Tras romperse
3 extremidades y 2 vértebras
0021 00:00:56:08 00:00:57:21
Barney no rompió más gafes.
0022 00:00:57:23 00:01:00:18
De hecho, se los empezó a tomar
demasiado en serio.
0023 00:01:01:02 00:01:04:08
Así que, cuando alguien gafó a Barney
después de muchos años
0024 00:01:04:10 00:01:06:05
estábamos bastante contentos.
* * *
0025 00:01:06:07 00:01:07:20
Fin del reinado de terror.
0026 00:01:08:18 00:01:12:03
He tenido el puro guardado dos años
esperando este momento.
0027 00:01:14:02 00:01:16:05
Habría estado bueno hace dos años.
0028 00:01:22:05 00:01:24:21
¿Quieres que digamos tu nombre
y te desgafemos?
0029 00:01:25:19 00:01:26:24
Lo dudo, colega.
0030 00:01:27:04 00:01:31:07
Va a ser un gafe largo,
tan largo como un oficio de Yom Kippur.
0031 00:01:31:09 00:01:33:24
La diferencia es:
Yom Kippur empieza temprano
0032 00:01:34:01 00:01:36:09
y este va a terminar muy tarde.
0033 00:01:38:01 00:01:43:09
¿Porqué no nos cuentas más cosas
sobre monedas antiguas?
0034 00:01:44:19 00:01:49:22
El modelo para la moneda del búfalo
se tomó del bisonte Black Diamond
0035 00:01:49:24 00:01:53:14
en vez de otro más emblemático,
el de las llanuras occidentales.
0036 00:02:00:20 00:02:02:17
* * *
0037 00:02:11:17 00:02:12:17
¿Sabéis qué?
0038 00:02:12:19 00:02:16:00
Invité al profesor Vinick
a la inauguración de mi edificio
0039 00:02:16:02 00:02:21:00
para que vea que sí me hice arquitecto
y que he superado sus dañinas palabras.
0040 00:02:21:02 00:02:24:17
Sigues obsesionado 15 años más tarde.
-Sí, si Vinick desaparece
0041 00:02:24:19 00:02:26:23
la poli lo irá a buscar a tu sótano.
0042 00:02:27:06 00:02:29:16
Está claro, es el tío del pozo de Ted.
0043 00:02:29:20 00:02:30:24
Cómo te atreves.
0044 00:02:31:10 00:02:32:12
Y, ¿qué es eso?
0045 00:02:32:23 00:02:36:07
Un tío del pozo es alguien
que te ha obsesionado tanto tiempo
0046 00:02:36:18 00:02:40:05
y te ha vuelto tan loco,
que lo tirarías a un pozo en el sótano
0047 00:02:40:10 00:02:42:10
como en El silencio de los corderos.
0048 00:02:47:13 00:02:49:21
No le voy a dar
El silencio de los corderos.
0049 00:02:50:08 00:02:53:01
Como mucho,
sufriría La revancha de los novatos.
0050 00:02:53:03 00:02:56:08
Aunque no veo posible
que se enfrente a mí en un pentatlón.
0051 00:02:56:10 00:02:57:10
Estoy con Ted.
0052 00:02:57:12 00:03:00:18
No hay nadie a quien odie tanto
como para tirarlo a un pozo.
0053 00:03:02:02 00:03:03:02
0054 00:03:03:09 00:03:05:20
La compañera de trabajo
que más odiaba Robin
0055 00:03:05:22 00:03:08:14
empezó a salir con Barney
y Robin se obsesionó.
0056 00:03:09:00 00:03:11:12
Tiras a Patrice al pozo.
0057 00:03:11:14 00:03:15:08
Ya os lo he dicho.
Se acabó obsesionarse con Patrice.
0058 00:03:15:10 00:03:17:10
-...caer al pozo.
0059 00:03:17:12 00:03:18:12
Vale ya.
0060 00:03:18:16 00:03:21:07
Todos tenemos a alguien
que tiraríamos al pozo
0061 00:03:21:09 00:03:25:14
y seguro que también hay gente
que nos tiraría a sus pozos.
0062 00:03:25:24 00:03:29:19
Si Marshall o yo desaparecemos,
sé de quién es el sótano donde buscar.
0063 00:03:30:05 00:03:31:11
Daryl Lacourt.
* * *
0064 00:03:32:04 00:03:35:15
Aún seguimos recibiendo e-mails
y mensajes de Daryl.
0065 00:03:35:24 00:03:40:04
Ha comentado en todas
las fotos de Marvin que hemos subido.
0066 00:03:40:19 00:03:45:08
Y después,
comenta en sus propios comentarios.
0067 00:03:49:01 00:03:54:21
Mirad, es Bar-no,
mi persona no-hablante-gafada favorita.
0068 00:03:55:20 00:03:57:05
¿Qué tal el día?
0069 00:03:57:22 00:03:59:12
Os contaré mi día,
0070 00:03:59:14 00:04:02:05
Pasé una hora en un taxi
por no decirle a dónde ir.
