English to Romanian: Qualification General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Electronics / Elect Eng | |
Source text - English The use of generic data to simplify the qualification process is strongly encouraged. Generic data can be submitted to the user as soon as it becomes available to determine the need for any additional testing.
If the generic data contains any failures, the data is not usable as generic data unless the supplier has documented and implemented corrective action or containment for the failure condition that is acceptable to the user. | Translation - Romanian Folosirea datelor generice pentru a simplifica procesul de calificare este puternic incurajata. Datele generice pot fi trimise utilizatorului de indata ce devin disponibile pentru a determina nevoia unor teste suplimentare. Daca datele generice contin erori, datele nu pot fi folosite ca date generice cu exceptia cazului in care furnizorul a documentat si implementat actiuni corective si de preventie pentru defectul care e acceptabil pentru utilizator. |
English to Romanian: Failure mechanisms General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Electronics / Elect Eng | |
Source text - English For many years the reliability of an electronic system was based, to a great extent, upon the
junction temperatures of the semiconductor component. Substantial efforts were made in the
fabrication methods, mounting methods, and cooling techniques of the electronic devices to
reduce these hot spot temperatures below 100 °C. This has produced a significant
improvement in the reliability and effective operating life of the equipment. However, the
electronic failure rates are still too high. