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French to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.15 EUR per word / 33 - 42 EUR per hour Polish to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.15 EUR per word / 33 - 42 EUR per hour Spanish to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.15 EUR per word / 33 - 42 EUR per hour
Translation Volume: 15 days Completed: Sep 2011 Languages:
French to English
50,000 word treatise on French and European contract law
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 45000 words Completed: Jan 2011 Languages: Polish to English
Design and construction contract for LNG Plant
Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 35000 words Completed: Nov 2010 Languages: Polish to English
35, 000 words - Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego - Polish Association of Brokers
Law: Taxation & Customs
No comment.
Translation Volume: 8500 words Completed: Nov 2010 Languages:
Contrato de Operación y Mantenimiento - O & M Contract
Energy / Power Generation
No comment.
Translation Volume: 5 days Completed: Sep 2010 Languages:
Spanish to English
On site document review in potential litigation
Finance (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 12000 words Completed: Jun 2010 Languages: French to English
Law: Taxation & Customs
positive MaxiTrad: A very good job. You always helped us to provide quality services. Thanks a lot.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 60 pages Completed: Dec 2009 Languages: Polish to English
60-page Business Plan for Shopping Centre in G. Wielkopolski
(UK English)
Business/Commerce (general), Construction / Civil Engineering, Finance (general)
positive Unlisted : Wonderful job, many thanks!
Translation Volume: 45 pages Completed: Aug 2009 Languages: Polish to English
Chapter in Legal Treatise published late 2009
Translation of chapter in Professor Boguslaw Banaszak's book:
"Impact of European Integration on the Law and Constitutional System in Poland'
Government / Politics, International Org/Dev/Coop, Law (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 26000 words Completed: Jan 2009 Languages: Spanish to English
26,000 words - Corporate filings, notarial deeds, articles of incorporation
Law (general), Law: Contract(s)
positive Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): Anne proved to be an exceptional translation, giving back a document of outstanding quality in a perfect format. It will be a pleasure to work with her again in the near future.
Translation Volume: 18000 words Completed: Dec 2007 Languages: French to English
Massive translation accounting and consumer credit rules
neutral Blue Board outsourcer (0 to 5 entries): No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 6 hours Completed: Dec 2007 Languages: French to English
Decrees concerning international subsidy to Burkina Faso
Investment / Securities
positive : No comment.
Translation Volume: 25 pages Completed: Nov 2007 Languages: French to English
Translation Volume: 16 pages Completed: Oct 2007 Languages: Polish to English
Food industry - Production process management
Manufacturing, Management, Food & Drink
positive Globus Translations: Professional work,I am very content from the work and the service.
Translation Volume: 200 pages Duration: Mar 2007 to Oct 2007 Languages: Polish to English
Massive translation of business documents and contracts and appendices
Law: Contract(s)
positive Affordable Translations: Anne is very reliable, experienced, efficient, and intelligent. I continue to use her for Polish, Spanish, and French. She is communicative and easy to work with as well.
Translation Volume: 2 pages Completed: Aug 2007 Languages: Polish to English
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French to English: Cahier des Clauses Techniques Particulières - centrale de production d'énergie électrique - Technical specifications - construction of electrical power plant
Source text - French L'étendue des prestations est la suivante :
- L’engineering, la fourniture, le transport jusqu'à pied d'oeuvre, le montage, la mise en service et les
essais d'un groupe de la gamme XXX MW électrique, puissance mesurée aux bornes de l’alternateur
aux conditions site
- la conception du massif de fondation du groupe et des autres ouvrages de génie civil annexes
nécessaires: travaux cloisonnement de la salle des machines, démolition de l'actuelle dalle, les
terrassement et travaux de réalisation du massif de fondation du groupe électrogène, caniveaux
techniques, supports ou massifs d'auxiliaires, etc.
- l'installation et clôture de chantier pour les travaux de montage électro-mécanique du groupe
- les auxiliaires du groupe,
- leurs appareils de mesure et de contrôle
- les circuits fluides (combustible, huile, eau, air, effluents, air comprimé…) et leurs raccordements
sur les circuits communs de la centrale
- les raccordements électriques de tous les matériels fournis et installés par le constructeur,
- le transformateur de tranche (en montage bloc)
- le contrôle commande complet du groupe, ou ‘supervision groupe’, permettant sa gestion en
autonome, celui-ci devra être relié à la supervision générale de la centrale, ou ‘supervision centrale’
pour une gestion intégrale (suivi et commande). Afin de permettre le développement de cette liaison
par XXX, le contrôle-commande sera fourni sans conditions avec tous les outils (logiciels,
matériels, et autres) permettant la maintenance et le paramétrage du contrôle commande sous le
protocole Modbus.
- Il devra s'intégrer avec les automatismes existant notamment la répartition de la charge
- les armoires Basse Tension (TGBT, mesures, protections, automatismes, système de répartition de
- les armoires de télécommande et coffrets de télécommunication (automates programmables
industriels (API), les équipements de communication, …)
- le raccordement sur le système de récupération et de traitement des effluents
- le transport des moteurs et de leurs auxiliaires jusque et y compris sa pose sur massif
- la bonne marche en parallèle du nouveau groupe et de la centrale existante
Les énumérations ci-dessus et ci après ne le sont qu'à titre indicatif, elles ne sont nullement
limitatives, le constructeur reste tenu de fournir un ensemble de matériels complet en ordre de
marche dans les limites de fournitures précisées.
Translation - English The scope of services is as follows:
- The engineering, supply, transport to the site, assembly, installation and testing of a XX MW-class electrical generator; power measured at the terminals of the alternator according to the site conditions,
- the design of the foundation units for the generator, and any other civil engineering works required, partitioning of the machine room, demolition of the current slab, the earthworks and construction of the foundation unit for the electrical generator, technical gutters, support structures or foundations for the auxiliaries, etc.,
- the installation and fencing of the work site for the electro-mechanical assembly of the generator,
- the generator auxiliaries,
- measurement and control equipment,
- the fluid supply circuits (fuel, oil, water, air, gases, compressed air…) and their connection to the main lines of the Power Station,
- the unit transformer (in block assembly),
- the complete command set of the generator, or “generator supervision”, allowing its autonomous management which will need to be linked to the general Power Station supervision, or “central supervision” for overall management. (follow- up and command). In order to enable the development of this link via XXX – the command-control shall be fully supplied with all the required tools, (software, materials, etc.) allowing the maintenance and the parameter-setting of the command-control pursuant to the Modbus protocol,
- It shall need to be fully integrated with the existing automation, in particular the load-sharing,
- the Low Voltage power cabinets (TBGT [Tableau General Basse Tension- low voltage master distribution panel], measurements, protection, automation, load- sharing systems,
- the remote control cabinets and telecommunications cases (industrial programmable controllers (API [Application Program Interface]), communications equipment),
- connection to the main gas treatment and recovery system,
- the transportation of the engines and auxiliaries up to, and including, the installation on the foundation unit,
- the proper operation in parallel of the new generator and the existing Power Station.
The above-enumerated and below-enumerated items are provided as an indication and such listing is not exhaustive; the supplier shall provide a complete set of materials in proper working condition in accordance with the supply list provided.
French to English: Pledge agreement; Nantissement
Source text - French En garantie du paiement et du remboursement par l’Emprunteur des Obligations Garanties, le Constituant affecte en nantissement au profit du Bénéficiaire à concurrence des sommes qu’il percevra au titre des xxxx pour le compte de l’Emprunteur, conformément aux dispositions du xxx relatives à la mise en gage d'une créance, (i) sa créance de restitution sur le Teneur de Compte résultant du solde créditeur du Compte Nanti à la date du Blocage visé à l'Article xxxx (Fonctionnement du Compte Nanti) des présentes, et (ii) les Versements éventuels.Le Constituant, assureur de l’Emprunteur et souscripteur des xxxx intervient dans les présentes (i) en sa qualité de constituant du Nantissement prévu aux présentes (ii) dans les limites des termes, conditions et engagements prévus dans l’Acte.
Fonctionnement du Compte Nanti avant Blocage
Tant qu'aucun Cas de Défaut ou qu’un Evénement Important n’est survenu et que le Compte Nanti n'aura pas été bloqué conformément à l'Article xxx(Fonctionnement du Compte Nanti après Blocage) de l'Acte, le Constituant pourra opérer des opérations de crédit sur le Compte Nanti, mais ne pourra pas le débiter sans l’accord préalable et écrit du Bénéficiaire.
Fonctionnement du Compte Nanti après Blocage
En cas de survenance d’un Evénement Important ou de l'un quelconque des Cas de Défaut, le fonctionnement du Compte Nanti sera bloqué par le Teneur de Comptes agissant sur instruction du Bénéficiaire, dès notification par le Bénéficiaire d'un Avis de Blocage au Teneur de Comptes sans pour autant entraîner la clôture dudit Compte Nanti. Une fois le fonctionnement du Compte Nanti bloqué conformément au présent Article, tout débit du Compte Nanti sera interdit et ce Compte Nanti ne pourra enregistrer que des écritures créditrices, sauf instruction contraire expresse du Bénéficiaire, par exception à ce qui précède, (i) la xxxx agissant au titre du Mandat d’Intérêt Commun pourra effectuer des débits au profit du Bénéficiaire et (ii) la xxxx agissant au titre de la réalisation du Nantissement pourra donner l’instruction d’effectuer des débits dans les conditions prévues à l’Article xxxx (Réalisation du Nantissement). Tout versement au crédit du Compte Nanti ayant fait l'objet d'un Blocage, ultérieurement à ce Blocage (un "Versement", collectivement les "Versements"), entrera de plein droit dans l'assiette du Nantissement.
Translation - English THE PLEDGE
As guarantee for the payment and reimbursement by the Borrower of the Guaranteed Obligations, the Pledgor hereby pledges to the Beneficiary’s benefit the amount up to the limit of such amount as he receives under the xxxx for the Borrower’s account, in accordance with the provisions of the xxxxx Code relating to the collateralizing of a pledge, (i) his pledged debt obligation on the account funds to the Account Holder on the Freeze date envisaged in Article xxxx (Operation of the Pledged Account) of instant Agreement, and (ii) possible Payments thereunder.
The Pledgor, the Borrower’s insurer and underwriter of the xxxx, in the instant Agreement (I) in his capacity as Pledgor envisaged in the instant Agreement (II) within the limits of the terms, conditions and undertakings envisaged in the Agreement.
Operation of the Pledged Account prior to Freeze
For so long as no Event of Breach or SIGNIFICANT EVENT has occurred and the Pledged Account shall not have been frozen in accordance with Article xxx(Operation of the Pledged Account after Freeze) of the Agreement, the Pledgor shall be able to perform credit transactions on the Pledged Account, but shall not be able to withdraw from it without prior and written approval from the Beneficiary.
Operation of the Pledged Account after Freeze
In the event a the occurrence of a Significant Event or any of the Events of Breach , the operation of the Pledged Account shall be frozen by the Account Holder acting on instructions of the Beneficiary, upon notice from the Beneficiary via Notice of Freeze to the Account Holder without necessarily requiring the closure of such Pledged Account. As such time as the Pledged Account is frozen in accordance with the instant Article, any withdrawal from the Pledged Account shall be prohibited and the Pledged Account shall be able to post solely credit entries, unless otherwise instructed by the Beneficiary, provided however, notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) the xxx acting pursuant to a Mandat d’Interet Commun (Common Interest Mandate) shall be able to debit the account to the Beneficiary’s benefit and (ii) the xxxx acting in furtherance of the execution of the Pledge shall be able instruct the debiting of the account under the conditions envisaged in Article xxx (Execution of the Pledge). Any funds credited to the Pledged Account having been subject to a Freeze shall, following such Freeze (“Funds Credited”), be deemed as included in the Pledged Account base.
French to English: Rectification - Principe de non immixtion dans la gestion de l'entreprise - Tax Appeal - principle of non-interference with the management of enterprise
Source text - French Le principe de non immixtion dans la gestion de l'entreprise est depuis longtemps affirmé par la jurisprudence du Conseil d’Etat.
Nous ne reviendrons pas sur les nombreuses solutions jurisprudentielles faisant application de ce principe, qui ont déjà été mises en avant par xxxx dans le cadre de ses observations en date du xxxxx
(ii) Exception au principe de non immixtion: la théorie de l'acte anormal de gestion
Par exception au principe de non immixtion dans la gestion des entreprises, l’administration fiscale peut remettre en cause les conséquences fiscales d’une opération si elle parvient à démontrer que la décision de gestion relève d’une gestion anormale.
D’une manière générale, la jurisprudence répute anormal tout acte de gestion « qui met une dépense ou une perte à la charge de l'entreprise, ou qui prive cette dernière d'une recette, sans que l'acte soit justifié par les intérêts de l'exploitation commerciale » .
Il a à cet égard été jugé que :
- dans le cadre de l’arrêt Prunier , la société qui décide d’affecter ses bénéfices à des distributions plutôt que de les utiliser pour financer ses besoins de trésorerie ne commet pas d’acte anormal de gestion ;
- dans le cadre de l’arrêt Merck-Clévenot , lorsqu’une société mère, située en Suisse, consent à la fusion de ses deux filiales françaises à la condition préalable du rachat, par l’une d’entre elles, de titres détenus par la mère dans le capital de l’autre, la société qui s’endette pour effectuer l’acquisition des titres n’accomplit pas d’acte de gestion anormal en procédant à ce rachat dès lors que la fusion était la condition de la poursuite de son activité en France.
(iii) Principes relatifs à l’administration de la preuve de l’acte anormal de gestion
En cas de litige faisant suite à une procédure de redressement contradictoire, c’est à l’administration fiscale qu’il revient d’établir, devant le juge, le bien-fondé de l’imposition notifiée.
S’agissant en particulier de redressements fondés sur la notion jurisprudentielle d’acte anormal de gestion, les principes généraux de la charge de la preuve ont été fixés par le Conseil d’Etat dans l’arrêt Renfort Service du 27 juillet 1984, n° 34588, rendu en assemblée plénière. Selon cet arrêt, quelle que soit la partie qui supporte la charge de la preuve en fonction du déroulement de la procédure, il appartient toujours (i) au contribuable de justifier l’exactitude des écritures comptables relatives à l’acte litigieux lorsqu’elles portent sur des créances de tiers, des amortissements, des provisions ou des charges et (ii) à l’administration d’établir les faits sur lesquels elle se fonde pour invoquer le caractère anormal de l’acte de gestion.
Les principes de l’arrêt Renfort Service sont également applicables aux redressements fondés sur les articles 39-1 et 57 du CGI, en ce qu’ils font référence à la théorie de l’acte anormal de gestion. A cet égard, la doctrine et la jurisprudence précisent :
- « qu'il appartient (…) au contribuable, pour l'application des dispositions (de l'article 39) du CGI de justifier tant du montant des charges qu'il entend déduire du bénéfice net défini à l'article 38 du CGI que de la correction de leur inscription en comptabilité, c'est-à-dire du principe même de leur déductibilité ; qu'en ce qui concerne les charges, le contribuable apporte cette justification par la production de tous éléments suffisamment précis portant sur la nature de la charge en cause, ainsi que sur l'existence et la valeur de la contrepartie qu'il en a retirée ; que dans l'hypothèse où le contribuable s'acquitte de cette obligation, il incombe ensuite au service, q'il s'y croit fondé, d'apporter la preuve de ce que la charge en cause n'est pas déductible par nature, qu'elle est dépourvue de contrepartie, qu'elle a une contrepartie dépourvue d'intérêt pour le contribuable ou que la rémunération de cette contrepartie est excessive » ;
- que lorsque l’administration se fonde sur l’article 57 du CGI pour justifier un redressement, il lui appartient de prouver, selon la procédure de droit commun, l’existence et le montant des avantages particuliers consentis à la société étrangère ; en d’autres termes, l'administration doit prouver « le caractère anormal de l'opération qu'elle entend redresser » .
Par conséquent, dès lors qu’une opération est à la fois matériellement justifiée et correctement comptabilisée, c’est à l’administration qu’il incombe de démontrer que l’acte de gestion à l’origine de cette opération est étranger à l’intérêt de l’entreprise .
Translation - English The principle of non-interference in the management of an enterprise has long been affirmed by the jurisprudence of the Conseil d’Etat (French Council of State).
We shall not revisit the extensive jurisprudence that applies this principle, which has already been advanced by xxxx within the scope of its comments of xxxx.
(ii) The exception to the non-interference principle: the theory of the abnormal act of management.
By way of exception to the principle of non-interference with the management of enterprises, the tax authorities are empowered to question the tax consequences of a transaction of they are able to demonstrate that the management decision results from an abnormal act of management.
In general, any act of management which « causes an expense or a loss to be charged to the enterprise, or which deprives the latter of income, without such act being otherwise justified by the furtherance of its commercial operations » is deemed to constitute an abnormal act.
It has been held, as regards this issue, that:
- within the scope of the Prunier judgment, a company that decides to allocate its profits by distributing them rather than using them for meeting its cash flow requirements does not commit an abnormal act of management ;
- Within the scope of the Merck-Clévenot decision, when a parent company, located in Switzerland, consents to the merger of both of its French subsidiaries upon the condition that one of them repurchase the shares held by the parent company in the share capital, the company that takes on debt for the purpose of acquiring the shares does not commit an abnormal act of management where going forward with such a repurchase on account of the merger is the condition precedent to the pursuit of its business activities in France.
(iii) Principles governing the taking of evidence concerning the abnormal act of management.
In the event of litigation following a tax-reassessment procedure that is disputed by the taxpayer, the burden of proof is on the tax authority to demonstrate, to the judge, the meritorious nature of its notification as to the imposition of taxes.
As specifically regards reassessments that are based on the jurisprudential notion of an abnormal act of management, the general principles concerning the burden of proof were established by the Council of State in its judgement in Renfort Service of 27 July 1984, No. 34588, which was rendered in plenary assembly. According to this decision, irrespective of which party bears the burden of proof during the conduct of the proceedings, it is always: (i) incumbent upon the taxpayer to substantiate the accuracy of those accounting records that relate to the subject matter of the litigation whenever they pertains to third-party debts, amortisation, reserves or expenses, and (ii) incumbent upon the tax authority to establish the facts on which it relies in invoking the abnormal nature of the management act.
The principles of the Renfort Service judgment are equally applicable to reassessment proceedings based on Articles 39-1 and 57 of the General Tax Code in that they make reference to the theory of the abnormal act of management. In this regard, both legal doctrine and jurisprudence clearly hold that
- « it is incumbent upon (…) the taxpayer, as regards the applicability of the provisions (of Article 39) of the General Tax Code, to substantiate not only the total amount of the expenses he seeks to deduct from net revenues within the meaning of Article 38 of the CGI, but the accuracy of their being accounted for, which is to say, of the very principle of their deductibility ; that as regards expenses, the taxpayer provides such substantiation by the production of sufficiently precise evidence of the nature of the expense at issue, as well as the existence and the value of the consideration derived therefrom ; that under the assumption that the taxpayer has met this obligation, it is then incumbent upon the Service, if it believes it to be well-founded, to prove that the expense at issue is not, by its nature, deductible, that their has been no consideration therefor, that the consideration is not advantageous to the taxpayer, or that the amount of compensation for such consideration is excessive ».
- that when the tax authority relies on Article 57 of the General Tax Code to justify a reassessment, it must prove, according to the processes of common law, the existence of, and the total amount of, the particular benefits granted to the foreign company: in other words, the tax authority must demonstrate « the abnormal nature of the transaction that it seeks to reassess ».
Accordingly, once a transaction has been materially substantiated and correctly accounted for, it is the tax authority that must show that the management act that underlies the transaction is contrary to the interests of the enterprise.
French to English: Avis juridique (Legal opinion)
Source text - French Le présent Avis Juridique se limite à des questions relevant du droit xxx et à la signature de la convention de financement.
Par ailleurs, aucune opinion n'est donnée s'agissant ;
Des faits dont nous avons présumé ci-dessous qu'ils étaient établis;
Des déclarations et garanties exprimées par les parties aux documents
De toute question qui relèverait d'un droit autre que le droit xxxx
Pour les besoins du présent Avis Juridique, nous avons examiné les copies des Documents suivants:
1. Convention de Financement
2. Extrait du Registre de Commerce de xxx
3. Accord Cadre entre xxxx
4. Contrat de coordination entre xxx
5. Contrat d’exploitation et de maintenance entre xxxx
6. Conditions particulières EPC
7. Protocole relatif à la résolution des différends
Translation - English The instant legal opinion is submitted to you pursuant to Section xxxx of the Financing Agreement.
The instant Legal Opinion is limited to the issues pertaining to xxx law and the execution of the Financing Agreement.
Further, no opinion is offered concerning;
The facts which we have hereinbelow assumed to be in existence;
The representations and warranties of the parties set forth in the documents of the transaction;
Any issue arising under any law other than the law of xxxx.
In connection with the instant Legal Opinion, we have reviewed the following documents:
1. The Financing Agreement between xxx
2. Extract from the Commercial Registry of xxx
3. Framework Agreement between xxxx
4. Coordination Agreement between xxx
5. Operation and Maintenance Agreement between xxx
6. Specific EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) terms
7. Dispute Resolution Protocol
Polish to English: UMOWA O PRACĘ NA OKRES PRÓBNY - Employment Contract for Probationary Period
Source text - Polish
zawarta dnia xxxxx 2007 r. pomiędzy:
1. "Pracodawcą":
xxxx Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie przy xxxxxxxxx, reprezentowaną dla celów niniejszej umowy przez Pana xxxx – Dyrektora Generalnego, Członka Zarządu i Pana xxxxx - Członka Zarządu.
1.1 Pracodawca zatrudnia Pracownika na stanowisku ………………………………………………………...
1.2. Zakres obowiązków za w/w stanowisku określony jest w załączniku nr 2 i stanowi integralną część niniejszej umowy.
1.3. Pracownik jest obowiązany wykonywać pracę sumiennie i starannie oraz stosować się do poleceń Pracodawcy i bezpośrednich przełożonych, a także dbać o dobro Pracodawcy, chronić jego mienie oraz zachować w tajemnicy wszelkie informacje, których ujawnienie mogłoby narazić Pracodawcę na szkodę. Pracownik jest zobowiązany do przestrzegania regulaminu pracy i porządku pracy oraz wszelkich innych procedur i regulaminów Pracodawcy.
§ 2.
Okres zatrudnienia
Niniejsza umowa została zawarta na okres próbny ………………………………. do dnia ……………………………… r.
§ 3.
3.1 Podstawowe wynagrodzenie Pracownika wynosi ………… (słownie:……………………………….) złotych brutto miesięcznie.
3.2 Pracownikowi może zostać wypłacona kwartalna premia uznaniowa brutto w wysokości …..% wynagrodzenia zasadniczego przy osiągnięciu planów sprzedaży i indywidualnych zadań kwartalnych na poziomie 100%. Decyzja o przyznaniu premii i jej wysokości lub też o jej nie wypłaceniu podejmowana jest przez Pracodawcę zależnie od oceny wyników pracy Pracownika i osiągania przez niego wytyczonych celów i zadań. Wypłacanie premii następuje każdorazowo w ciągu jednego miesiąca kalendarzowego od zakończenia danego kwartału.
3.3. Wynagrodzenie będzie płatne z dołu na koniec każdego miesiąca. Od wynagrodzenia Pracownika będzie opłacane ubezpieczenie społeczne (ZUS) oraz podatek dochodowy zgodnie z przepisami polskiego prawa.
3.4 Pracownik upoważnia Pracodawcę do wypłaty wynagrodzenia w formie przelewu na wskazane przez Pracownika konto bankowe.
§ 4.
Miejsce pracy, czas pracy i inne postanowienia dotyczące zasad świadczenia pracy
4.1 Pracownik będzie wykonywał swoje obowiązki w regionie …………………………... Podczas wykonywania obowiązków Pracownik może być zobowiązany do odbywania podróży służbowych w kraju i za granicą.
4.2 Pracownik zostaje zatrudniony w zadaniowym wymiarze czasu pracy. Czas pracy Pracownika wynosi 8 godzin dziennie i średnio 40 godzin w pięciodniowym tygodniu pracy od poniedziałku do piątku.
§ 5.
Ubezpieczenie, i inne świadczenia
Pracownik będzie uprawniony do świadczeń z ubezpieczenia, i innych określonych w Liście Świadczeń stanowiącej Załącznik nr 1 do niniejszej Umowy oraz w odpowiednich regulaminach Pracodawcy.
§ 6.
Samochód służbowy oraz telefon komórkowy
Pracownikowi przysługuje samochód służbowy zgodnie z lokalną polityką samochodową Pracodawcy. Ponadto Pracownik otrzymuje do służbowego wykorzystania telefon komórkowy zgodnie z zasadami obowiązującymi u Pracodawcy.
§ 7.
Urlop wypoczynkowy
Pracownikowi przysługuje prawo do płatnego urlopu wypoczynkowego zgodnie z przepisami Kodeksu Pracy.
§ 8.
Rozwiązanie umowy oraz postanowienia końcowe
8.1 Każda ze stron może rozwiązać niniejszą umowę za wypowiedzeniem zgodnie z przepisami polskiego prawa.
8.2 Wszelkie zmiany lub uzupełnienia niniejszej Umowy wymagają formy pisemnej pod rygorem nieważności.
8.3 W sprawach nie uregulowanych w niniejszej Umowie mają zastosowanie odpowiednie przepisy prawa, a w szczególności postanowienia Kodeksu Pracy.
8.4 Umowa niniejsza została sporządzona w dwóch jednobrzmiących egzemplarzach, po jednym dla każdej ze stron.
Pracodawca zapewni Pracownikowi uczestnictwo w programie opieki medycznej. Usługi opieki medycznej będą wykonywane przez xxxxx z o.o. Pracownik będzie objęty podstawowym programem opieki medycznej w ramach ryczałtowej opłaty wnoszonej przez Pracodawcę.
2. Ubezpieczenie na życie
Pracodawca sfinansuje koszty podpisania i zapewni Pracownikowi polisę ubezpieczeniową na życie na sumę …………. PLN. Umowa ubezpieczenia na życie zostanie zawarta z xxxxx.
3. Lunch kupony
Pracodawca zapewnia Pracownikowi lunch kupony na kwotę ….. zł miesięcznie.
Translation - English
Entered into the xxxx 2007 between:
1. The "Employer":
xxx z o.o. xxxx, a Limited Liability Corporation), having its registered head offices in Warsaw at xxxxx, represented for the purposes below by Mr. xxxxx – General Manager, and Member of the Management Board and Mr. xxxxx– a Member of the Management Board.
2. The "Employee":
§ 1.
Scope of duties
1.1 The Employer hires the Employee for the position of ………………………………………………………...
1.2. The position description for this position is set forth in Attachment 2 hereto, and shall constitute an integral part of the Agreement as is set forth below:
1.3. The Employee shall be required to perform his tasks diligently and with due care, as well as to comply with the directives of the Employer and those of his direct supervisors, as well as exercise due care to ensure the Employer s welfare, to protect its name as well as preserve as confidential all information, the disclosure of which could result in damage to the Employer. The Employee shall be obligated to comply with the applicable work regulations as well as with all other procedures and regulations of such Employer.
§ 2.
Period of employment
The Agreement below was concluded for a probationary period of time from ……………… until ……. .
§ 3.
3.1 The basic remuneration of the Employee in the amount of …………PLN (amount spelled out in words:……………………………….) złotys net at the end of the month.
3.2 A quarterly gross bonus payment may be made to the Employee in an amount comprising ......% of the base remuneration at such time as the sales plans and individual quarterly tasks assigned shall be attained at a rate of 100 %. The decision to provide such a bonus, the amount thereof, as well as the payment or non-payment thereof, shall be made by the Employer depending on the work results of the Employee and his meeting the established objectives and tasks. The payment of the bonus shall take place within one calendar month following the end of the specific quarter.
3.3. The remuneration shall be paid after the performance of work at the end of each month. From the Employee’s compensation there shall be deducted payment for social insurance (ZUS) as well as withholding at the source for personal income taxes in accordance with the applicable provisions of Polish law.
3.4 The Employee hereby authorizes the Employer to make the wage payments in the form of a bank transfer to the Employee s bank account.
§ 4.
Place of employment, hours of work, and other provisions regarding the principles of performing work
4.1 The Employee shall perform his duties in the region of …………………………... During the course of performing his work responsibilities, the Employee may be required to participate in business trips within the country and abroad.
4.2 The Employee shall be employed for the established hours of work. The Employee’s working hours shall be 8 hours per day with an average of 40 hours per week, with a 5 -day work week between Monday and Friday.
§ 5.
Insurance and other fringe benefits
The Employee shall be authorised to receive such insurance benefits and such other fringe benefits as are set forth in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement as well as pursuant to other specific Employer regulations.
§ 6.
Company car and company cellular phone
The Employee shall have the use of a company car depending on the local vehicle regulations of the Employer. In addition, the Employee shall be provided with a cellular phone for business use in accordance with the applicable regulations of the Employer.
§ 7.
Vacation allowance
The Employee accrues the right to a paid vacation leave of absence in accordance with the regulations of the Labor Code.
§ 8.
Termination of the employment contract and miscellaneous provisions
8.1 Each party may terminate this Agreement by giving notice, in accordance with the provisions of applicable Polish law.
8.2 All amendments or additions to this Agreement shall be executed in written format under pain of invalidity.
8.3 As regards any issues that have not been addressed in this Agreement, the provisions of law shall apply, and in particular the provisions of the Labor Code.
8.4 This Agreement has been drawn up in two identical copies, one for each party.
____________________ __________________
Date, Signature of the Employer Date, Signature of the Employee
List of Fringe Benefits
1. Medical care
The Employer shall ensure the Employee’s enrollment in a medical health care program. Such health care services will be provided by xxxx. z o.o. The Employee will be covered by the basic medical health care program within the framework of the lump sum costs of such program borne by the Employer.
2. Life insurance
The Employer shall pay for the costs and shall enroll and provide the Employee with a life insurance policy for the amount of.......PLN. The Agreement for a life insurance policy will be entered into with xxxxxx.
3. Lunch coupons
The Employer shall provide the Employee with lunch coupons in the amount of.....złotys per month.
French to English: Memorandum of law - legal alternatives to client's proposed course of action
Source text - French
1.1. Engagements pris au nom d’une fondation d’utilité publique en formation
Dès lors que la fondation acquiert la personnalité juridique à la date de promulgation de l’arrêté royal de reconnaissance, les engagements pris avant cette date incombent en principe aux personnes ayant agi en son nom, lesquels en sont tenus personnellement et solidairement responsables.
Une reprise desdits engagements par la fondation est toutefois possible à la double condition que la fondation acquiert la personnalité juridique dans les deux ans de la naissance des engagements et qu’elle exerce cette faculté de reprise dans les six mois de son existence.
1.1. Possession de biens meubles et immeubles
Les fondations d’utilité publique peuvent en principe posséder tous les biens qu’elles désirent, en ce compris des biens immeubles, pourvu toutefois qu’elles les affectent à la réalisation de son objet social.
1.2. Règles d’acceptation des libéralités
1.2.1. Base légale
Le régime des libéralités au profit d’une fondation est quant à lui visé à l’article 33 de la Loi selon lequel :
« A l’exception des dons manuels, toute libéralité entre vifs ou testamentaire au profit d’une fondation doit être autorisée par le Roi. Néanmoins, cette autorisation n’est pas requise pour l’acceptation des libéralités dont la valeur n’excède pas 100.000 euros ».
Pour que pareille autorisation royale lui soit accordée, il convient en outre que la fondation se soit conformée aux formalités de dépôt et de publicité de documents et informations utiles respectivement auprès de la Banque Carrefour des Entreprises et du Moniteur belge (article 31 de la Loi).
Translation - English 1.4 Commitments made on behalf of a public utility foundation in the process of being created
Because the foundation acquires legal personality as of the date of promulgation of the royal decree of recognition, the engagements made before this date are ascribable in principle to the persons having acted on its behalf, who are held personally and jointly liable.
Assumption of the aforesaid commitment by the foundation is, however, possible under the double condition that the foundation acquire legal personality within two years of the creation of the commitments and that it exercise this option of assumption within six months of coming into existence.
1.1. Ownership of personal and real property
Public utility foundations may in theory own as much property as they wish, including real property, provided however, that it is used in furtherance of attaining its corporate purposes.
1.2. Rules of accepting donations
1.2.1. Legal basis
The rules of donations made for the benefit of a foundation are set forth in Article 33 of the Law according to which:
“Except for tangible gifts, any inter vivos or testamentary donation benefiting a foundation must be authorized by the King. Notwithstanding, such authorization is not required for the acceptance of donations whose value does not exceed 100,000 Euros ».
Polish to English: Patent. Fluorescent lighting
Source text - Polish Układ rozwiązuje problem regulacji oświetlenia jarzeniowego za pomocą dostępnych ściemniaczy oświetlenia Ŝarowego. Zasilacz świetlówki z regulacją jasności jest wyposaŜony w mostek (M) prostowniczy z elementami filtrującymi, do którego jest podłączony układ stabilizacji napięcia z korekcją pobieranego prądu (PFC), a do niego jest podłączony układ zasilania częstotliwościowego świetlówki (UZS), do którego podłączona jest świetlówka (L). Układ ten jest wyposaŜony w wejście częstotliwościowe (IN), wejście blokowania jednoczesnego załączenia kluczy (DT) oraz wyjście zasilania wewnętrznego (UZW). Do wejścia częstotliwościowego (JN) układu zasilania częstotliwościowego świetlówki (UZS) podłączony jest dzielnik częstotliwości ( DZ), do którego jest podłączony przetwornik napięcie częstotliwość (UF), a do tego przetwornika podłączone jest wyjście (W) wzmacniacza (K). Wyjście (W) tego wzmacniacza jest podłączone z wejściem odwracającym (W) za pośrednictwem kondensatora kształtowania charakterystyki (C1), a z kolei wejście odwracające(W) jest podłączone przez rezystor kształtowania charakterystyki (R1) do rezystora pomiarowego prądu (R1). Rezystor ten jest włączony jednym wyprowadzeniem do punktu odniesienia (O), a drugim do katody pierwszej diody pomiarowej (DP1), której anoda jest podłączona do końcówki Ŝarnika świetlówki (L), a ponadto do punktu odniesienia (O) jest podłączona anoda drugiej diody pomiarowej (DP2), której katoda jest połączona do anody pierwszej diody pomiarowej (DP1). Wejście nieodwracające (+W) jest podłączone do wyjścia układu całkującego (UC) obciąŜonego rezystorem (RCC) przez rezystor polaryzacji wejścia wzmacniacza (R2). Wejście układu całkującego (UC) połączone jest do wyjścia analogowego o regulowanym wypełnieniu (PWM) mikroprocesorowego układu sterującego (MUS). Ponadto układ ten jest podłączony do wyjścia układu całkującego (UC) za pomocą rezystora zmiany charakterystyki (RH) oraz do wejścia blokowania jednoczesnego załączania kluczy (DT) za pośrednictwem wzmacniacza dopasowującego (WD). Wejście (S) mikroprocesorowego układu sterującego (MUS) jest podłączone do układu formowania impulsów (WDI), który jest podłączony do układu obciąŜenia aktywnego (UOA), a ten jest podłączony do dodatniego wyjścia (+A) mostka prostowniczego (M) oraz do zasilacza stabilizowanego (US). Wyjście zasilacza wewnętrznego (UZW) układu zasilania częstotliwościowego świetlówki (UZS) jest podłączone przez diodę (D1) do wejścia (USW) układu stabilizacji napięcia (US).
Translation - English The system resolves the problem of adjusting the brightness of fluorescent lighting by means of an available incandescent light dimming switch. The power supply for the fluorescent lighting having adjustable brightness is fitted with a rectifying bridge (M) having filtering elements to which is connected a frequency stabilizing unit with a power factor correction for the current feed (PFC), and to that there is then connected a unit powering the frequency of the fluorescent lamp (UZS), to which the fluorescent lamp (L) is connected. This system is fitted with a frequency input (IN), the input simultaneously interrupting the spanners (DT) as well as the output of the internal power supply (UZW). To the frequency input (JN) of the power supply for the fluorescent lamp frequency (UZS) is connected a frequency divider (DZ), to which a voltage frequency transformer is hooked up (UF), and to this transformer is connected the output (In) of the amplifier (K). The output of this amplifier is connected to the inverse input (W) by means of a condenser that has shaping characteristics [shaping condenser] (C1), and in turn the inverse input (W) is connected by a resistor having shaping characteristics [shaping resistor] (R1) to the current-measuring resistor (R1). This resistor is powered up by a first lead to the reference point (0), and by a second lead to the first diode measuring cathode (DP1) whose anode is connected to the ending of the filament of the incandescent lamp (L), and, in addition, at the point of reference (O) is connected the second diode-measuring anode (DP2) whose cathode is hooked up to the integrator output (DP1) equipped with a resistor (RCC) through the polarizing resister of the amplifier input (R2). The integrating unit input (UC) is connected to the analog output having an adjustable fill (PWM) of the microprocessor control system (MUS). In addition, this system is connected to the integrator system output (UC) by means of a phase change resistor (RH) as well as to the simultaneous interruption input enclosing the spanners (DT) by means of the integrating amplifier (WD). The input (s) of the microprocessor control system (MUS) is connected to the impulse forming system (WDI) which is connected to the active feeding system (UOA), and this in turn is connected to positive output (+A) of the rectification bridge (M) as well as to the stabilized feeder (US). The output of the internal feed (UZW) of the frequency powering of the fluorescent lamp (UZS) is connected through the diode (D1) to the input (USW) of the voltage control unit (US).
French to English: Audit juridique
Source text - French Le service compétent chargé de l'instruction du dossier recueille les accords éventuels et avis des personnes publiques, services intéressés, ou associations. Ces entités sont réputées avoir émis un avis favorable si elles ne répondent pas dans le délai d'un mois à compter de la réception de la demande d'avis.
La décision portant permis de construire doit être notifiée au demandeur dans les trois (3)
mois qui suivent le dépôt de la demande de permis de construire lorsque la délivrance du
permis relève de la compétence du président de xxxx en tant que représentant de la commune et de quatre (4) mois dans tous les autres cas. Si le terrain concerné par le projet de construction est situé dans un périmètre d'étude d'aménagement et d'urbanisme, la demande de permis peut faire l'objet d'une décision de sursis à statuer qui ne pourra excéder un an.La validité du permis de construire est mentionnée sur l'arrêté portant permis de construire. Iln'existe pas, dans la législation xxxxx, de délai légal de caducité du permis de construire en cas de non exécution des travaux.
Translation - English The designated service charged with processing the file assembles all the potential agreements and public comments as well as those of the departments or associations concerned,. These entities are known to have issued a favourable opinion if they do not answer within one month as from receipt of the request. The decision granting the building permit must be notified to the applicant within three (3) months following the application for the building permit when the issuance of the permit falls within the responsibilities of the President of the xxxxx as representing the commune, and within four (4) months in all other cases.
If the parcel concerned in the construction project is located in a perimeter of study of development and urban planning, the request for license may be the subject of an order to stay proceedings, which may not exceed one year. The validity of the building permit is spelled out in the building permit. Under xxxx law there is no exception for extending the validity of the building permit in the event of non-completion of the work.
Spanish to English: rules for architectural competition
Source text - Spanish La convocatoria del concurso se realizará mediante la publicación de estas bases a la página Web del XXXX, la del XXX y la prensa nacional e internacional. Se hará difusión del anuncio a otros colegios de arquitectos del Estado y a los organismos internacionales con los cuales el XXXX se relaciona por razón de la materia.
Sin prejuicio de las incompatibilidades profesionales legalmente establecidas, no podrán participar en este concurso:
-Los miembros del Jurado, así como sus familiares hasta segundo grado de consanguinidad o afinidad y colaboradores habituales o asociados, ni el personal al servicio de la entidad convocante.
-Las personas que estén incluidas en alguna causa de incapacidad o incompatibilidad. -Miembros de las xxxxxxx
El órgano convocante facilita a los concursantes, mediante la publicación a la página Web del xxxx y xxxx y como anexo a este pliego, la documentación necesaria para poder participar en la primera fase del concurso consistente en 3 anexos que contienen:
a) Modelo de escrito para la inscripción. b) Criterios que deben presidir el proyecto. c) Mapas.
También facilitará a los candidatos participantes en la segunda fase, la documentación necesaria para llevar a cabo los trabajos requeridos.
El jurado estará constituido por los miembros siguientes:
-Dos representantes delxxx, uno de los cuales será el presidente y tendrá voto de calidad en caso de empate.
Un representante del xxxx
El jurado que se constituya podrá ser asesorado, en todas y cada una de las fases del concurso, por una Comisión Técnica que elaborará los informes técnicos sobre cualquiera de los extremos del concurso o sobre aspectos concretos de las propuestas presentadas. Los miembros de esta Comisión Técnica serán designados por el Jurado.
Igualmente, el Jurado podrá asesorarse de una Comisión Cívica que dará las opiniones que se le soliciten sobre varias sensibilidades de colectivos interesados en el proyecto. En esta Comisión Cívica participaran preferentemente representantes del barrio de xxxx, de las entidades sociales
y empresariales y miembros de xxx; todos serán designados por el Jurado, excepto los
Translation - English This call for proposals shall be effectuated by the publication of these specifications on the Web site of the xxxx, on that of the xxx, as well as in the national and international press. This announcement shall be disseminated to such other national and international associations of architects with which xxx maintains relations on account of the subject matter.
Without prejudice to any professional disqualification that may exist as established by applicable law, the following persons shall be ineligible to participate in this competition:
- the members of the Jury as well as those of their family members who fall within two degrees of relationship due to consanguinity or kinship; their regular professional partners and associates; or any member of the staff that is in the employment of the Notifying Entity;
- Those persons who may fall within any category of incapacity or of conflict of interest – the members of the (governing board) of the xxx and the Management of the xxxx.
Polish to English: Pharmaceutical legislation; Prawo farmaceutyczne
Source text - Polish c) ust. 3 i 4 otrzymują brzmienie:
„3. Składając wniosek, o którym mowa w ust. 1 i 2a, podmiot odpowiedzialny wskazuje wytyczne Komisji Europejskiej, Europejskiej Agencji Oceny Leków lub Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia będące podstawą przygotowanej dokumentacji.
4. Dane i dokumenty, o których mowa w ust. 2 i 2b, mogą być przedstawione w języku angielskim, z wyjątkiem dokumentów wymienionych w ust. 2 pkt 11 i 12 oraz ust. 2b pkt 12 i 13, które przedstawia się w języku polskim.”,
d) po ust. 4 dodaje się ust. 4a w brzmieniu:
„4a. W przypadku zmiany danych, o których mowa w ust. 2 pkt 13 i 14 oraz w ust. 2b pkt 14 i 15, wnioskodawca przedstawia ministrowi właściwemu do spraw zdrowia, za pośrednictwem Prezesa Urzędu, informacje o dokonanych zmianach oraz dokumenty uwzględniające te zmiany.”,
e) ust. 5 otrzymuje brzmienie:
„5. Minister właściwy do spraw zdrowia w razie uzasadnionej wątpliwości, wynikającej z przedłożonej dokumentacji dotyczącej jakości produktu leczniczego, może zażądać przedstawienia raportu z inspekcji przeprowadzonej w miejscu wytwarzania produktu leczniczego wytworzonego za granicą w celu potwierdzenia zgodności warunków wytwarzania z zezwoleniem, o którym mowa w ust. 2 pkt 15 i ust. 2b pkt 17.”,
f) ust. 6 otrzymuje brzmienie:
„6. Inspekcja dokonywana jest przez inspektorów do spraw wytwarzania Głównego Inspektoratu Farmaceutycznego lub inspektorów do spraw wytwarzania właściwych organów państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej lub państw członkowskich Europejskiego Porozumienia o Wolnym Handlu (EFTA) – stron umowy o Europejskim Obszarze Gospodarczym, lub państw wzajemnie uznających inspekcję do spraw wytwarzania, na wniosek i koszt podmiotu odpowiedzialnego albo na wniosek i koszt wytwórcy, jeżeli nie jest nim podmiot odpowiedzialny.”,
g) ust. 7 otrzymuje brzmienie:
„7. Minister właściwy do spraw zdrowia określi, w drodze rozporządzenia, szczegółowy sposób przedstawiania dokumentacji, o której mowa w ust. 1 i 2, uwzględniając przepisy art. 15, 16, 20, 20a, 21, 23a ust. 3 i 4 oraz art. 31 ust. 2 pkt 3, a także przepisy prawa i wytyczne Wspólnoty Europejskiej dotyczące procedury rejestracyjnej produktów leczniczych.”,
h) dodaje się ust. 8 i 9 w brzmieniu:
„8. Minister właściwy do spraw zdrowia określi, w drodze rozporządzenia, szczegółowy sposób przedstawiania dokumentacji, o której mowa w ust. 2a i 2b, uwzględniając przepisy art. 15a, 16a, 20, 21, 23a ust. 3 i 4 oraz art. 31 ust. 2 pkt 3, a także przepisy prawa i wytyczne Wspólnoty Europejskiej dotyczące procedury rejestracyjnej produktów leczniczych weterynaryjnych.
9. Minister właściwy do spraw zdrowia określi, w drodze rozporządzenia, sposób badania czytelności ulotki oraz kryteria dla raportu z tego badania, uwzględniając wytyczne Wspólnoty Europejskiej.”;
w art. 72:
a) ust. 3 otrzymuje brzmienie:
„3. Obrotem hurtowym jest wszelkie działanie polegające na zaopatrywaniu się, przechowywaniu, dostarczaniu lub eksportowaniu produktów leczniczych lub produktów leczniczych weterynaryjnych, posiadających pozwolenie na dopuszczenie do obrotu wydane w państwie członkowskim Unii Europejskiej lub państwie członkowskim Europejskiego Porozumienia o Wolnym Handlu (EFTA) – stronie umowy o Europejskim Obszarze Gospodarczym lub pozwolenie, o którym mowa w art. 3 ust. 2, prowadzone z wytwórcami lub importerami w zakresie wytwarzanych lub importowanych przez nich produktów leczniczych, lub z przedsiębiorcami zajmującymi się obrotem hurtowym, lub z aptekami lub zakładami leczniczymi dla zwierząt, lub z innymi upoważnionymi podmiotami, z wyłączeniem bezpośredniego zaopatrywania ludności.”,
b) po ust. 3 dodaje się ust. 3a w brzmieniu:
„3a. Wprowadzenie do obrotu hurtowego na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej produktu leczniczego wymaga uprzednio powiadomienia:
1) podmiotu odpowiedzialnego o zamiarze przywozu produktu leczniczego;
2) Prezesa Urzędu.”,
c) w ust. 5 dodaje się pkt 1a w brzmieniu:
„1a) produktami leczniczymi przeznaczonymi wyłącznie na eksport, posiadającymi pozwolenie na dopuszczenie do obrotu inne niż określone w ust. 3;”,
d) ust. 7 otrzymuje brzmienie:
„7. Hurtownie farmaceutyczne produktów leczniczych weterynaryjnych mogą prowadzić obrót hurtowy także:
1) paszami, dodatkami paszowymi, premiksami;
2) środkami higienicznymi;
3) produktami biobójczymi;
4) wyrobami stosowanymi w medycynie weterynaryjnej w rozumieniu art. 2 ust. 2 ustawy z dnia 20 kwietnia 2004 r. o wyrobach stosowanych w medycynie weterynaryjnej (Dz. U. Nr 93, poz. 893);
5) drukami stosowanymi w medycynie weterynaryjnej;
6) wyrobami służącymi do identyfikacji zwierząt domowych w rozumieniu art. 4 pkt 22 ustawy z dnia 22 lipca 2006 r. o paszach (Dz.U. Nr 144, poz. 1045).”;
73) w art. 74:
a) ust. 3 otrzymuje brzmienie:
„3. Wydanie zezwolenia, odmowa wydania zezwolenia, zmiana oraz cofnięcie zezwolenia na prowadzenie hurtowni farmaceutycznej produktów leczniczych weterynaryjnych dokonywane jest w drodze decyzji wydawanej przez Głównego Lekarza Weterynarii. Przepisy art. 75, 76, 77 ust. 1 i art. 78 ust. 1 stosuje się odpowiednio.”,
b) po ust. 6 dodaje się ust. 6a i 6b w brzmieniu:
„6a. Za zmianę zezwolenia lub jego przedłużenie w przypadku wydania zezwolenia na czas ograniczony pobiera się opłatę w wysokości połowy kwoty, o której mowa w ust. 6.
6b. Opłaty, o których mowa w ust. 6 i 6a, stanowią dochód budżetu państwa.”,
c) ust. 7 otrzymuje brzmienie:
„7. Minister właściwy do spraw zdrowia, a w odniesieniu do produktów leczniczych weterynaryjnych minister właściwy do spraw rolnictwa, określi, w drodze rozporządzenia, wysokość opłaty, o której mowa w ust. 6, uwzględniając w szczególności rodzaj prowadzonej działalności gospodarczej, przy czym wysokość tej opłaty nie może być wyższa niż siedmiokrotność minimalnego wynagrodzenia za pracę określonego na podstawie przepisów o minimalnym wynagrodzeniu za pracę.”;
Translation - English c) Paragraphs 3 and 4 shall provide as follows:
“3. Upon filing of the application as set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2a, the responsible party shall reference the Directives of the European Commission, the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products or the World Health Organization comprising the basis for the prepared documentation.
4. Data and documentation, as set forth in Paragraphs 2 and 2b, may be submitted in the English language, with the exception of those documents as are set forth in a Subparagraphs 11 and 12 of Paragraph 2 and subparagraphs 12 and 13 of Paragraph 2b, which will be submitted in Polish language”,
d) Paragraph 4 shall be followed by a new Paragraph 4a which shall provide as follows:
“4a. In the event of changes to the data set forth in subparagraphs 13 and 14 of Paragraph 2 and in subparagraphs 14 and 15 of Paragraph 2b, the applicant shall submit, through the intermediation of the Chairman of the Office Authorized Official, information on executed amendments and present documents in compliance with these amendments to the proper minister having competent authority on health matters.
e) Paragraph 5 shall provide as follows:
“5. The proper minister having competent authority on health matters, in the event of a reasonable doubt as to the quality of a medical product arising out of the submitted documentation, shall have the right to require the submittal of documentation of a locally performed inspection of the medical product manufactured in another country for purposes of verifying whether the conditions of its production are compliant with the permits set forth in Paragraph 15 of Article 2 and Paragraph 17 of Article 2b.”,
f) Paragraph 6 shall provide as follows:
“6. The inspection shall be carried out by production inspectors of the Main Pharmaceutical Inspectorate or by production inspectors of the appropriate Member State of the European Union or Member State of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) – in accordance with existing agreements within the European Community Territory or countries mutually recognizing inspection on development production, on request of and at the expense of the manufacturer, in the event that the latter is not the responsible party.
g) Paragraph 7 shall provide as follows:
“7. The proper minister having competent authority on health matters shall define, by means of a regulation, the specific manner for document presentation, as set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2, and in compliance with the requirements of Articles 15, 16, 20, 20a, 21, Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 23a and Point 3 of Paragraph 2 of Article 31 as well as laws, regulations and directives of the European Commonwealth pertaining to the procedure for the registration of medical products.
h) Addendum to Paragraphs 8 and 9 which will provide as follows:
“8. The proper minister having competent authority on health matters shall define, by means of a regulation, the specific manner for document presentation, as set forth in Paragraphs 2a and 2b, and in compliance with the requirements of Articles 15a, 16a, 20, 20, 21, Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 23a, and Point 3 of Paragraph 2 of Article 31, as well as laws, regulations and directives of the European Union pertaining to the procedure for registering veterinary medical products.
9. The proper minister having competent authority on health matters shall define, by means of a regulation for testing the readability of the brochure , as well as define criteria for such testing taking into account the provisions of the directives of the European Union.”,
In Article 72:
a) Paragraph 3 shall provide as follows:
“3. Marketing authorization means all activities relating to the supply, storage, delivery or export of medicinal products or veterinary medicinal products, having the authorization to market in Member States of the European Union or in Member States of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) – in accordance with existing agreements within the European Community Territory or, having an authorization process obtained as set forth in mentioned in Paragraph 3 of Article 2, carried on with the manufacturers or importers within the scope of medicinal products manufactured or imported by them, or with entrepreneurs dealings with products on a wholesale level, or with pharmacies or veterinary clinics, or with other entities having such authorization, excluding direct supply to the public.”
b)Paragraph 3 shall be followed by a new Paragraph 3a which shall provide as follows:
“3a. Marketing of a medicinal product on the Territory of the Republic of Poland requires prior notification to be provided to:
1) The responsible party regarding the intent to import a medicinal product;
2) The Chairman of the Office.
c) To Paragraph 5 there shall be added a Point 1a which shall provide as follows:
“1a) medicinal products destined exclusively for export, having authorization to market other than that set forth in Paragraph 3.”
c)Paragraph 7 shall provide as follows:
“7. Pharmaceutical wholesalers of veterinary medicinal products may also market wholesale:
1)animal feed, add-on feeds, premixed feeds
2)sanitary substances
3)biocide products
4)products used in veterinary medicine within the meaning of Paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the Law of April 20, 2004 on products applied in veterinary medicine (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 93, Item 893);
5)printed materials as used veterinary medicine
6)products used to identify domestic animals as within the meaning of Point 22 of Article 4 of the Law of July 22, 2006 on animal feed (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland No. 144, Item 1045).”,
73)In Article 74:
a)Paragraph 3 shall provide as follows:
“3. The issuance of authorization, the denial of issuance of authorization, the amendment or withdrawal of an authorization issued for the wholesale production of pharmaceutical medicinal veterinary products is executed by way of a decision issued by the Chief Veterinary Physician. The provisions of Articles 75, 76, Paragraph 1 of Article 77 and Paragraph 1 of Article 78 shall be applied accordingly.
b)Paragraph 6 shall be followed by new Paragraphs 6a and 6b which shall provide as follows:
“6a. for amendments of authorization or their prolongation in cases of an authorization bearing a time limit, the fee charged shall be one half the amount set forth in Paragraph 6.
6b. Fees set forth in Paragraphs 6 and 6a constitute state budget revenue.”
c)Paragraph 7 shall provide as follows:
“7. The proper minister having competent authority on health matters and, as regards veterinary medicinal products the proper minister having competent authority on agricultural affairs, shall by way of regulation, establish the fee set forth in Paragraph 6, specifically taking under consideration the nature of the business activity, except that amount of such fee shall not exceed seven times the minimum wage compensation as determined on the basis of regulations on minimum wage for labor.”
Polish to English: Zarzadzanie procesem - Production Management (food industry)
Source text - Polish Logistyk odpowiada za:
• kwalifikację dostawców - prowadzenie i utrzymywanie listy kwalifikowanych dostawców
• gromadzenie dokumentacji potwierdzającej wymaganą jakość od dostawców
Szef Utrzymania Ruchu odpowiada za:
• wykonywanie napraw mechanicznych, remontów i konserwacji maszyn, urządzeń firmy. Nadzór nad pracą mechaników i elektryków zatrudnionych w firmie.
• zlecanie napraw wykonawcom zewnętrznym oraz ich odbiór.
• wykonywanie i nadzór nad dokumentacją techniczną urządzeń w zakresie mechanicznym.
• planowanie remontów i przeglądów maszyn i urządzeń w zakresie mechanicznym oraz ich dokumentowanie.
• zakupy części zamiennych mechanicznych i materiałów eksploatacyjnych, dbałość o należyte ich wykorzystanie, nadzór nad ich przechowywaniem.
• nadzór nad obsługą techniczną maszyn i urządzeń
• nadzór nad warsztatem mechanicznym.
• zgłaszanie przełożonym wszystkich zagrożeń BHP.
• kompletowanie dokumentacji technicznej
• dopuszczenie nowego urządzenia do eksploatacji,
• prowadzenie zapisów związanych z remontami urządzeń,
Automatyk odpowiada za:
• wykonywanie napraw w zakresie elektrycznym, remontów i konserwacji maszyn, urządzeń firmy.
• Zlecanie napraw wykonawcom zewnętrznym oraz ich odbiór.
• nadzór nad dokumentacją techniczną urządzeń w zakresie elektrycznym.
• koordynowanie z Szefem Utrzymania Ruchu planowanych remontów maszyn i urządzeń w zakresie elektrycznym oraz ich dokumentowanie.
• zakupy części zamiennych elektrycznych i materiałów eksploatacyjnych, dbałość o należyte ich wykorzystanie, nadzór nad ich przechowywaniem.
• zgłaszanie przełożonemu wszystkich zagrożeń BHP.
Szef Kontroli Jakości wraz z Automatykiem odpowiada za:
• wykonywanie sprawdzeń urządzeń kontrolno-pomiarowych;
• zlecanie napraw urządzeń kontrolno-pomiarowych wykonawcom zewnętrznym oraz ich odbiór;
• nadzór nad dokumentacją techniczną urządzeń kontrolno-pomiarowych zakresie mechanicznym;
• planowanie sprawdzeń urządzeń kontrolno-pomiarowych oraz ich dokumentowanie.
Specjalista ds. BHP odpowiada za:
• określenie wymagań związanych z bezpieczeństwem pracy urządzeń
• przygotowanie stosownych instrukcji zakresie BHP.
Pracownicy odpowiedzialni są za obsługę urządzeń zgodną z instrukcjami roboczymi oraz zasadami BHP i przestrzeganie instrukcji GMP i GHP.
Menadżer realizacji zamówień odpowiada za:
• Optymalizację kolejności planów dziennych na wydziałach produkcyjnych.
• Uzgadnianie harmonogramu ekspedycyjnego wyrobów i towarów.
• Analiza wykonania planów produkcyjnych.
Kierownicy Zmiany odpowiadają za:
• wykonywanie planów produkcyjnych,
• bieżący nadzór nad przestrzeganiem dokumentacji technicznej opisującej procesy produkcyjne,
• bieżący nadzór nad przebiegiem procesów produkcyjnych technologicznych
• nadzór nad procesem pakowania wyrobów;
• nadzór nad transportem wewnętrznym.
• zapotrzebowanie materiałów do produkcji
• zlecenia napraw urządzeń oraz uzgadnianie terminów ich wykonania;
• szkolenie pracowników w zakresie GMP/GHP.
Pracownicy Działu Produkcji odpowiadają za:
• samokontrolę na swoim stanowisku pracy dotyczącą realizowanych procesów produkcyjnych, stosowanych narzędzi oraz oprzyrządowania;
• wykonywanie powierzonych im działań zgodnie z dokumentacją systemu jakości (procedury, instrukcje) oraz poleceniami przełożonych (Dyrektor ds. Technicznych, Kierownik Zmiany);
• zgłaszanie niezgodności występujących podczas procesu produkcyjnego Kierownikowi Zmiany;
• stosowanie urządzeń oraz użytkowanie narzędzi zgodnie z instrukcjami systemu jakości oraz przepisami BHP.
Translation - English The Director of Logistics is responsible for:
• Supplier vetting – managing and maintaining an updated list of qualified suppliers.
• Gathering records specifying required quality standards from suppliers.
The Head of the Maintenance Department is responsible for:
• Performing mechanical repairs, refurbishments and maintenance of machinery, and company equipment. Supervising the work of mechanics and electricians employed by the company;
• Ordering repair work from external contractors and pick-up of the repaired equipment;
• Implementation and supervision of technical documentation for equipment (mechanical scope of machinery);
• Scheduling of refurbishment and inspection of machinery and equipment (mechanical scope of machinery) and documentation of the foregoing;
• Purchase of machinery spare parts and operational material, care for their proper use, supervision over their storage;
• Supervision of technical servicing of machinery and equipment;
• Supervision of the machine shop;
• Reporting to superiors any potential infringements of work safety regulations;
• Completion of technical documentation;
• Placing new equipment into service;
• Keeping records of equipment refurbishments.
The Process Automation Engineer is responsible for:
• Performing electrical repairs, refurbishment and maintenance of company machinery and equipment;
• Ordering repair work from external contractors and pick-up of the repaired equipment;
• supervision of technical documentation of machinery (as regards electrical scope);
• Coordination of scheduled refurbishments of machinery and equipment with the Head of the Maintenance Department (as regards electrical scope) as well as applicable documentation;
• Purchase of spare electrical parts and operational material, care for their proper use, supervision over their storage;.
• Reporting to superiors all potential infringements of work safety regulations.
The Head of Quality Control together with the Process Automation Engineer are responsible for:
• Performing inspections of measurement and control equipment;
• Ordering repair work from external contractors and pick-up of the repaired equipment.
• Supervision of technical documentation of measurement and control equipment
• Scheduling of inspections of measurement and control equipment as well documentation.
Spanish to English: Securities Services marketing presentation
Source text - Spanish Aumento del “apetito” de los inversores por activos globales, en mercados emergentes o exóticos, y por una variedad más amplia de instrumentos financieros
Instituciones financieras incrementando el uso de Custodios Globales para reemplazar sus propias redes de custodia local
Importante aumento de “retail brokerage” demandando mayores servicios de liquidación y custodia.
Fortaleza tecnológica: Presupuesto IT en Securities Services que refleja perfectamente el focus en el servicio
Servicio orientado al Cliente
Amplia gama de productos que complementen el servicio
Procesamiento Eficiente: alto nivel de STP
Focus al Management de alto nivel
Consolidación de información
Liquidación y Custodia de Activos contratados en cualquier Mercado por Clientes Minoristas y Mayoristas, tanto Domésticos como No Residentes
Tendencias del Mercado:
Mayores necesidades de los clientes: servicios online a medida
Evolución del STP
Nuevos vehículos de inversión (ej. hedge funds) y nuevas oportunidades (se estima que los esfuerzos en Europa por facilitar pensiones privadas supondrá más de 5 billones USD en activos adicionales hasta 2010).
Outsourcing como negocio global
Liquidación y Custodia de los siguientes productos:
Títulos de Renta Variable
Títulos de Renta Fija
Futuros de Mercados Organizados
Opciones de Mercados Organizados
Translation - English Increased investor appetite for global assets, in emerging and exotic markets, and for a greater choice in financial instruments
Increased trend of global custody services by financial institutions to reuse their own local custody networks
Significant increase in “retail brokerage” requiring more custody and settlement services.
Technological strength: Securities Services IT solutions based on client-focused services assuming IT Securities Services has IT matching up with is service focus Client-driven service approach
Wide range of products complementing our services
Processing efficiencies: high level of STP
Directed at senior management
Information consolidation
Settlement and custody services of assets in any market for retail and wholesale, both domestic and foreign Market trends:
Increased needs of our clients for online services.
Growth of STP usage (straight-through processing).
New hedge fund vehicles and new opportunities (it is estimated that efforts in Europe to include private pension funds will mean an additional $10 billion USD in additional assets by 2010).
Outsourcing as a global industry.Custody and settlement for the following products:
Variable yield securities
Fixed yield securities
Exchange traded futures
Exchange traded options
Polish to English: Legal Article Published in Law Journal Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Polish Pod względem prawa do zabezpieczenie społecznego Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z 2.04.1997 roku jest zbliżona do konstytucji innych Państw Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej. Konstytucje tego regionu mówią o prawie podmiotowym do zabezpieczenia społecznego (subjective right to social security) i podobne rozwiązanie wprowadzono w polskiej konstytucji. Zgodnie z art. 67 ust. 1 „a citizen shall have the right to social security whenever incapacitated for work by reason of sickness or invalidism as well as having attained retirement age. The scope and forms of social security shall be specified by statute”. Ustęp drugi przewiduje, że „a citizen who is involuntarily without work and has no other means of support, shall have the right to social security, the scope of which shall be specified by statute”. Nie ma wątpliwości, że art. 67 Konstytucji RP ustanawia publiczne prawo podmiotowe / public subjective right), co oznacza, że legal right possessed by an individual citizen is related to a corresponding legal duty imposed on the Polish state.
Artykuł 67 został umieszczony w rozdziale II Konstytucji RP (The freedoms, rights and obligations of persons and citizens) w podrozdziale zatytułowanym Economic, social and cultural rights. Od innych praw socjalnych odróżnia go sposób redakcji, który wskazuje niewątpliwie na chęć wyposażenia obywateli w prawo podmiotowe. W Konstytucji RP występują również przepisy ustalające tzw. „zasady polityki państwa”, zwane też normami programowymi (programmatic norms), ale w przeciwieństwie do publicznych praw podmiotowych są unenforceable in the courts, w szczególności nie mogą stanowić podstawy skargi konstytucyjnej . They ‘just’ indicate the general directions of legislative activity . Dyskusja nad ostatecznym kształtem Konstytucji wynikała właśnie z różnicy poglądów na charakter konstytucyjnych norm dotyczących praw socjalnych i ich ‘egzekwowalność’. As it usually happens in such disputes economic argument relates to the existence of extremely limited financial resources during the period of transition to market economy.
1.2. Constitutional provisions dealing with social security. Article 67 of The Constitution of Republic of Poland
1.2.1. Notion of “social security” (“zabezpieczenie społeczne”)
Na wstępie trzeba podkreślić zasadniczy problem: Konstytucja mówi ogólnie o „zabezpieczeniu społecznym” bez wyjaśnienia co dokładnie składa się na to pojęcie. W doktrynie przyjmuje się, że „zabezpieczenie społeczne” oznacza „całokształt świadczeń, jakie - ze środków publicznych – są przyznawane obywatelowi, będącemu w potrzebie” .
Trybunał Konstytucyjny w jednym z nowszych wyroków podtrzymał swoje stanowisko zawarte w dotychczasowych orzeczeniach i zdefiniował „zabezpieczenie społeczne” jako „system urządzeń i świadczeń służących zaspokojeniu usprawiedliwionych potrzeb obywateli, którzy utracili zdolność do pracy lub doznali ograniczenia tej zdolności, albo zostali obciążeni nadmiernie kosztami utrzymania rodziny (...). Do istoty prawa do zabezpieczenia społecznego należy ochrona obywateli w razie wystąpienia określonych ryzyk ubezpieczeniowych, powodujących całkowitą lub częściową utratę możliwości samodzielnego utrzymania się” .
Konstytucja RP nie dostrzega różnych technik realizacji zabezpieczenia znanych w doktrynie prawa socjalnego, a więc „ubezpieczenia społecznego”, „zaopatrzenia społecznego” i „pomocy społecznej”. Konstytucja nie przewiduje określonego modelu, ponieważ wprost mówi się, że the scope and forms of social security shall be specified by statute. Parlamentowi pozostawiono szeroki zakres swobody . W literaturze podkreśla się, że poprzednie przepisy konstytucyjne zawierały także normę programową zobowiązującą do stałego rozwoju ubezpieczenia społecznego na wypadek choroby, starości i niezdolności do pracy oraz rozbudowy różnych form pomocy społecznej. Obecna Konstytucja nie zawiera takiego nakazu .
Konstytucja posługuje się pojęciem social security w miejsce dotychczasowego social insurance. W doktrynie skrytykowano to rozwiązanie podnosząc, że „zakres przedmiotowy konstytucyjnego prawa do zabezpieczenia społecznego został zawężony do ram nie wypełniających nawet zakresu ubezpieczeń społecznych” . Prawo do zabezpieczenia społecznego w ujęciu ILO Convention nr. 102 nie jest tożsame z art. 67 polskiej konstytucji. Dopiero uwzględnienie artykułów 68 oraz 71 Konstytucji pozwala na sformułowanie prawa zabezpieczenia społecznego w znaczeniu używanym w konwencjach .
Artykuł 67 ust. 2 Konstytucji nie stanowi podmiotowego prawa do pomocy społecznej (social assistance). W wyroku z 20.11.2001 roku (SK. 15/01) Trybunał Konstytucyjny uznał, że konstytucyjne pojęcie „zabezpieczenie społeczne” nie jest równoznaczne z pomocą społeczną, która w odniesieniu do ubezpieczenia społecznego lub zaopatrzenia społecznego ma charakter uzupełniający.
1.2.2. The essence of subjective right to social security
Na podstawie art. 67 Konstytucji RP wyróżnia się podmiotowe prawo do świadczeń na wypadek:
- niezdolności do pracy ze względu na chorobę,
- niezdolności do pracy ze względu na inwalidztwo,
- osiągnięcia wieku emerytalnego,
- pozostawania bez pracy nie z własnej woli i nieposiadania innych środków utrzymania.
Brak konstytucyjnego modelu, który powinien zostać określony w ustawie nie przekreśla możliwości określenia istoty prawa do zabezpieczenia społecznego (pojęcie istoty prawa używane jest zgodnie z niemiecką koncepcją Wesensgehalt). Polska koncepcja sprowadza się do przyjęcia, że w treści każdego z konstytucyjnych praw i wolności zawierają się elementy podstawowe, których istnienie jest konieczną przesłanką zachowania przez to prawo lub wolność swej konstytucyjnej tożsamości. Innymi słowy: ustawodawcy przysługuje swoboda modyfikowania i ograniczania praw i wolności, ale owe modyfikacje i ograniczenia nie mogą iść tak daleko, by przekreśleniu uległa podstawowa treść (istota) danego prawa lub wolności. Konstrukcja ta odnosi się przede wszystkim do praw podstawowych i politycznych, ale Trybunał odnosi ją również do praw o charakterze socjalnym i ekonomicznym.
Jest to widoczne w wypowiedziach Trybunału Konstytucyjnego na temat zakresu artykułu 67 Konstytucji: „Art. 67 ust. 1 Konstytucji stanowi podstawę do rozróżnienia: 1) minimalnego zakresu prawa do zabezpieczenia społecznego, odpowiadającego konstytucyjnej istocie tego prawa, który ustawodawca ma obowiązek zagwarantować, oraz 2) sfery uprawnień zagwarantowanych przez ustawę i wykraczających poza konstytucyjną istotę rozważanego prawa. W pierwszym przypadku ustawodawca posiada znacznie mniejszy stopień swobody przy wprowadzaniu zmian do systemu prawnego, nowe rozwiązania prawne nie mogą bowiem naruszać konstytucyjnej istoty prawa do zabezpieczenia społecznego” .
1.2.3. The constitutional limitation of certain changes within subjective right to social security
Przed wejściem w życie Konstytucji RP z 1997 roku Trybunał Konstytucyjny posługiwał się pojęciem „minimum życiowego” („minimal life standard”?), które utożsamiono z pojęciem istoty prawa do zabezpieczenia społecznego. W wyroku K. 14/92 Trybunał wyjaśnił, że naruszenie „minimum życiowego” zachodziłoby wówczas, gdyby kwota emerytury i renty została ustalona poniżej kwoty umożliwiającej zaspokojenie podstawowych potrzeb życiowych . Leszek Garlicki podkreśla, że tą regułę można wyprowadzić także z artykułu 30 Konstytucji RP concerning inherent and inalienable dignity .
W wyroku z 17.07.1996 roku (K. 8/96) Trybunał Konstytucyjny podtrzymał swój pogląd na temat naruszenia istoty prawa do zabezpieczenia społecznego poprzez ukształtowanie świadczeń poniżej minimum życiowego. Jednocześnie uzupełnił ten pogląd o inną formę naruszenia „istoty” prawa poprzez „całkowite pozbawienie uprawnienia, które dotąd przysługiwało określonej grupie podmiotów”. Trybunał zaakceptował możliwość modyfikacji prawa do zabezpieczenia społecznego, ale podkreślił, że „modyfikacja” nie oznacza jego „eliminacji” (jednakże nie dotyczy to praw uzyskanych niegodziwie - „unduly acquired”).
Translation - English Part I: Legislative Aspects
1. The State’s Obligation to Introduce and Maintain Social Security
1.1. The Constitutional Subjective Right to Social Security
As regards according the right to social security, the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of April 2, 1997 is not dissimilar to those of other central and eastern European states. Constitutions of this region generally articulate a subjective right to social security, and a comparable approach was adopted in the Polish Constitution. Section 1 of Article 67 provides that “a citizen shall have the right to social security whenever incapacitated for work by reason of sickness or invalidism as well as having attained retirement age. The scope and forms of social security shall be specified by statute”. Section 2 provides that “a citizen who is involuntarily without work and has no other means of support shall have the right to social security, the scope of which shall be specified by statute”. Article 67 of the Polish Constitution incontrovertibly establishes a public subjective right, meaning that the legal right that is vested in the individual citizen gives rise to a corresponding legal duty imposed on the Polish state.
Article 67 was placed within Chapter II of the Constitution of Poland, entitled the Freedoms, rights and obligations of persons and citizens, and is situated within the subchapter laying down Economic, social and cultural rights. What differentiates this right from other enumerated social rights, is in the manner of its drafting, which clearly reflects the intent to affirmatively endow citizens with a subjective right. In the Polish Constitution, there are also provisions that serve to define state policy parameters, known as programmatic norms; however, unlike public subjective rights, such programmatic norms are unenforceable in the courts, may not form the basis of a Constitutional Complaint, and merely prescribe a general direction for legislative activity. The polemics revolving around what shape the Constitution would ultimately take arose largely from differing viewpoints as to the nature and “implementability” of such constitutional norms. As is usual in such disputes, the economic viability argument arose from the extremely limited financial resources available during the period of transitioning to a market economy.
1.2. Constitutional Provisions Dealing with Social Security. Article 67 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland
1.2.1. The Notion of “Social Security” (“zabezpieczenie społeczne”)
At the outset, it is necessary to point to a key quandary: the Constitution makes general reference to “social security” without spelling out what it specifically comprises. It is established jurisprudence that “social security” refers to the “totality of benefits and entitlements, payable from public resources to a citizen who is in need of them.”
In a recent decision, the Constitutional Tribunal reaffirmed its previously articulated position on „social security”, defining it as ”the system of services and benefits serving to fulfill the legitimate needs of citizens who have become unable to work or have become limited in their ability to do so , or have become burdened with excessive costs of supporting a family (...) At the heart of the right to social security lies the protection of citizens in the event of defined insurance risks which operate to deprive them of the ability to support themselves.
The Polish Constitution does not differentiate between various measures for ensuring the safeguards recognized by social law, such as “social insurance”, “social services” and “public assistance “. The Constitution does not lay down any specific model and, in fact, simply states that the scope and form of social security shall be specified by statute. The legislature has thus been vested with a broad degree of discretion. Legal commentators emphasize that earlier constitutional provisions also contained programmatic norms requiring the continuing availability of social insurance in the event of sickness, old age, disability/inability to work, as well as the creation of various forms of social assistance.
The Constitution replaces the prior notion of social insurance with the concept of social security. This has been criticized by legal commentators who point out that the subjective scope of the constitutional right to social security has been so narrowly drawn that it fails to meet even the lower threshold of social insurance.
French to English: Sample Proofreading Editing Jobs - FR > EN
2.Contrat de maintenance associé
au contrat de Concession du logiciel xxxx
3. L'acquisition de l’ensemble des droits, autorisations et actifs relatifs aux parcs éoliens d’une capacité de 24 MW
7, REQUETE AUX FINS DE SAISAIE CONSERVATOIRE - A Madame ou Monsiuer le Juge de l"Execution pres le Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris
2. Maintenance Contract for the XXXX Software License Agreement
3. Acquistion of rights, assets and shares of 24 MW Capacity Wind Farm Generation Project
7. APPLICATION FOR A PREVENTIVE ATTACHMENT - 23 To the attention of the Execution Judge of the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Paris.
8. PLEADINGS - No. 1, Cour d’appel de Paris
(Paris Court of Appeals)
3rd Chambre – Section B
French to English: Congo - s.p.r.l. statuts - Articles of Assoc. Mining Company
Source text - French (source is in .pdf)
Translation - English
Page 5 of 19
Article 10: Opposability of Capital share transfers
Inter vivos transfers, transfers due to death, allocations and distributions among partners,
transfers pursuant to court order, conveyances and allocations of capital shares, shall not have effect as regards the Corporation or third parties until they are duly entered in the Registry of Partners.
An entry so recorded comprises demonstrable proof against any claimants.
Article 11: Rights of the partners and exercise of such rights
Each share provides an equal voting right in the General Assemblies of the partners, and in the distribution of profits and proceeds upon liquidation. No beneficial share rights that do not represent capital shall be created.
Capital shares are indivisible, and the Corporation shall recognize only a single owner per capital share. In the event that a share were to be jointly owned, the exercise of any right relative to such share shall be suspended until such time as the joint ownership is extinguished.
In the event of usufruct (beneficial enjoyment), the capital shares shall be registered in the name of the beneficial owner.
In the absence of authorisation of the General Assembly, capital shares shall not be mortgaged or pledged as security to third parties.
An owner of capital shares may not pledge them without the consent of his partners. In the absence of any agreement to the contrary, he retains the sole right to exercise the voting rights pertaining to such capital shares.
Article 12: Compliance with the Articles of Association and interference with management
Ownership of capital shares gives rise to the obligation to comply with the Articles of Association and with the regularly taken decisions of the General Assembly of the partners.
The rights and obligations attached to capital shares are vested in whomsoever owns such shares.
The heirs or legatees of the contracting parties or the creditors of any of the partners shall be precluded from causing the books, assets, valuables or goods of the Corporation to be sealed for any reason whatsoever, nor shall they seek the distribution or auction thereof, nor interfere in any manner with the management of the Corporation.
Page 6 of 19
They shall, for the purpose of exercising their rights, rely on the annual financial statements and financial statements,, as well as the determinations of the General Assembly and shall be precluded from seeking any detailed or extraordinary accounting.
Article 13: Share transfers
The capital shares shall be freely transferable between partners or to the benefit on non-partner third parties.
Inter vivos share transfers and conveyances caused by death, merger, acquisition or take-over, shall not be subject to any limitation if their occurrence is to the benefit of a partner, a third party, spouse, ancestor or descendant of the deceased partner, or the entity resulting from the merger, acquisition or takeover of any partner that is a legal entity, pursuant to the procedures set forth in Paragraph 3 of Article 14 hereinbelow.
The heir or legatee of a deceased partner, the entity resulting from the merger, acquisition or takeover of any partner that is a legal entity who wishes to succeed to the capital shares, shall notify the Management of such intention to succeed to the shares at issue either by means of a registered letter, or via messenger with acknowledgement of receipt, or via telecopy, or electronic mail, within three months of the death of the grantor, or the merger, acquisition or takeover of a partner that is a legal person, under penalty of forfeiture.
French to English: Demande de Brevet - DEVICE FOR THE METERING OF RAZOR BLADE USAGE ON A MANUAL RAZOR- Patent Application
Source text - French Dispositif pour détecter, compter et mémoriser automatiquement chaque utilisation des éléments consommables d'un rasoir à main. BR/ L'invention concerne un dispositif permettant de contrôler les utilisations d'un outil ayant un contact avec l'eau. Le rasoir à main ainsi équipé possède un contrôle de la qualité de la lame. BR/ L'électronique du dispositif, alimentée par une pile (1), est placée dans le manche (2) du rasoir: elle indique le numéro du rasage à travers la fenêtre (12) dès que le support-rasoir (10) est en contact avec l'eau grâce aux électrodes 8a et 8b. BR/ L'afficheur (5) est commandé par la temporisation (3). Dès son allumage, la valeur s'incrémente avec le compteur à mémoire (4). Puis il s'éteint automatiquement au cour du rasage. BR/ La bague (6) permet l'éjection de la lame (11) du rasoir (10). Lorsqu'elle est déplacée vers l'avant, l'aimant (9) agit sur le contact (7) est initialise ainsi le compteur (4), et l'afficheur ( 5) indique "1". BR/ Le dispositif selon l'invention est destiné à comptabiliser et à mémoriser l'utilisation des lames de rasoir à main. /P
Translation - English Device for the automatic detection, metering and memorization of each use of the disposable elements in the manual razor.
The invention contains a device that controls the number of times that the tool which comes into contact with water has been used. A manual razor so outfitted ensures quality control of the razor blade.
The electronics of the system, powered by a battery (1) is placed into the handle (2) of the razor: it indicates the number of times the blade has been used for shaving through a display window (12) as soon as the razor-support (10) comes into contact with water as a result of electrodes 8a and 8b.
The display (5) is controlled by a time lag (3). As soon as it is powered on, the number increases in the memory counter (4). Then it automatically powers off during the shaving process.The ring (6) permits the ejection of the blade (11) of the razor (10). When it is moved towards the front, the magnet (9) impacts the switch (7) thereby initializing the computer (4), and in the display window (5) the number “1” appears.The device of the invention is intended to count and memorize the frequency of the blade usage of the razor.
Polish to English: Brokerage services compliance procedure
Source text - Polish Zlecenia brokerskie stanowiÄ ustne (telefoniczne), pisemne (faxowe) lub przekazywane drogÄ elektronicznÄ, lub w inny sposáb, zgodny z wŁaŚciwymi umowami o Świadczenie usŁug brokerskich oraz procedurami, skŁadane dyspozycje w zakresie nabycia lub zbycia wskazanych w dyspozycji instrumentáw finansowych znajdujÄcych siÖ na liŚcie transakcyjnej.
Za brokera uwaŻa siÖ w szczegálnoŚci dom maklerski, bank prowadzÄcy dziaŁalnoŚÉ maklerskÄ oraz bank lub inny podmiot uprawiony do poŚrednictwa w zakresie obrotu instrumentami finansowymi na podstawie wŁaŚciwych przepisáw i umáw o Świadczenie usŁug brokerskich z tym podmiotem.
Zlecenia brokerskie skŁadane sÄ wyŁÄcznie przez upeŁnomocnionych do tej czynnoŚci xxxxktárzy dziaŁajÄ w najlepiej pojÖtym interesie klientáw, przy zachowaniu naleŻytej starannoŚci w zakresie ustalania parametráw zlecenia oraz podczas jego skŁadania i wykonania
Ustne zlecenia brokerskie mogÄ byÉ przekazywane jedynie z aparatáw telefonicznych wyposaŻonych w funkcjÖ nagrywania rozmáw.
W sytuacji, w ktárej, majÄc na celu ochronÖ interesu uczestnikáw funduszy i klientáw, niezbÖdne jest natychmiastowe zŁoŻenie zlecenia na rynku, w szczegálnoŚci w sytuacji wystÄpienia nadzwyczajnych okolicznoŚci takich jak nagŁe zaŁamanie rynku lub ceny
Translation - English Brokers’ orders means the verbal (via telephone), written (via fax) or electronic mail or other means of instructions, consistent with the applicable Agreements for the providing of brokerage services and these Procedures, for the buying or selling of the specified financial instruments that are the subject of the order and which are set forth on the transaction list.
A broker means specifically a brokerage house engaged in brokering activities or a bank or other entity authorized to serve as an intermediary within the scope of trading financial instruments pursuant to the applicable legal requirements and the Agreements for providing brokerage services entered into by such entity.
Brokers’ orders shall be placed exclusively by xxx who are authorized to engage in such activities and in particular the xxxx acting in the best interests of the client and exercising due care in the establishing of parameters in the placement and execution of such orders (best execution).
-Verbal brokers’ orders may be communicated solely by means of a telephone system that is equipped to record verbal communications.
- In situations where in the best interests of the fund participants or the clients it is necessary to place an order on the market immediately, in particular under extraordinary circumstances such as a sudden decline in the market or in the price levels
Polish to English: Equal TreaTment in Employment - tekst przepisów
Source text - Polish Realizując postanowienia Art. 941 znowelizowanego Kodeksu Pracy
Zarząd firmy
xxxx z o.o.
niniejszym udostępnia pracownikom pisemny tekst przepisów
zapewnia stały dostęp do tych przepisów oraz ich przestrzeganie
Wszyscy pracownicy są uprzejmie proszeni o potwierdzenie faktu zapoznania się
z przepisami na załączonym formularzu oświadczenia.
Kodeks Pracy – stan na dzień 1 stycznia 2004 r.
Dział Pierwszy, Rozdział II a
Równe traktowanie w zatrudnieniu
Art. 183a. § 1. Pracownicy powinni być równo traktowani w zakresie nawiązania i rozwiązania stosunku pracy, warunków zatrudnienia, awansowania oraz dostępu do szkolenia w celu podnoszenia kwalifikacji zawodowych, w szczególności bez względu na płeć, wiek, niepełnosprawność, rasę, religię, narodowość, przekonania polityczne, przynależność związkową, pochodzenie etniczne, wyznanie, orientację seksualną, a także bez względu na zatrudnienie na czas określony lub nie określony albo w pełnym lub w niepełnym wymiarze czasu pracy.
§ 2. Równe traktowanie w zatrudnieniu oznacza niedyskryminowanie w jakikolwiek sposób, bezpośrednio lub pośrednio, z przyczyn określonych w § 1.
§ 3. Dyskryminowanie bezpośrednie istnieje wtedy, gdy pracownik z jednej lub z kilku przyczyn określonych w § 1 był, jest lub mógłby być traktowany w porównywalnej sytuacji mniej korzystnie niż inni pracownicy.
§ 4. Dyskryminowanie pośrednie istnieje wtedy, gdy na skutek pozornie neutralnego postanowienia, zastosowanego kryterium lub podjętego działania występują dysproporcje w zakresie warunków zatrudnienia na niekorzyść wszystkich lub znacznej liczby pracowników należących do grupy wyróżnionej ze względu na jedną lub kilka przyczyn określonych w § 1, jeżeli dysproporcje te nie mogą być uzasadnione innymi obiektywnymi powodami.
§ 5. Przejawem dyskryminowania w rozumieniu § 2 jest także:
1) działanie polegające na zachęcaniu innej osoby do naruszania zasady równego traktowania w zatrudnieniu,
2) zachowanie, którego celem lub skutkiem jest naruszenie godności albo poniżenie lub upokorzenie pracownika (molestowanie).
§ 6. Dyskryminowaniem ze względu na płeć jest także każde nieakceptowane zachowanie o charakterze seksualnym lub odnoszące się do płci pracownika, którego celem lub skutkiem jest naruszenie godności lub poniżenie albo upokorzenie pracownika; na zachowanie to mogą się składać fizyczne, werbalne lub pozawerbalne elementy (molestowanie seksualne).
Art. 183b. § 1. Za naruszenie zasady równego traktowania w zatrudnieniu, z zastrzeżeniem § 2-4, uważa się różnicowanie przez pracodawcę sytuacji pracownika z jednej lub kilku przyczyn określonych w art. 183a § 1, którego skutkiem jest w szczególności:
1) odmowa nawiązania lub rozwiązanie stosunku pracy,
2) niekorzystne ukształtowanie wynagrodzenia za pracę lub innych warunków zatrudnienia albo pominięcie przy awansowaniu lub przyznawaniu innych świadczeń związanych z pracą,
3) pominięcie przy typowaniu do udziału w szkoleniach podnoszących kwalifikacje zawodowe- chyba że pracodawca udowodni, że kierował się obiektywnymi powodami.
§ 2. Zasady równego traktowania w zatrudnieniu nie naruszają działania polegające na:
1) niezatrudnianiu pracownika z jednej lub kilku przyczyn, określonych wart. 183a § 1, jeżeli jest to uzasadnione ze względu na rodzaj pracy, warunki jej wykonywania lub wymagania zawodowe stawiane pracownikom,
2) wypowiedzeniu pracownikowi warunków zatrudnienia w zakresie wymiaru czasu pracy, jeżeli jest to uzasadnione przyczynami nie dotyczącymi pracowników,
3) stosowaniu środków, które różnicują sytuację prawną pracownika ze względu na ochronę rodzicielstwa, wiek lub niepełnosprawność pracownika,
4) ustalaniu warunków zatrudniania i zwalniania pracowników, zasad wynagradzania i awansowania oraz dostępu do szkolenia w celu podnoszenia kwalifikacji zawodowych – z uwzględnieniem kryterium stażu pracy.
§ 3. Nie stanowią naruszenia zasady równego traktowania w zatrudnieniu działania podejmowane przez określony czas, zmierzające do wyrównywania szans wszystkich lub znacznej liczby pracowników wyróżnionych z jednej lub kilku przyczyn określonych w art. 183a § 1, przez zmniejszenie na korzyść takich pracowników faktycznych nierówności, w zakresie określonym w tym przepisie.
§ 4. Różnicowanie pracowników ze względu na religię lub wyznanie nie stanowi naruszenia zasady równego traktowania w zatrudnieniu, jeżeli w związku z rodzajem i charakterem działalności prowadzonej w ramach kościołów i innych związków wyznaniowych, a także organizacji, których cel działania pozostaje w bezpośrednim związku z religią lub wyznaniem, religia lub wyznanie pracownika stanowi istotne, uzasadnione i usprawiedliwione wymaganie zawodowe.
Art. 183c. § 1. Pracownicy mają prawo do jednakowego wynagrodzenia za jednakową pracę lub za pracę o jednakowej wartości.
§ 2. Wynagrodzenie, o którym mowa w § 1, obejmuje wszystkie składniki wynagrodzenia, bez względu na ich nazwę i charakter, a także inne świadczenia związane z pracą, przyznawane pracownikom w formie pieniężnej lub w innej formie niż pieniężna.
§ 3. Pracami o jednakowej wartości są prace, których wykonywanie wymaga od pracowników porównywalnych kwalifikacji zawodowych, potwierdzonych dokumentami przewidzianymi w odrębnych przepisach lub praktyką i doświadczeniem zawodowym, a także porównywalnej odpowiedzialności i wysiłku.
Art. 183d. Osoba, wobec której pracodawca naruszył zasadę równego traktowania w zatrudnieniu, ma prawo do odszkodowania w wysokości nie niższej niż minimalne wynagrodzenie za pracę, ustalane na podstawie odrębnych przepisów.
Art. 183e. Skorzystanie przez pracownika z uprawnień przysługujących z tytułu naruszenia zasady równego traktowania w zatrudnieniu nie może stanowić przyczyny uzasadniającej wypowiedzenie przez pracodawcę stosunku pracy lub jego rozwiązanie bez wypowiedzenia
Dział Czwarty, Rozdział I
Obowiązki Pracodawcy
Art. 942. Pracodawca jest obowiązany informować pracowników w sposób przyjęty u danego pracodawcy o możliwości zatrudnienia w pełnym lub w niepełnym wymiarze czasu pracy, a pracowników zatrudnionych na czas określony o wolnych miejscach pracy.
Art. 943. § 1. Pracodawca jest obowiązany przeciwdziałać mobbingowi.
§ 2. Mobbing oznacza działania lub zachowania dotyczące pracownika lub skierowane przeciwko pracownikowi, polegające na uporczywym i długotrwałym nękaniu lub zastraszaniu pracownika, wywołujące u niego zaniżoną ocenę przydatności zawodowej, powodujące lub mające na celu poniżenie lub ośmieszenie pracownika, izolowanie go lub wyeliminowanie z zespołu współpracowników.
§ 3. Pracownik, u którego mobbing wywołał rozstrój zdrowia, może dochodzić od pracodawcy odpowiedniej sumy tytułem zadośćuczynienia pieniężnego za doznaną krzywdę.
§ 4. Pracownik, który wskutek mobbingu rozwiązał umowę o pracę, ma prawo dochodzić od pracodawcy odszkodowania w wysokości nie niższej niż minimalne wynagrodzenie za pracę, ustalane na podstawie odrębnych przepisów.
§ 5. Oświadczenie pracownika o rozwiązaniu umowy o pracę powinno nastąpić na piśmie z podaniem przyczyny, o której mowa w § 2, uzasadniającej rozwiązanie umowy.
xxxx z o.o.
Niniejszym potwierdzam, że zgodnie z art. 94¹ Kodeksu Pracy pracodawca udostępnił mi tekst przepisów dotyczących równego traktowania w zatrudnieniu w formie pisemnej informacji rozpowszechnionej na terenie zakładu pracy i zapewnia mi ciągły dostęp do tych przepisów (otrzymałem tekst przepisów w formie elektronicznej e-mailem).
Data otrzymania treści przepisów
Czytelny podpis pracownika
Translation - English Implementing the provisions of Article 94 of the Labor Law, as amended
The Management of
XXX. z o.o.
XXXX, a Limited Liability Corporation)
Hereby makes available to its employees the written text of the laws concerning
and ensures continuing access to such legal texts as well as the compliance therewith.
All employees are kindly requested to acknowledge that they have reviewed and acquainted themselves with the above legal requirements by signing the attached certification form.
Labor Code – as amended, as of January 1, 2004
Section One, Chapter II a
Equal Treatment in Employment
Article 183a. § 1. Employees should be treated equally in all situations involving the process of entering into, or the termination of, any contract of employment; the conditions of employment; promotion; or access to educational resources for the purpose of improving their professional qualifications; and specifically, without any regard to the employee’s sex, age, disability, race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, union membership, ethnic origin, persuasion, sexual orientation, and irrespective of whether such employment is for a set period of time, or for an indeterminate period of time, or whether it is on a full-time or a part-time employment basis.
§ 2. Equal treatment in employment means non-discrimination of any kind whatsoever, whether directly or indirectly, for any of the reasons set forth in § 1 above.
§ 3. Direct discrimination is deemed to exist in any situation where an employee, for one or more of the reasons set forth in § 1, is, or might be, treated less favorably than other employees in comparable circumstances.
§ 4. Indirect discrimination is deemed to exist in any situation where, as the result of a determination that is neutral on its face, the criterion applied or the actions taken, manifest themselves disproportionately as regards the terms and conditions of employment, to the disadvantage of all, or a significant number of employees, who fall within any of the designated classes for one or more of the reasons set forth in § 1, if such disproportionate impact cannot be justified by other objective reasons.
§ 5. Evidence of such discrimination within the meaning of § 2 shall also comprise:
1) conduct that involves inducing another person to infringe the principles of equal treatment in employment,
2) conduct, the purpose or result of which is the violation of the dignity of, or abasement of, or the humiliation of an employee (harassment).
§ 6. Discrimination that is based on gender also comprises all unacceptable conduct that is sexual in nature, or relates to the gender of the employee, the purpose or result of which is the violation of the dignity of, or the abasement of, or the humiliation of the employee: conduct may comprise physical, verbal or non-verbal elements (sexual harassment).
Article 183a § 1. Violation of the principles of equal treatment in employment, subject to the provisions of § §2 through 4, is deemed to be comprised of the differentiating, on the part of the employer, of the circumstances of the employee for any one or more of the reasons set forth in Article 183a § 1, that results in particular in:
1) a refusal to enter into, or the termination of, the employment relationship.
2) establishing an unfavorable framework of compensation for work performed, or of other terms of employment, or failure to promote or confer other remuneration tied to work.
3) failure to include in the selection for access to educational resources that increase professional qualifications, unless the employer proves that he was motivated by objective reasons.
§ 2. The principles of equal treatment in employment are not violated by conduct that involves:
1) the failure to hire an employee for one or more of the reasons that are set forth in Article183a § 1, if such failure is based upon the nature of the work, the conditions of its performance, or the professional qualifications required of the employees,
2) the changing of the conditions of employment if it is justified by reasons not related to the employees,
3) the application of measures which differentiate as to the legal status of employment that are based on the protection of the employees’ status as parent[s], or the age or disability of the employee.
4) setting the terms for hiring and terminating employees, conditions of compensation and promotion, as well as access to education resources that are intended to improve their professional qualifications that takes into account seniority of employment.
§ 3. Actions that are taken for a fixed period of time that are intended to equalize the opportunities for all, or a significant number of, employees who fall within one or more of the classes set forth in Article 183a § 1, which have the effect of eliminating actual inequalities for their benefit, shall not be deemed as infringing the principles of equal treatment.
§ 4. Differentiating among employees on the grounds of religious belief or denomination shall not constitute a violation of the principles of equal treatment in employment, where as a result of the nature and characteristics of the activities carried on within the scope of churches or other religious associations, as well as organizations that engage in activities whose purpose is directly tied to a religion or religious association, the religion or religious affiliation of the employee represents an essential, justifiable and substantial qualification of employment.
Article 183c § 1. Employees shall have the right to equal pay for equal work or for work of equal value.
§ 2. The compensation which is referred to in § 1 above, shall include all elements of compensation without regard to its name or nature, as well as all other forms of payment related to employment which is provided to employees in monetary as well as non-monetary form.
§ 3. Work of equal value shall mean work, the performance of which calls for employees of comparable professional skills, which are evidenced by the documents provided for by applicable law or in practice and professional experience, as well as comparable also as regards the degree of responsibility called for or effort exerted.
Article 183d. A person whose employer has violated the principle of equal treatment in employment shall be entitled to damages in an amount that shall not be lesser than the minimal amount payable for such work, as it has been established on the basis of other legal requirements.
Article 183e . For an employee to avail themselves of the rights that have been granted to them in the event of violation of the principle of equal treatment in employment, shall not constitute grounds for notice of termination of their employment by the employer or of termination without notice.
Section Four, Chapter I
Obligations of the Employer
Article 942. The employer shall be obliged to inform employees, as well as the employees employed for a definite time, in the manner adopted
by such employer, of the possibility of full-time or part-time employment and of vacant positions.
Article 943. § 1. An employer shall prevent mobbing.
§ 2. Mobbing shall mean any action or conduct relating to an employee, or directed against such employee, that consists of persistent and long-lasting harassment, or the intimidation of any employee that results in a decreased evaluation of his or her professional capabilities, as well as resulting in, or aimed at, humiliating or ridiculing any employee, or isolating him or her, or excluding him or her from a work team.
§ 3. An employee whose health suffers from a disturbance as the result of mobbing may claim the relevant amount from the employer as cash compensation for the harm incurred.
§ 4. An employee, who, as a result of mobbing, has terminated the employment contract, shall have the right to claim compensation from the employer in an amount that is not less than the minimum remuneration for such work as has been established pursuant to separate provisions of law.
§ 5. The employee’s declaration upon the termination of the employment contract should be in writing and should set forth the causes referred to in § 2 in order to substantiate the termination of the contract.
XXXX. z o.o.
(XXXXX, A Limited Liability Corporation)
The undersigned hereby certifies that in accordance with Article 94 of the Labor Code, the Employer has made provided him/her, on the premises of the employer, with the written text of these provisions and ensures continuing access to such provisions. (I received the text of the law via electronic mail).
Date of receipt of content of legal provisions
Legible signature of the employee
Polish to English: Food production management process & procedures
Source text - Polish Rozporzadzenie Min. Gospodarki w spr. minimalnych
wymagan dot. bezpieczenstwa i higieny pracy w
zakresie uytkowania maszyn przez pracowników DzU.
- Kodeks pracy
- Rozp.Min. Pracy i Polityki Socjalnej w spr. ogólnych
przepisów bezpieczenstwa i higieny pr. DzU 134/1997
- Rozp.Min.Gosp. i Polityki Społecznej w spr.
zasadniczych wymagan dla maszyn i
Na podstawie ustawy o systemie oceny zgodnosci
Dz.U 166/2002 oraz Dz.U 80/2003,
- Prawo o miarach,
- Rozporzadzenie Ministra Zdrowia w sprawie wymagan
higieniczno-sanitarnych zakładów i wymagan
dotyczacych higieny w procesie produkcji i w obrocie
artykułami oraz materiałami i wyrobami
przeznaczonymi do kontaktu z tymi artykułami (Dz.U.
Nr 234/2002)
- Rozporzadzenie Ministra Zdrowia w sprawie kwalifikacji
w zakresie przestrzegania zasad higieny w procesie
produkcji łub w obrocie ywnoscia (Dz.U. Nr 27/2003 )
4.- Zintegrowany program zarzadzania produkcja,
- Wyposaenie do kontroli, pomiarów i badan,
- Zapisy z realizacji procesów produkcyjnych,
- Zapisy Kontroli Jakosci
5. Wskazniki procesu
Szef Kontroli Jakosci wraz z Automatykiem odpowiada za:
• przeprowadzenie kontroli wyrobów gotowych zgodnie zasadami okreslonymi w instrukcjach kontroli jakosci,
instrukcjach GMP i GHP
• zapewnienie jakosci produkowanych wyrobów poprzez kontrole materiałów, procesu i
• wyrobów,
• nadzór nad pracownikami kontroli jakosci, rozliczanie czasu pracy i wydajnosci.
• opracowanie harmonogramów kontroli jakosci i nadzór ich realizacji.
• bieacy nadzór nad stanem technicznym urzadzen kontrolnych, zlecanie napraw do Działu
• Technicznego oraz odbiór prac po naprawie
• bezposredni nadzór nad oznaczaniem statusu badan i kontroli półfabrykatów, wyrobów gotowych
• obsługa urzadzenia do kontroli jakosci po procesie wytłaczania, nadruku i konfekcjonowania,
• wykonywanie sprawdzen urzadzen kontrolno-pomiarowych;
• zlecanie napraw urzadzen kontrolno-pomiarowych wykonawcom zewnetrznym oraz ich odbiór;
• nadzór nad dokumentacja techniczna urzadzen kontrolno-pomiarowych zakresie mechanicznym;
• planowanie sprawdzen urzadzen kontrolno-pomiarowych oraz ich dokumentowanie.
jest uprawniony do:
- proponowania metod badawczych wyrobów,
- udziału w szkoleniach organizowanych przez zakład pracy
- współpracy z jednostkami kontroli jakosci w instytutach badawczych i laboratoriach,
- opiniowania ofert handlowych w odniesieniu do sprzetu kontrolno-pomiarowego,
- dostepu do systemu informatycznego.
- dostepu do dokumentacji systemu ISO i XXXX.
Translation - English Applicable legal requirements related to the Process
-Regulation of the Ministry of the Economy concerning the minimum requirements relative to safety and hygiene in the workplace regarding usage of machinery by employees. Dz. U. (Journal of Laws) 191/2002
-Labor Codes
-Regulation of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy concerning general guidelines of safety and hygiene Dz. U. (Journal of Laws) 134/1997
-Regulation of the Ministry of the Economy and Social Policy concerning requirements for machinery and elements of safety legislation on the methods for compliance appraisal. Dz. U. (Journal of Laws)166/2002 and Dz. U. (Journal of Laws) 80/2003
-Law of measurements.
-Regulation of the Ministry of Health concerning hygienic-sanitary requirements of workplaces and requirements related to hygiene in the production process and in product handling and materials and products designated for the contact with such articles (Dz. U. (Journal of Laws) No. 234/2002).
- Regulation of the Ministry of Health concerning compliance with the rules of hygiene in the production process or food industry. (Dz. U (Journal of Laws) No. 27/2003).
---he Head of the Maintenance Department is responsible for:
•scheduling inspections, refurbishing, and the preservation of equipment,
•Performing mechanical repairs, refurbishments and maintenance of machinery, and company equipment. Supervising the work of mechanics and electricians employed by the company.
•Ordering repair work from external contractors and pick-up of the repaired equipment.
•Implementing and supervising technical documentation for equipment (mechanical scope of machinery).
•Scheduling of refurbishment and inspection of machinery and equipment (mechanical scope of machinery) and documentation of the foregoing.
•Purchase of machinery spare parts and operational material, care for their proper use, supervision over their storage.
•Supervision of the machine shop.
•Reporting to superiors any potential infringements of work safety regulations.
•completion of technical documentation
•keeping records of equipment refurbishments,
•placing new equipment into service
Is authorized to:
-evaluate the condition of department equipment,
-access the computer system
-access the ISO and xxxxx documentation systems.
Spanish to English: LISTADO DOCUMENTACIÓN RECIBIDA - List of documents received (real estate closing, Spain)
Source text - Spanish
1. Escritura de compraventa otorgada el xx de xxx de 200x, ante el Notario de xxx, con el número xxx de su protocolo, en virtud de la cual las sociedades xxxx venden a xxx la finca nºxxxx.
2. Escritura de agrupación otorgada por xxx, el x de xx de 200x, ante el Notario de xxx, con el número xxxx de su protocolo.
3. Escritura de constitución de hipoteca otorgada el xx de xxxx de 200x, ante el Notario de xxxx , con el número xxx, en virtud de la cual se grava la finca xxx (aportada al Proyecto de Reparcelación) como garantía de un préstamo de x millones de euros.
4. Escritura de hipoteca otorgada por xxxx , el xx de xxxx de 200x, ante el Notario de xxxx, con el número xxx de su protocolo.
5. Proyecto de Reparcelación Voluntaria elaborado por xxxx , relativo a los terrenos situados en el xxxx, aprobado definitivamente el xx de xxxx de 200x.
6. Notas simples emitidas el x y x de xxxx de 200x por el Registro de la Propiedad de xxxx, relativas a las fincas resultantes del Proyecto de Reparcelación Voluntaria relativo a los terrenos situados en el xxxx .
7. Acuerdo del Pleno del Ayuntamiento de xx de xxxx de 200x, en la que se acuerda la adjudicación a la sociedad xxxx del procedimiento de licitación y venta de las dos parcelas lucrativas resultantes del Proyecto de Reparcelación que fueron adjudicadas al Ayuntamiento.
1. Contrato de compraventa “llave en mano” suscrito el x de xxxx de 200x entre xxxx y xxxx.
2. Contrato de xx de xxxx de 200x suscrito por xxxx y xxxx con xxxx, en virtud del cual se designa a dicha compañía como Técnico Independiente.
De acuerdo con lo indicado por los abogados del Vendedor en el listado de documentación solicitada, no aplica aportar documentación en relación con este apartado.
No se ha aportado documentación. De acuerdo con la nota incluida en el listado de documentación solicitada, se indica que se trata de documentación sujeta a confidencialidad.
1. Resolución emitida el xx de xxxx de 200x por el Consejero de Política Territorial y Obras Públicas de la Generalitat de xxxx, en virtud de la cual se estima el recurso de alzada interpuesto por xxxx y xxxx contra el acuerdo de la Comisión Terriitorial de Urbanismo de xxxx de xx de xxxx de 200x, por el que se aprobó definitivamente el Plan de Ordenación Urbanística Municipal de xxxx
2. Convenio Urbanístico de xx de xxxx de 200x suscrito por el Ayuntamiento de xxxx y las sociedades xxxx y xxxx, en virtud del cual se establecen compromisos para la tramitación urbanística del Sector xxxx.
Translation - English 14. Bank guarantee issued xxx May 200x by the xxxx Bank (Caja de Ahorros del xxx) guaranteeing for xxxx, to the benefit of the Municipality of xxxx (Ayuntamiento), the amount of xxxx euros relative to xx % of the performance costs of the urban infrastructure planning work.
15. The text of the amendments to the Scheduled General Plan of xxxx of xxxxr 200x pertaining to Sectors xxxx. The Decree of approval was not provided.
16. Urban Infrastructure Planning Project for the xxxx Sector, dated xxxx 200x, prepared by the architectural firm of xxxx, acting on behalf of xxxx as the developer.
17. A certificate issued on xx xxx 200x by the Mayor of xxx advising that the final approval for the Urban Infrastructure Planning Project for the xxx Sector was granted on xx xxxx 200x, and had been published in the Official Bulletin of the Province of xxxx ( in Catalan: Bulleti Oficial de la Provincia de Tarragona) (the “BOPT”) on x xxxx 200x.
18. Application for research and license of the right to use underground waters for the system supply for the urban infrastructure planning for xxxx, presented by xxxx to the xxx Water Agency (Agencia xxxx del Agua) on xx xxxx 200x.
19. Project for research and license of the right to operate a hydraulic system of underground waters for supplying to the xxxx area (polygon), requested by xxxx and prepared by the geological consultant xxxx, dated xx xxxx 200x.
In accordance with that which has been indicated by the Seller’s lawyers in the list of requested documentation, the providing of documentation relative to this Section is not required.
1. Invoices xxx and xxxx on aggregation, grouping, segregation or division of real property assets presented on x xxxx 200x before the Land Registry (Catastro) by xxxx, in order to amend the property tax account number holder.
2. Letter of xx xxxx 200x addressed to the Land Registry, in which the xxxxcompany submits additional documentation required for the certificate of title of the parcels resulting from the Reparcelling Project.
In accordance with that which has been indicated by the Seller’s lawyers in the list of requested documentation, the providing of documentation relative to this Section is not required.
In accordance with that which has been indicated by the Seller’s lawyers in the list of requested documentation, the providing of documentation relative to this Section is not required.
1. The Articles of Association as the constitutive instrument of the xxxx company, executed on xx xxxx 200x, before the xxxx Notary, xxxx, bearing the Number xx in his Notary Registration Book.
2. The Articles of Association as the constitutive instrument of the xxxx company, executed on xx xxxx 199x before the xxxx Notary xxxx, bearing the Number xxxx in his Notary Registration Book.
3. The Articles of Association as the constitutive instrument of the xxxx, executed on xx xxxx 200x before the xxxx Notary xxxx, bearing the Number xxxx in his Notary Registration Book.
Polish to English: Regułamin pracy - Work regulations
Source text - Polish (original in .pdf)
Translation - English
Xxxx Polska Sp. z.o.o.
(Xxxx Polska, a Limited Liability Corporation)
Chapter I
The Regulations set forth below establish the work rules and procedures, and the rights and obligations of the Employees of Xxxx Polska Sp. z.o.o., including those Employees who may be referred to further below as Employers.
These Regulations shall apply to all Employees whose employment status is based upon a contract for employment, irrespective of the position held, or the type of job duties performed.
These Regulations have been drafted in reliance on the provisions of the Labor Code, as well as the determinations issued thereunder as the basis for their implementation.
Chapter II
1. The Employer shall be specifically obligated to:
- familiarize the Employees who are commencing employment as to the scope of their duties, the means of performing such duties in the designated positions, as well as their basic rights;
- to organize the work in a fashion that ensures the full utilization of the working hours established, as well as the utilization, on the part of the Employees, of their skills and qualifications, high productivity and appropriate quality of work performed;
- ensure timely and accurate payment of compensation;
- facilitate the Employees’ means for improving their professional qualifications;
- provide, within the scope of available resources, for the social needs of the Employees;
- apply objective and fair criteria for evaluating the Employees, as well as the results of their work;
- influence the shaping of the principles of mutual co-existence in the workplace;
- ensure safe and hygienic working conditions, and above all:
a) to advise the Employees about each of the risks that may arise in connection with the performance of their work, as well as principles of preventive safety practices – this obligation should be complied with at the time of providing initial training to Employees on the subject of industrial safety and hygiene, following the performing of an inspection of the working conditions at the work site;
b) to apply preventive measures against work-related diseases and other illnesses tied to the work performed;
c) to refer the Employees for mandatory medical examinations and to pay the costs of such examinations;
d) to ensure that the Employees are provided with appropriate safety and hygiene equipment, as well as ensure the means of providing first aid in the event of an accident;
e) to systematically analyze the causes and circumstances of any accidents at the work site, as well as maintain appropriate documentation concerning them;
f) to systematically provide Employees with training on safety and work hygiene;
g) to provide Employees, free of charge to them, with such work clothing and work shoes as may be required by virtue of the technical, or safety or industrial hygiene circumstances arising from the type of work to be performed.
2. The conditions for providing Employees with work clothes and work shoes are set forth in a table of standards pertaining to their use, along with detailed instructions for methods of using them.
Chapter III
1) The Employee is obligated to perform his work conscientiously and with due care, as well as to follow the instructions of his supervisors as they pertain to the work to be performed, if such instructions are not contrary to the provisions of law applicable to the terms of the contract of employment.
1. In particular, the Employee is obligated to:
a) comply with the working hours as established by the company;
b) confirm his presence and attendance at work on the attendance list;
c) comply with these Regulations and other established procedures;
d) exercise due care as regards the place of employment, protect its assets as well as maintain the confidentiality of any information, the disclosure of which could be injurious to the Employer;
e) comply with safety regulations and the principles of safety and industrial hygiene, as well as with fire prevention requirements;
f) comply with the principles of social co-coexistence at the place of employment.
First and foremost, the Employee should:
- have knowledge of the principles of safety and industrial hygiene, participate in training and instruction on such subject matter, as well as participate in mandatory testing thereon;
- perform his work in a manner that is consistent with these Regulations and the principles of safety and industrial hygiene, as well as comply with the instructions and demonstrations provided thereon by his supervisors;
- exercise due care that his work station be maintained in good order;
- apply measures of collective safety, as well as make the proper use of the work clothing and shoes that are provided to him, and in a manner consistent with their intended use;
- undergo initial, periodic and follow-up medical examinations and such other medical testing as may be recommended, and to comply with the directives of medical doctors;
- promptly, and without delay, advise the supervisor of any accident at the work location that he becomes aware of that poses a potential risk to the health or safety of persons, as well as alert his co-workers and any other persons who may be present in the area that a threat exists and the potential danger thereof;
- cooperate with the Employer and his supervisors in the performance of duties that pertain to safety and work hygiene.
2. An Employee who has been provided with the use of an item, is subject to the obligation of returning it to the Employer, or making reimbursement for the full value of:
a) monies
b) tools, instruments, or similar equipment, as well as personal safety equipment, and work clothing and uniforms;
The Employee shall be liable for their full value (as well as any damage inflicted on them):
4. The Employee shall also be liable for the full value of items other than those listed in Point 3 above, that he has been entrusted with, and that are subject to being either returned or paid for.
5. An Employee who, as the result of not performing, or of performing the duties assigned to him improperly, is the cause of damages thereto – is liable for the monetary value thereof, in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Labor Code.
6. Employees are prohibited from:
- leaving their work station during working hours without the permission of the supervisor;
- being present on the premises of the work site in an inebriated state and from consuming alcohol.
Chapter IV
Working hours are those hours during which the Employee is at the disposal of the Employer at the company’s offices in Warsaw, at AL. Jerozolimskie 162, as well as the company’s warehouses in Poznań, at ul. Skoczkowska 19, or at such other locations as may be designated for the performance of the work assigned.
Employees of the sales division shall work in the field, in designated areas of the country, in accordance with the established work plan and the visits to those locations as are set forth in the assignment plan.
The proof of the Employee’s arrival and presence at the work place shall be the signature of the Employee on the attendance list, except for those Employees who work in the sales divisions, such as sales representatives and regional sales managers.
In accordance with the Law of March 1, 2001 amending the Labor Code, the usual working hours at Energy Polska shall be 40 hours, within a five-day work week, within a quarter.
The number of daily working hours is subject to being increased if it is necessary for the organization of the work, but shall not be in excess of 10 hours per day. Such work shall not be considered as overtime work.
At Xxxx Polska Sp. z.o.o., there has been established a five-day work week from Monday until Friday.
7. Working hours shall be established for particular work units as follows:
a. Office Employees and warehouse Employees from 0800 hours – 1600
Office Employees in Warsaw: 800/900 – 1600/1700
b. Drivers, according to the mandatory schedule of their routes to the
extent that they do not exceed 40 hours per work week.
For Employees of the sale divisions, such as trade representatives and sales managers, as regards to the type of work to be performed, as well as the location of performing such services, in accordance with Article 129 § 1 of the Labor Code, the work time that is required shall be set forth in a weekly schedule of visits. The scope of the work plan shall not exceed 40 hours per week.
A lunch break time period of 15 minutes shall be included in the working hours. An Employee who, at the direction of the Employer, performs work on a non-working-day, shall be entitled instead to another free day at a later date, and in the event such free day is not granted – compensation with the supplementary compensation that applies for working on a holiday.
10.In the event that the Employee fails to avail himself of the day off from work, he shall not be entitled to another day off from work or to any additional compensation.
11. For each worker there shall separately be maintained:
a) a time card as evidence of time worked, with the exception of
those Employees covered by pre-designated times of work, inclusive of:
- normal working hours within a five-day work week;
- work on Sundays and Holidays;
- overtime hours;
- on days off from work;
- on call, vacation leave
- justification or lack of justification for absence at work
b) a list, by name of Employee, of the compensation paid and any other payments made in connection with the work performed.
12. Hours of overtime work shall be allowed only in the event of
a) the need to take immediate action for the preservation of human life or health, or to preserve the property of the company or as a preventive measure during the course of an emergency.
b) the particular needs of the Employer.
13. For hours worked on an overtime basis – in addition to the usual compensation, there
shall be due a supplemental payment in the following amounts:
- 50% of the hourly wage rate for overtime work on regular work days and Sundays and Holidays which are, for such Employees, their regular hours of work, in accordance with the binding work schedule of the place of employment:
- 100% of the hourly wage rate for hours of overtime worked in the following circumstances:
• work at night,
• work on Sundays and Holidays that are not regularly scheduled working days for those Employees,
• work performed on a scheduled day off that has been scheduled in exchange for work on a Sunday or Holiday that was a regularly scheduled work day for the Employee, in accordance with the binding work schedule of the place of employment.
14. In exchange for the hours worked that are above the normal working hours, the Employer may, at the request of the Employee, grant him the same number of hours as time off. In such a case, there is no entitlement to the supplement for work performed on an overtime basis.
15. Granting time off in exchange for hours worked in excess of the established working hours may also take place without the Employee’s request. In such a case, the Employer shall grant time off at the rate of one and one-half times the number of hours worked, to be granted no later than the end of that particular pay period. In such cases, there shall be no entitlement to an overtime payment supplement.
16. Work on Sundays and on Holidays is permissible under those circumstances as are laid down in the Labor Code. For work on Sunday or a Holiday, this shall mean work performed between 6 a.m. on such day and 6 a.m. of the following day.
17. Night work includes 8 hours of work between the hours of 22:00 Hours and 06:00 Hours.
15. [sic] An Employee performing night work shall be entitled to a
supplemental payment for each hour work at night in the amount of a 20% supplement, based on his hourly wage rate, as it is set forth further below in accordance with the provisions of Article 77, Point 1.
Chapter V
The detailed methods for payment of compensation are set forth in the Regulations governing compensation.
Chapter VI
1. Employees shall be entitled to paid vacation leave to the extent as
is set forth in the Labor Code.
2. The time for taking vacation leave shall be established by the Employer following
communications with the Employee.
3. The Employee shall submit a request for taking vacation leave no later than two
weeks preceding the time planned for the vacation. The request shall be approved by the Employer.
4. The Employee shall commence his vacation leave after obtaining the
written approval of the Employer on the vacation schedule.
5. In accordance with the provisions of Article 167 of the Labor Code,
the Employer is obligated to grant sick leave for short illnesses – not to exceed
four days – for each calendar year. Leave shall be granted at the request of
the Employee for the time period that he specifies. The Employee shall request
such sick leave no later than the day of his absence from work.
6. The Employee shall take leave at the time of terminating employment, with
the exception of unused vacation leave in accordance with the terms of Article
1621 of the Labor Code.
7. Any portion of unused vacation leave that is due to:
- temporary disability from work,
- resulting from an illness,
- quarantine on account of a contagious disease,
- performing military service training or a course of military instruction for
a time period of up to 3 months,
- maternity leave
the Employer shall be obligated to grant at a later date.
8. Unused vacation leave shall be granted, to the Employee to take, no later than the
end of the first quarter of the following calendar year.
9. During vacation leave, the Employee shall be entitled to the same compensation
as he would have earned had he been working at such time. The variable elements of the Employee’s compensation may be calculated on the basis of his average
earning during the 3-month time period immediately preceding the commencement of his vacation leave. In the event of significant fluctuations in the Employee’s average compensation, the time period for calculating such average may be extended to 12 months.
10. Compensation due to the Employee for the time of his vacation leave shall be
paid to him no later than on the day that he is paid for the preceding month’s work.
Chapter VII
1. Working hours should be devoted to the performance of work.
2. The running of personal errands or performing services for social causes during working hours that are not directly related to the performance of the Employee’s job, shall be permissible only with the approval of the Employer.
3.The Employer shall be obligated to release the Employee from work for the
following purposes:
a) to appear if summoned by a state governmental authority, or a local governmental authority, a court, the prosecutor’s office, the police, or other governmental unit dealing with violations;
b) the performance of any duty imposed by a governmental authority;
without any right to compensation.
3. In accordance with the provisions that are mandatory as to being performed
during working hours are the following:
- safety and industrial hygiene training
- periodic medical examinations
4. The Employee shall be entitled to be released from work, without any loss of the
right to compensation, in the following circumstances:
a) The marriage of the Employee – 2 days;
b) The birth of a child to the Employee – 2 days;
c) The wedding of a child of the Employee - 1 day;
d) The death and funeral of the Employee’s spouse, child, mother or father – 2 days;
e) The death and funeral of the Employee’s brother or sister, mother-in-law or father-in-law, grandmother or grandfather or such other persons who is a dependent of the Employee or has been under their direct care – 1 day.