0071 00:04:02:07 00:04:04:13
Tuve bronca en el curro
por llegar tarde.
0072 00:04:04:15 00:04:07:10
Preguntaron quién estaba ocupado
el fin de semana
0073 00:04:07:12 00:04:09:18
y no dije nada,
así que ¡ese es mi domingo!
0074 00:04:09:20 00:04:12:16
Os lo suplico,
en palabras del todopoderoso
0075 00:04:12:18 00:04:14:03
Destiny's Child
0076 00:04:14:18 00:04:15:18
¡Di mi nombre!
0077 00:04:16:02 00:04:17:13
¡¡Di mi nombre!!
0078 00:04:19:10 00:04:20:18
No pillé ni una palabra.
Spanish to English: Inverse Translation - Auto de los Reyes Magos [12th century Spanish - Anonymous] General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Spanish CASPAR (Solo.)
¡Dios criador, cuál maravila!
No sé cuál es aquesta strela.
Agora primas la he veída;
poco timpo ha que es nacida.
¿Nacido es el Criador
que es de la[s] gentes Senior?
Non es verdad, non sé qué digo;
todo esto non vale uno figo.
Otra nocte me lo cataré;
si es vertad, bine lo sabré.
¿Bine es vertad lo que yo digo?
En todo, en todo lo prohío.
¿Non pudet seer otra sennal?
Aquesto es y non es ál;
nacido es Dios, por ver, de fembra
in aquest mes de december.
Alá iré; ó que fure, aoralo he;
por Dios de todos lo terné.
Esta strela non sé dond vinet,
quín la trae o quín la tine.
¿Por qué es aquesta sennal?
En mos días [n]on vi atal.
Certas nacido es en tirra
aquel qui en pace y en guer[r]a
senior ha a seer da oriente
de todos hata in occidente.
Por tres noches me lo veré
y más de vero lo sabré.
¿En todo, en todo es nacido?
Non sé si algo he veído.
Iré, lo aoraré,
y pregaré y rogaré.
¡Val, Criador! ¿Atal facinda
fu nuncas alguandre falada
o en escriptura trubada?
Tal estrela non es in celo;
d’esto só yo bono strelero.
Bine lo veo sines escarno
que uno omne es nacido de carne
que es senior de todo el mundo,
así cumo el cilo es redondo.
De todas gentes senior será
y todo seglo jugará.
¿Es? ¿Non es?
Cudo que verdad es.
Veerlo he otra vegada,
si es vertad o si es nada.
Nacido es el Criador
de todas las gentes mayor.
Bine lo [v]eo que es verdad;
iré alá, par caridad.
Translation - English CASPAR (Alone.)
That’s such a miracle, oh God creator,
I do not know what this star is for!
This is the first time it is seen,
Not long ago born has it been.
Is it that the Creator is born,
Of all the people Lord?
It is not true, my talk is nonsense,
All this is utterly useless;
I will look into it another night,
Well will I know if this is right.
Am I not right in what I say?
In all and all I will maintain.
Can it be another sign?
This is it, no other thing;
Of a woman is God born,
In December, in this month.
I will go anywhere to worship him,
That God he is I will admit.
Of this star’s source there is no trace,
Of who is the owner that chose its place.
What is there about this sign?
There was no equal in my time.
Sure it is, on earth is born
He who both in peace and war
Lord must be in all the West
Of everyone even the East.
I will observe for three nights more
And I will know the truth for sure.
So is it true that born he is been?
I do not know what I have seen.
To worship him I will now go
And I will pray and will implore.
God help me if such an object
Has ever been uncovered
Or in scriptures discovered?
That star is not in sky,
As Astrologist I am fine;
Well I see it without doubt
That a man from flesh is born,
He who is Lord of all the world,
As sure as the sky is round;
Of all people he will be Lord
And he will judge all the world.
Is it? Is it not?
I think it is true.
I will check another time
And see whether is truth or lie.
The Creator has been born,
From the people the greater of all;
It is true, I see it well,
I will go, for pity’s sake.
Translation education
Master's degree - Imperial College London
Years of experience: 13. Registered at Jul 2013.
In addition, I have held several jobs in between my studies, all of them in the language field. They have been mostly as a translator and as a Spanish and English language and literature teacher, as well as a Translation Project Coordinator at a translation agency. All these positions have helped me to further develop my translation philosophy, emphasising my natural predilection for accurary and detail.
Having achieved the qualifications that I set for myself years ago, I am now working as a full-time freelance translator.
Moreover, on the sides of work and study I have developed my interest in new technology and activities such as web design. Likewise, I am always undertaking both short and long-term language projects, the latest one being teaching myself Norwegian.
Keywords: translation services, language services, translation, localization, localisation, english, french, spanish, literary, audiovisual translation. See more.translation services, language services, translation, localization, localisation, english, french, spanish, literary, audiovisual translation, medical translation, technical translation, scientific translation, creative translation, transcreation, subtitling, software, website, game, marketing, fashion, tourism. See less.