Chapter VIII
1. Employees who, by the exemplary performance of their duties, or by the
demonstration of initiative in performing work and improving its productivity
of the quality thereof, have significantly contributed to the work at the place of
employment, may be awarded bonuses, awards, and distinctions.
2. Such bonuses, awards, and distinctions shall be awarded to the Employees upon the decision of the Employer.
Chapter IX
1. Failure by the Employee to comply with the established work regulations, work rules, safety and hygiene requirements, as well as fire prevention regulations, may result in the Employer imposing the penalties of :
a) a warning
b) a reprimand.
2. Employees who have been disciplined with either a warning or a reprimand shall not be eligible for bonuses or awards from the Employer.
3. In the event of an Employee’s failure to comply with safety or industrial hygiene requirements or fire prevention regulations, or leaving work without having a justifiable reason, or arriving at work in an inebriated state, or consuming alcohol during working hours, the Employer may also impose a monetary fine. Revenues from financial penalties shall be allocated to the improvement of safety conditions and industrial hygiene at the work place.
4. A major violation of the basic work-related obligations – intentional
acts that are damaging to the Employer – shall be deemed to include:
• work that is performed poorly or carelessly, as well insufficient care exercised as
regards the Employee’s work station;
• failure to report to work, unexcused tardiness, or leaving work
without justification
• the unexcused absence of the Employee,
• smoking tobacco at or within the vicinity of the work place, other than in
the areas specifically designated for such purpose,
• reporting for work in a condition that is indicative of the consumption of
alcohol, or the consumption of alcohol during work time,
• the failure to comply with directives issued by supervisors or the performance
of the work in a manner that does not comply with the directives received from
the supervisor,
• the unauthorized removal of any property belonging to the Employer, irrespective
its value,
• concealing deficiencies as well as providing assistance with
any such concealment,
• disclosing any company secrets, the disclosure of which could be
injurious to the Employer,
• using a company vehicle for personal business without the approval of
the Employer,
• any irregularities in sales documentation,
• failure to comply with the principles of social co-existence (belligerency,
or inappropriately domineering conduct),
• inappropriate behavior (offensive or dismissive) towards supervisors as well
as customers,
• performing work for compensation for another economic entity,
• conduct that is neglectful of the work performed,
• untidiness of the work station and its vicinity, blocking means of passage or
conveyance (hallways), thus exposing the health or life of co-workers to unsafe
conditions (this applies in particular to work in warehouses),
• improperly organizing the performance of one’s own work, or tardy completion
of tasks assigned by the supervisor,
• wearing soiled work clothing,
• failing to use the personal safety devices that are provided,
• independently disassembling equipment or tools that are used during work,
as well as repairing them, if that is outside the scope of regularly assigned work
duties, without the special authorization of the supervisor,
4. For any violation of the rules set forth in Chapter IX, Point 3 of the Employer’s
Work Regulations, the Employer may terminate the contract of employment
without having to provide any advance notice, in accordance with the provisions
of Article 52, § 1, Point 1.
5. Termination of the contract of employment without advance notice due to the
fault of the Employee may take place within 1 month of having learned of the
circumstances which give rise to the cause for terminating the contract of employment.
Chapter X
1. These regulations shall be supplemented by the Appendixes and other policies of
the Employer that relate to the conditions of employment.
2. Matters that are not addressed in the above Regulations shall be governed by
by the provisions of the Labor Code.
3. The Work Regulations shall take effect two weeks following the date on which
they shall have been notified to the Employees in accordance with the manner of
providing notice that has been adopted by such Employer.
4. These Work Regulations were notified to the Employees on xxx, 200x.
Spanish to English: Electronic Card Production Process Problems - Problemas en el proceso de las tarjetas electronicas
Source text - Spanish (original in .pdf)
Translation - English The first three visual elements provide security sufficient to prevent the alteration or falsification of the cards, and they may be verified through the use of magnifying glasses, thread-counting devices, and by ultraviolet lamps.
The final element is the tamper-proof seal, which contains a laminated surface patch which is melted into the card during the lamination process and incorporates security and identifier elements. This patch comprises unique identifiers such as its lot production number, the year and the month.
This method, which undoubtedly provides advantages for certain products such as personal identification cards, does not add to the xxxx card any significantly greater or necessary value than that which is already being provided by the three above-described features.
The use of this tamper-proof seal, on account of the type of production processes that it requires, means that production capacity is almost 50 times slower than that obtained with the three security measures described at the outset.
For the above reasons, and given the seriousness of the delay of the nearly 200,000 remaining cards, it is necessary to modify the manufacturing process so as to eliminate the above-described safety seal in order to speed up their production.
Given the fact that there exists no standard that would require the use of such a seal, and with the aim of being able to resolve the production lag promptly, I hereby advise you that we have deemed it necessary to stop incorporating this type of seal, and have proceeded with the manufacturing using only the remaining security measures that the card already features.
For this reason I turn to you with the respectful request that you kindly inform us as soon as possible if the General Management finds any impediment or any reason for not carrying out the above-mentioned modification, and that you notify us thereof accordingly, in order that this company be able to make a final decision on the modification to the production processes.
English to Polish: Brian Urquhart Heads Memorial Fund for General Stanislaw Sosabowski
Source text - English Major General Stanislaw Sosabowski Memorial Appeal`
President Sir Brian Urquhart KCMG MBE
Before the Battle of Arnhem, Major Brian Urquhart, a brilliant young Intelligence Officer on the staff of General Browning warned that his plan for the battle was unworkable. When Urquhart stood his ground, Browning had him sent away. That young man went on to become Under Secretary General of the United Nations and now Sir Brian Urquhart KCMG MBE is President of the “Major General Stanislaw Sosabowski Memorial Appeal”
After the battle, Browning dismissed Brigadier Sosabowski, the Commander of the Polish Parachute Brigade. This act, as unjustified as it was disgraceful, caused lasting resentment and bitterness amongst the gallant Polish troops who fought and died beside us at Arnhem..
Translation - Polish Apel w Sprawie Płyty Pamiątkowej dla Generała – Majora Sosabowskiego *
Prezydent Sir Brian Urquhart KCMG
(Knight Commander Order of the Most Distinguished St. Michael and St. George) / MBE (Member of The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire)**
Przed bitwa nad Arnhem, Major Brian Urquhart, błyskotliwy młody Oficer Wywiadu w sztabie Generała Browning’a, uprzedzał ze plan bitwy tego ostatniego jest niewykonywalny. Kiedy Urquhart stanął przy swoim zdaniem, Browning spowodował jego odesłanie. Ten młody człowiek później zostal Podsekretarzem Generalnym ONZ’u a obecnie jest Sir’em Brian Urquhart KCMG MBE i prezydentem “Apelu Memorialnego Generala-Majora Stanisława Sosabowskiego.”
Po bitwie, Browning pozbawił Sosabowskiego, komendanta polskiej brygady spadochronowej, dowództwa. Ten czyn, również nieusprawiedliwiony jak i haniebny, spowodował wieloletni uraz ze strony walecznych Polskich żołnierzy którzy obok nas walczyli i ginęli nad Arnhem.
Imie i nazwisko Stanisława Sosabowskiego są wysoko cenione w panteonie bohaterow-patriotow ktorzy dedykowali swoje zycie wolności ukochanej Polski.
Urodzony w 1892, uczestniczył w walkach przeciwko Austriakom w 1910, I przeciwko Rosjanom od 1913 to 1919. Juz w 1939 byl dowodca Polskiego oddzialu i odegrał epiczna role w obronie Warszawy w odparciu przeciwko przytłaczających sil niemieckich aż do polskiej kapitulacji. Wzięty w niewole, uciekł i przedostał sie przez czarne moze do Francji, gdzie otrzymał przydział na dowódcę 4 Dywizjonu Piechoty i walczył obok francuzow aż do momentu ich kapitulacji.
Spanish to English: (shipbuilding) FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT
(original in .pdf)
Translation - English FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT
DONE at xxxx, xx xxx 200x
Mr. xxx on behalf of xxxx. (hereinafter “xxxx”),
Mr. xxxx and Mr. xxxx on behalf of XXXX S.A. (hereinafter “XXXX”),
I. That, pursuant to the Hull Building Contracts signed on x xxxx 200x between XXXX and XXXX (hereinafter “the Contracts”), the latter has built Hulls numbered xxxx (hereinafter “the Hulls”) at the xxxx yard;
II. That, being willing to reach an overall agreement in relation to the
delivery as well as a financial settlement regarding such Hulls;
The delivery of the Hull shall take place on xx January 2008 subject to such Hull being finished to the degree as is specified in Appendix 1 and the approval of the instant Agreement by Xxxx.
Accordingly, it is agreed that as regards the “Technical Acceptance” provided for in Article 12.2 of the Contracts, XXXX shall be obligated to accept the Hull if 1) such Hull meets the requirements that are set forth in Appendix 1; and ii) XXXX duly delivers the documents and the following instruments as are set forth in Point ssss of the Contracts, to wit: a) the Bill of Sale, b) the Guarantee, c) the Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance, d) the Final Invoice, and f) XXXX’s certificate.
The “Class Statement” ,which is referred to in Point 12.4.1 e) of the Contracts, may include pending points in accordance with Point 3.1.1 of Appendices 1 and 2. In the event that xxxx were to be liable for such pending points, payment in the agreed-upon amount pursuant to the foregoing shall be made without XXXX having to perform them.
In the event that the Statement of the Classification Society were not to be available on the date of delivery, the delivery shall proceed notwithstanding, and the aforementioned payment shall be effectuated, unless the lack of the Class Statement were to be imputable to XXXX, in which case the “Technical Acceptance” shall not take place until such time as XXXX has performed such steps as may be required for the issuance of said document.
The delivery of the Hull shall take place on xx xxxx 200x subject to such Hull being finished to the degree as is specified in Appendix 2 and the approval of the instant Agreement by Xxxx.
Accordingly, it is agreed that as regards the “Technical Acceptance” provided for in Article xx of the Contracts, XXXX shall be obligated to accept the Hull if 1) such Hull meets the requirements that are set forth in Appendix 1; and ii) XXXX duly delivers the documents and the following instruments as are set forth in Point xxx of the Contracts, to wit: a) the Bill of Sale, b) the Guarantee, c) the Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance, d) the Final Invoice, and f) XXXX’s certificate.
The “Class Statement”, which is referred to in Point xxxx e) of the Contracts, may include pending points in accordance with Point xxxx of Appendices 1 and 2. In the event that XXXX were to be liable for such pending points, payment in the agreed-upon amount pursuant to the foregoing shall be made without XXXX having to perform them.
In the event that the Statement of the Classification Society were not to be available on the date of delivery, the delivery shall proceed notwithstanding, and the aforementioned payment shall be effectuated, unless the lack of the Class Statement were imputable to XXXX, in which case the “Technical Acceptance” shall not take place until such time as XXXX has performed such steps as may be required for the issuance of said document.
3.1 Financial Settlement for Hull xxxx
The Hull was accepted by and delivered to XXXX on xx xxxx 200x.
In the Delivery Agreement dated xx xxxx 200x, various points were identified that as of that date remained pending the financial closing. As of today, an agreed-upon financial settlement has been reached, pursuant to which the existing discrepancies between the parties as regards the points referred to above shall be definitively resolved.
It is agreed, with respect to the initial contractually- negotiated price (xxxx Euros), a net increase thereto (following analysis of all points open of the Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance of xx xxxx 200x) in the amount of xxxx Euros.
Following the payment by XXXX of the amount of xxxx Euros, in addition to the major payments during the performance of the Contract, there remains a balance of xxxx Euros in XXXX’s favour.
The payment of this balance shall be effectuated by means of a bank transfer on the same date that payment for Hull xxxx shall be made by XXXX.
XXXX hereby waives any other financial claims or claims for damages against XXXX arising in connection with Hull xxxx, with the exception of such claims as may arise under the Guarantee, as is provided for in Article xxxx of the Contracts.
XXXX hereby waives any other financial claims or claims for damages against XXXX arising in connection with Hull xxxx, with the exception of such claims as may arise under the Guarantee as is provided for in Article xx of the Contracts.
3.2 Financial settlement for Hulls 109 and 110
During the performance of the Contracts for Hulls 109 and 110, there arose various financial claims as between the contracting parties. On the other hand, the completion of the hull was delayed with respect to the initial contractual date, an occurrence with caused damages to XXXX. It is in the interests of both parties to reach agreement as to an accounting for the financial closing which takes into consideration that claims of both parties and the damages which arose from the delay in delivery.
French to English: Approval of banking institution to provice investment services
Source text - French Direction des etablissments de credit et des entreprises d'investissements
(source in .pdf)
Translation - English By mail of xxxx and xxx 200x the xxxxx provided us with the documents that satisfy the conditions precedent that were established concerning its approval as a banking institution that provides investment services and as a custody accounts keeper in conformity with the decision of November 30, 2004 of the Credit Institutions and Investment Firms Committee (CECEI).
Accordingly, we hereby advise that such approval is now final as of the xxxxx 200x, and that the identifying code No. xxxx has been assigned to the institution.
We remind you that the approval of xxxxxx as a banking institution is statutorily limited by its corporate purposes, such as it is set forth in the statuts (articles of incorporation and bylaws) that were approved at the special meeting of 200x. Approval of investment services covers services of receipt-delivery of orders for the account of third parties of all financial instruments as well as the also-approved establishment of custody account keeping measures.
It will be necessary to forward to us, at your earliest possible convenience, the xxx extract from the Commercial Registry concerning its establishment; a copy of the legal notice that was published announcing the amendments to the corporate purposes as resolved and adopted by the special meeting of xxxx 200x, as well as the CV of xxxx, in his capacity as xxxx.
Please also provide us with formal confirmation of the completion of the transaction (that was planned for the xxxx 200x) of transferring from the parent company xxxx, of the shares of xxx which were issued to the benefit of xxxxx as remuneration for the partial realization of assets of February 21, 2005.
The xxxxx company henceforth constitutes a banking institution whose corporate objectives and approval are limited to specific types of transactions and as a result, any proposed or planned amendments to the corporate purposes will require submittal in advance for preliminary approval.
Further, xxxx is, by virtue of its statuts, subject to the provisions of the legislative and regulatory scheme which applies to credit institutions; the latter are the subject of examination in the Annual Report of the Committee on Banking and Financial Regulation which may be obtained at the Banque de France, Information Services, 48 rue Croix-des-Petits-Champs – 75001 PARIS (
We specifically call your attention to the requirements of Regulation No.96-16 of December 20, 1996 of the CRBF which require the submittal of certain modifications to the circumstances of credit institutions for the authorization of / or the reporting thereof to the CECEI. In the event such modifications are submitted for advance authorization, any public announcements that are released into the public domain prior to the CECEI’s articulation of its position thereon must specifically spell out that no decision has been issued.
Requests for authorization or any reports which must be effectuated by means of such a filing are to be addressed to the Directorate of Credit Institutions and Investment Firms of the Banque de France which is tasked with directing and dealing with them on behalf of the CECEI.
Lastly, we advise you that the General Secretariat of the Banking Commission will be sending you a communication informing you of the obligations incumbent upon you as regards such Commission.
Polish to English: Program grupowego ubezpieczenia na życie dla Pracowników
Source text - Polish Co oferujemy?
Pomoc w trudnych sytuacjach życiowych
Specjalnie dla pracowników XXXX Polska przygotowaliśmy bardzo nowoczesny program ochronny. Pomożemy Państwu w najtrudniejszych sytuacjach – w przypadku choroby lub nieszczęśliwego wypadku. W chwilach, kiedy potrzebujecie pomocy, oczekujecie wsparcia i szybkiego działania. Co ważne, ubezpieczenie działa 24 godziny na dobę, cały rok i na całym świecie!
Kto może być objęty ubezpieczeniem
Ubezpieczenie obejmuje wszystkich Pracowników, którzy nie ukończyli 65 roku życia i są zatrudnieni w oparciu o umowę o pracę – pod warunkiem, że złożą u Pracodawcy wypełnioną i podpisaną Kartę Rejestracyjną. Składka za ubezpieczenie stanowi dodatkowy element wynagrodzenia i jest opłacana w całości przez Pracodawcę.
UWAGA! Osoby, które przystąpią do programu po upływie 3 miesięcy od dnia nabycia uprawnienia zostaną przyjęte do ubezpieczenia po potwierdzeniu zdolności ubezpieczeniowej (oświadczenia o stanie zdrowia, w niektórych przypadkach również badania medyczne). Dlatego warto przystąpić do ubezpieczenia jak najszybciej.
Minimum formalności
Cenimy Państwa czas. Zapewniliśmy zminimalizowanie formalności dotyczących przystąpienia do Programu i korzystania z niego. Prosimy o wypełnienie druku KARTA REJESTRACYJNA i złożenie go w Dziale Personalnym.
Translation - English What does our offer consist of?
Assistance with difficult life situations, prepared especially for the employees of xxxx Polska. We have put together a very contemporary type of program of coverage. We will be able to assist you with some of life’s most difficult situations – in the event of an illness or an accident. At the times that you may need assistance, you expect support and prompt action. It is important to note, that the insurance is available 24 hours a day, throughout the year, and all over the entire world!
Who is eligible for coverage
The insurance program covers all Employees who have not reached the age of 65 and are employed under the terms of a contract for employment – under the condition that they submit a completed and signed Registration Card form to their Employer. The payment of the insurance premium is borne in full by the Employer and comprises an additional element of your compensation.
PLEASE NOTE! Those persons who enroll in the insurance program later than the first 3 months from acquiring the right to enroll, will be eligible for coverage only following completion of verifying their insurability (health status certifications, and in some cases, also medical examinations. For that reason, it is best to enroll as soon as possible.
A minimum of formal requirements
We value your time. We have ensured a minimal amount of formalities required for you to enroll in the Program and enjoy its benefits. We ask that you fill out the REGISTRATION CARD form and submit it to the Department of Human Resources.
French to English: Biocarburants en France - Dispositif legislatif - Biofuel usage in France - Legislative alert
Source text - French Utilisation des biocarburants en France
Dispositif législatif
Bien que la directive 2003/30/CE sur la promotion des biocarburants ne soit pas encore directement transposée en
France, et ce malgré la dernière mise en demeure du 13 décembre 2005 adressée à la France par la Commission
européenne, le dispositif législatif français contient des mesures qui contribuent à remplir les objectifs fixés par l'Union
européenne dans ce domaine et, dans certains cas, à même les dépasser ou à les atteindre plus tôt que prévu.
Mesures encadrant le mélange des
biocarburants aux essences
La France encourage depuis plus de dix ans l'utilisation
des biocarburants sous une forme banalisée en les
incorporant dans les carburants ou le fioul domestique,
sans que l'usager n'ait besoin d'opérer des
modifications sur sa chaudière ou le moteur de son
Les deux filières (éthanol agricole pour les essences et
huiles végétales pour le gazole) ont développé des
produits élaborés dont les caractéristiques se
rapprochent de celles des carburants ou du fioul
domestique auxquels ils peuvent être mélangés.
En parallèle, des plafonds de quantité de biocarburants
pouvant être mélangés aux essences classiques sont
fixés afin d'en permettre l'utilisation : 5% pour l'éthanol
et l'EMHV (ester méthylique d'huile végétale) et 15%
pour l'ETBE (ethyl tertio butyl ether).
Ces taux constituent des seuils minimum et peuvent
être augmentés par dérogation et après évaluation des
performances énergétiques et environnementales.
Nous pouvons citer deux exemples :
• En juin 2006, une expérimentation concernant
le "super ethanol" (E85 ou "flex fuel") a été
lancée sur une flotte captive de véhicules, et
une charte a été signée en septembre 2006.
Ceci a permis un démarrage anticipé de la
filière en janvier 2007.
• Le gazole B30 (qui contient 30% d'EMHV) est
aussi autorisé pour les flottes captives
disposant d'une logistique carburant dédiée.
Ce carburant n'est cependant pas disponible à
la vente au grand public car il est incompatible
avec de nombreux moteurs diesel mis en
Mesures fiscales
Les biocarburants bénéficient depuis 1992 d'une
défiscalisation partielle afin de compenser leur surcoût
de production par rapport aux carburants traditionnels.
Cette défiscalisation est accordée aux biocarburants
produits par des unités ayant reçu un agrément après
appel d'offre communautaire. Depuis 2004, l'éthanol
incorporé directement dans l'essence est aussi admis à
la liste des biocarburants pouvant bénéficier de cet
avantage fiscal. Cet avantage prend la forme de
montants défiscalisés fixés dans les lois de finances
annuelles et qui peuvent être ajustés chaque année en
tenant compte des conditions économiques. A titre
indicatif, les montants pour 2006 sont :
• pour la filière essence, 33 €/hl pour l'éthanol
(incorporé directement ou sous forme
• pour la filière gazole, 25 €/hl (EMHV et biodiesel
de synthèse) et 30 €/hl (EEHV).
1 Seul est pris en compte l'éthanol ayant servi à la production
de l'ETBE ; La partie fossile de l'ETBE ne bénéficie pas de la
Translation - English Use of biomass fuels in France
Legislative alert
Although EU Directive 2003/30 on the promotion of the use of biofuels is not yet in effect in France, and this notwithstanding the latest communication of 13 December 2005 addressed to France from the European Commissions, the draft French legislation contains provisions that will help fulfill the targets set by the European Union in this field, and in certain cases, even surpass them or achieve them earlier than anticipated.
Provisions regarding mixing of
biofuels with petrol
For more than ten years France has been encouraging the use of
biofuels in a simplified fashion by mixing them with domestic or light oils that have not
required users to modify their boilers or their car engines.
Both processing options (agricultural ethanol for petrol and vegetable oils
for diesel fuel) have developed advanced versions having characteristics that are close to petrol
and light oil and with which they can be mixed.
At the same time, the caps on the maximum quantity of biofuels that can be
mixed with classic petrol have been fixed so as to be put into use: they are 5% for ethanol and
methyl-ester produced from vegetable oil) and 15% for (methyl-tertio-butyl-ether).
These quantities represent minimum levels and can be increased by modifications after
assessing their energy and environmental performance.
We can provide two examples:
- In June 2006, an experiment with « super ethanol » (E85 or « flex fuel ») was launched on a fixed fleet of vehicles, and an agreement was signed in September 2006. This allowed the
moving up of the start date of January 2007.
- Diesel blend fuel B30 (which contains 30% EMHV) is also permitted for flxed fleets having a dedicated fuel setting. This fuel is not however available to the general public because it is incompatible with
many of the diesel blend engines currently in circulation.
Fiscal Measures
As of 1992 biofuels have had the benefit of a partial tax reduction so as to offset the high
costs of production as compared to traditional petrol fuels.
This partial tax reduction is available for units of biofuels that have been produced after receiving approval
In response to a public call for tenders. Since 2004, ethanol added directly to petrol fuel has also been included on the list of acceptable biofuels that are eligible for this partial tax reduction. This advantage takes the form of fixed amounts of reductions to the
taxes due each year and may be adjusted each year depending upon the specific financial circumstances. By way of providing some illustrations of the foregoing, the totals for 2006 are as follows:
- for the petrol fuel processing option, 33 €/hl [Translator’s note – hl = hectoliter or 100 dm3] for ethanol (whether incorporated directly of in the form of ETBE );
- for the diesel blend processing option 25, €/hl (EMVH and synthetic biodiesel) and 33 €/hl (EEHV),
The total quantities of each biofuel that are eligible for the tax reduction benefit are adjusted each year.
As of 2005, the amount of taxes on the quantities of petrol fuel and diesel blend fuel made available for use, which is based on the selling price exclusive of the VAT, is decreased by the quantity of biofuels put out into the market. As of 2005, there has also been an incentive measure to promote the incorporation of biofuels : in the event that the producers, (refiners, large-scale as well as independent entities) make available to the public fuels that contain a percentage of biofuels that is lesser than the amount set as the national target, they will be able to take advantage of an additional advance deduction of the general tax that is imposed on polluting activity (the “TGAP”)[Translator’s note -”Taxe Generale sur les Activites Polluantes” = General Tax on Pollutant Activites]. However, the amount of the applicable TGAP will be decreased by the amount of biofuels placed on the market. Lastly, as of January 2007, all local collectives that so request, may be able, under certain conditions, to undertake experimenting with pure vegetable oils, (HVP), either in mixed form or 100% pure, in those motor vehicles that are not common carriers. However, the use of HVP gives rise to some reservations in terms of its potential for giving rise to liability of the part of the manufacturers.
Biofuels Plan
All of the above measures have played a role in the achievement of the development plan for the production of biofuels that was presented by the Prime Minister in September 2004.
The target that was established was to achieve a level of productions of 1.38 million tones of biofuel by the end of 2007. This has largely been exceeded given the fact that by the 1st of July 2006, a call for offers to produce 1.8 million tons was issued. This plan is currently in the second stage of its implementation as regards the time frames of 2006-2011, 2007-2012 and 2008-2013.
Lastly, Law No. 2005-791 of 13 July 2005 setting the program for energy policy direction (known as the “POPE” law), has set as it development targets the following market penetration measures (calculated in terms of energy content):
- 5.75% in 2008 (instead of 2010), 6.25% in 2009 (instead of 5.75%) and 10% in 2015 (identical to that set in the Directive).
The POPE law also establishes targets to be reached between now and 2010 of 21% of national electricity consumption to be comprised of renewable energy sources (including biomass fuels) as well as a 50% increase in the production of renewable heat.
French to English: Expedition executoire (Judgment of Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris in trademark infringement case)
Source text - French [original in .pdf]
Translation - English In view of the foregoing, the result is that the two sources of damages need to be distinguished: on the one hand, the distribution over the internet of an uncoded video clip, the liability for which lies in solidum (jointly) with the xxx and xxx companies, and on the other hand, the importation and commercialisation in xxx of the album xxx incorporating the disputed video clip, the liability for which lies in solidum (jointly) with the xxx and xxx companies.
As regards the remedial measures:
In view of the fact that, by virtue of the infringement of the marks of the xxx company on account of the distribution of the video clip on the internet, the Plaintiff/applicant shall be awarded, both causes of the damages being merged, the amount of xxx Euros as damages and interest;
French to English: RFP Underground Gas Storage Capacity/Appel à souscriptions
Source text - French La mise à disposition du marché des capacités de stockage sur le site de XXXX
reste soumise à l'obtention de la prolongation de l'autorisation d'exploiter
par XXXX. Le refus par l'administration de cette prolongation entraînerait la
nullité de l'opération proposée par la présente Note d'Information Préliminaire, sans
que la responsabilité de XXXX ne puisse être engagée.
La conversion du gisement de XXXX en stockage souterrain de gaz
permettra de mettre en oeuvre une nouvelle infrastructure de stockage en utilisant au
mieux les anciennes installations du gisement : puits, collectes, raccordement au
réseau, ainsi que le gaz de gisement encore présent dans la structure géologique.
Les travaux nécessaires à cette conversion devraient conduire d'ici à 200XX à une
installation de stockage d’un volume utile de l'ordre de XXX GWh pour un débit
d'injection de l'ordre de XGWh/j et un débit de soutirage de l'ordre de X GWh/j.
Compte tenu de la date de fin des travaux prévue en juillet 20XX, le volume utilisable
pour la première campagne de stockage (20XX-20XX) sera limité à XXX GWh.
Le stockage comportera notamment cinq puits d'exploitation, un atelier compression,
ainsi qu'un atelier de déshydratation du gaz. Il est à noter que l'exploitation de ce
nouveau site de stockage reste soumise, durant les premières années, à certains aléas,
qui impliquent que les performances du stockage ne pourront être garanties au
même niveau que pour les autres stockages du parc de XXXX. Ces éléments
sont pris en compte dans la définition du produit proposé.
Une description technique du site de XXXX est proposée en Annexe 1 de ce
La décision d’entreprendre ou pas la conversion du stockage de XXXX, se
fondera sur l’analyse des réponses à l'appel à souscriptions et sur l'étude économique
de ce projet de conversion. Cette décision appartient à XXXX -et se fondera sur des critères financiers déterminés par -XXXX.
Le Produit proposé
À l’occasion de cet appel à souscriptions, XXXX offre des capacités de stockage de gaz sur le site de XXXX
["le Produit"]. Les quantités de Produit sont exprimées en Capacités Nominales de
Stockage (GWh) ; elles comportent :
• un volume de stockage,
• une Capacité Journalière Nominale de Soutirage exprimée en MWh/j, qui se
déduit de la Capacité Nominale de Stockage souscrite en divisant celle-ci par le
Nombre de Jours Nominal de Soutirage du Groupement,
• une Capacité Journalière Nominale d'Injection exprimée en MWh/j, qui se
déduit de la Capacité Nominale de Stockage souscrite en divisant celle-ci par le
Nombre de Jours Nominal d'Injection du Groupement.
Le site de XXXX devrait être rattaché à la future zone d’équilibrage Nord du
réseau de XXXX dont la création est prévue au 1er janvier 20XX par regroupement
des actuelles zones d'équilibrage Nord, Est et Ouest du réseau de XXXX .
Sous réserve des éléments communiqués aux paragraphes 7, 9 et 12, les Capacités
Nominales de Stockage sur le site de XXXX seront mises à disposition à partir
de l'été gazier 20XX et jusqu'à la fin de l'hiver gazier 20XX.
16 Le tableau suivant indique les quantités de Produit proposé pour chaque année
stockage :
Année Stockage 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014
Ces capacités correspondent, pour les années stockage considérées, à des capacités de
stockage excédentaires par rapport à l’enveloppe des droits de stockage pour les
besoins d'alimentation des clients finals, ces droits étant définis par le cadre
réglementaire XXXX.
Pour le Produit, la Capacité Journalière d'Injection associée à la Capacité Nominale de
Stockage est une constante et ne dépend donc pas du Niveau de Stock.
Pour le Produit, la Capacité Journalière de Soutirage associée à la Capacité Nominale
de Stockage varie faiblement en fonction du Niveau de Stock (cf. Annexe 1).
Le Niveau de Stock Minimal (respectivement Maximal) prévu au contrat sera constant
et égal à 0% (respectivement 100%) sur toute la Période de Validité du Contrat.
Usages potentiels du Produit
Le fait de pouvoir disposer d'une capacité de stockage indépendamment de leur
portefeuille de clientèle finale est susceptible d'intéresser tout type de fournisseurs.
L'acquisition de telles capacités permet en particulier aux fournisseurs :
• de réduire leur besoin de flexibilité sur leurs contrats d’approvisionnement ;
• d'optimiser leurs prix d’approvisionnement à court et moyen termes.
De plus, le fait de pouvoir disposer d'une capacité de stockage sur plusieurs années
permet aux fournisseurs de définir une politique de stockage pluriannuelle.
Le Produit proposé pourrait également intéresser les acteurs souhaitant pouvoir
bénéficier d'opportunités liées à la commercialisation de capacités de stockage sur le
marché secondaire.
Comme indiqué au paragraphe 22, le Produit proposé n'est soumis à aucune
obligation de "cyclage". Cette caractéristique particulière confère un attrait
particulier au Produit en permettant un stockage pluriannuel des quantités de gaz
injectées. Cette faculté de "parking" permet aux fournisseurs de disposer de
possibilités d'arbitrage, tant intra-annuelles que pluri-annuelles ainsi que d'une
réponse adaptée à d'éventuelles contraintes de "take or pay" sur leurs contrats
Translation - English Making storage capacity at the XXXX site available to the market remains subject to the receipt by XXXX of the authorization to extend this time period. Denial of the request would result in the nullification of the project operations set forth in this Fact Sheet, without giving rise to any liability on the part of XXXXxx.
The conversion of the XXXX site into an underground gas storage facility will allow for the establishment of a new storage infrastructure that makes maximum use of the existing facilities of the field: wells, collection…connection to the network, as well as the gas still present in the field’s geological structure.
The work needed for this conversion should result by 200x in the creation of usable storage facility of some XXXX GWh for a debit injection of some xxGWh per day and a debit of withdrawal of in the order of xxGWh per day. In view of the end date of the work anticipated in July 200x, the usable volume of the first campaign of storage (20xx-20xx) will be limited to xxx GWh.
The storage facility will consist of xx usable wells, a compression workshop, as well as a workshop for dehydrating the gas. It should be noted that use of this new storage facilities will remain subject to certain aleas, conditions, during the first several years, which means the performance of the storage will not be guaranteed at the same level as the other storage capabilities of the XXXX storage site which will be taken into account when defining the product that will be offered.
The decision of whether to undertake the conversion of the storage site at XXXX will be based on an analysis of the proposals received in response to the request issued and on an economic analysis of the conversion project. The decision is at the discretion of xxx and will be based on such financial criteria as are determined by XXXX.
The Product Offered
The quantities of Product are expressed in Nominal Storage Capacities (GWh), and consist of:
• a volume of storage
• Daily Nominal Withdrawal Capacity: capacity expressed MWh per day which is subtracted from the Nominal Storage Capacity subscribed to, divided by the Number of Nominal Days of Withdrawal Capacity for the Storage Group,
• a Daily Nominal Injection Capacity expressed in MWh per day, subtracted from the Nominal Storage Capacity subscribed to, divided by the Number of Nominal Days of Injection Capacity for the Storage Group.
The XXXX site should be connected to the future xxx balancing area of the XXXX network which is expected to be available as of XXXX by regrouping the current North, East and West rebalancing areas of the XXXX network.
Subject to the terms set forth in Paragraphs 7, 9, and 12, the Nominal Storage Capacity of the site will be made available from the summer gas season of 20xx until the end of the winter gas season of 20xx.
The following table shows the quantities of Product offered for each year:
Storage Year
These capacities correspond for the storage years shown, to excess capacities of storage in relation to the envelope of storage rights of the supply needs of ultimate users, such rights being defined by the XXXX legal regulatory framework.
For the Product, the Daily Injection Capacity tied to the Nominal Storage Capacity is fixed therefore does not depend on the Level of Storage.
For the Product, the Daily Withdrawal Capacity tied to the Nominal Storage Capacity varies slightly in relation to the Level of Storage. (compare Appendix 1).
The Minimum Level of Storage (and respectively, Maximum Level) specified in the contract will be fixed and equal to 0% (100% respectively) during the entire Period of the Duration of the Contract.
Potential Uses for Product
Having such storage capacity at their disposal independently of their portfolio of ultimate users is likely to be of great interest to all type of suppliers. Acquiring such capacities will specifically allow them to:
• reduce the need for flexibility in their supply contracts
• optimise their short and medium term supply prices.
In addition, having access to storage capacity allows suppliers to plan their storage policies on a multi-year basis.
The Product may also interest those players wishing to take advantage of opportunities created by the commercialisation of storage capacities on the secondary market.
As indicated in Paragraph 22, the Product to be offered is not subject to any “cycling” obligations. This particular characteristic confers a specific advantage by allowing for a multiyear storage of injected gas. This “parking” attribute allows suppliers to have arbitrage opportunities, both on an annual as well as multi-year basis as well as a ready response in the event of possible constraints of “take or pay” provisions in their contracts.
English to Polish: O Autorze - About the Author
Source text - English
George F. Cholewczynski was born in 1951 in New Jersey, where he was raised, to Polish parents. For over 20 years, he was a technical librarian, much of the time for NASA.
He is a recognized expert in airborne warfare who early in life began an intense interest in military history. Growing up in a Polish community, nearly the full spectrum of the Polish experience during the Second World War was within reach.
After authoring a concise article for CAMPAIGNS magazine that was published in 1983, George embarked on expanding the article into a full-length book. Working with the Zwiazek Polskich Spadochroniarzy w Ameryce, be began attending Brigade reunions in 1985. Through Andrzej Zaremba, first custodian of the General Sikorski Museum in 1949, George was introduced not only to Ryszard Dembinski, the then director of the Polish Institute and General Sikorski Museum, and also to Stanislaw Sosabowski, the general’s son.
Yearly trips to England yielded many interviews with the then-living veterans were followed by trips to Holland during the anniversary days, where he interviewed veterans from Poland, and the Dutch who were temporarily liberated by the airborne operation. He worked very closely with his Dutch Translator, Geert Maassen, the Arnhem municipal archivist, and local historian, the pair covered practically every meter of battlefield where the Polish paratroopers fought.
The result was two highly acclaimed books, in Dutch and English that tell the story of the Polish Brigade’s part in the battle through the eyes and words that range from those of Dutch farmers, to common soldiers, to the generals who planned and commanded the largest airborne operation in history.
George has lived in New Orleans since 1994, where he had founded Walka Books, a small press publishing company specializing in 20th Century military history.
Translation - Polish
George F. Cholewczynski urodził się w 1951, Amerykanin z urodzenia i Polak z pochodzenia, w stanie New Jersey, USA.
Przez ponad 20 lat pracował jako bibliotekarz techniczny, z tego wiele lat w NASA.
Jest uznanym ekspertem w dziedzinie wojen powietrznodesantowych i już w młodym wieku wykazywał żywe zainteresowanie historią militarną. Wychowując się w środowisku Polonii, miał dostęp do nieomal pełnej gamy polskich przeżyć z II Wojny Światowej.
Po opublikowaniu zwięzłego artykułu w czasopiśmie specjalistycznym Campaigns w 1983, George podjął się rozszerzyć temat na skale książki. Współpracując ze Związkiem Polskich Spadochroniarzy w Ameryce, George zaczął uczestniczyć w spotkaniach Brygady.
Poprzez Andrzeja Zarembę, pierwszego kustosza muzea im. Generała Sikorskiego George poznał nie tylko Ryszarda Dembinskiego, wówczas dyrektora Polskiego Instytutu i Muzeum Generała Sikorskiego, ale i Stanisława Sosnabowskiego, syna generała.
Doroczne wyjazdy do Anglii ułatwiły mu serię wywiadów z żyjącymi nadal weteranami oraz włączenie się w doroczne spotkania weteranów w Holandii dały szansę na spotkania i wywiady z weteranami, którzy przyjeżdżali z Polski oraz Holendrami tymczasowo wyzwolonymi przez Brygadę. Współpracował blisko z Geertem Maassen, lokalnym historykiem, i miejskim archiwistą w Arnhem, który także służył mu jako tłumacz z języka holenderskiego. We dwójkę przebadali nieomal każdy metr pola bitwy gdzie polscy spadochroniarze walczyli.
W rezultacie powstały dwie wysoko doceniane książki w języku holenderskim i polskim, które opowiadają historię polskich spadochroniarzy w bitwie, z perspektywy i słowami holenderskich farmerów, zwykłych żołnierzy, i generałów w tej największej w historii operacji powietrznodesantowej.
George obecnie mieszka w Nowym Orleanie, USA. gdzie założył firmę Walka Books, małe przedsiębiorstwo wydawnicze specjalizując się w historii militarnej 20-ego wieku.
Przemówienie Ministra Przemówienie Królowej 2004 Maj 2006 16 wrzesien '06 Przedmowa autora do wydania polskiego Przedmowa S Sosabowskiego
George F. Cholewczynski urodził się w 1951, Amerykanin z urodzenia i Polak z pochodzenia, w stanie New Jersey, USA.
Przez ponad 20 lat pracował jako bibliotekarz techniczny, z tego wiele lat w NASA.
Jest uznanym ekspertem w dziedzinie wojen powietrznodesantowych i już w młodym wieku wykazywał żywe zainteresowanie historią militarną. Wychowując się w środowisku Polonii, miał dostęp do nieomal pełnej gamy polskich przeżyć z II Wojny Światowej.
Po opublikowaniu zwięzłego artykułu w czasopiśmie specjalistycznym Campaigns w 1983, George podjął się rozszerzyć temat na skale książki. Współpracując ze Związkiem Polskich Spadochroniarzy w Ameryce, George zaczął uczestniczyć w spotkaniach Brygady.
Poprzez Andrzeja Zarembę, pierwszego kustosza muzea im. Generała Sikorskiego George poznał nie tylko Ryszarda Dembinskiego, wówczas dyrektora Polskiego Instytutu i Muzeum Generała Sikorskiego, ale i Stanisława Sosnabowskiego, syna generała.
Doroczne wyjazdy do Anglii ułatwiły mu serię wywiadów z żyjącymi nadal weteranami oraz włączenie się w doroczne spotkania weteranów w Holandii dały szansę na spotkania i wywiady z weteranami, którzy przyjeżdżali z Polski oraz Holendrami tymczasowo wyzwolonymi przez Brygadę. Współpracował blisko z Geertem Maassen, lokalnym historykiem, i miejskim archiwistą w Arnhem, który także służył mu jako tłumacz z języka holenderskiego. We dwójkę przebadali nieomal każdy metr pola bitwy gdzie polscy spadochroniarze walczyli.
W rezultacie powstały dwie wysoko doceniane książki w języku holenderskim i polskim, które opowiadają historię polskich spadochroniarzy w bitwie, z perspektywy i słowami holenderskich farmerów, zwykłych żołnierzy, i generałów w tej największej w historii operacji powietrznodesantowej.
George obecnie mieszka w Nowym Orleanie, USA. gdzie założył firmę Walka Books, małe przedsiębiorstwo wydawnicze specjalizując się w historii militarnej 20-ego wieku.
Przemówienie Ministra Przemówienie Królowej 2004 Maj 2006 16 wrzesien '06 Przedmowa autora do wydania polskiego Przedmowa S Sosabowskiego
George F. Cholewczynski urodził się w 1951, Amerykanin z urodzenia i Polak z pochodzenia, w stanie New Jersey, USA.
Przez ponad 20 lat pracował jako bibliotekarz techniczny, z tego wiele lat w NASA.
Jest uznanym ekspertem w dziedzinie wojen powietrznodesantowych i już w młodym wieku wykazywał żywe zainteresowanie historią militarną. Wychowując się w środowisku Polonii, miał dostęp do nieomal pełnej gamy polskich przeżyć z II Wojny Światowej.
Po opublikowaniu zwięzłego artykułu w czasopiśmie specjalistycznym Campaigns w 1983, George podjął się rozszerzyć temat na skale książki. Współpracując ze Związkiem Polskich Spadochroniarzy w Ameryce, George zaczął uczestniczyć w spotkaniach Brygady.
Poprzez Andrzeja Zarembę, pierwszego kustosza muzea im. Generała Sikorskiego George poznał nie tylko Ryszarda Dembinskiego, wówczas dyrektora Polskiego Instytutu i Muzeum Generała Sikorskiego, ale i Stanisława Sosnabowskiego, syna generała.
Doroczne wyjazdy do Anglii ułatwiły mu serię wywiadów z żyjącymi nadal weteranami oraz włączenie się w doroczne spotkania weteranów w Holandii dały szansę na spotkania i wywiady z weteranami, którzy przyjeżdżali z Polski oraz Holendrami tymczasowo wyzwolonymi przez Brygadę. Współpracował blisko z Geertem Maassen, lokalnym historykiem, i miejskim archiwistą w Arnhem, który także służył mu jako tłumacz z języka holenderskiego. We dwójkę przebadali nieomal każdy metr pola bitwy gdzie polscy spadochroniarze walczyli.
W rezultacie powstały dwie wysoko doceniane książki w języku holenderskim i polskim, które opowiadają historię polskich spadochroniarzy w bitwie, z perspektywy i słowami holenderskich farmerów, zwykłych żołnierzy, i generałów w tej największej w historii operacji powietrznodesantowej.
George obecnie mieszka w Nowym Orleanie, USA. gdzie założył firmę Walka Books, małe przedsiębiorstwo wydawnicze specjalizując się w historii militarnej 20-ego wieku.
French to English: Nouveau logiciel/Announcement re new software
Source text - French Contexte, origine du projet
La gestion décentralisée des commandes bénéficie d’un réel historique chez XXXX. L’entreprise fut parmi les premières à équiper ses commerciaux de terminaux externes, en utilisant au début une solution développée en interne ; plusieurs versions suivent et avec la standardisation des échanges de données au niveau européen, XXXX prend en considération l’utilisation d’un logiciel externe.
Auparavant, la société avait pu mesurer les performances de l’intégration des informations externes dans son ERP grâce à l’EDI.
Son expérience est déjà solide en matière de gestion décentralisée des commandes au moment où elle choisi la solution XXXX, éditée par XXXX sous la marque XXXX.
Objectifs du projet, attentes majeures
L’objectif majeur de XXXX est de traiter rapidement les commandes. L’entreprise souhaite alors remplacer l’outil existant, tout en veillant à éviter les erreurs de saisie et de retranscription des commandes dans l’ERP déjà en place. De plus, il lui faut répondre aux demandes des pays européens où la distribution est encore très décentralisée, adapter l’outil à leurs spécificités et satisfaire le client final.
Solution retenue
En 200X, XXXarrête son choix sur XXX, logiciel de prise de commandes en ligne édité par XXXX sous la marque Influe. Embarqué sur les PC de la force de vente, avec une connexion Internet ou disponible off-line, XXXX permet de déployer et de généraliser la réception des commandes EDI en collaboration avec ses clients, en créant une seule entrée dans le progiciel ERP.
XXXX s’oriente vers XXXX aussi bien pour sa facilité d’utilisation, de déploiement et de formation au niveau de ses filiales européennes garantissant ainsi l’intégrité des fichiers envoyés vers l’EDI et leur parfaite intégration.
Le projet global prévoit le pré-paramétrage de la solution, afin de répondre rapidement aux besoins généraux de tous les utilisateurs européens.
Grâce à l’accessibilité via le web ou à l’interface installée sur le poste de l’utilisateur, xxxx peut être utilisé par un interlocuteur externe à l’entreprise, tout en respectant les règles de sécurité : la connexion ne se fait pas directement au système ERP.
Résultats, gains
Les résultats sont visibles rapidement. XXX a réduit la charge de travail des opérateurs et réduit le nombre d’erreurs d’intégration des commandes dans l’ERP.
XXXX répond parfaitement aux demandes des pays européens où la distribution est encore très décentralisée
Des fonctions complémentaires sont définies selon les spécificités commerciales de certains pays, comme le calcul de la valeur totale de la commande à mesure que le vendeur la saisie ou la possibilité de consulter les commandes sur une période définie. Le taux d’erreurs est de moins de 2% dans les 10 pays équipés en Europe ; l’interface en langue locale est quasi auto-instalable. Une heure suffit pour former un groupe de vendeurs.
Pour faire face aux volumes traités suite au déploiement de l’application dans plusieurs pays, XXXX s’est doté d’un serveur dédié et sécurisé, qui supporte la charge fournie par plus de 150 vendeurs équipés de la solution XXXX et de plus de 50.000 commandes par an en Europe.
Translation - English
Situation, genesis of the project
Decentralized management of customer orders has been of proven value at XXXX. The company was one of the first to provide its sales departments with external terminals, initially using a solution that had been developed in-house: several more internal versions followed, and with the standardization of data exchanges processes at the European level, Energizer considered installing external software. Earlier, the company had been able to measure the performance of integrating external data within its ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) thanks to EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). The company already had solid experience in decentralized order management at the time it selected the XXXX solution, issued by the XXX Group under the « XXXX » brand name.
Project goals, major achievements
XXXX major objective is the rapid processing of orders. The company therefore wants to replace the existing tool while seeking to avoid any errors in the data entry and re-transcription of orders already within its existing ERI (Enterprise Resource Planning). Further, the company needs to address the needs of those European countries where distribution is still very decentralized, and adapt the tool to iheir specifications so as to satisfy the ultimate purchaser.
Chosen solution
In 200X, XXXX decided to select XXX, the online order processing software, issued by the XXXX Group under the « XXXX » brand name Loaded on the sales force’s PC’s, with an online internet connection and also available off-line, XXXX allows the deployment and standardization of incoming EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) in cooperation with its customers, by creating a single entry into the ERP system.
Energizer turned to XXX also on account of its user-friendly deployment and transfer at the level of its European subsidiaries, thus ensuring the integrity of the files sent to the EDI and their perfect integration.
The overall project calls for pre-configuration of the process so as to promptly respond to the general needs of the European user.
Because of its accessibility either via the Web or via interface installed on the user’s work station, XXXX can be used by persons outside the company while fulfilling all security requirements: the connection is not made directly into the ERP systems.
Results, benefits
The results haven quickly proven visible. XXXX has reduced the work load of the operators and decreased the number of integration errors of orders in the ERP.
XXXX is perfectly suited to the needs of European companies where distribution remains very decentralized.
Additional functions will be defined according to the specific marketing requirements in certain countries such as displaying the total value of the order in real time as the seller enters the data and the possibility of viewing orders for a defined period of time. The margin of error is less than 2% in the 10 European countries where it is in use: the interface in the local language is virtually self-installing. Only one hour of training of a group of vendors is required.
In order to handle the volume following the deployment of the application in several countries, XXX has acquired a dedicated and secure server which handles a load of more than XXXX vendors using the XXXX application, and more than 50,000 orders a year in Europe.
Source text - French
L’an deux mil XXX et le premier XXX à neuf heures,
La société XXX, Société Anonyme au capital de XXXX € dont le siège social est XXXXX, immatriculée au RCS de XXX sous le numéro XXXX, représentée par son Représentant Permanent,XXXX, Associé unique (ci-après la « Société »), a été consultée, conformément à l’article 16 des statuts, par le Président de la Société sur les points ci-dessous :
1. rapport du Président à l’Associé unique.
2. désignation d’un nouveau Membre du Comité de Gestion.
3. pouvoirs pour les formalités.
XXXX assure les fonctions de Secrétaire.
L’Associé unique déclare que tous les documents ci-dessous, nécessaires à son information, ont été mis à sa disposition :
- le rapport établi par le Président à l’Associé unique ;
- un exemplaire des statuts ;
- un extrait Kbis de la Société ;
- le texte des résolutions soumises à la présente Décision ; et
- la lettre de convocation à l’Associé unique.
Puis l’Associé unique adopte chacune des résolutions soumises à son approbation, dans les termes suivants :
L’Associé unique, après avoir entendu lecture du rapport du Président, prend acte de la fin des mandats de Membre du Comité de Gestion et de XXXX de XXXXX à l’issue de la présente Décision, et décide de nommer XXXXXX en qualité de Membre du Comité de Gestion jusqu’à la Décision de l’Associé unique appelée à statuer, en 200X, sur les comptes de l’exercice 200X.
Cette résolution est adoptée.
L’Associé unique confère tous pouvoirs au porteur d’un original, d’un extrait ou d’une copie du présent procès-verbal, à l’effet de procéder ou de faire procéder à toutes les formalités exigées auprès notamment du Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de XXXX
Cette résolution est adoptée.
Plus rien n’étant à l’ordre du jour, la séance est levée à neuf heures trente.
De tout ce que dessus, il a été dressé le présent procès-verbal qui a été signé, après lecture, par le Président et l’Associé unique.
Le Président L'Associé unique Le Secrétaire
Translation - English EXCERPT
The year two thousand XXX, the first of XXXX, at X o’clock,
The XXXX Group, a limited stock corporation having a capital of XXX €, and its registered head offices at XXX registered at the Register of Commerce and Companies of XXX (”RCS”) under Number XXXX, represented by its Permanent Representative, XXXX Sole Partner represented by its Permanent Representative XXXX, Sole Partner, having been consulted in accordance with Article XX of the Articles of Association, by the President of the Corporation on the following points:
3. Report from the President to the sole partner.
4. Appointment of a new member to the Management Committee. .
3. Delegation of powers necessary for carrying out the formalities.
XXXX served as Secretary of the Meeting.
The Sole Partner stated that each of the below-listed documents, which were required to be provided for his review and information, has been made available to him:
- the report prepared by the President to the Sole Partner ;
- a copy of the Articles of Association :
- a copy of the Kbis extract (from the Register of Commerce and Companies of XXX);
- a copy of the resolutions submitted for adoption ; and
- Notice of Meeting addressed to the Sole Partner.
Whereupon the Sole Partner has duly adopted each of the resolutions submitted for his approval, the terms of which are as set forth below:
The Sole Partner, after having heard the reading of the President’s report, takes cognisance of the expiration of the terms of office of XXXX as XXX and as a Member of the Management Committee, and hereby duly determines to appoint XXXXX as a Member of the Management Committee until such time as the Decision of the Sole Partner is required to be rendered, in 200X, on the results for fiscal year 200X.
The foregoing resolution was adopted.
The Sole Partner hereby delegates to and confers upon the bearer of the original of these Minutes, or an excerpt or copy thereof, such powers and authority as may be necessary to carry out all formalities specifically required by the Register of Commerce and Companies of XXX (”RCS”).
The foregoing resolution was adopted.
There being no further business, the Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 o’clock.
The instant Minutes have been drawn up based upon the foregoing and have been read and then signed by the President and the Sole Partner.
The President The Sole Partner The Secretary
26.2. [LE CONSTRUCTEUR]enverra trois (3) copies, aussi bien sous forme de papier que sous forme digitale, de la dernière révision de chacun des Manuels d’Exploitation et de Maintenance de l’Usine à la SOCIÉTÉ DE PROJET au moins cent quatre vingt dix (180) jours avant la date prévue pour la Réception Provisoir de l’Usine, cette dernière version du Manuel d’Exploitation et de Maintenance doit être suffisamment détaillés pour permettre à la SOCIETE DE PROJET d’exploiter, maintenir en état, démanteler, remonter, réviser et réparer l’Usine. La soumission initiale des Manuels d’Exploitation et de Maintenance comprendra au minimum les précisions nécessaires jusqu’à la réception des Manuels définitifs «As Built».
26.3. Les Manuels d’Exploitation et Maintenance définitifs «As Built» seront remis par [LE CONSTRUCTEUR]à la SOCIETE DE PROJET au plus tard à deux (02) mois après la Date de la Réception Provisoire de l’Usine. La SOCIÉTÉ DE PROJET aura deux (2) mois pour réaliser ses commentaires ou pour demander des éclaircissements.
26.4. Les Manuels d’Exploitation et de Maintenance seront rédigés en langue française, et seront suffisamment détaillés pour permettre à la SOCIÉTÉ DE PROJET une exploitation efficace de l’Usine tant pour les opérations d’inspection, d’entretien, d’ajustements, de démontage, de montage et de réparations de l’Usine comme de ses installations., sans interférer sur les opérations normales ou commerciales.
26.5. Une fois effectués les Essais nécessaires à la Réception Provisoire de l’Usine, l’[LE CONSTRUCTEUR]réalisera, conformément aux résultats de ces Essais, les corrections et les modifications qui, le cas échéant seraient nécessaires aux Manuels d’Exploitation et de Maintenance révisés et aux documents qui doivent être remis, en vertu du Contrat d’Ingénierie et de Construction , avant la Réception Provisoire de l’Usine. L’[LE CONSTRUCTEUR]remettra les Manuels d’Exploitation et de Maintenance corrigés en format CD-ROM de même qu’une copie sous forme de papier des parties des documents affectées par des modifications afin qu’elles puissent être insérées dans les documents originaux, dans les deux (2) mois suivant la date de la signature de Certificat de Réception Provisoire.
27.2. Test et contrôle de fin de montage - Début des essais
Une Unité de Dessalement ou l’Usine, est achevée lorsque les Travaux et tests sont terminés et exécutés conformément aux plans et spécifications techniques, normes, codes, procédures et règlements en vigueur, et applicables au titre du présent Contrat d’Ingénierie et de Construction et approuvées par la SOCIETE DE PROJET et le Représentant de la SOCIETE DE PROJET.
27.2.1. Tests et contrôles de fin de montage.Début des essais
a. Tests et contrôles de fin de montage
Dès que les travaux de montage sont achevés et que le matériel est prêt à fonctionner, [LE CONSTRUCTEUR]le notifie par écrit à la SOCIETE DE PROJET.
Il est alors procédé contradictoirement à un contrôle de l’achèvement effectif des travaux ainsi qu’à une première vérification concernant la bonne exécution générale . il est entendu entre les Parties que si la SOCIETE DE PROJET ne se présente pas aux tests cités ci-dessus, [LE CONSTRUCTEUR]effectura les dits essais.
Un procès-verbal de fin de montage est établi et signé par les Parties
b. Début des essais . Mises au point
[LE CONSTRUCTEUR]procède alors ensuite au démarrage des équipements pour mise au point du matériel conformément à un programme à soumettre pour accord à la SOCIETE DE PROJET et tenant compte des exigences et des possibilités résultant de l’ensemble des travaux en cours et l’exploitation ;
Ce progrmme définit notamment les mesures de sécurité particulières que [LE CONSTRUCTEUR]doit adopter .
Pendant cette période de mise au points, [LE CONSTRUCTEUR]mettra en marche et/ot arrêtera le matériel en vue d’effectuer les réglages nécessaires, de s’assurer de son bon fonctionnement et d’une manière générale de lever les réserves formulées durant les opérations de contrôle contradictoires mentionnés ci-dessus .
27.3. Documents of [THE CONTRACTOR].
27.2.1. The documents of [THE CONTRACTOR] relating to the Water Plant or the realization of Works that are to be provided to the PROJECT COMPANY as per the instant Engineering & Construction Contract are set forth as samples in Appendix XX hereto.
27.2.2. [THE CONTRACTOR] shall issue these documents (hereafter "Document of the Contractor"), as well as any and all other documents necessary to provide all necessary directions for the Staff of [THE CONTRACTOR]. The Staff of the PROJECT COMPANY shall have the right to verify the preparation of the totality of such documents, wherever they may be issued.
27.2.3. The PROJECT COMPANY shall have the right to examine and/or comment in writing on the Documents of the Contractor. In particular, the following documents shall be provided to the PROJECT COMPANY for approval and comment:
• Test Procedures
• Single wire diagram
• Ground Plan
27.2.4. Project Specification Documents
[THE CONTRACTOR] shall issue and shall regularly update two complete sets of isometric reports and specifications files of the completion of the Works, showing the sites, dimensions, and exact details of as built undertakings completed. These files shall be preserved on the Site.
[THE CONTRACTOR] shall place at the permanent disposal of the PROJECT COMPANY the specification plans of the Works, showing the status of progress of all of the Works.
27.2.5. Prior to the date of executing the Certificate of Provisional Acceptance (Certificat de Réception Provisoire), the [THE CONTRACTOR] shall provide all documents to the PROJECT COMPANY, as well as all contractually provided for documents that may relate to the Works, in both hard copy paper format as well as in digital format (CD-ROM).
Such documents shall include, in particular, the studies and reports, the documentation of quality control performed, all Permits, licences and authorizations that are responsibility of [ THE CONTRACTOR ], the documentation of the supplies, structures and systems and, in general, the documentation necessary for the realization of the Water Plant.
The delivery of all such documents constitutes a material condition precedent to the execution of the Certificate of Provisional Acceptance.
27.3.1. [THE CONTRACTOR] shall deliver to the PROJECT COMPANY three (3) hard copies of the documents, plans, diagrams in their final" As Built" state as well as three (3) copies in digital format (CD-ROM), in the format set forth below: Final plans of the ("As Built") Works in AUTOCAD format or equivalent, i.e., in a modifiable, original source; Final plans of ("As Built") Works in non-modifiable PDF format; Plans of the equipment, components and systems in non-modifiable PDF format;
27.3.2. As Built Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
27.3.3. All the "As Built" documents shall be delivered no later than sixty (60) days after the Certificate of Provisional Acceptance of the Water Plant.
28.2 At least one hundred and eighty (180) days prior to the provided for date of the Certificate of Provisional Acceptance for the Water Plant, [THE CONTRACTOR] shall send to the PROJECT COMPANY three (3) copies, both in hard copy and in digital format, of the latest revisions to each Operation and Maintenance Manual for the Water Plant. Such latest version of the Operation and Maintenance Manual shall be sufficiently detailed so as to enable the PROJECT COMPANY to utilize, maintain in operating condition, to disassemble, reassemble, to adjust and repair the Water Plant. The initial submittal of the Operation and Maintenance Manual shall include at a minimum the precise details required for the foregoing until receipt of the final "As Built" Manuals.
28.3. The final "As Built" Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be issued by [THE CONTRACTOR] to the PROJECT COMPANY no later than two (2) months following the Date of the Provisional Acceptance of the Water Plant. The PROJECT COMPANY shall have two (2) months to issue its comments or to request clarifications.
28.4 The Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be written in the French language, and shall be sufficiently detailed so as to allow the PROJECT COMPANY to effectively operate the Water Plant both as regards operating control, maintenance, adjustments, disassembly, assembly and repairs of the Water Plant as well as its installations, without interfering with the routine or commercial operations.
28.5. Following the completion of the tests required for the Certificate of Provisional Acceptance of the Water Plant, [THE CONTRACTOR] shall make, in accordance with the results of such tests, any necessary corrections and the modifications to the revised Operation and Maintenance Manuals and the documents which must be provided under the terms of the instant ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION Contract, prior to the Provisional Acceptance of the Water Plant. The [THE CONTRACTOR] shall issue the corrected Operation and Maintenance Manuals in CD-ROM format as well as a hard copy in paper format of those portions of the documents affected by the modifications so that they can be inserted into the original documents, within two (2) months following the date of the execution of the Certificate of Provisional Acceptance.
29.2. Testing and assessment of completion - Commencing of tests
A Desalination Train or the Water Plant is deemed completed when the tests have been completed in accordance with the plans and technical specifications, standards, codes, procedures and regulations in force, applicable by virtue of the instant ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION Contract and have been approved by the PROJECT COMPANY and the Representative of the PROJECT COMPANY.
29.2.1. Testing and assessment of completion. Beginning of tests
a. Tests and assessment of completion
As soon as the assembly work is completed and the equipment is functional, [THE CONTRACTOR] shall notify the PROJECT COMPANY thereof in writing.
There shall then take place, in the presence of both parties, an assessment of the effective completion of the Works as well as an initial verification of their overall satisfactory performance. It is agreed between the Parties that in the event that the PROJECT COMPANY does not appear for the above-described testing, [THE CONTRACTOR] shall perform the necessary testing.
An official report of completion shall be issued and signed by the Parties
b. Commencement of the testing. Adjustments
[THE CONTRACTOR] shall then proceed with the start-up of the equipment for finalizing it in accordance with an action plan, to be submitted for approval to the PROJECT COMPANY, taking into account the requirements and the possible effects resulting from the totality of the ongoing work and operations;
This action plan shall specifically define the particular safety measures that [THE CONTRACTOR] is required to take.
During such finalization period, [THE CONTRACTOR] shall activate and/or pause the equipment in order to carry out the necessary adjustments, so as to ensure its sound operation and in general raise any reservations put forth during the assessment testing that has taken place in the presence of both parties as set forth above.
29.2.2. Testing Required for the Provisional Acceptance and the Commercial Operation of the Water Plant [THE CONTRACTOR] shall perform the testing relative to each of the Desalination Trains and the Water Plants in accordance with the provisions of the instant Article and with the Testing of Commercial Operation Procedures and the testing of the Water Plant as are set forth in Appendix XX to the instant Engineering & Construction Contract (including the issuance of the Testing Procedures, the protocols and performance standards and the implementation and repetition of the testing and new testing), after having provided the PROJECT COMPANY with those Documents of [THE CONTRACTOR] which are provided for to have been provided at such time. Four (4) months prior to the commencement of the testing, [THE CONTRACTOR] shall provide the PROJECT COMPANY with the list of the documents that are to be delivered no later than thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the testing. [THE CONTRACTOR] shall notify the PROJECT COMPANY, by providing ninety (90) days’ of the date from which [THE CONTRACTOR]is prepared to perform each test. Unless specifically agreed to the contrary, the tests shall be performed within ninety (90) days following such date, on a date determined by mutual agreement between the PROJECT COMPANY and [THE CONTRACTOR]. All test results shall be reported upon in detail and performed in the presence of the Independent Engineer, the Purchaser and the PROJECT COMPANY.
29.2.3. The Testing for Commercial Operation shall not constitute a Provisional Acceptance.
29.2.4. Tests The testing and the tests for Commercial Operation to be performed by [THE CONTRACTOR] of the Water Plant shall consist of those tests to be performed prior to the operational start-up of the Water Plant, which shall in particular relate to the verification of the sound operation and the Guaranteed Technical Values of each Desalination Train and of the Water Plant. Such tests, conducted after the completion of the Works, the tests of the equipment and systems, the preliminary operations at start-up, the start-up and the operational tests shall specifically include:
Reliability tests;
Performance Tests;
29.2.5. The PROJECT COMPANY, the Purchaser and the Independent Engineer shall be instant at the performance of such tests.
English to Polish: food label /Etykietka
(Callorhinchus milii,Galeorhinus galeus,
Mustelus lenticulatus.)
Processed by:xxx
Batch Nr.
Order Nr.
Packing Date.
Expiry Date.
Production dates:
Nett Weight:
French to English: Hotel - Discussion of Lease-Management
Source text - French Si la notion d’investisseur passif est définie au regard du type d’activité (location d’un immeuble ou exploitation d’un fonds de commerce), il est certain que le schéma du contrat de gestion n’est pas conforme à cette réglementation.
En revanche, si cette notion est définie au regard des critères liés au mode de gestion, à la prise de décision, au statut d’employeur, etc. alors la piste du contrat de gestion pourrait être approfondie : le mandant (le propriétaire du fonds) a un rôle passif dans la gestion de l’hôtel ; il ne participe pas à la prise de décisions liées à l’exploitation de l’hôtel ; les salariés de l’hôtel peuvent être employés par l’hôtelier...
Le revenu de l’exploitant est directement lié à l’exploitation de l’hôtel, mais il est envisageable de négocier avec l’hôtelier la perception d’un revenu fixe garanti pendant toute la durée du contrat en échange de quoi l’exploitant bénéficiera d’une quote-part plus forte des résultats de l’hôtel.
Nous ne sommes pas certains qu’il existe des exploitants susceptibles d’accepter un tel contrat de gestion pour un hôtel « banal » mais nous pensons qu’il serait bon d’avoir la réaction d’un fiscaliste hollandais sur le sujet.
Trois questions se posent au regard du contrat de location-gérance :
- la première au regard de la possibilité de conclure un contrat de location-gérance lors de la constitution du fonds de commerce
- la deuxième au regard de la condition légale du délai nécessaire à la mise en location gérance
- la troisième au regard de l’équilibre économique de la location gérance
Sur la conclusion d’un contrat de location-gérance lors de la constitution du fonds de commerce
L’article L 144-1 du code de commerce (ancien article 1er de la loi n° 56-277 du 20 mars 1956) définit la location-gérance de fonds de commerce comme le « contrat ou convention par lequel le propriétaire ou l'exploitant d'un fonds de commerce ou d'un établissement artisanal en concède partiellement ou totalement la location à un gérant qui l'exploite à ses risques et périls ».
La location gérance porte donc sur la location d’un fonds de commerce, propriété du bailleur.
La question se pose de savoir si, lors de l’ouverture de l’hôtel au public, la XXXX sera propriétaire du fonds de commerce d’hôtel qu’elle souhaite donner en location-gérance. Si tel n’est pas le cas, le locataire sera propriétaire du fonds et pourra ainsi revendiquer le bénéfice de la propriété commerciale.
Le conflit portera :
- sur l’existence et la propriété de la clientèle et du caractère indispensable de sa présence pour que le fonds existe et
- sur les apports du locataire-gérant au fonds, dont le nom et l’enseigne.
Translation - English If the concept of passive investor is understood to apply to such types of activity (leasing a building or operating a business), it is clear that the Management Contract plan would not be in conformity with this legal requirement.
On the other hand, if the concept is understood to apply to criteria relative to the method of management, such as decision-making, status as an employer, etc., then the basis of the Management Contract could be broadened to include a scheme whereby:
- The principal (the hotel owner) has a passive role in the management of the hotel; he does not take part in the decision-making related to the operation of the hotel;
- The employees of the hotel would be employed by the Manager
- XXXXXX would receive guaranteed fixed income throughout the duration of the contract in exchange for the Manager receiving a greater share of the hotel’s earnings...
We are not certain that there are Managers likely to accept such a hotel Management Contract but we believe it would worthwhile to have the feedback of XXXXX tax specialist on the subject.
Moreover, as set forth below, it might be necessary for you to first execute a Management Contract prior to concluding a Lease-Management agreement, and the feedback of a tax specialist in this regard would be useful.
Lease-Management Agreement
Three questions also arise as regards a Lease-Management Agreement:
- The possibility of concluding a Lease-Management Agreement at the time of establishing the business entity
- The time period legally required before entering into the Lease Management Agreement
- The economic balance of a Lease-Management option
XXXX As regards execution of a Lease-Management Agreement at the time of establishing the business entity
Article L. 144-1 of the Commercial Code (previously the 1st Article of Law No. 56-277 of March 20, 1956) defines a Lease-Management Agreement for a business as
any contract or agreement under the terms of which the owner or operator of a business or a craft establishment grants the lease thereof totally or partially to a manager who operates it at their own risk
The Lease-Management thus relates to the lease of a business, that is the property of the lessor, and its validity accordingly presupposes that the business is in existence at the time of the execution of the contract.
On the contrary assumption, the lessee would be able to modify the Lease-Management Agreement of the business to a Lease of a fully-equipped building, and thus benefit from a right to renew the lease and be the owner of the business.
The characteristic feature of a business is its clientele. Clientele can definitely be in existence even prior to a specific place becoming operational because it is attached to a brand name and/or operations. It is well understood that an actual clientele is generally associated with the XXXXX brand name and that the opening of a new restaurant does nothing other than draw out the clientele (or move it) to this site.
In a scenario where XXXXX would build and furnish (entirely) a hotel and would grant a Lease-Management agreement to an international chain without operating it beforehand, were the Manager to then seek to modify the Lease-Management agreement to a Lease of an occupied building, it is very likely that he would prevail because it would be deemed that the clientele did not exist at the time of execution of the contract and that it exists solely as a result of the Manager’s efforts.
The option of a Lease-Management arrangement in the absence of preliminarily operating [a hotel] thus represents a certain risk as regards your wish to preserve ownership of the business.
The risk is relative. It would probably be - de facto- reduced, were the grant of the business rights to take place during the term of the contract and if the Manager had a right of first refusal, but it would still exist.
Beyond this observation, such a modification would not result in changing the economic balance of the contract.
Source text - French Par ailleurs, le Gestionnaire s’engage pendant toute la durée du Mandat ŕ :
(a) Respecter toutes les modalités techniques et opérationnelles
déterminées dans le Cahier Opérationnel et Technique, en
particulier les modalités et conditions de gestion des Instructions
Conformes ;
(b) Informer le XXX par écrit, de toute modification significative le
concernant ou concernant tout délégataire désigné conformément ŕ
l’article XXX, notamment toute modification significative
d’actionnariat ou de mandataires sociaux ;
(c) Fournir, pour la premičre fois au début de la Phase Préparatoire puis
chaque année, dans un délai de trente (30) jours suivant la fin de
l’année civile, un certificat de conformité attestant du respect de
ses engagements au titre du présent Mandat, établi selon le modčle
qui est précisé dans le Cahier Opérationnel et Technique et signé
par un représentant légal du Gestionnaire ;
(d) Fournir, dčs l’attribution du Marché puis chaque semestre, une
déclaration sur l’honneur prévue par l’article R. 324-4, pour les
gestionnaires français, ou R. 324-7, pour les gestionnaires
étrangers, du Code du travail français, établie selon le modčle qui
est précisé dans le Cahier Opérationnel et Technique et signé par un
représentant légal du Gestionnaire ;
(e) Fournir sans délai au XXX toute modification de son code de
conformité et de contrôle interne ;
(f) Fournir chaque année, ŕ la demande du XXX, copie de ses comptes
certifiés, et, le cas échéant, de ceux de tout délégataire désigné
conformément ŕ l’article XXX (qui seront tenus confidentiels par le
FRR) ;
(g) Fournir chaque semestre, ŕ la demande du XXX, toute attestation et
tout document mentionnés ŕ l’article R. 324-4, pour les
gestionnaires français, ou R. 324-7, pour les gestionnaires
étrangers, du Code du travail français ;
(h) Prendre ŕ sa charge, en tant que de besoin, les frais de licence et
d’accčs ŕ l’indice de référence personnalisé applicable au présent
Mandat conformément ŕ l’Annexe A
Translation - English 4.2.2. Moreover, the Manager undertakes, for the entire duration of the Mandate, to:
(a) Comply with all technical and operational modalities as determined in the
Operational and Technical Manual, and in particular, the modalities
and conditions of management of the Conforming Instructions;
(b) To advise the XXX, in writing, of any material change concerning it or concerning
any delegatee in accordance with Article XXX, and specifically and material change in the shareholders or corporate officers;
(c) To supply, in the first instance at the beginning of the Preparatory Phase and
thereafter annually, within thirty (30) days following the end of the calendar year,
a certification of conformity attesting to its compliance with the undertaking of the
instant Mandate, in such form as is set forth in the Operational and Technical Manual and signed by a legal representative of the Manager;
(d) To supply, upon the attribution of the Market and then quarterly thereafter,
a “Declaration of Good Faith” as required by Article R. 324-4, for French
managers, or R. 324-7, for foreign managers, of the French Labour Code, in
the form set forth in the Operational and Technical Manual
and signed by a legal representative of the Manager;
(e) To promptly provide to the XXX any amendment of its code of conduct or
internal controls;
(f) To annually provide, at the request of the XXX, a certified copy of its accounts, or
where applicable, those of each delegate appointed pursuant to Article XXX (which
shall be treated as confidential by the XXX);
(g) To supply on a quarterly basis, at the request of the XXX, any attestation and
any documents that is referred to in Article R. 324-4 of the French Labour Code for French managers, and R. 324-7 for foreign managers;
(h) To assume, as may be required, the licensing costs and access fees to the
customized reference indicator applicable to the instant Mandate in accordance with
Appendix A.
French to English: Pharmaciens d'oficine - Pharmacists' groups
Source text - French L’article 3 de la loi Chatel modifiant l’article L. 138-9 du Code de la sécurité sociale a ramené l’ensemble des ristournes et des marges arrières à un plafond de 17% du prix fabricant hors taxe.
La négociation de prestations de services auprès de groupements de pharmaciens d’officine peut présenter un risque au regard du régime des avantages commerciaux et financiers pouvant être consentis aux pharmaciens d’officine, d’une part, si les rémunérations perçues par le groupement sont reversées - sous une forme ou une autre - à ses membres, sans que cette restitution ne soit prise en compte dans le plafond légal de 17% du prix HT fabricant prévu à l’article L. 138-9 du Code de la sécurité sociale et, d’autre part, si les services sont inconsistants, non réalisés ou encore si les rémunérations sont disproportionnées.
Translation - English Article 3 of the loi Chatel (the Chatel statute), amending Article L 138-9 of the Social Security Code, has set a cap for the total amount of refunds and mark-ups at a 17% ceiling of the manufacturing price, net of tax.
The negotiation with pharmacists group for services rendered may pose a risk as regards the commercial and financial benefits which may be granted to retail pharmacists, on the one hand, if the remuneration paid to the groups is reallocated, by one means or another, to its members, without such payments taking proper account of the legally imposed ceiling of 17% of the manufacturer’s price, net of tax, as provided for in Article L 138-9 of the Social Security Code, and on the other hand, if the services are uneven, are not rendered, and further, if such fees are disproportionate.
Polish to English: Joint taxation declaration - Wspólne opodatkowane
Ja niżej podpisany ........................................................ oświadczam, że w ..................... roku zamierzam opodatkować się wspólnie z małżonkiem / dzieckiem*.
Przewidywane dochody żony / męża / dziecka* w .................. roku wyniosą ........................ zł
Jednocześnie oświadczam, że moja żona / mąż/ dziecko* nie skorzysta w bieżącym roku z możliwości obniżania zaliczek na podatek dochodowy od osób fizycznych.
O każdej zmianie stanu faktycznego upoważniającego do obniżania zaliczek za PDOF zobowiązuję się niezwłocznie poinformować zakład pracy.
I, the undersigned, ........................................................ Hereby declare that, in the year ..................... I intend to pay taxes on the basis of filing jointly with my spouse/child*.
The estimated taxable income of my wife/husband/child* in the year.................. amounts to PLN ........................ (Polish zlotys)
I simultaneously declare that my wife/husband/child* chooses not to take advantage of the option for decreasing advance tax payments pursuant to the personal income tax payable by natural persons for the year specified.
I undertake to inform my employer without delay of any change in status that in the future would authorize me to decrease advance personal income tax payments, payable by natural persons.
(Signature of the Employee)
Polish to English: Sprawozdanie finansowe - Financial Statement
Source text - Polish -originals in pdf
- opinia biegłego rewidenta
- dodatkowe informacje i objaśnienia
- komentarz Zarządu
- Zestawienie zmian w kapitale własnym
- Bilans (aktywa/pasywa)
Translation - English (70,000 word project)
- opinion of chartered accountant
- Additional information and explanations
- Comments of the Management Board
- Changes to capital
-Balance sheet (assets & liabilites)
Polish to English: Abuse of legal personality - conflicts of laws issues
Source text - Polish Legal treatise on abuse of legal personality - conflicts of laws issues (original in .pdf)
Translation - English
Assessing a case of the abuse of legal personality on the basis of the p.p.m. (private international law) will take place in Polish law at the time when, in the given legal relationship, there is present a foreign element. Most frequently, the issue will revolve around whether the foreign entity will turn out to be a legal person (for example, a corporation), or a member thereof (for example, a shareholder), meaning, in other words, a subject of the relationship under examination.
It is also possible that the foreign element will emerge from the state of facts that is the subject of the assessment of conflict of laws, for example, in a case where the assets of a shareholder and a corporation are commingled and specific components of such assets are located in various countries or an unlawful act committee by the shareholder in a country other than the country where its status as legal person is based.
Before the p.p.m. norm indicates which law properly applies to a given situation, it is essential to perform as least two steps,of which the first is to take cognisance of the fact that the conflicts of law norms, which indicate the correct law to be applied in a given situation, operate by using definitions that are frame-like in nature, the task of which is to delineate the subject matter borders of their applicability. From this point of view, the qualifying criteria cannot be the mere factual circumstances of a given matter, but rather an appropriately formulated question concerning the legal impacts of a specific event. For example, as regards the issue of how Durchgriff (piercing the corporate veil) is dealt with in German-speaking countries, the question that might be posed would be as follows: can a shareholder be held personally liable for the commingling of their personal assets with the assets of the corporation? Framing this question to fall within the norms encompassed in the scope of the p.p.m., is the determining step in the conflicts of law process. Only after conducting this process, is it possible to apply the appropriate norm of private international law which can be applied to the example being examined, and such a norm, in turn, points to the proper law pursuant to which the situation will be assessed.
The next step is to establish the personal legal statute irrespective of whether, in the example under consideration, the legal person is the subject upon which liability is to be imposed, or whether it is to be linked (meaning that it is, for example, a shareholder in a spólka kapitałowa (corporation)), or whether it is instead a “passive” subject (for example, the object of “abuse”). In the event that it were, for example, a question of Polish entities, issues of the applicability foreign law would arise only infrequently. Obviously the same holds true as to determining the legal status of the shareholder, being a natural person, which does not usually give rise to particular difficulties.
Consistent with Article 9 § 2 of the Act of 12 November 1965 on Private International Law, the legal capacity of legal persons is subject to the law of
of the country in which such legal person has its registered head offices.
This provision thus points to the personal legal statute of the legal person, which means that the law of the country of its headquarters will determine not only its legal capacity sensu strictu (in the strictest sense), but would also need to be applied to the other elements of the personal statute of the legal person. It is also extremely important that in Polish law, there exists no requirement for a separate recognition of the legal personality of a foreign legal person. Such recognition is unconditional and automatic where the legal person has legal existence pursuant to the provisions of its own constituting instrument (statute). It must be noted ,however, that such recognition is determined in the first place by establishing the statute of the legal persons which is to fix its corporate seat. Bypassing the controversy which could be triggered by the notion of the seat of a legal person being based on internal (national) law , it may be that even greater doubts arise precisely under private international law. Two basic theories of corporate domicile can be distinguished on the basis of the p.p.m. The first is the so-called theory of the place of incorporation, according to which the corporate domicile refers to the territory of the country where the legal person was founded, and under the law of which it was created, irrespective of which country in actuality its business activites are concentrated, or whether it is for the most part (and at times, entirely) located abroad. The theory of actual domicile/location, in turn, holds that a corporation is domiciled in the place where the legal person actually carries on its activities, and in this regard, various factors can come into play, such as, for example, the location where the governing body of the legal person actually operates.
These theories lead to very different results, and therefore the selection of either one has great significance. It is in particular appropriate to note the fact that, according to the theory of actual corporate seat, a legal person created and registered in Country A, but carrying on its business activities in Country B, is a legal person of the latter country. As a result, it does not meet the legal requirements adopted by the law of Company B for that type of legal personality, even where it meets the requirements governing in Country A: the possibility arises that it might not be recognised in Country B (in an extreme case it could even be denied legal personality/capacity), and in any event, it could be rendered subject to the legal obligations prevailing in Country B. The theory of actual corporate seat nonetheless serves as a measure of protection against so-called pseudo foreign corporations, such as entities that have no connection to the country in which they were created, and thanks to their recognition as foreign legal persons are not required to comply with all of the requirements foreseen by the law of the place in which they are de facto domiciled. In certain countries that accept the theory, there have been adopted specific provisions of private international law as a preclusive measure. A good example here is Article 159 of the Swiss IRPG, pursuant to which if the business of a corporation created abroad is carried on within Switzerland or from Switzerland, the liability of the persons acting on behalf of the corporation is determined in accordance with Swiss law. Nor can reliance on the clause of “public order” be excluded where the application of foreign law would produce results contrary to the basic principles of legal order within the Republic of Poland (Article 6 of the Act on Private International Law).
Source text - Spanish
3.2.1 La posición contractual que, de conformidad con la respectiva Participación en el Préstamo, asumen los Prestamistas, reviste carácter mancomunado, siendo por tanto enteramente independientes sus derechos y obligaciones derivados de este Contrato, salvo que otra cosa se conviniera expresamente en este Contrato. En consecuencia, cada Prestamista podrá ejercitar sus derechos con plena autonomía e independencia de los derechos cuyo ejercicio incumba a otro, sin perjuicio de su derecho en virtud de este Contrato de ceder en todo o en parte su Participación a terceros de acuerdo con la Estipulación Decimoséptima (“Cesiones”) siguiente.
3.2.2 El incumplimiento por alguno de los Prestamistas de cualquiera de sus obligaciones bajo el presente Contrato no aumentará las obligaciones asumidas por el resto de Prestamistas ni exonerará al Prestatario de sus obligaciones conforme al presente Préstamo. En consecuencia, si un Prestamista no entrega los fondos que le corresponden de conformidad con el presente Contrato, el importe no entregado no se considerará dispuesto por el Prestatario y, por lo tanto, no será debido por éste. Los restantes Prestamistas no estarán obligados a asumir la parte correspondiente del Prestamista incumplidor, sin perjuicio de las acciones que se pudieran ejercitar frente a dicho Prestamista incumplidor.
3.2.3 Cualquiera de los Prestamistas podrá llevar a cabo actos de naturaleza extrajudicial tendentes a la conservación y defensa de los derechos e intereses propios y de los demás Prestamistas, pero sólo podrá ejercitar en vía judicial sus propios derechos, con sujeción a lo establecido en el presente Contrato.
3.2.4 Excepto en el caso de que expresamente se prevea otra cosa en el presente Contrato, los acuerdos, decisiones y actuaciones entre los Prestamistas requerirán el voto favorable de la Mayoría de los Prestamistas, es decir, por el voto favorable de aquellos Prestamistas que representen la mayoría del principal del Préstamo. A los efectos de este Contrato, por “Mayoría de los Prestamistas” se entenderá el conjunto de los Prestamistas cuyos compromisos representen en cada momento, como mínimo, el CINCUENTA Y UN POR CIENTO (51,00%) de la suma de las Participaciones respecto del importe total dispuesto (si se ha dispuesto efectivamente) o del importe total no dispuesto (cuando no se ha dispuesto).
3.2.5 Por excepción y salvo que otra cosa se prevea en el presente Contrato, para la toma de acuerdos o decisiones relativas a las materias que se indican a continuación, será necesario que el acuerdo se adopte por unanimidad de todos los Prestamistas:
Translation - English 3.2.1 The contractual position that, in conformity with the respective Shares of the Loan, shall be assumed by the Lenders, shall be joint in nature; however, it shall be totally independent of their rights and obligations arising under of this Contract, unless otherwise expressly in this Contract. Accordingly, each Lender shall be able to exercise its rights with full autonomy and independently of the rights that may be exercised by the others, without prejudice to its rights arising by virtue of this Contract to assign a whole or a part of its Share to third parties in accordance with Clause Seventeen (“Assignments”) here below.
3.2.2 The non-performance by any one of the Lenders of any of its obligations under the instant Contract shall not increase the obligations assumed by the remaining Lenders nor shall it excuse the Borrower from the performance of its obligations in conformity with the instant Loan. Accordingly, if a Lender fails to make delivery of the proceeds that correspond to it in conformity with the instant Contract, the amount not delivered shall not be considered as disbursed to the Borrower and, therefore shall not be owed by the latter. The remaining Lenders shall not be obligated to assume the corresponding share of the non-complying Lender, without prejudice to any of the actions that may taken as regards such non-complying Lender.
3.2.3 Any Lender shall be able to initiate actions of an extrajudicial nature for the purpose for the purpose of safeguarding and defending its own Rights and interests and those of the other Lenders, however it shall only have recourse to judicial proceedings for the purpose of ensuring its own Rights, and subject to the provisions of the instant Contract.
3.2.4 Except as specifically provided to the contrary in the instant Contract, the agreements, decisions and actions among the Lenders shall require a majority vote of the Lenders in favour, that is to say by the affirmative vote of such Lenders who represent a majority of the principal of the Loan. For the purposes of this Contract, a “Majority of the Lenders” shall mean a totality of all of the Lenders whose loan commitments at all times represent, at a minimum, , the FIFTY ONE PERCERNT (51.00%) of the amount of the Shares as regards the total amount disbursed (if it has in fact been so disbursed) or of the total amount not so disbursed (where it has not been disbursed).
3.2.5 By way of exception and except as otherwise provided for the instant Contract, for the taking of decisions or actions regards the subject matters that are set forth below, the unanimous vote of all the Lenders shall be required:
5.1 Le contrat d’abonnement prend effet à la date de la mise à disposition
provisoire des services.
5.2 La mise à disposition définitive des services est subordonnée à la
vérification par XXXXdes documents devant être fournis
tels que précisés à l’article 3, au paiement préalable des sommes dont
l’Abonné serait redevable au titre d’autres contrats souscrits auprès de
XXXX, dès lors que ces dettes ne font pas l’objet d’une
contestation sérieuse par l’Abonné ainsi, éventuellement, qu’au paiement
d’un dépôt de garantie tels que prévus à l’article 4.1.
En cas de déclaration erronée et/ou de fourniture de document irrégulier
de la part de l’Abonné ou du Tiers Payeur, ou de non fourniture des
garanties prévues à l’article 4, la mise à disposition provisoire des services
pourra être suspendue à l’issue d’un délai de trois (3) jours suivant la
demande de régularisation non suivie d’effet formée par XXXX
jusqu’à régularisation du dossier. A défaut de régularisation, le
contrat pourra être résilié par XXXXavec effet immédiat.
5.3 L’Abonné est réputé accepter toute modification par XXXX
du forfait souscrit, en l’absence de contestation dans un délai de 21 jours
à compter de la réception de la facture faisant état de cette modification.
6.1 Sauf stipulation contraire mentionnée dans les Conditions Particulières, le
contrat est conclu pour une durée indéterminée, avec une période
minimale de douze (12), de vingt quatre (24), ou de trente six (36) mois. Le
contrat d’abonnement bénéficiant de l’option Privilège est conclu pour une
durée initiale de vingt quatre (24), ou de trente six (36) mois reconductible
tacitement par périodes successives de douze (12) mois.
6.2 Le contrat d’abonnement peut être résilié par l’Abonné sur demande écrite
adressée à XXXXpar lettre recommandée et accusé de
réception, dans un délai de sept jours à compter de sa date de mise en
service (le cachet de la poste faisant foi) lorsque l’Abonné établit que, dans
la zone couverte par l’Opérateur, le service est complètement inaccessible
de son lieu d’établissement ou de sa zone d’activité professionnelle
6.3 XXXX se réserve le droit de procéder au transfert de sa
clientèle d’Abonnés vers toute autre société. L’Abonné ne peut se prévaloir
de ce transfert pour résilier le contrat d’abonnement, dès lors que les
conditions en sont inchangées
Translation - English The Service Contract shall take effect as of the date on which the Services are made temporarily available.
5.2 The permanent availability of the Services shall be subject to xXXX’S verification of the documents provided under Article 3, and to the advance payment of the amounts due from the Subscriber under other contracts with XXXX, so long as such amounts due are not the subject of any serious dispute by the Subscriber, and, if applicable, to the payment of a security deposit as provided for under Article 4.1.
In the event of an erroneous representation and/or the providing of irregular documents by the Subscriber or the Third-Party Payer, or of the failure to provide the guarantees called for under Article 4, the temporary availability of the Services shall be suspended after a time period of three (3) days following an unanswered request for regularisation by XXXX, until such time as the dossier has been regularised. In the event of failure to regularise, XXXXmay terminate the Contract with immediate effect.
5.3 The Subscriber shall be deemed to have accepted any changes to the rates charged that shall be made by XXXX, in the absence of any opposition thereto within 21 days from the receipt of the invoice bearing notice of said modifications.
6.1 Except where specifically agreed to the contrary in the Special Conditions, the Contract shall be of indefinite duration, with a minimum time commitment of twelve (12), twenty-four (24), or thirty-six (36) months. A Service Contract having the “Privilege” option shall be valid for an initial term of twenty-four (24) or thirty-six (36) months, tacitly renewable for successive periods of twelve (12) months.
6.2 The Subscriber may withdraw from the Service Contract by written request, sent to XXXX by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, within seven days from the date of availability of the Service (as indicated by the postmark), in the event that the Subscriber becomes aware that the Service is completely inaccessible at the Subscriber’s usual residence or location of professional activity in the zone covered by the Operator.
6.3 XXXX reserves the right to transfer its clientele of subscribers to any other company. The Subscriber may not take advantage of this transfer to withdraw from the Service contract, so long as the terms thereof remain unchanged
Polish to English: Business plan (excerpt)
Source text - Polish (original in .pdf)
Translation - English
Thanks to technological advances, the competition on the ethnic programming market is already considerable. In the United States alone, there currently live more than 22 million people who were born outside of this country as well as many more agglomerations of U.S.-born citizens who have very strong ethnic ties. On American television, programming is available in twenty-four languages and this number continues to increase.
Some companies that are active on the ethnic television market are trying to create multicultural programs. As is demonstrated by the experience of these types of television stations, the interests of the individual programs are often conflicting. The degree of care exercised as to the integrity of the whole program and a clear image of the particular station become questionable. Such a situation undoubtedly has a negative impact on the content as well as the value of the programming. In view of the distances and differences between the various potential viewers on the market, it is difficult to formulate a marketing approach that does not produce unintended effects.
The Germans, Italians, Portuguese, Irish, Greeks, Filipinos and others present their television programs in America in a highly distinct fashion, having a clear-cut national profile, and treat this activity as a significant element in the promotion of their countries.
This type of activity produces a steadily increasing and broadening number of subscribers. XXXX wishes to implement this proven method when introducing the XXXX program on the American markets.
Providing English subtitles for a portion of the program will broaden the base of potential viewers to include those who no longer speak fluent Polish. At issue here, in particular, are the young people and children of Polish origin who were born in America
Thanks to English-language subtitles, the program will be available to
Americans and Canadians who are not of Polish origin. It could have a significant positive impact on the image of XXXX on the American continent.The team of professionals hired by XXXX will, under the direction of specialists from XXXX, continuously exercise care to preserve the high quality and integrity of the xxxx program broadcast in America.
There are currently twelve million people living in North America who are either Polish or of Polish origin. By means of an aggressively conducted marketing-subscription program, XXXX anticipates acquiring a subscriber base in the range of one hundred thousand within the first 12- 18 months following the signing of an agreement with XXXX, which in the following four years should grow to a total number of about two million.
French to English: COMMUNIQUE SUITE A LA DECISION N°07-X- RENDUE PAR LE CONSEIL DE LA CONCURRENCE - Statement to customers following Decision XXX of the Competition Council
Source text - French Selon le communiqué de presse de la Commission Européenne en date du XX XXXX 200X, l’enquête a révélé que ce cartel avait opéré pendant plus de 19 ans (d’octobre 1984 à septembre 2003) sur ce marché, et mis en œuvre diverses pratiques prohibées dont des accords écrits de fixation de tarifs communs et de répartition de marchés.
Dans le cadre de cette procédure, la société XXX a sollicité de la Commission Européenne une mesure de clémence, en contrepartie de sa collaboration à l’enquête, ce qui lui a permis in fine de bénéficier d’une réduction d’amende de 50 %.
A la suite de cette première demande adressée à la Commission Européenne, la société XXX a entrepris de dénoncer en France, au Conseil de la Concurrence, des « pratiques similaires » qui seraient, selon elle, intervenues sur le marché français, et sollicité l’application d’une mesure de clémence.
Translation - English According to the press release of European Commission dated XXX XX, 200X, the investigation revealed that this cartel had operated in this market for more than 19 years (from October 1984 till September 2003) and revealed various prohibited practices, including written agreements on fixing of common tariffs and allocation of markets.
Within these proceedings, the XXX company has applied to the European Commission for leniency, in exchange for its cooperation in the investigation, which ultimately resulted in the benefit reducing of its penalty by 50%.
Following this first request addressed to the European Commission, the XXX company undertook the denunciation of “similar practices” in France, before the COMPETITION COUNCIL. According to Allied, these practices occurred on the French market. Once again, Allied applied for leniency.
Polish to English: Poland - Constitutional Law Text (updates)
Source text - Polish Mimo rozwoju integracji europejskiej konstytucje państw członkowskich UE zachowały swoje znaczenie prawne. Nadal więc stosować można dotychczasowy aparat pojęciowy oraz metody badawcze i mają sens badania z zakresu prawa konstytucyjnego poszczególnych państw. Stojąc przed takimi samymi lub podobnymi wyzwaniami zewnętrznymi oraz problemami wewnętrznymi rozwiązują je nie tylko przy pomocy instytucji wspólnotowych, ale także przyjmując do swojego prawa wewnętrznego określone rozwiązania ustrojowe. Sama koncepcja i model prawa europejskiego stworzyły nową sytuację, w której obowiązują obok siebie autonomiczne porządki prawne oparte na własnych wewnętrznych zasadach hierarchicznych i wzajemnie na siebie oddziałujące. W sytuacji tej rośnie rola opracowań poświęconym systemom prawnym poszczególnych państw członkowskich UE jako bazy w dyskusji prawniczej i politologicznej.
The Act of 7.7.2005 on Lobbying Activity in the Law-Making pośrednio nawiązuje do niektórych konstytucyjnych praw i wolności jednostki. Dzieje się tak wskutek szerokiej definicji „działalności lobbingowej”, którą jest „każde działanie prowadzone metodami prawnie dozwolonymi zmierzające do wywarcia wpływu na organy władzy publicznej w procesie stanowienia prawa” (art. 2 ustawy o lobbyingu). Działalnością lobbingową może być więc legalne zgromadzenie popierające albo dezaprobujące określoną regulację prawną (zob. art. 57 Konstytucji), jak również petycja skierowana przez obywatela do organu władzy publicznej (zob. art. 63 Konstytucji) . Ustawa o działalności lobbingowej wprowadza szczególne rygory wyłącznie w odniesieniu do „zawodowej działalności lobbingowej”, którą jest „zarobkowa działalność lobbingowa prowadzona na rzecz osób trzecich w celu uwzględnienia w procesie stanowienia prawa interesów tych osób” (art. 2 ust. 3). Zawodowa działalność lobbingowa może być wykonywana przez przedsiębiorcę albo przez osobę fizyczną niebędącą przedsiębiorcą na podstawie umowy cywilnoprawnej. Oznacza to, że ustawa o lobbyingu nie ogranicza oddziaływania na organy władzy publicznej przez podmioty wykonujące de facto działalność lobbingową w rozumieniu art. 2 ust. 1 ustawy o lobbingu na podstawie odrębnych przepisów Konstytucji lub ustawy . Przykładem ustaw gwarantujących udział organizacji społecznych w procesie ustawodawczym jest ustawa z 23.5.1991 r. o związkach zawodowych.
Ustawa o działalności lobbingowej wprowadza obowiązek ujawnienia zawodowych lobbystów w rejestrze prowadzonym minister właściwego ds. administracji publicznej. Jest on podawany stale do wiadomości w Biuletynie Informacji Publicznej. Organy władzy publicznej są obowiązane udostępniać w Biuletynie Informacji Publicznej szczegółowe informacje o działaniach podejmowanych wobec nich przez podmioty wykonujące zawodową działalność lobbingową, a przypadku stwierdzenia wykonywania zawodowej działalności lobbingowej bez wpisu do rejestru mają obowiązek pisemnego powiadomienia właściwego ministra. Prowadzenie zawodowej działalności lobbingowej bez zgłoszenia do rejestru podlega karze pieniężnej. Ustawa dotyczy niemalże wyłącznie organów administracji rządowej i pomija kwestie lobbingu na terenie parlamentu odsyłając w tym zakresie do postanowień regulaminu Sejmu i Senatu. Szczególne znaczenie ma tu wprowadzenie instytucji wysłuchania publicznego w Sejmie.
Translation - English Notwithstanding the advancement of European integration, the constitutions of the individual Member States of the EU have continued to maintain their legal significance. Accordingly, the conceptual constructs and research methodology utilized until now continue to be applicable, and there is ongoing value to examining the scope of the constitutional questions that arise in the individual states. Faced with the same, or similar, external challenges as well as internal problems, these questions are resolved not only with the assistance of the EU institutions, but also by incorporating specific Community legislative solutions into domestic law. The very concept and model of European law have given rise to a new conjuncture [paradigm] of autonomous, concurrently binding, parallel legal orders that operate on the basis of internal hierarchical principles that interact mutually. This state of affairs operates to increase the importance of studies and treatises focusing on the legal systems of individual Member States as bases for legal and political science discussions.
The Act of July 7, 2005 on Lobbying Activities in the Legislative Process [fn4] relates indirectly to certain constitutional rights and freedoms of the individual. This results from the broad definition of “lobbying activities” which mean “any lawfully conducted activity intended to influence the organs of public authority in the law-making process”. (Article 2 of the Act on Lobbying). Lobbying activity can therefore include a lawful assembly supporting or opposing a specific legal enactment (see Article 57 of the Constitution), as well as a petition submitted by a citizen to the authorities (see Article 63 of the Constitution). [fn 5] The stringent requirements of the Lobbying Act apply solely to “professional” lobbying, defined as “lobbying activity performed for remuneration, on behalf of third parties, intended to ensure that their interests are considered during the law-making process (Article 2, Paragraph 3). Professional lobbying activities can be performed by a business person or a natural person who is not a legal entity, pursuant to a civil law contract. This means that the Act does not restrict those activities seeking to influence the authorities that are engaged in by persons who are de facto lobbying (within the meaning of Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Act) pursuant to other statutes or the Constitution. [fn6] One example of such a statute guaranteeing the participation of social groupings in the legislative process is the Act of May 23, 1991 on Labor Unions.
The Act on Lobbying Activities lays down the obligation to disclose professional lobbyists in a registry maintained by the minister responsible for public administration.
The register is continually updated in the Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej (Bulletin of Public Information). The organs of public authority are required to disclose detailed information concerning the activities engaged in for the purpose of influencing them by professional lobbyists in the Bulletin of Public Information, and in the event of ascertaining that lobbying is being engaged in without being duly registered, they have a duty to notify the appropriate minister. Failure to register professional lobbying activity is sanctioned by a monetary fine. The Act covers, almost exclusively, lobbying of governmental administrative organs and bypasses the issue of lobbying on the premises of the parliament, which it relegates to the provisions of the Sejm and Senate regulations.
Of particular import here is the introduction of the public hearing mechanism in the Sejm.
Source text - Spanish 4 YEARS' FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND BALANCE SHEETS (originals in pdf)
Translation - English XXX
La Paz - Bolivia
D 4442-1 PROJECT
D 4442-1 PROJECT
Polish to English: Proces kontroli jakości -Quality control processes
Source text - Polish original in .jpg
The objective of the Quality Control process is to ensure that the manufacturing of the product, the services performed, and the processes identified, are in full conformity with the technical documentation. This process includes the monitoring, carrying out of established controls, and analysis of the processes in conformity with the technical specifications submitted by the Client and the pattern for the given product which is attached to the technical specifications, and above all, compliance with any and all of the Client’s requirements.
The Production Manager, together with the personnel who are responsible for the proper preparation of the materials for production as well as the proper production processes, conduct a detailed analysis of the technical documentation together with the patterns. The staff member having responsibility for Quality Control also takes part in this analytical process.
The scope of the Quality Control process includes:
- analysis of the technical documentation and pattern provided by the Client
- familiarisation with sizing/dimensioning of the pattern
- inspection/control of work in progress
- inspection/control of finished product
- rejection of any finished products that are not in conformity with requirements
- preparation of documentation of the quality control procedures effectuated.
The required scope of quality controls and the manner of their implementation is set forth in the technical documentation as well as in the respective procedures and instructions.
The Company maintains constant contact with the Client for the purpose of ensuring that the product or service fulfils the Client’s expectations, and any of the Client’s suggestions and comments may be used in order to improve the quality of the products or services ordered.
Materials that are to be used in production are subject to quality control and testing of the material supplied. In every instance, this process includes:
- external verification of the materials supplied as to any possible damage;
- assessment for conformity with the order;
Quality control and checking of the supplies is performed:
- at the time of the acceptance of delivery of the materials supplied with respect to their completeness and conformity with the technical specifications and requirements of the order – by those staff members who are responsible for accepting delivery of the supplies;
- at the time of putting them into use, or applying them in the manufacturing process of products with respect to their conformity with the technical parameters provided (following commencement of operation) – by those staff members who have responsibility for the respective processes.
Performance of the quality control and the testing of materials supplied are duly documented, and the documentation certifying the quality of the material supplies and written entries of the inspections and tests carried out, are subject to ongoing supervisory oversight.
In the event that any lack of conformity of the materials supplied is discovered at the inspection and testing stage, claim proceedings are initiated.
The quality control and final testing are carried out by the person who is responsible for controlling production processes. All results are duly documented.
Any and all discrepancies discovered during the quality control and final testing prior to remittance the Client or during the delivery, are documented and analysed, and the product is held back until such time as the necessary measures are taken to resolve the discrepancies.
Any product that is noncompliant with the requirements shall not be delivered to the Client and will give rise to the:
- differentiation of the controlled product from the uncontrolled product by the appropriate marking thereof
- identification of the person responsible for carrying out the required quality control
- the unambiguous ascertainment of the results of the quality control carried out.
All processes within the Company are subject to analysis; the scrupulous analysis of the quality- ensuring process is also a preventative measure that permits the prompt discovery of any impediment, the root cause of its existence and the elimination of any discrepancies. The results of the analysis are then the subject of discussion at the highest level of management which directly supervises the entire production being carried out. As a result of the discussions held, decisions are elaborated that enable the correction and perfection of the work carried out so that the quality of the services rendered is as high as possible, taking full account of the Client’s interest and satisfaction.
French to English: Internal corporate investigation - price fixing
Source text - French A titre liminaire, XXX a rappelé qu'une lettre anonyme a été envoyée à la mi-XXX et qu'il est au courant de son existence depuis près de deux mois, sans avoir eu le droit d'en parler.
J'ai rappelé pour ma part que l'objectif de cette interview est de mettre en œuvre une collaboration dans l'intérêt du XXX et de la société XXX (ci-après XX) afin de déterminer si les faits avancés dans la lettre sont réels ou fantaisistes et de tenter de connaître l'identité et la crédibilité de son auteur.
Il s'agit d'une interview menée sur une base de coopération constructive sans but hostile vis-à-vis des personnes interviewées mais réalisée au contraire dans un intérêt collectif et individuel.
La question est double :
1. savoir si la lettre est fantaisiste,
2. savoir si des pratiques illégales ont existé et se perpétuent.
XXX remercie XXX et les avocats pour la rapidité avec laquelle il a pu s'expliquer sur le sujet.
Il comprend l'attitude du groupe, sur le fond, mais pas sur la forme : l'annonce d'un audit interne d'une telle envergure lui a immédiatement paru étrange et constituer une méthode contournée de le sonder. Il aurait préféré une attitude plus directe.
Translation - English A titre liminaire, XXX a rappelé qu'une lettre anonyme a été envoyée à la mi-XXX et qu'il est au courant de son existence depuis près de deux mois, sans avoir eu le droit d'en parler.
J'ai rappelé pour ma part que l'objectif de cette interview est de mettre en œuvre une collaboration dans l'intérêt du XXX et de la société XXX (ci-après XX) afin de déterminer si les faits avancés dans la lettre sont réels ou fantaisistes et de tenter de connaître l'identité et la crédibilité de son auteur.
Il s'agit d'une interview menée sur une base de coopération constructive sans but hostile vis-à-vis des personnes interviewées mais réalisée au contraire dans un intérêt collectif et individuel.
La question est double :
1. savoir si la lettre est fantaisiste,
2. savoir si des pratiques illégales ont existé et se perpétuent.
XXX remercie XXX et les avocats pour la rapidité avec laquelle il a pu s'expliquer sur le sujet.
Il comprend l'attitude du groupe, sur le fond, mais pas sur la forme : l'annonce d'un audit interne d'une telle envergure lui a immédiatement paru étrange et constituer une méthode contournée de le sonder. Il aurait préféré une attitude plus directe.
At the outset, XXX recalled that an anonymous letter had been sent in mid-XXX; that he has been aware of its existence for some two months, but had not been authorised to discuss it.
I, in turn, recalled that the purpose of this interview is to initiate a cooperation that is in the mutual interests of the XXX and of XXX (hereinafter « XX») in order to determine whether the facts alleged in the letter are true or confabulated, and to ascertain the identity and credibility of its author.
This interview is being conducted on a cooperative and constructive basis, without any hostile animus towards the persons interviewed, and to the contrary, is being carried out in furtherance of individual and collective interest.
There are two aspects to the question at issue:
1. - to determine whether the latter is confabulated,
2. - to determine whether unlawful practices have occurred and are ongoing.
XXX expressed his thanks to XXX and to the attorneys for the speed with which he has been given the opportunity to explain the matter.
He understands XXX’s position as to the subject matter at issue, but not its form: the sudden announcement of an internal audit of such a rigorous scope seems strange to him and is a convoluted method for its exploration. He would have preferred a more direct approach.
French to English: Convention de liquidite - LIQUIDITY AGREEMENT
Source text - French [source doc in .pdf]
Translation - English (b) In the event that distribution of the amounts charged to the registered/share/corporate capital, the reserves or bonuses paid out by Publicis (other than common share dividends), to one (1) plus the ratio between (i) the amount of the aforementioned distributions paid to the shareholders (per share) and (ii) the XXX share closing price on the first stock exchange open day for which the acquirer of a XXX share would not be entitled to the said distributions.
It being understood that in the event of a takeover of XXX by another company, or merger with one or more companies into a new company or division, or a public exchange offer for XXX shares, XXX shall be calculated in good faith by Publicis ( or in the case of a disagreement in accordance with Article 1843-4 of the Civil Code) to take into account, as the case may be, the exchange ratio between XXX shares and those of the absorbing/acquiring or new company or the company benefiting from the division or the company whose shares are offered in exchange.
Source text - French En cas d'anomalie ou erreur concernant la livraison (telles que les avaries, Produits cassés, colis endommagé) et/ou en cas de non conformité des Produits en nature ou en qualité par rapport aux indications figurant sur le bon de livraison, ou de défaillance du Produit dans les conditions de la garantie contractuelle offerte le cas échéant par le Vendeur, le Client devra en informer le Vendeur au moyen de la XXX , et, le cas échéant, selon les modalités définies par le Vendeur aux Conditions Particulières du Vendeur.
Tout Produit à échanger devra être adressé au Vendeur au site situé à l'adresse mentionnée par le Vendeur aux Conditions Particulières du Vendeur correspondant au service de réclamations du Vendeur, dans son ensemble et dans son emballage d'origine, et notamment, accompagné de la facture correspondante.
En cas d'anomalie ou erreur concernant la livraison (telles que les avaries, Produits cassés, colis endommagé) et/ou en cas de non conformité des Produits en nature ou en qualité par rapport aux indications figurant sur le bon de livraison, le Produit sera automatiquement soit échangé sous réserve de disponibilité soit remboursé si celui-ci n'était pas disponible. Les frais d'échange sont à la charge du Vendeur, sauf dans le cas où il s'avérerait que le produit repris ne correspond pas à la déclaration d'origine faite par le Membre dans le bon de retour.
En cas de défaillance du Produit dans les conditions de la garantie contractuelle offerte le cas échéant par le Vendeur, les frais de retour du Produit défectueux au service de réclamations du Vendeur sont à la charge du Membre, le renvoi du Produit réparé ou de remplacement étant à la charge du Vendeur.
Toute réclamation qui ne serait pas effectuée dans les règles définies ci-dessus, aux Conditions Particulières du Vendeur et dans la Documentation et dans les délais impartis mentionnés, ne pourra être prise en compte et dégagera le Vendeur de toute responsabilité vis à vis du Membre
Translation - English In the event of errors or delivery irregularities (such as damage, breakage of Products, damaged parcels) and/or in the event of non-conformity in the nature or qualities of the Products, or in the event of defect of the Product within the terms of the contractual guarantee offered by the Vendor, the Vendor undertakes to comply with the request of the Member and shall act as set forth in the General Terms and Conditions applicable to the Contract for Sale.
In the event that of errors or delivery irregularities (such as damage, breakage of Products, damaged parcels) and/or in the event of non-conformity in the nature or qualities of the Products, the Vendor agrees to exchange or refund the Product as stated in the General Terms and Conditions applicable to the Contract for Sale. The costs involved in the exchange shall be borne by the Vendor from the delivery location to the Vendor's after sales service location and from the Vendor to the Member's delivery locatio
In the event of defect in the Product under the terms of the contractual warranty offered by the Vendor, the shipment of the defective Product and its return shall follow the same principles, except that the cost of the shipment from the Member's delivery location to the Vendor's after sales service location shall be borne by the Member.
The Products shall be shipped at the Vendor's expense and risk.
Although UniverStores does not provide any maintenance or assistance service to the Members on behalf of the Vendor in the processes involved in dealing with Member's requests regarding the subject matter of the instant Section XXX, the Vendor agrees that XXX may request technical assistance and information from the Vendor, and the Vendor agrees to provide any useful information to XXX.
Polish to English: AKT ZGONU - Certificate of Death (Abbreviated Form)
Source text - Polish [original in .pdf]
Translation - English
Voivoidship of: Mazowsze
Department of Records: City of Warsaw
I. Information concerning the decedent
1. Surname: XXX
2. First name(s): XXX
3. Family name: XXX
4. Marital status: XXX
5. Date of birth: XXX XX, 19XX
6. Place of birth: Gdynia
7. Address of last residence: Warsaw, XXX
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II. Information pertaining to the death
1. Date of death: XXX,XXX, Two Thousand and XXX
XX/XX/200X --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
III. Information pertaining to surviving spouse
1. Surname: XXX
2. First name(s): XXX
3. Family (maiden) name: XXX
IV. Information pertaining to decedent’s parents:
Father Mother
1. Name(s) XXX----------XXX-------
2. Family name XXX-------XXX----
Certified as a true copy of extract from Certificate of Death No. W/19XX/200X
Warsaw, XX/0X/200X
Treasury Fee (Stamped: [signature] Cashier
Department of Department of Records
Records No.13) XXX
Form M 1X- EJZ Zawadzcy Raszyn
Source text - French « Article XXX: Modalité d’exercice de la direction générale de la société
La direction générale de la société est assumée, sous sa responsabilité, soit par le Président du Conseil d’administration avec le titre de Président Directeur Général (P.D.G) soit par une autre personne physique nommée par le Conseil d’administration et portant le titre de Directeur Général.
A tout moment, le Conseil d’administration devra choisir entre les deux modes d’exercice de la direction générale de la société.
Le Conseil nommera le président du Conseil d’administration et décidera à la majorité simple de l’investir des fonctions de Directeur général ou de conférer ces fonctions à une autre personne. Cette option pour le cumul des fonctions ou leur dissociation – de même que toute option suivante – vaudra pour une durée minimale de 2 ans et jusqu’à une décision contraire du Conseil d’administration qui pourra alors décider à la majorité simple de choisir l’autre modalité d’exercice de la direction générale visée ci-dessus. Le Conseil d’administration de la société portera à la connaissance des actionnaires lors de la prochaine assemblée générale de ce changement et le soumettra aux formalités de dépôt, de publicité et d’inscription au registre du commerce dans les conditions prévues par la loi. »
Translation - English Article XXX : Modes of management of the company
The general management of, and responsibility for, the company shall be exercised either by the Chairman of the Board of Directors having the title of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or by another natural person so appointed by the Board of Directors and holding the title of Director General.
The Board of Directors shall be at all times obligated to make a selection as between the two modes of carrying out the general management of the company.
The Board of Directors shall appoint the Chairman of the Board of Directors and shall determine whether to vest him with the powers of Director General or whether to confer such function upon another person. This option of combining the functions or of separating them – as well as any of the following choices – shall be binding for a minimum period of 2 years and until such time as a decision to the contrary is made by the Board of Directors which shall then have the power to decide, by means of a simple majority, to select the other modality for the general management of the company as is set forth here above. The Board of Directors shall provide notice thereof to the shareholders at the time of the next general assembly and shall comply with the filing, publication and entry into the trade register as are provided for by law. »
Polish to English: Akt notarialny - LAST WILL and TESTAMENT
On the XXX day of XXX, 200X (XX/XX/200X), before me, XXX, a Notary in the City of Warsaw, in the Notarial Offices located at XXX, appeared in person: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
XXX, son of XXX and XXX, National Identity Card
Number XXX, residing in Warsaw at XXX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The identity of the person appearing was confirmed by the Notary upon presentation of the aforesaid identification card.-----------------------------------------------
§1. The person appearing declared that in the event of his death, he wishes his property to be distributed as follows: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
the real property in the village of XXX, recorded under Number XXX in the Land Registry (Kw Number XXX) is bequeathed to XXX,-------------------------------------
the IRA, Individual Retirement Account, opened in XXX, USA and managed by XXX, is bequeathed to XXX
current cash accounts in Poland and in the USA are bequeathed in shares of ¼ to XXX and ¾ to XXX,--------------------------------------------------------------------
The person appearing further declared, that he appoints as Testamentary Heir, XXX, zon of XXX and XXX, residing at XXX, --
§2. The costs of this Notarial Act are borne by the person appearing.-----------------------
Amount received: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The fee for Notarial services pursuant to § 9 of the Regulation on Notarial Fees, dated April 12, 1991 (Journal of Laws, No. 33, Item 146 of 1991, as later amended by Journal of Laws, No. 115, Item 1233 of 2001) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
French to English: Memoire en Demande - Memo of Law (LNG Plant Construction Litigation)
Source text - French [original in .pdf]
Translation - English In addition to complying with the delivery terms for the construction of the LNG plant, which is but one of the essentials aspects of the Operator’s obligations, the Operator also had an obligation to put into play all of the means in furtherance of attaining the contracutal objective, i.e., the creation of this integrated chain ranging from the extraction of the gas discovered, to its commercialisation.
This complex chain of operations is at very the heart of the XXX deal. The economics of this project were based on its various operations, and specifically the liquefaction activities, which – being “stand-alone” within an autonomous company, should have been the subject of distinct remuneration in the form of the liquefaction proceeds destined to finance the liquefaction operations.
2. Postponing of the Contract’s objective by the Operator and attempts to impose another contractual plan.
When the Operator became aware of the fact that the project would not be profitable for it, and decided to change its structure, it chose to postpone the implementation of the very objective of the Contract. In XXX and XXX 200X, the radical reaction of the Operator, consisting of terminating the principal subcontracts for the Downstream Facilities part was accompanied, in the same time, by the freezing of the investments for the (Upstream Facilities) part since the budget presented for the fiscal year 200X-200X was decreased in comparison to preceding budgets, whereas the performance of the project called for an increase to the budget.
This freezing of investments materialized in its presentation to the Operational Audit of 21st and 22nd XXX during which the Operator announced a postponement of certain activities and the slowing down of all the (Upstream Faculties) activities:
Polish to English: UMOWA O WSPÓLNYM PROWADZENIU - Joint Management Agreement
Farma Wiatrowa
zespół Elektrowni Wiatrowych wraz ze stacją GPZ zlokalizowany na Nieruchomościach;
- wszelkie informacje dotyczące
informacje dotyczące negocjacji, treści oraz wykonania Umowy, jak również wszelkie informacje dotyczące Inwestora, Przedsiębiorcy oraz Spółki dotyczące w szczególności Projektu, kontrahentów, planów finansowych i gospodarczych oraz inne informacje stanowiące tajemnicę handlową lub tajemnicę przedsiębiorstwa lub know-how Inwestora, Przedsiębiorcy lub Spółki;
Moc Znamionowa Farmy Wiatrowej
podana w MW moc znamionowa Farmy Wiatrowej obliczona jako iloczyn liczby Elektrowni Wiatrowych i mocy znamionowej turbiny zastosowanej w Elektrowniach Wiatrowych, zgodnie z treścią pozwolenia na budowę wydanego dla danego Projektu;
Wind Farm
the Wind Power Plant ensemble, together with the GPZ (Główny Punkt Zasilający) transformer/switching station located on the Property;
- wszelkie informacje dotyczące
informacje dotyczące negocjacj t the textual content and the performance of this Agreement, as well as any and all information concerning the Investor, the Entrepreneur and the Company, particularly as regards the Project, the contracting Parties, financial and economic plans, as well as any other information that constitutes a trade secret or business secret, or the Investor’s, Entrepreneur’s or Company’s know-how;
Nominal power of the Wind Farm
the Wind Farm’s nominal power shown in MW and calculated as the output of the number of Wind Power Stations and the nominal power of the turbine measured at the Electrical Power Plants, in accordance with the provisions of the construction permit issued for the given Project;
Il est convenu entre les Parties que le Projet de Décoration Intérieure finalisé sera adressé par le Maître d’Ouvrage, dans un délai de 45 jours calendaires courant à compter de la signature des présentes, au Promoteur.
Le Promoteur disposera, à compter de la réception du Projet de Décoration Intérieure, d’un délai de 21 jours calendaires pour examiner si les budgets visés dans le Récapitulatif du Prix Global inclus dans le CCTP couvrent le coût de réalisation dudit projet augmenté d’une marge de 10% et notifier son accord ou son désaccord au Maître d’Ouvrage. A défaut de réponse, le Promoteur sera réputé avoir donné son accord.
En cas d’accord du Promoteur sur le Projet de Décoration Intérieure, ledit projet constituera une annexe contractuelle des présentes.
Si le Promoteur estime que le Projet de Décoration Intérieure qui lui est soumis ne permet pas de respecter les budgets susvisés, les Parties se réuniront et tenteront de trouver une issue amiable dans un délai de 10 jours calendaires courant à compter de la réception de la réponse du Promoteur sur le Projet de Décoration Intérieure.
Si, à l’issue de ce délai de 10 jours, les Parties ne parviennent pas à un accord, le Tiers-Expert sera saisi par la Partie la plus diligente avec pour mission de vérifier si le coût de réalisation du Projet de Décoration Intérieure remis par le Maître d’Ouvrage, augmenté d’une marge de 10%, entre dans les budgets arrêtés par les Parties.
Translation - English It is agreed between the Parties that the final Interior Design Project shall be forwarded by the Project Manager, within 45 calendar days as counted from the signing of the instant Agreement, to the Developer.
The Developer shall have, counting from the acceptance of the Interior Design Project, a time period of 21 calendar days to determine whether the budgets referred to in the Summary of the Total price included in the TCC cover the cost of the realisation of said project, increased by a margin of 10%, and to notify his agreement or lack thereof to the Project Manager. In the event there is no response, the Developer shall be deemed to have agreed.
In the event of the agreement of the Developer on the Interior Design Project, such project shall constitute a contractual Appendix to the instant Agreement.
If the Developer deems that the Interior Design Project that has been submitted to him shall not fit within the budgets referred to above, the Parties shall meet and attempt to reach an amicable resolution within 10 calendar days, as counted from the acceptance of the response of the Developer on the Interior Design Project.
If, at the end of this time period of10 days, the Parties are unable to reach agreement, the Third-Party Expert shall be brought in by the more diligent Party and tasked with verifying if the cost of realisation of the Interior Design Project submitted by the Project Manager, increased by a margin of 10%, falls within in the budgets adopted by the Parties.
French to English: Nullification of the subscription to the increase in capital on the grounds of fraud - annulation de la souscription à l’augmentation de capital pour dol
Source text - French L’action en nullité des délibérations de l’assemblée générale des actionnaires du xx xx 200x serait fondée sur un abus de majorité.
L’abus de majorité est caractérisé lorsque la décision de l’assemblée générale (i) est contraire à l’intérêt social et (ii) est prise dans l’unique dessein de favoriser les actionnaires majoritaires au détriment des actionnaires minoritaires.
En l’espèce, le bloc des actionnaires majoritaires était constitué de xxx, agissant en son nom et celui de sa holding familiale xxx et en vertu des mandats en blanc dont il disposait, et du xxx
Nous pourrions soutenir qu’en violant l’article x des statuts, xxx et les autres actionnaires du bloc majoritaire ont dissuadé xxx d’exercer les bons de souscription d’actions attachés aux actions qu’il détient, privant la société xxx, d’un financement de xxx d’euros.
Par ailleurs, xxx et les autres actionnaires du bloc majoritaire ont agi dans leur intérêt personnel ; xxx, en évinçant xxx, conserve la présidence du conseil d’administration de la société et le fonds xxx accède à ce même conseil.
Translation - English An action to nullify the resolutions of the General Assembly of Shareholders of xxx xx, 200x would be based on the grounds that the majority failed to act in the interests of the corporation (“abus de majorité”).
An abus de majorite arises where a resolution adopted by the General Assembly is (i) contrary to the best interests of the corporation and (ii) is taken for the sole purpose of benefitting the majority shareholders to the detriment of the minority shareholders.
In the instant case, the bloc of majority shareholders was comprised of xxx, acting in his own name and on behalf of xxx family holding company and by virtue of the blank proxies he exercised, and of the xxx.
We could argue that in violation of Article x of the Articles of Association,xxxx and the other majority shareholders dissuaded xxx from exercising its share purchase warrants attaching to the shares he holds, thus precluding xxx from obtaining financing of xxx euros.
Further, xxx and the other majority shareholders acted in futherance of their personal interests : xxx , by excluding Henri xxx, kept the chairmanship of the management board of xxx and the xxx fund joined this same board.
Spanish to English: Danos en falso tunel - Damages found in cut-and -cover tunnel
Source text - Spanish original in .pdf
Translation - English The quantity of cement used (365kg/m3 according to the information provided, in excess of
the minimum provided in the EHE Instruction for any type of environment) is relatively
significant in limiting the heat from hydration generated by setting concrete.
It is appropriate to note that cement shrinkage (basically the hydraulic shrinkage) played a supporting role in the appearance, and above all, the evolution of the damage, so that this phenomenon is, in our opinion, the cause of the appearance of cracks throughout the cut and cover tunnel.
Source text - French original in .pdf
Translation - English Dear Sir,
Further to our letter dated xxx xx, 200x, wherein we noted that the proceedings initiated by virtue of the “superprovisionnelle” [Translator’s note – this term is specific to Swiss law, and means a measure that is interim, provisional and not on the merits of the case] Decision of the Swiss Federal Banking Commission (SFBC) of xxx xx, 200x finding against xxx, could be resolved subject to certain conditions. Our finding was based on the documents you submitted to us on the dates of xx xxx and xx xxx 200x and which documents made it appear that xxx comprised a private investment.
The SFBC has in specific requested xxx to proceed with the amendment of its corporate name. Subsequently, in its e-mail of xxxl xx, 200x, the SFBC approved the proposal for the company’s new name (“xxx”). On xx xxx 200x, Ernst&Young received from you a copy of the application for registering the company’s new name with the Commercial Register. In this same e-mail, you stated that you were awaiting xxx position in this matter. Notwithstanding, we note that to date no change to the xx company name has been registered with the Commercial Register.
We draw your attention to the fact that, for so long as such change remains unregistered with the Commercial Register, the proceedings against xx shall remain open. From this standpoint, we would urge that you proceed with the necessary amendments as promptly as possible.
Further, the fact obviously remains that in accordance with Point 11 of the terms of the above-cited decision, xx shall in any event bear its share of the costs of the investigative procedure.
French to English: PRET D'ACTION -Share Loan Agreement
Source text - French PRET D'ACTION
- The xxx , dont le siège social est situé xxx, New York, NY 10xxx, Etats-Unis,
représentée par Monsieur xxx,
ci-après dénommée le "Prêteur",
- Monsieur xxx , demeurant New York, NY 10xxx, Etats-Unis,
ci-après dénommé l'"Emprunteur",
1. Prêt de consommation : l'Emprunteur reconnaît avoir reçu du Prêteur à la date des présentes, dans les conditions prévues aux articles 1892 à 1904 du Code civil, une (1) action (ci-après l'"Action") de la Sociéte xxx , société anonyme au capital de xxx euros, dont le siège social est à Paris (75xxx), xxx, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris sous le numéro xxx (ci-après la "Société").
Par l'effet du prêt, l'Emprunteur devient propriétaire de l'Action, et dispose en particulier du droit de vote, du droit à la distribution de dividendes et du droit de nantir l’Action.
Translation - English SHARE LOAN
- The xxx Inc., whose registered office is located at xxx, New York, NY 10xxx, United States,
Represented by Mr. xxx,
Hereinafter referred to as the "Lender",
- Mr. xxx, residing at xxx, New York, NY 10xxx, United States,
Hereinafter referred to as the "The Borrower",
Share Loan : The Borrower acknowledges having received from the Lender, on the date of the instant Agreement, under the conditions provided for in Articles 1892 to 1904 of the Code civil (Civil Code), one (1) share (hereinafter "Share") of xxx S.A., Société anonyme (a Limited Liability Company),having a capital of xxx Euros, whose registered office is in Paris (75xxx), at xx, xxx, registered with the Trade and Companies Registry of of Paris under the Number xxx (hereinafter the "Company").
By virtue of the loan, the Borrower becomes the owner of the Share and, in particular, acquires the right to vote such share, the right to the distribution of dividends, and the right to pledge the Share.
French to English: Juge de la mise en état de la 5ème chambre – 1ère section du tribunal de grande instance de Paris - Pleadings (Reply)
Source text - French Le législateur a reconnu que seule la première catégorie d’opérations s’assimilait aux enchères réglementées, mais que la seconde relevait, elle, d’une qualification de courtage.
Le législateur a par ailleurs certainement pris en compte le fait qu’il était tout simplement impossible, pour des raisons d’ordre pratique et matérielle, d’appliquer le régime des ventes aux enchères publiques aux sites de courtage aux enchères à distance par voie électronique sur lesquels des centaines de milliers, voire des millions de biens et services sont proposés en permanence.
Il convient en effet de rappeler qu’une vente de gré à gré se produit toutes les trois secondes, à l’issue d’enchères effectuées xxx
Or, le courtier aux enchères réalisées à distance par voie électronique est placé dans l’impossibilité de recevoir le bien en dépôt. Il ne peut pas non plus garantir la conclusion de la vente, ni la livraison, ni le paiement, ni l’authenticité des biens vendus.
Translation - English The legislature recognized that only the first category was similar to regulated auctions, and that the second category was more akin to a brokerage function.
The legislature, moreover, certainly took into account the simple impossibility, for practical and material reasons, to apply the public auction regulatory scheme to online auction brokerage sites on which hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of goods and services are on offer at all times.
It is appropriate in fact to recall that a mutually agreed-upon sales transaction occurs every three seconds at the conclusion of auctions held xxx.
The broker of online auctions cannot possibly, therefor, take physical custody of the item listed for sale. Nor can he warrant the conclusion of the sale, or its delivery, or payment or the authenticity of the goods sold.
Source text - French 7. Dans la limite de __________(_________) euros ou son équivalent en dirhams, conclure, signer, octroyer, autoriser, renouveler, conditionner, transiger et résilier toute sorte d’actes et contrats, accords, conventions et engagements de quelque nature avec quelque personne physique et/ou morale, publiques et privées, nationales ou internationales, ministères, agences et offices de l'Etat, wilayas, préfectures, communes, et notamment des marchés d’œuvres, services, maintenance, fournitures, soit à l'amiable ou par adjudication, engageant la société XXX en tant qu’entrepreneur ou adjudicataire.
8. Faire tous types d’opérations bancaires dans la limite de __________(_________) euros ou son équivalent en dirhams par opération auprès de tout organisme bancaire ou établissement de crédit privé ou public. Par conséquent, il est habilité à ouvrir, gérer, liquider et clôturer tous comptes de dépôts ou comptes courants, en débattre et fixer les clauses et conditions; émettre et signer tous les chèques, ordres de paiement et de virement de fonds, signer tous reçus, se faire délivrer tous carnets de chèques, donner bonne et valable quittance pour toutes sommes reçues, faire tout emploi de fonds, disposer des sommes figurant au crédit des comptes de la société et de toutes sommes mises à sa disposition, le tout dans la limite de fixée ci-dessus.
Translation - English 7. Up to the limit of ___(____) euros or its equivalent in Moroccan dirhams, to conclude, sign, grant, authorize, renew, render conditional, demand and rescind all kinds of acts and agreements, conventions and undertakings of any nature whatsoever with any legal and/natural person, be they public or private, national or international, with ministries, agencies and offices of the State [of Morocco], « wilayas », prefectures, communes and, in particular, agreements for works, services, maintenance and supplying, either by means of mutual agreement or by award, that are binding upon the XXX company in its capacity as entrepreneur or successful bidder.
8. To engage in all banking transactions up to the limit of ___ (____) euros or its equivalent in Moroccan dirhams as the total value per transaction with any banking entity or public or private credit institution. According, he is authorised to open, manage, liquidate and close all depository and current accounts, and to determine and set the terms and conditions thereof; to issue and sign all cheques, payment orders and transfers of funds, to sign all receipts, to have delivered to him all cheque books, to grant good and valuable consideration for the amounts so received, to make all uses of the funds, to manage the amounts that represent company assets in the accounts and all amounts of monies made available to him, all of the foregoing subject to the limitation set forth above.
Source text - French « Article XXX: Modalité d’exercice de la direction générale de la société
La direction générale de la société est assumée, sous sa responsabilité, soit par le Président du Conseil d’administration avec le titre de Président Directeur Général (P.D.G) soit par une autre personne physique nommée par le Conseil d’administration et portant le titre de Directeur Général.
A tout moment, le Conseil d’administration devra choisir entre les deux modes d’exercice de la direction générale de la société.
Le Conseil nommera le président du Conseil d’administration et décidera à la majorité simple de l’investir des fonctions de Directeur général ou de conférer ces fonctions à une autre personne. Cette option pour le cumul des fonctions ou leur dissociation – de même que toute option suivante – vaudra pour une durée minimale de 2 ans et jusqu’à une décision contraire du Conseil d’administration qui pourra alors décider à la majorité simple de choisir l’autre modalité d’exercice de la direction générale visée ci-dessus. Le Conseil d’administration de la société portera à la connaissance des actionnaires lors de la prochaine assemblée générale de ce changement et le soumettra aux formalités de dépôt, de publicité et d’inscription au registre du commerce dans les conditions prévues par la loi. »
Translation - English Article XXX : Modes of management of the company
The general management of, and responsibility for, the company shall be exercised either by the Chairman of the Board of Directors having the title of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or by another natural person so appointed by the Board of Directors and holding the title of Director General.
The Board of Directors shall be at all times obligated to make a selection as between the two modes of carrying out the general management of the company.
The Board of Directors shall appoint the Chairman of the Board of Directors and shall determine whether to vest him with the powers of Director General or whether to confer such function upon another person. This option of combining the functions or of separating them – as well as any of the following choices – shall be binding for a minimum period of 2 years and until such time as a decision to the contrary is made by the Board of Directors which shall then have the power to decide, by means of a simple majority, to select the other modality for the general management of the company as is set forth here above. The Board of Directors shall provide notice thereof to the shareholders at the time of the next general assembly and shall comply with the filing, publication and entry into the trade register as are provided for by law. »
French to English: Answer and Counterclaim - CONCLUSIONS EN REPONSE ET RECONVENTIONNELLES
Source text - French Or, la simple constatation d’un fait délictuel ou quasi-délictuel imputable à la société n’implique pas une faute personnelle de la part du dirigeant.Autrement dit, il appartiendrait au Conseil des ventes volontaires de démontrer que M xxx aurait commis une « faute personnelle, extérieure à l'activité de représentation », ce qu’il ne fait pas.Le Conseil des ventes volontaires doit donc être déclaré irrecevable en ses demandes à l’encontre de M xxx, pour défaut d’intérêt à agir, conformément aux dispositions des articles 31 et 122 du Code de procédure civile.A titre reconventionnel, M xxx f est bien fondé à solliciter la condamnation du Conseil des ventes volontaires à lui payer une somme de sss euros, sur le fondement des dispositions de l’article 1382 du Code civil, pour procédure abusive, car la demande dirigée à son encontre est manifestement destinée à nuire à son statut et à sa réputation.
Translation - English But the mere finding of a tortious or negligent act which may be imputed to the company does not infer personal misconduct on the part of the senior executive.
Stated differently, the Sales Council must show that M xxx engaged in “personal misconduct outside of his representative activities”, which he has not done.
The Sales Council’s claim against M xxx must therefore be found inadmissible due to the Council’s lack of standing to sue, pursuant to the provisions Articles 31 and 122 of the Code of Civil Procedure. As a counterclaim, M xxx has solid grounds for seeking a judgment against the Sales Council in the amount of € xxx, under the provisions of Article 1382 of the Civil Code for abuse of process, because the claim brought against him is manifestly intended to damage his status and reputation.
Spanish to English: MODIFICA DECRETO SUPREMO Nº239 DE 2002, DEL MINISTERIO DE SALUD - Amendments to Chilean Supreme Decree No. 239 of 2002, Ministry of Health
Source text - Spanish -Reemplazase el artículo 15º por el siguiente: “Artículo 15º: La importación de los productos cosméticos podrá ser efectuada por cualquier persona natural o jurídica, de acuerdo con las normas establecidas en la legislación vigente y en este reglamento. Solo los laboratorios de producción podrán recibir productos elaborados a granel o semiterminados para efectos de su terminación o distribución. Los productos importados semiterminados podrán ser recibidos también en bodegas autorizadas para su almacenamiento y termino. Solo podrán internarse productos cosméticos para fines de uso personal con un total de 20 unidades de productos terminados. Toda otra forma de internación o exceso de productos cosméticos se sujetará a las disposiciones pertinentes de este reglamento.”
Translation - English When dealing with imported cosmetic products, at any stage of their production, intended exclusively for export, authorization for use and disposal thereof in accordance with the provisions set forth in the following articles. The labels of cosmetic products intended exclusively for export must contain the “Cosmetic Product for Export” legend and the name of the producer or importer.”
8. Article 15 shall be replaced by the following:
“Article 15: The import of cosmetic products may be effectuated by any physical or legal person in accordance with the norms set forth in the applicable legislation and the instant regulations. Only production laboratories shall be able to receive bulk-made or half-finished products due to the effects of their expiry or distribution. Imported half-finished products shall also be able to be received in duly authorized warehouses for the storage and term thereof. It shall be possible only to accept cosmetic products intended for personal use with a total of twenty units of finished products. Any other form of admissions or any excess of cosmetic products shall be subject to the provisions of the instant regulation.”
Polish to English: Umowa licencji - Licensing Agreement
Source text - Polish 3. Licencja i upoważnienie obejmują umocowanie (pełnomocnictwo) dla xxx do dochodzenia we własnym imieniu na rzecz Licencjodawcy i/lub Indywidualnych xxx naruszeń i/lub sporów o przyznane prawa (licencja i upoważnienie).
4. xxx ma obowiązek uzyskania akceptacji/potwierdzenia od Licencjodawcy, co do każdej postaci Produktu, przed jego skierowaniem do dystrybucji/rozpowszechnienia. W przypadku naruszenia tego obowiązku xxx zobowiązane jest do zapłaty na rzecz Licencjodawcy kary umownej w kwocie ________, za każdy wypadek stwierdzonego naruszenia. Zastrzeżenie kary umownej nie wyłącza uprawnienia Licencjodawcy do dochodzenia odszkodowania na zasadach ogólnych.
Translation - English 1. The license and authorisation include the authorisation (power of attorney) for xxx to pursue on its own behalf, to the benefit of the Licensor and/or Individual xxx, any violations and/or disputes as to the rights so granted (licence and authorisation).
2. xxx shall obtain an approval/confirmation from the Licensor as to each form of Product prior to directing it for distribution/publicising. In the event of a breach of this provision by xxx, the latter shall compensate the Licensor in the amount of ___ as liquidated damages, for each such confirmed violation. Compliance with the liquidated damages provision shall not preclude the Licensor from seeking to recover damages based upon general principles.
Polish to English: Opis patentowy - Sposób wytwarzania kwasu 4- amino-hyroksybutarano -1, etc. - Patent Description
Source text - Polish [original in .pdf]
Translation - English It has been determined that with the process resulting from the invention, one can obtain the 4-amino-1-hydroxybutylidene-1,1-bisphosphonic acid in a method suitable from a technical point of view, subjecting to the reaction an aqueous solution of hydrochloride of the 4-aminobutyric acid obtained as a result of the hydrolysis of pyrrolidin-2 in a concentrated hydrochloric acid, with phosphorus trichloride.
Unexpectedly it turned out that the phosphorous trichloride, notwithstanding its high chemical reactivity and sensitivity to water, reacts with the hydrochloride of the 4-aminobutyric acid in an aqueous environment, most effectively in a molar ratio of water to hydrochloride of the 4-aminobutyric acid of 8.5 : 1. No other chemical reactions occur on the side, as a result of which the 4-amino-1-hydroxybutylidene-1,1-bisphosphonic acid obtained in the reactive mixture after removing the excess of phosphorous trichloride and the hydrolysis in water and after adding the sodium hydroxide, its monosodium salt, does not require any additional cleaning through the crystallization of the solvents.
French to English: agent commercial - Modification to commercial agency relationship
Source text - French Toutefois, depuis cette date, nous avons continué à entretenir des relations d'affaires dont les conditions me semblent devoir être définies clairement entre nous dans la mesure où nous considérons, d'un commun accord, que ces relations d'affaires ne peuvent être interprétées comme le renouvellement tacite du contrat d'agent commercial.
Nos relations d'affaires depuis cette date et pour l'avenir répondent aux conditions suivantes :
- la société _________ intervient en qualité d'apporteur d'affaires à xxx pour la vente de ses surplus de stock des collections des saisons passées;
- la société __________ ne peut rechercher aucune commande portant sur des produits dont la saison de commercialisation n'a pas commencé ou est en cours;
- la société _______ ne bénéficie d'aucune exclusivité de quelque nature que ce soit, et réciproquement;
- la société ________ perçoit une commission de x % du prix net hors taxes du chiffre d'affaires apporté à xxx payable dans un délai de _____ jours après encaissement par xxx .;
Si les termes de la présente traduisent fidèlement nos échanges et nos accords je te remercie de m'en retourner un exemplaire portant ta signature et celle de xxx ainsi que la mention "bon pour accord".
Translation - English Notwithstanding, since that date, we did continue to engage in certain business dealings, the conditions of which appear to me to have been clearly defined between us to the extent where we consider, and are in mutual agreement, that such dealings cannot actually be interpreted as a tacit renewal of the commercial agency agreement.
Since that xxx date and on a going-forward basis, our business dealings have involved the following situations :
- the ____ company has acted as a Business Finder for xxx as regards the sale of its excess inventory from collections dating back to already-completed seasons;
- the ____ company may not seek any orders for those goods whose seasonal commercialisation has not yet commenced or is still ongoing ;
- the ____ company does not enjoy any exclusivity of any kind whatsoever ,and vice versa;
- the ____ company receives a commission of x % of the net price, exclusive of taxes, of the business it obtained for xxx, payable within a time period of __ days after having been collected by xxx ;
If the terms and conditions of this letter accurately reflect our exchanges and our agreements, I would be grateful if you could return a copy signed by you and by xxx, as well as a note that it is « Read and approved for agreement ».
French to English: Conseil de la Concurrence - FRENCH COMPETITION COUNCIL - Décision n° 08-MC-01 du 17 décembre 2008 relative ŕ des pratiques mises en oeuvre
Source text - French La société Bouygues Telecom fait valoir dans sa saisine qu’elle a été exclue de la commercialisation de l’iPhone bien qu’elle ait demandé ŕ le distribuer dčs le 14 mai 2008, Apple lui ayant opposé le fait que Orange avait été désigné seul opérateur de réseau chargé de la distribution de l’iPhone en France. Elle met également en cause le caractčre anticoncurrentiel du réseau de distribution sélective mis en place par Apple en France pour la distribution de l’iPhone. Selon Bouygues Telecom, le systčme de distribution en cause constitue une entente prohibée dans la mesure oů il impose des prix de revente minimum aux consommateurs, il restreint la liberté de revente des distributeurs agréés et il cloisonne les marchés nationaux. Le saisissant dénonce aussi le caractčre injustifié de certains critčres de sélection et leur application discriminatoire. Il critique la vente liée des iPhones et des services Orange.
52. Le systčme mis en place par Apple en France pour la distribution de l’iPhone repose sur plusieurs contrats : le contrat de partenariat réseau (« key terms agreement »), conclu entre Apple et France Telecom le 12 octobre 2007 et modifié en mai 2008, par lequel Orange est désigné comme opérateur réseau exclusif ; l’accord de distribution, conclu en octobre 2007 entre Apple et Orange et modifié en mai 2008, qui désigne Orange comme grossiste exclusif pour la France et définit les critčres ŕ respecter par les boutiques Orange pour la distribution de l’iPhone ; les contrats par lesquels Apple agrée d’autres distributeurs de détail ; les contrats de distribution conclus entre Orange et les distributeurs de détail agréés par Apple.
53. Chacun de ces contrats contenant des stipulations mises en cause par la saisine sera présenté successivement.
Translation - English Decision No. 08-MC-01 of 17 December 2008 Relating to Practices Implemented in the Distribution of iPhones
The Bouygues Telecom company claims in its Complaint that is has been excluded from the commercialisation of the iPhone although it had requested the right to distribute it since 14 May 2008, Apple having objected that Orange had been designated as the sole network operator in charge of the distribution of the iPhone in France. It also calls into question the anti-competitive nature of the selective distribution network implemented in France by Apple for the distribution of the iPhone. According to Bouygues Telecom, the distribution system in question constitutes a prohibited agreement insofar as it imposes minimum resale prices on the consumers, it restricts the resale freedom of approved distributors and it curtails national markets. The Complainant also objects to the unjustified nature of certain selection criteria and their discriminatory application. It objects to tying the resale of iPhones to Orange Services.
52. The system implemented in France by Apple for the distribution of the iPhone is based on multiple contracts:
• The network partnership contract (“key terms agreement”), entered into between Apple and Orange on 12th October 2007 and modified in May 2008, whereby Orange is designated as the exclusive network operator;
• The distribution agreement, entered into in October 2007 between Apple and Orange and modified in May 2008,which appoints Orange as the exclusive wholesaler for France and defines the criteria to be followed by Orange stores for the distribution of the iPhone;
• Contracts whereby Apple approves other retail distributors;
• Distribution contracts entered into between Orange and retail distributors approved by Apple.
Spanish to English: Escritura de Constitucion SL - Articles of Incorporation, Limited Liability Company
Source text - Spanish [original in pdf]
Translation - English 04/2007 8A0021xxx
In Barcelona, where I reside, on the 23d of July of the year two thousand seven.—
Before me, XXX, a Notary, member of the Ilustre Colegio de Cataluna (Illustrious College of Catalonia),
MR. XXX, a Spanish national, having attained the age of majority, married under the system of separation of spousal assets, residing in Barcelona, at Xxx
Holder of National Identity Card and Tax Identification No. xxx.
XXX, a Spanish national, having attained the age of majority, unmarried, residing in Barcelona,
at Xxx, holder of National Identity Card and Tax Identification No. xxx.
Each of these persons appearing in their own name and on their own behalf
I verified their identities by means of the aforementioned Identification Documents in accordance with Article 23) of the Organic Notary law, and deem them to have sufficient legal capacity to formalize the instant document entitled ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF A LIMITED LIABILITY CORPORATION and that, for such purposes:-
I. That they have decided to incorporate a limited liability corporation of Spanish nationality, which shall be known as „XXX, LIMITED COMPANY”.
II. That no other corporation exists under this same name in the Central Mercantile Registry, which they have duly demonstrated by certification of same, and have provided me with the original thereof to be duly copied---
III; Wherefore, by virtue of the foregoing
FIRST. INCORPORATION. ----------------------------------------------
The persons appearing before me, as the sole shareholders, hereby form a limited liability company, having Spanish nationality, named „XXX
04/2007 8A0021xxx
BOATS, LIMITED CORPORATION,” which shall be governed by the Law on Limited Liability Companies, as well as applicable law, and in particular, its By-Laws, set forth on eight sheets of regular paper.
Said articles, which have been read and signed by the incorporating partners and approved by them, thus making them public documents; and I, the Notary, attach them to the instant documents as an integral part thereof.
The registered share capital shall be in the amount of THREE MILLION ONE HUNDRED EUROS (3,100 Euros), consisting of SIX HUNDRED TWENTY shares that shall be equal, cumulative and indivisible, having a nominal value of FIVE EUROS (5 Euros) each, consecutively numbered 1 through 620, inclusive, fully paid in
The shares representing the share capital have been fully subscribed and paid in by the founding incorporators, in the proportions as are set forth below:
a) MR. XXX has contributed in cash the amount of TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE (2,325 Euros), in consideration of receipt of FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE shares, numbered 1 through 465, inclusive
b) XXX has contributed in cash the amount of SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE (775 Euros), in consideration of receipt off ONE HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE shares, numbered 466 through 620, inclusive
They have submitted proof of such monetary payment to me by means of duly recorded bank certifications showing the name of the banking institution, the identity of the bank branch, the number of the account and the name of the account holder.
Pursuant to the provisions of the By-Laws, the Company shall be managed by a SOLE DIRECTOR. The shareholders hereby unanimously appoint MR. XXX, whose personal information is set forth in the instant document, to serve in such function for an indefinite period of time.
He formally accepts the appointment to such office; and undertakes to perform
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the duties thereof loyally and diligently; he represents that he is not subject to any legal incapacity or conflict of interest to carry them out, in particular as regards the Law 5/2.006 of the 10th of April; he represents that the personal information concerning him is accurately set forth in the instant document; and hereby assumes the duties of such office.
The Company shall commence operations pursuant to the provisions of the By-Laws that are included in the instant document.
Accordingly, the founding incorporators unanimously agree to confer on the Management Board of the Company, during the phase prior to the subscription, all of the power necessary that are provided under the Articles of Association for the accomplishment of the corporate purpose.
In particular, it is granted all powers that may be necessary or convenient for the performance of its functions.
No persons who is subject to any legal impediment or
incapacity within the meaning of Law 5.2.006 of the 10th of April shall hold any office in the Company.-
Pursuant to the provisions of the Regulations of the Commercial Registry, and in the event that any of the provisions of the instant document, or any of the facts, acts or legal transactions contained therein that are subject to registration were to suffer from any legal deficiency in the opinion of the Registrar that would preclude such registration, the grantors hereby request the partial registry hereof
The founding incorporators appearing before me, mutually hereby agree, to reciprocally empower each other for the purpose of completing any public documents that may be required to cure any potential defects as may exist in the instant document, pursuant to the provisions and within the meaning of the requirements of the Mercantile Registry.
The persons appearing before me thus hereby so agree and I have provided them with the requisite legal warnings and notices, and in particular as regards taxability and the mandatory entry in the Mercantile Registry.
Likewise, pursuant to the law on the Protection of Personal Data, I hereby determine that the data of such a personal nature that is set forth in the instant
04/2007 8A002xxx
document shall be incorporated in the computerized Protocol and Administration files managed by the Notarial Offices under my direction for use solely on an internal basis, without prejudice to the transmittal of required information to the Notarial College and the obligation to cooperate with the Public Authorities that establish the law.
I have read to them the contents of this document, as they have elected, by advising them of their rights so that, in the event they do not exercise such rights, they shall be aware of the substance thereof; they freely consent to affix their signatures along with me, the Notary; as to all the remaining contents of the instant public document, which meets the requisites for legality and freely granted consent, and which is set forth on four sealed (stamped) sheets of special paper that is reserved for use for Notarial documents, Series 8A, the instant document, Number 0014548 and the three preceding numbered sheets, I HEREBY ATTEST.
That these are the signatures of the persons having appeared before me, followed by the stamp, seal and signature of the authorizing Notary and that of the Notarial Offices.
APPLICATION OF FEE (3d Additional Provision of Law 8/1/989 of 13th of April, of Duties and Public Prices and Royal Decree 1.426/1.989, of 17th November _____________________________________________________________________
TAX BASIS: 3.100.
FEES No.: 2,4,5,7 and General Norms
DUTIES PAID: 221.89 Euros.
In Barcelona, on the same date as was authorized, I hereby attest. Signature of the authorizing Notary
Spanish to English: Estatuos Sociedad Anonima - By-Laws of Corporation
Source text - Spanish [original in pdf]
Translation - English ARTICLE xx- There is no requirement that a person be a shareholder in order to serve as a director. Directors shall be appointed by the General Assembly for a term of five years, and may be re-elected for five year terms indefinitely. Precluded from serving as directors shall be persons lacking legal capacity, persons disqualified pursuant to law or having a legal conflict of interest within the meaning of the Law of December 26, 1983.
ARTICLE xx.- The Board of Directors shall consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of nine members. In the event of vacancies during the terms for which they were appointed, the Board may designate members from among the shareholders who shall hold such office until the next general assembly.……………………….
The Board shall be deemed as validly convened when there are in attendance at the meeting, either in person or represented, one half of the number of Directors plus one additional member. Representation by proxy shall be effectuated by letter submitted to the President. Resolutions shall be adopted by an absolute majority of the attendees at the meeting and
shall be convened by the President or the person acting in his stead. The permanent delegation of any or all of his legally delegable powers to an executive committee or to one or more executive officers, and the appointment of the directors who are to hold such offices, shall require, in order to be valid, the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Board members, and shall not take any effect until such time as it has been entered into the Mercantile Registry. Voting by writing without holding a meeting shall be valid if no member opposes it. The deliberations and
resolutions shall be recorded in a Minute Book
which shall be signed by the President and the
Secretary. In the event of tie, the vote cast
by the presiding officer shall be determinative.………………………………………………………………………….
The Board shall meet on each occasion that
two or more of its members so request or as
agreed by the President.…………………………………………………
The Board shall elect from amongst its
members a President and a Secretary, and where
applicable, a Vice-President and a Vice-Secretary as long as such appointments have not been made by the Assembly
at the time of electing the members of the
Board of Directors. The Secretary and the Vice-
Secretary may be members of the Board or not,
in which case they shall have the right to
speak but not to vote. The Secretary, and
as the case may be, the Vice-Secretary who
are not members of the Board shall have the
power to record the Minutes of the meetings
as public deeds. --------------------------
ARTICLE xx- The execution of the
Resolutions of the Board shall preferably be
the responsibility of the member or members
thereof as provided for by law and in the
Regulations of the Mercantile Registry; failing
that, it shall be the responsibility of the
Executive Officer of Officers appointed by the
Board itself, and failing that, by the
President or the person vested with the power
to record the Minutes as a public deed.
TITLE xx. - FISCAL YEAR. ……………………
ARTICLE xx- The fiscal year shall commence
on the first of January and shall terminate
on the thirty-first of December each year.
By way of exception in the first year, which shall be of
shorter duration, although ending on the same
date, and shall commence as of the day that,
pursuant to the provisions of these By-Laws, the
Company’s business operations commence.
Polish to English: Wyrok - Divorce Decree
Source text - Polish [original in .pdf]
Translation - English I. Hereby declares the dissolution of the marriage between the xxx, whose maiden name was xxx, with the xxx, xxx
that was entered into on xxxx, 19xx at the Civil Wedding Registry and
registered the Registry of Marriages in xxx under Number xxx ;
II Determines that the jointly acquired assets of xxx and
xxx shall include:
a. the real property located in xxx consisting of the plot of land numbered xxx ;
b. an automobile of the ccc make, registered under Number xxx and having a total value of xxx;
III. Hereby divides the jointly acquired marital assets in such matter that the items of property enumerated in the foregoing Point II be awarded in full to xxx as the sole owner thereof with no compensation due to xxx.
Source text - French [ORIGINAL in .pdf}
Translation - English APPOINTMENT OF MANAGER
The undersigned appoint Mr Yossef ATTIA as Manager of the Company, residing at 200 rue de Courcelles 75017 PARIS.
He shall not assume his functions until the Company has been registered with
the Registry of Trade and Companies.
Mr xxx states that he accepts the functions of Manager that he has been entrusted with. He represents that he does not exercise any other function, nor does he suffer from any incapacity or prohibition that would prevent him from exercising this mandate.
The Manager shall exercise his functions within the scope of legal and regulatory provisions and under the conditions set forth in Title III of these Articles. of Association
As remuneration for his functions, the Manager shall be entitled to compensation which shall be determined during the course of the next discussions of the shareholders.
He shall also be entitled to reimbursement of the expenses of representation and travel.
Polish to English: Zamówienie publiczne - Public Procurement - SIWZ (Specyfikacja Istotnych Warunków Zamówienia - Essential Contract Specification Terms
Source text - Polish [original in .pdf]
Translation - English [Amendments to the Agreement]
1. Amendments to the Agreement shall be made in writing under pain of nullity and solely within the scope that is set forth in detail in the instant Paragraph, save that the occurrence of any of such events shall not constitute any obligation for the Parties to effectuate amendments.
2. The Contracting Entity agrees to the possibility of introducing the following changes to the scope of the performance of the Agreement as well as the delivery date of specific lots of xxx:
1) The Contracting Entity agrees to the possibility of extending the term for the performance of the Agreement along with an extension of the time period for delivery of a specific lot of xxx, even if the delay is the result of circumstances caused by the Contracting Entity, if all of the following conditions have been met:
a) the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Entity, no later than 2 months prior tithe expiry of the time period for the performance of the Agreement or the time period for the delivery of a particular lot of xxx, of the impossibility of delivery within the time foreseen in the schedule;
b) the Contractor proposes a new deadline for performance of the Agreement and/or delivery of that lot of trams;
c) the Contractor proposes compensation to the Contracting Entity for the delay that has arisen, for example an extension of the warranty period or a decrease in the compensation due to the Contractor. In that event, the amount of the Contractor’s compensation may be decreased by an amount no greater than the amount of the penalties which the Contractor may be obligated to pay to the Contracting Entity for such delay, however it shall not be less than one half of the amount of such penalties.
2) The Contracting Entity agrees to the possibility of a change in the delivery schedule of a particular lot of xxx or a minimal number of trams within a given lot as relates to the delivery schedule as well as the ECST if this is justified by the financial circumstances of the Contracting Entity, or the needs or organisational cicrcumstances of the Contracting Entity.
Spanish to English: (Mexico) Escritura constitutiva - By-laws of Sociedad Anonima de Capital Variable
Source text - Spanish [original in .pdf]
ARTICLE FIVE: The corporation shall have Mexican nationality.
ARTICLE SIX: The share capital may be freely subscribed whether by natural persons or legal persons of Mexican or other nationality. In accordance with Article Twenty-seven of the Constitution of the United States of Mexico, Article Fifteen of the Law on Foreign Investment, and Article Fourteen of the Regulations under the Law on Foreign Investment and of the National Registry of Foreign Investments, the current or future foreign shareholders and investors formally undertake with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be deemed as [Mexican] national with respect to: -----------------------------------
1. – The shares or rights that they acquire from the company.
2. – The assets, rights, concession, participation units or interests which the company may hold.
3. - The rights and obligations that arise under contracts to which the company is a party.
Likewise, the current or future investors and shareholders hereby waive invoking the protection of their governments under pain, in the event of failure to do so, of forfeiture to the benefit of the State those rights and assets that they may have acquired…
SHARE CAPITAL ARTICLE SEVEN: The share capital shall be variable, the fixed minimum, without the right of withdrawal shall be $ xxx{xxx MILLION MEXICAN PESOS). The variable portion of the capital shall be unlimited. The share capital shall take the form of xxx common shares, which shall be nominative (personal), having a nominal value of $ xxx (xx MILLION MEXICAN PESOS each, and which shall confer the same rights on all of the shareholders.
Once it has been fixed by the Extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders, the share capital that is variable shall be subject to increase or decrease, within its limits, upon the resolution of the Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders, to the extent that the variations in the minimal portion of the latter shall be decided by the Extraordinary General Assembly, and shall be governed by the provisions of the General Law of Commercial Companies as regards matters that are not addressed by these By-laws
French to English: Business plan/Business Model - Environmental Preservation - NGO
Source text - French • LE LIEU
Pará est un État du nord du Brésil, centré autour de l'estuaire de l'Amazone. Avec une superficie de 1 247 689 km², il s'agit du 2e État du pays en taille. Sa capitale est Belém. Le relief est majoritairement plat, partie intégrante du bassin de l'Amazone. L’activité principale du Pará est l’agriculture et l’élevage. Sont notamment cultivés des produits du guarana, de la farine de manioc, du café, du bois et du riz.
Le Brésil est le premier producteur de café arabica non lavé. L'Arabica, cultivé sur les hauts plateaux, satisfait la majeure partie de la demande mondiale. Cependant, selon les analystes de Standard Chartered, la récolte brésilienne en 2008/09 devrait être affectée par la sécheresse qui a duré de juillet à octobre 2007.
Le cours du café est caractérisé par des fluctuations subites et spectaculaires. Le gel subi par le Brésil en 1994 et le passage de El Nino en 1997, avaient par exemple fait flamber le cours au-delà de 200 cents USD/livre pour l’arabica.
La tendance générale est cependant au maintien d’un prix bas depuis plusieurs années. Cette configuration s’explique en partie par une surproduction mondiale de café.
Le système instauré par le commerce équitable propose une alternative à cette situation dangereuse qui menace toujours les petits producteurs d’être un jour obligé de vendre à un coût inférieur au coût de production et par conséquent, de s’endetter. Le cours de l’Arabica étant très instable, il est nécessaire de pouvoir permettre aux petits producteurs de travailler sans trop souffrir de ces fluctuations.
Translation - English Para is a State in northern Brazil, centered around the Amazon’s estuary. With a surface area of 1 247 689 km², it is the second largest state in the country. Its capital is Belém. The landscape is principally flat, and it comprises an integral part of the Amazon basin. Para’s principal activity is agriculture and animal husbandry. Principally grown are guarana products, manioc flour, coffee, wood and rice.
Brazil is the largest producer of unwashed arabica. Arabica, grown on the high plateaus, meets the greater part of worldwide demand. However, according to the analyses performed by Standard Chartered, the Brazilian harvest in 2008/09 is to be affected by the drought that lasted from July to October of 2007.
Coffee trading prices are characterized by sudden fluctuations and speculation. The freeze experienced by Brazil in 1994 and the El Nino effect in 1997 drove up coffee prices in excess of 200 cents USD/per pound for arabica.
The general trend, however, is the prevalence of a low price for the past several years. This phenomenon is partially explained by a worldwide surplus of coffee production.
The system implemented by fair trade offers an alternative to this dangerous situation which always puts small growers at risk of having someday to sell for less than the cost of production and to incur debt. The price of Arabica being very unstable, it is necessary to allow small producers to work without having to suffer overly from such fluctuations.
French to English: CONDITIONS GENERALES DE VENTE - General Conditions of Sale
Source text - French [original in .pdf]
Translation - English All orders submitted by the Mail Order Firm (the « Client ») to XXX shall constitute a full and entire acceptance of the terms of such GCS without any reservations whatsoever.
Any document of the Client which has not been expressly agreed to by XXX shall not be enforceable as against XXX.
In the event of any discrepancy between several documents comprising the contract, it is hereby expressly agreed to by the parties that the GCS from XXX shall prevail over any document from the client or a third party.
In the event that XXX were to waive one or more provisions of the GCS at any time, such act shall not be deemed to constitute any type of waiver and shall not preclude XXX from requiring compliance with such provisions at a later time.
XXX hereby entrusts the clients with certain logistical services (in particular, the management of the orders, the delivery of the products, and the invoicing of the Client).
The orders taken that are received by XXX shall be deemed as having been accepted by the latter in the absence of a refusal on its part, notice of which shall be provided within 15 days of receipt of the order. An order may be terminated by the Client solely by means of the express written request of the latter, sent at least 30 days prior to the delivery date notified to the client, and subject to the advance written approval of XXX.
When the order taken involves products that are still in the development phase and in the event of a material delay in the release of the product, the Client shall be advised of such situation by XXX, which reserves the right, within a reasonable period of time, to cancel the order without being liable for any damages or any other form of compensation.
French to English: Décision - Conseil de la Concurrence - Decision of the French Competition Council
Source text - French Le Tribunal de première instance des communautés européennes a récemment défini la notion de pratique complexe et continue dans son arrêt BASF du 12 décembre 2007 : « La qualification de certains agissements illicites constitutifs d’une seule et même infraction ou d’une pluralité d’infractions affecte, en principe, la sanction pouvant être imposée, dès lors que la constatation d’une pluralité d’infractions peut entraîner l’imposition de plusieurs amendes distinctes (…). La notion d’infraction unique peut se rapporter à la qualification juridique d’un comportement anticoncurrentiel consistant en accords, en pratiques concertées et en décisions d’associations d’entreprises (…). Il a été jugé qu’un cas de violation de l’article 81, paragraphe 1, CE pouvait résulter d’une série d’actes ou d’un comportement continu qui s’inscrivaient dans un « plan d’ensemble » en raison de leur objet identique faussant le jeu de la concurrence à l’intérieur du marché commun » (TPICE, 12 décembre 2007, BASF/UCB, Aff. jointes T-101/05 et T-111/05, points 158 à 161). Pour relever d’une telle pratique, les différents éléments de l’infraction doivent présenter un lien suffisant de complémentarité « en ce sens que chacun d'entre eux [est] destiné à faire face à une ou plusieurs conséquences du jeu normal de la concurrence, et [contribuent], par le biais d'une interaction, à la réalisation de l'ensemble des effets anticoncurrentiels voulus par leurs auteurs, dans le cadre d'un plan global visant un objectif unique » (point 179).
60. A propos de la même notion, le Tribunal de première instance a précisé : « Dans le cadre d’une infraction complexe, qui a impliqué plusieurs producteurs pendant plusieurs années poursuivant un objectif de régulation en commun du marché, on ne saurait exiger de la Commission qu’elle qualifie précisément l’infraction, pour chaque entreprise et à chaque instant donné, d’accord ou de pratique concertée, dès lors que, en toute hypothèse, l’une et l’autre de ces formes d’infraction sont visées à l’article [81 CE]. » (voir notamment l’arrêt du 20 mars 2002, HFB e.a./Commission, T-9/99, Rec. p. II - 1487, point 186).
61. De même, la Cour de justice a jugé : « Une violation de l’article 81, paragraphe 1, CE peut résulter non seulement d’un acte isolé, mais également d’une série d’actes ou bien encore d’un comportement continu. Cette interprétation ne saurait être contestée au motif qu’un ou plusieurs éléments de cette série d’actes ou de ce comportement continu pourraient également constituer en eux-mêmes et pris isolément une violation de ladite disposition. Lorsque les différentes actions s’inscrivent dans un "plan d’ensemble", en raison de leur objet identique faussant le jeu de la concurrence à l’intérieur du marché commun, la Commission est en droit d’imputer la responsabilité de ces actions en fonction de la participation à l’infraction considérée dans son ensemble. » (arrêt du 21 septembre 2006, NFVGEB/Commission, C-105/94 P, Rec. p. I - 8725).
Translation - English The Court of First Instance of the European Communities recently defined the concept of a complex and continuous practice in its judgment in the BASF case of 12 December 2007: “The characterisation of certain unlawful actions as constituting one and the same infringement affects the penalty that may be imposed, because a finding that a number of infringements exist may entail the imposition of several distinct fines.. (…) the concept of single infringement can be applied to the legal characterisation of anti-competitive conduct consisting of agreements, of concerted practices and of decisions of associations of undertakings (…).it has been held that a case of infringement of Article 81(1) EC could result from a series of acts or from continuous conduct which formed part of an ‘overall plan’ because they had the same object of distorting competition within the common market. In such a case, the Commission is entitled to attribute liability for those actions on the basis of participation in the infringement considered as a whole (TPICE, 12 December 2007, BASF/UCB, Aff. merged T-101/05 a d T-111/05, Points 158 to 161).To find such a practice, the various elements of the infringement must form a sufficiently complementary link since each of them was intended to deal with one or more consequences of the normal pattern of competition and [contribute] to the realisation of the set of anti-competitive effects intended by those responsible, within the framework of a global plan having a single objective.” (Point 179).
With regard to the same concept, the Court of First Instance has held that: “Within the scope of a complex infringement involving several producers for a period of several years pursuing jointly the objective of controlling the market, the Commission need not specifically quantify the infringement for each enterprise and for every given moment of agreement or of concerted practice, because presumably both of such forms of conduct are precluded by Article [81 EC]. “ (seeJudgment of 20 March 2002, HFB e.a./Commission, T-9/99, Rec. p. II - 1487, Point 186).
61. Likewise , the Court of Justice has held that: “An infringement of Article 81(1) EC may be the consequence not only of an isolated act but also of a series of acts or indeed of continuous conduct. That interpretation cannot be challenged on the ground that one or more elements of that series of acts or of that continuous conduct might also constitute in themselves, and taken in isolation, an infringement of that provision. Where the various actions form part of an ‘overall plan’, owing to their identical object, which distorts competition within the common market, the Commission is entitled to impute liability for those actions according to participation in the infringement considered as a whole.” (Judgment of 21 September 2006, NFVGEB/Commission, C-105/94 P, Rec. p. I - 8725).
Source text - French ORIGINAL IN PDF
Translation - English Claims brought by neighbors and third party actions 1 500 times the Insurance Index* 300 times the Insurance Index*
(including co-owners)
Including Pure Financial Loss – Consequential Damages 300 times the Insurance Index* 30 times the Insurance Index*
Leaks from underground pipes NOT COVERED 30 times the Insurance Index* for all
Deductibles: 0.75 x the Insurance Index*
Source text - Polish [original in pdf]
Translation - English In such a case, xxx shall require the Policy Holder to pay the higher premium, and the Policy Holder shall 14 days from the day of receipt of such notice was received to cancel the Agreement. If the disclosure of the conditions/circumstances took place subsequent to the occurrence of the incident, xxx may decrease the amount of the indemnification paid accordingly.
2. If the conditions so disclosed are likely to have so increased the probability of an accident occurring that xxx would not have entered into the insurance Agreement, had it had knowledge of such conditions/circumstances, it shall have one month from the date of such disclosure to cancel the Agreement. In the event of such a cancellation of the policy, xxx shall be entitled to payment of the premium applicable to the duration of the coverage. If the disclosure of such conditions/circumstances were to take place following the Insurance Event, or during the one month period preceding the occurrence of the Insurance Event, and where the sole cause of such occurrence was the disclosed conditions/circumstances, xxx shall have the right to deny the payment of any indemnification.
French to English: Mener une procédure d’exécution sur un Immeuble - CONDUCTING FORECLOSURE PROCEEDINGS ON IMMOVABLE ASSETS
Source text - French La caution réelle
Elle affecte en garantie du paiement de la dette du débiteur principal, un immeuble.
A la différence de la caution personnelle, la caution réelle n'est tenue qu'à hauteur de la
valeur de ce bien immeuble.
II - Droit de suite opposable au tiers détenteur /
Selon l’Article 2463 du Code Civil, le tiers détenteur d’un immeuble grevé d’une
sûreté réelle qui n’a pas purgé est tenu
- ou de payer tous les intérêts et capitaux exigibles, à quelque somme qu'ils
puissent monter,
- ou de délaisser l'immeuble hypothéqué, sans aucune réserve.
Mais, le tiers détenteur a la possibilité d’échapper aux charges du droit de suite :
Selon le nouvel Article 2464 du Code Civil : « Faute par le tiers détenteur de satisfaire à
l'une de ces obligations, chaque créancier titulaire d'un droit de suite sur l'immeuble a le
droit de poursuivre la saisie et la vente de l'immeuble dans les conditions du titre XIX du
livre III. »
L’Article 2465 du code civil permet encore au tiers détenteur d’opposer au poursuivant un
bénéfice de discussion qui est apparenté à celui qui est prévu et organisé au profit de la
caution, par l’Article 2298 du même code, mais qui est considérablement plus limité.
Ce bénéfice de discussion n’autorise à demander la discontinuation des poursuites que
seulement s’il existe des immeubles également affectés hypothécairement au profit du
créancier et se trouvant encore entre les mains du débiteur.
Au surplus, le tiers détenteur ne pourra se prévaloir de ce bénéfice s’il est tenu
personnellement au paiement de la dette, si l’hypothèque du créancier est une hypothèque
spéciale simple dans les termes de l’Article 2466 du code civil ou un privilège immobilier.
Enfin, le bénéfice de discussion doit être opposé dès le début de la poursuite.
La caution réelle ne semble pas pouvoir purger ni invoquer le bénéfice de discussion.
Translation - English The collateral Guarantor
The collateral Guarantor serves to guarantee the payment of the debtor’s principal debt by means of a mortgage of his own property. It differs from a personal guarantee in that it applies solely to the value of the immovable property.
II - The “right to follow the property” that may be interposed against a third party in possession
Pursuant to Article 2463 of the Civil Code, the third party in possession of an immovable property which is encumbered by a security which has not been expunged, is required to either
- pay all of the interest and principal due, irrespective of their total amount,
- or to relinquish the mortgaged property without any reservation.
Nonetheless, the third party in possession may avoid the lien arising from the right to follow:
Under the new Article 2464 of the Civil Code, “If the third party in possession fails to satisfy any of such obligations, each mortgagee holding a 'right to follow;may seek to have the immovable foreclosed and sold under the conditions set forth in Title XIX of Book III”.
Article 2465 of the Civil Code further grants to the third party in possession the “benefit of foreclosure and sale” which is related to the remedy established and granted in favour of the Guarantor under Article 2298 of the same Civil Code, but which is considerably more limited.
Such benefit of foreclosure and sale provides only the right to seek the discontinuance of enforcement if there exist other immovable assets which are mortgaged for the same debt in favour of the creditor and which are still possessed by the debtor.
In addition, the third party in possession may not avail himself of this benefit if he is personally liable for the payment of the debt, or if the mortgage is a statutory real estate lien within the meaning of Article 2466 of the Civil Code or other type of real estate lien.
A collateral guarantee does not appear to be able to expunge or interpose the benefit of foreclosure and sale.
French to English: PROCESS FOR REBURNING SMOKE IN A GLASS FURNACE - Procede de reburning des fumees dans un four de verrerie
Source text - French [original in pdf]
Principle for reburning in a Float furnace
The object is to create, either in the laboratory furnace, or in the casing of the burner, an oxygen-free zone, or rather a surplus of combustible material, which is usually methane. Such methane excess may be attained either by increasing the gas flow of the burners while at the same time controlling the air flow, either by injecting additional gas or by reversing the smoke by means of the existing burners, or in the direction of the flow of the smoke by particular burners.
Unburned methane decomposes by pyrolysis to form CH radicals. These radicals react with NO to produce gaseous nitrogen N2.
NH 2 NO N2 H2O
The CO is oxidized at the bottom of the chamber or alternatively in the checker (Oxidation > 6500 C).
Caution: this process requires very precise control of the secondary intakes of air, in particular at the checker level, where no intake of uncontrolled air should take place. If air were to enter the checker, it would trigger the combustion of the gas in the checker and the potential destruction of the checker components. Thus the xxxx process is applied to regenerative furnaces that have separate chambers.
Two methods may be used. In both cases, the reduction of the NOx is effectuated in the checkers.
• type 1: under stoichiometric conditions in the laboratory of the furnace by increasing the flow of gas (using the same burner or supplemental burners (a),
(b), and by fully controlling the air flow for the purpose of accomplishing two
objectives: to maintain the same level of energy produced (to decrease the number of defects in the glass) while creating a reductive atmosphere. In a FLOAT furnace, a method which allows obtaining a satisfactory quality of glass and to create a gradient of air in the interior of the laboratory so as to obtain a reductive atmosphere (sub-stoichiometric) in the vicinity of the furnace loading (at the spot where the temperatures are the highest and thus the NOx smoke are the greatest) and oxidizing (stoichiometric) in the curing zone. The flow of air is controlled so as to be 10% weaker than the amount required for the total combustion of the gas in the furnace charging, and then increased so as to attain the necessary flow.
• type II: stoichiometric conditions in the furnace control of the flow of gas and air, injection of gas into the smoke (in the direction of the flow or in
reverse, by the existing burners or by additional burners that are called „after-burners”)
prior to their passage to the regeneration chambers.
Figure 1
Polish to English: Polska Norma: Skrajnia Kinematyczna Wagonów Tramwajowych - Polish Standard - Kinematic Clearance of Tram Cars
Source text - Polish [original in pdf]
Translation - English [Translator’s note: on the above diagram, these are the translations corresponding to the individual Figure notations]
-Tylko dla pantografu w stanie podniesionym: only for the pantograph in the raised position.
-Dla wszyskich czesci tramwaju wlacznie z pantografem w stanie opuszczonym: for all the parts of the tram including the pantograph in the lowered position.
-Kontur odniesienia skrajni kinematycznej taboru tramwajnego: contour of the reference for the kinematic clearence height of the tramcars.
-Proste rownolegle: parallel straight lines.
-Dopuszczalny qabaryt rozpatrywanego przekroju poprzecznego pudla: tolerated size of the cross section of the transverse box in question.
-Poziom glownych szyn: level of the main tracks.
-Wysokosc przewodu jezdnego: Height of the power line.
En - given in m (meters), from the equation (1) for the value W = 1.350 m by applying instead of the value z1, obtained from the equation (6) for h = h1 = 0.060 m,
E12 - given in m (meters), from the equation (1) for the value W = 1.350 m by applying instead of the value z2, obtained from the equation (6) for h = h2 = 3.200 m,
E13 - given in m (meters), from the equation (1) for the value W = 1,100 m by applying instead of the value z3, obtained from the equation (6) for h = h3 = 3.400m,
E10 - given in m (meters), from the equation (1) for the value W = 1,350 m by applying instead of the value z0, obtained from the equation (6) for h = h0,
French to English: STATUTS S.A.R.L. - Articles of Association, Limited Liability Company General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - French [original in pdf]
a) In the event of convening an Assembly other than that which considers the annual accounts, the Report from the Manager(s), as well as, where applicable, the Report of the
Auditor shall be sent to the Members at least fifteen days prior to the date of the Assembly.
Further, during such fifteen day time period as precedes the Assembly, these documents shall be made available to the Members, at the registered head offices, and they shall be able to inspect or copy them.
b) In the case of a written consultation, the text of the proposed resolutions, as well as any documents which may be necessary as information for the Members, shall be sent to each of the latter by registered letter along with the request for consultation.
c) At any time, any Member has the right to himself inspect, at the registered head offices with the following documents: the financial statements, the balance sheet, the appendix, inventories, reports submitted to the Assemblies and minutes of such Assemblies, concerning the three preceding fiscal years. Except in the case of an inventory, the right to inspect shall include the right to copy.
For this purpose, he may rely on the assistance of an expert who is listed on the lists prepared by the Cours et Tribunaux {courts and tribunals].
French to English: Designation of Proxy - Pouvoirs General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - French original in pdf
Translation - English POWER OF PROXY
To be held on [date] 2009
The below undersigned: [ Name ]
Residing at: [ Address ]
Acting in my capacity as a member of the Executive Committee of the Company:
XXX Medical XXX SAS, a simplified joint stock company, having a registered capital of XXX Euros, and having its registered head offices located at: XXX rue de XXX – 92100 XXXX, registered in the Trade and Companies Registry in Nanterre under Number XXX.
By these presents, do hereby appoint the following person:
Mr./Mrs./Ms. [ Name ],
Residing at: [ Address ],
For the purposes of representing me, as proxy, at the Meeting of the Executive Committee, to be held on [ Date ] 2009, which has been convened to consider the following Items of Agenda:
- Examination and annual financial statements for the fiscal year ending on 31 December 2008,
- Approval of the status of realizable and available assets (exclusive of fixed assets) and of the outstanding liabilities of the first semester of fiscal year 2009, as well as of the provisional revised profit and loss statement,
- Miscellaneous matters.
As well as for any such subsequent meeting which, in the event of a lack of a quorum, the first meeting of the Executive Committee were not validly convened for the purpose of deliberating, and to sign any register, to participate in all deliberations and in votes taken concerning any of the items of agenda, to sign all minutes thereof, and in generally to take such actions as may be necessary.
Done at
French to English: Extrait Kbis IMMATRICULATION AU REGISTRE DU COMMERCE et des SOClETlES Exlrail General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
French to English: Appel d’offres ouvert - plans de vol informatisés, d’informations météorologiques, de NOTAM -Open Invitation to Tender - computerized flight plans, weather reports, NOTAM (Notice to Air Men)
Source text - French 3° si le candidat a opté pour le b-2 et n’a pas fait parvenir le formulaire DC 5, celui-ci doit fournir l’attestation sur l’honneur (jointe au présent dossier de consultation) en original dûment datée et signée par laquelle l’entreprise candidate ou toute personne ayant agi sous son couvert, présente dans l’entreprise, atteste :
a) ne pas avoir fait l’objet, depuis moins de cinq ans, d'une condamnation définitive pour l'une des infractions prévues par les articles suivants du code pénal : les articles 222-38, 222-40, 313-1 à 313-3, 314-1 à 314-3, 324-1 à 324-6, 421-2-1, le deuxième alinéa de l'article 421-5, l’article 433-1, le deuxième alinéa de l'article 434-9, les articles 435-2, 441-1 à 441-7, les premier et deuxième alinéas de l'article 441-8, l'article 441-9 et l'article 450-1, ou ne pas avoir fait l’objet d’une condamnation pour une infraction de même nature dans un autre Etat de l’Union Européenne ;
b) ne pas avoir fait l’objet, depuis moins de cinq ans d’une condamnation définitive pour l’infraction prévue par l'article 1741 du code général des impôts ou une infraction de même nature dans un autre Etat de l’Union Européenne ;
c) ne pas avoir fait l’objet, depuis moins de cinq ans, d’une condamnation inscrite au bulletin n° 2 du casier judiciaire pour les infractions mentionnées aux articles L8221-1, L8231-1, L8241-1 et L8251-1 du code du travail ou des infractions de même nature dans un autre Etat de l’Union Européenne ;
d) ne pas être en état de liquidation judiciaire ou ne pas faire l’objet d’une procédure équivalente régie par un droit étranger ;
e) ne pas être déclaré en état de faillite personnelle ou ne pas faire l’objet d'une procédure équivalente régie par un droit étranger ;
f) ne pas être admis au redressement judiciaire ou à une procédure équivalente régie par un droit étranger, sans justifier d’une habilitation à poursuivre son activité pendant la durée prévisible d'exécution du marché ;
g) avoir satisfait aux obligations fiscales et sociales au regard de l'article 8-4° de l’ordonnance n°2005-649 du 6 juin 2005 ;
h) être en règle, au cours de l'année précédant celle au cours de laquelle a lieu le lancement de la consultation, au regard des articles L5212-2, L5212-5 et L5212-9 du code du travail concernant l’emploi des travailleurs handicapés.
i) qu’elle est ou non une petite ou moyenne entreprise au sens de l’article 48 du Code des marchés publics, une société coopérative ouvrière de production, un groupement de producteurs agricoles, un artisan, une société coopérative d’artisans, une société coopérative d’artistes ou une entreprise adaptée.
Important : si les candidats n’ont pas produit tous les documents énumérés ci-dessus, le pouvoir adjudicateur peut décider de demander à tous les candidats concernés de produire ou de compléter ces pièces dans un délai identique pour tous les candidats et qui ne saurait être supérieur à dix jours.
Les candidats concernés par cette demande devront produire ou compléter les pièces dans un délai de 10 jours sous peine de voir leur candidature rejetée comme irrecevable du fait de cette omission.
Translation - English 3° if the candidate has opted for b-2 and has not submitted form DC-5, it must submit a the original of a sworn attestation on its honor (attached to the instant consultation file), duly dated and signed by the candidate enterprise or by any person acting on its behalf, that is employed by the enterprise, attesting that :
a) within at least the five preceding years, he has not been finally convicted of any of the offences provided for in the following Articles of the Code penal [the French Penal Code] : Articles 222-38, 222-40, 313-1 to 313-3, 314-1 to 314-3, 324-1 to 324-6, 421-2-1, the second paragraph of Article 421-5, Article 433-1, the second paragraph of Article 434-9, Articles 435-2, 441-1 to 441-7, l the first and second paragraphs of Article 441-8, Article 441-9 and Article 450-1, and that he has not been has not been finally convicted of any offence of a similar nature in another Member State of the European Union ;
b) within at least the five preceding years, he has not been finally convicted of any offence of Article 1741 of the Code général des impôts [the French General Tax Code] or of any offence of a similar nature in another Member State of the European Union;
c) within at least the five preceding years, he has not been finally convicted of any conviction registered in Bulletin No. 2 of the Judicial Records Office for any offence arising under Articles L8221-1, L8231-1, L8241-1 and L8251-1 of the Code du travail [the French Labour Law] or of any offence of a similar nature in another Member State of the European Union;
d) it is not involved in any judicial liquidation proceeding or is not involved in an equivalent proceeding that is governed by foreign law;
e) that he/she has not been declared personally bankrupt or is not involved in an equivalent proceeding that is governed by the law of a foreign jurisdiction;
f) that it is not involved in insolvency proceedings, or is not involved in an equivalent proceeding that is governed by the law of a foreign jurisdiction without providing substantiation of its ability to continue conducting business throughout the foreseeable term of the contract.
g) to have complied with the tax and social contribution requirements that are set forth in Article 8-4° of Ordinance No, 2005-649 of 6 June 2005;
h) it has been in compliance, during the course of the year preceding the year in which the consultation is initiated, with the requirements of Articles L5212-2, L5212-5 and L5212-9 of the French Labour Law as regards the employment of disabled workers;
i) whether it is or is not a small or medium-size enterprise within the meaning of Article 48 of the Code des marchés publics [the French Government tendering Regulations], a Société coopérative ouvrière de production [a Workers’ Production Cooperative], a grouping of agricultural producers, an artisan, an artisans’ cooperative enterprise, or an entreprise adaptée [a disability-friendly enterprise].
Important: if the candidates have not submitted all of the documents enumerated above, the adjudicating body may decide to request of the concerned candidates to produce or complete such documents within a time period that shall be the same for all such candidates and which may not exceed ten days.
Those candidates who are the recipients of such a request shall submit or complete the documents within a period of 10 days under penalty of their candidacies being deemed inadmissible as a result of such failure to provide.
Polish to English: RESOLUTION of the Appeals Committee of the UCHWAŁA KOMISJI ODWOŁAWCZEJ - DEPARTAMENTU KONTROLI DORAŻNYCH MAJWYŻSZEJ IZBY KONTROLI - Department of Ad Hoc Audits of the Supreme Chamber of Control General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Polish [original in pdf]
Translation - English As regards such Reservations, the Appeals Committee holds as follows:
Regarding Point 1 –The Reservations to the Post-Audit Statement, relying on the undisputed findings set forth in the Audit Protocol, cannot be accepted. If any of the audit findings had exceeded the scope of the subject audit, it should have been raised in the Reservations to the Audit Protocol, and the same holds true as regards dismissing the Reservation claiming that the Audit Protocol failed to take certain documents into consideration. Given that the procedure for Reservations to the Audit Protocol has been exhausted, it should be underscored that between the substantive content of the Audit Protocol, and that of the post-audit Order, there must be congruence, in the sense that the Order may not exceed those facts which have been established in the Audit Protocol.
The Appeals Committee holds that there is no inconsistency between the findings set forth in the Audit Protocol and those contained in the Post-Audit Statement, and therefore, it cannot hold the Reservations lodged to be admissible.
At the meeting of the Appeals Committee, there was presented the opinion of Professor Stanislaw xxx, Ph.D, of the University of Warsaw, about securing the interests of Telewizja Polska SA in the contractual Agreement that was the subject of the audit, which was prepared based exclusively on the analysis of the contents of the contractual Agreement dated December 14, 1994, and which was obtained by TVP SA only after the Reservations were submitted. It resulted, from such opinion, that assuming the regularity in the selection of the co-contracting party and the full use of the rights vested in TVP SA by virtue of the contract (which was excluded from the analysis), the interests of the Telewizja Polska were fully secured.
If only in the light of the single holding, it is obvious that a full evaluation of the securing of the interests of Polish television in the scope of the contractual Agreement entered into for the transmission of the TV POLONIA program to the territory of both of the Americas, should have been carried out not only the basis of analyzing the text of the Agreement, but also based on all of the circumstances surrounding the selection of the co-contracting party and the performance of the Agreement, and it is precisely that which should have been, and in fact was, the subject of the audit, rather than the disputed preparation of the Audit Protocol. The opinion presented, moreover, could not change the findings of the evaluation performed, which were based on the totality of audited activities related to the implementation of such contractual Agreement.
As regards the Reservation concerning the selective reliance on certain documents, specific portions will be analyzed further below in the instant Resolution as tied to specific documents.
Regarding Point 2 –The person having lodged the Reservations claims that the “TV POLONIA signal” was being received in Canada, thus making reception of the signal synonymous with reception of the program in the territory of Canada. As regards the remarks concerning the lack of program reception in Canada, the Audit Protocol relied on the following findings:
• on pages 50-51, the formation of the Telewizja Polska Canada Inc. company and the entering into of a licensing agreement between Poltel International LLC, having its registered headquarters in Wilmington – as the licensor – and TP Canada, having its registered headquarters in Mississauga – as the licensee - of the exclusive rights to use the TV POLONIA program signal in the territory of Canada;
• on page 53, the finding that in the time period examined (the years 1995 – 1998) the TP Canada company did not file any financial reports;
• on pages 72 – 72, B. Spanski’s information as personally presented to the Management Board of TVP S.A, on May 6, 1997, in which he confirms the reports submitted up to that time, and generally presents his wishes for the future, and specifying the possibility of reception via the DBS system (digital television) in the USA, without making any reference to Canada;
• on pages 75 – 76, the information given by Mr. T. xxx, simultaneously the Vice-President of TP USA and TP Canada, of 26.02.1998 [February 26, 1998], wherein he generally advises as to the transmission of the TV POLONIA program to territory of the USA and Canada, but at the same time, when discussing financial revenues, limits himself to those of the TP USA company and makes no mention of any such data concerning TP Canada;
• on page 89, the finding that in the documents of TVP SA there were no minutes confirming the fact that there was held any meeting of the Supervisory Board of TP Canada on 20.11.1996 [November 20, 1996] (as emerges from the audit findings – the only one);
• on page 90 – the listing of the business trips to the USA in the years 1995 – 1997, and to Canada in 1995, in which there is no reference to the purpose of the trip being to participate in the meeting of the Supervisory Board of TP Canada;
• on pages 105 – 106, the findings concerning the joint communiqué of TVP SA and TP USA, dated 19.03.1998 [March 19, 1998], on the subject of the implementation of the contractual Agreement for the dissemination of the TV POLONIA signal, which expresses, among other things, support for the TP USA company, makes no mention of the TP Canada company;
Polish to English: PROCEDURY STOSOWANE W TRAKCIE PRZYGOTOWANIA LEKÓW CYTOSTATYCZNYCH - „Procedures applied in the course of preparation of cytostatic drugs" General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Polish [ORIGINAL IN PDF]
Translation - English 5.2 Worker’s preliminary steps for the preparation of cytostatic substance.
After entering the „unclean” zone of the personal decontamination area, outer clothing should be removed along with watches and jewelry. The clothing is to be hung in the clothing closet in the „unclean” zone of the personal containment area. Take a seat on the bench that separates the „unclean” area from the „clean” area. At the dividing line put on shoe protection coverage materials, and following that, wash and disinfect hands in the clean area and put on protective clothing in accordance with guidelines IN-PC-019. Protective clothing is comprised of: a cap over the hair, a surgical mask, latex gloves, and a laminar gown for the person working in the operator’s spot, a flizeline gown for the assistant working outside of the container. The Operator who prepares the cytostatic medical preparation in the work cabinet must don an additional set of protective gloves as described in guidelines IN-PC-020 and waits for instructions without removing his hands from the work cabinet.
5.3 Completion of work tasks in the sterile processing area
Upon completion of the task of preparing the cytostatic medical preparation, the Operator removes the exterior set of gloves and throws them into the cytostatic waste bin as described in Point 3.1.12 of the guidelines IN-PC-006. Then, in the „clean” zone of the personal decontamination area (the person performing the work inside the cabinet and the assistant working on the exterior thereof) remove their protective clothing in the following order: the mask, cap, gown, gloves and throw them into the bin for „dirty” clothing. They wash their hands in the manner described in Point 3.1 of Guidelines IN-PC-019. They rinse their hands with water, dry them with a towel, and then put on their outer clothing.
Guidelines No. IN-PC-006 – Completing work tasks in the aseptic work area
Guidelines No. IN-PC-019 – Preparation of the worker to perform tasks in the sterile work area
Guidelines No. IN-PC-020 – Donning gloves prior to work in the cabinet
French to English: Contrat de prestation - Consulting Services Contract General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - French [original in pdf]
Translation - English 5. PRICE AND INVOICING
5.1 – Consulting fees:
5.1 – Consulting and operational follow-up fees for the fundraising campaign in France, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Corresponding to the services described in Article 3.1, as well as the compensation for the intellectual property, the methodology and the approach implemented, these fees are to be paid for an actual performance period on the part Optimus commending on October 1, 2008 and ending on September 30, 2011 at the latest.
The monthly fixed rate shall be 19 700 € exclusive of taxes (23 651.20 € including Tax). It shall not include the travel expenses- in particular, international- of the team as is set forth in Article 5.7.
A monthly invoice will be shall be prepared, payable 30 days following the end of the month; the V.A.T rate in force at the time of invoicing shall be applied. The first monthly installment, set for the amount of 19 700 € exclusive of taxes (23 651.20 € including Tax) shall be dated October 1, 2008.
Monthly invoices shall be sent to the FNSP – Direction des Finances, 2 square des Luynes, 75007 Paris.
Monthly invoices shall list the details of each consulting and support assignment performed each month. However, the US partner, in view of its own restrictions, shall issue a quarterly detailed invoice.
The Parties agree to meet no later than one month prior to the annual anniversary date of the Agreement to review the time spent by the Optimus team and – as the case may be – reassess the amount of the fees pursuant to the increase or decrease of the workload and/or the services provided by Optimus.
Spanish to English: ESTATUOS, CAJA DE AHORROS -Savings Bank, Articles of Association General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Spanish [original in pdf]
Translation - English III. AS REGARDS THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Article 7. The General Assembly shall be the supreme organ of governance and decision-making of the “XXX”. Its members shall have the title of Members, who shall safeguard the interests of the depositors and clients, so as to attain its objectives of societal usefulness of the Entity within the scope of its activities and the integrity of its assets, at the same time that they establish the governing rules for the Entity’s operations. Its composition, functioning and competencies shall be set forth in the following Articles. ARTICLE 8.1. The General Assembly shall represent the interests of the depositors and the general public within the scope of the Entity’s activities. 2. The General Assembly shall be comprised of one hundred and sixty General Members,
elected by delegates, who shall represent the Entity’s depositors. The election of delegates shall take place by drawing before the Notary between those depositors who fulfill the requirements established in Article 9. The number of delegates shall be twenty for each general director to be elected. Further, each group of delegates shall elect an alternate general director. In the event of a vacancy, the position shall be held by the alternate who shall be required, during the time pending the filling of the vacancy, to complete such term of office . 2.2. Forty eight General Members representing the founding entities of the “XXX” – by virtue of its senior role, and shall consist of four for each one of the founding entities that are still in existence, and one for each of the public interest entities that are set forth in the Appendix to these Articles of Association directly by the Entity which they represent, respectively. In the event of the withdrawal or permanent removal of any General Member from this group, the Entity which appointed him shall appoint his successor, who shall hold the position during the period of time which remains to complete the term. 2.3. Thirty-four General Members representing the local corporations wherein the Entity has any operational offices currently functioning, appointed directly by the corporations to which such rights corresponds.
In the event of the withdrawal or permanent removal of any General Member from this group, the Entity which appointed him shall appoint his substitute who shall hold such position until the term is completed. 2.4. Twenty General Members representing the employees of the “XXX, elected by secret ballot and by a system that is proportionate to the permanent staff. In addition, there shall be elected as many alternate Members as there are regular General Members, except in those ballots which resulted in a single holder, in which case there shall be two alternate General Members. In the event of a vacancy, it shall be filled by the corresponding alternate, and if there are more than one, then according to the person who has obtained the greatest number of votes, and who shall hold such office during such time period until the term of office is completed. ART. 9.1. The Members shall have the following qualifications: 1.1. To be a natural person, residing within the area where the “XXX” carries out business activities. 1.2. Have reached the age of majority and not suffer any legal incapacity. 1.3. To not violate the conflict of interests and prohibited activities that are governed by Points 3 and 4 of the instant Article. 1.4. To have previously held the status of delegate in order to be eligible for election as a General Member representing all of the depositors. 2. In order to be elected as a delegate or as a General Member representing all of the depositors, it shall further be required, in addition to meeting the conditions set forth in section 1 of the instant Article, to be a depositor of the “XXX”, or of the entities which originally preceded, for a period in excess of the two years preceding the drawing which is provided for in Section 2.1 of Article 8, and to have maintained on account, in the fiscal year preceding the drawing, an average balance of no less than xxx euros. For the purpose of determining the average balance, all of the depositor’s accounts shall be counted. The average amount of the balance set forth in the preceding paragraph ma be amended, in the future, to an amount which shall not exceed the amount which results from the application of the variation in the consumer price index (CPI) up to 31 December 2xxx. 3. The following persons shall not hold the office of General Member or serve as delegates: 3.1. Those who have not been rehabilitated following bankruptcy or insolvency, and those who have been sentenced to punishments which include a prohibition on holding public office. 3.2. Those persons who are not compliance with their obligations to the “XXX” or with those entities which preceded it, or with its subsidiaries, whether contracted personally or on behalf of other persons or entities, for the purposes of loans or credits or any type of debts whatsoever. 3. The Members or members of governing organs of more than three business corporations or cooperatives, the presidents, the members, the administrators, the directors, the managers, and the auditors of any kind of credit establishment or institution of any kind whatsoever, or of companies dependent upon any of the foregoing or of the “XXX” itself, except in the case where they hold such office in the interests of the “XXX” and of corporations or entities which promote, sustain or
guarantee any credit institutions or establishment. For that purpose shall be counted any positions which are held in any company having a commercial purpose, except for the following cases: a) those who hold, whether in their own names or not, by appointment or by the direct or indirect action of the “XXX”, and are exercising such office in the interests of the latter. b) Those which are held for the purpose of, and as the sole means of,performing the commercial or professional activities of the holder. c) Those which are held in companies that do not regularly engage in independent commercial activities and belong to a family group that is held by such person, his/her spouse, ancestors or descendants. d) Those which are held in companies that are dependent upon such other companies as are included in the listing in accordance with the provisions of this Article. 3.4. Those who are functionaries serving the Administration and have responsibilities that are directly related to the activities of the savings banks themselves
Kindly view my PORTFOLIO OF SAMPLE TRANSLATIONS (below) for examples of broad range of translations, in particular legal, from French, Polish and Spanish into professional legal English that your clients and attorneys can understand. Substantial volume of repeat business with clients of several years' duration, both for original translations and proofreading/editing of voluminous legal submissions and memoranda. Some examples of my work can be seen at,, and others.
I have been a practicing lawyer, admitted to the Bar in New York state, the Federal Bar in the Eastern, Western and Southern Districts, and the US Supreme Court since 1977. Over the past few years, I have shifted increasingly to translation in view of the scheduling flexibility it affords me and because I so thoroughly enjoy dealing with the law of foreign jurisdictions. I continue to write independent legal articles in areas that interest me (please see CV)
I am experienced in Polish, French and Spanish commercial and EU law (competition, legislative, judicial, commercial, banking, securities and investment matters); wide range of commercial, real estate, corporate, pharmaceutical, administrative and constitutional laws and regulations (judicial and administrative rulings, banking, securities, bankruptcy, electricity, telecommunications, employment, pharmaceutical and legal treatises). I have translated legla treatises and law review materials into English from French and Polish. I have worked with Algerian, Moroccan, Congolese, Argentine, Spanish, Colombian, Belgian, Cote d'Ivoire and Tunisian laws. Most importantly, I know and deliver what the client is looking for in terms of clarity and accuracy of legal texts and provide a product that is highly satisfactory to law firms and lawyers. Willing to negotiate rates on larger projects. For a modest additional fee, an sworn and notarized certification of translation of the text can be provided (see sample text below)
I hold a law degree (Juris Doctor) as well as an advanced specialized law degree (LLM) in International Trade and Business Transactions.
I grew up bilingual as a native US English as well as Polish speaker. At the age of 8, I moved to France for several years, attended French school and acquired near-native fluency. Similarly, studied Spanish in Saltillo, Mexico and later spent two years living and studying in Madrid, Spain.
I have a BA in French Literature and in Spanish Literature (double major) and an MA in French Literature. In brief, I am fluent in French, Polish, and Spanish. having lived and studied in all three countries.
My work as a translator allows me more free time to travel to various parts of the world. In the past four years I have visited South Africa, Korea, Guatemala, the Ukraine, Romania, Iceland, China (several trips to Yunnan and Tibet), Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Greece, in addition to annual trips to France and spending a portion of each year in Poland.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
96.1% positive (26 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
French to English
Polish to English
Spanish to English
English to French
Specialty fields
Law: Contract(s)
Law (general)
Finance (general)
Mining & Minerals / Gems
Law: Taxation & Customs
Business/Commerce (general)
Construction / Civil Engineering
Government / Politics
Real Estate
Energy / Power Generation
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Other fields
International Org/Dev/Coop
Investment / Securities
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Food & Drink
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Keywords: Attorney, experienced, fluent in Polish, French and Spanish legal matters, providing high-quality and usable legal transations. PLEASE SEE MY PORTFOLIO for sample translations of arbitration awards, judicial and administrative rulings and orders, appeals and memoranda of law and procedures; legislation and regulations; simple and synidacated loan agreements; mining contracts; chemical patents; mechanical patents; desalination plants; food processing industry; brokerage and financial instruments;financing documents; due diligence documents; consulting contracts; terms of reference; legal documents, pleadings, transcripts, educational materials. See more.Attorney, experienced, fluent in Polish, French and Spanish legal matters, providing high-quality and usable legal transations. PLEASE SEE MY PORTFOLIO for sample translations of arbitration awards, judicial and administrative rulings and orders, appeals and memoranda of law and procedures; legislation and regulations; simple and synidacated loan agreements; mining contracts; chemical patents; mechanical patents; desalination plants; food processing industry; brokerage and financial instruments;financing documents; due diligence documents; consulting contracts; terms of reference; legal documents, pleadings, transcripts, educational materials, degrees, training materials, instruction manuals, directions. Witness preparation, settlement discussions. digesting transcripts and communicating with witnesses or clients as required by the hiring firm.. See less.
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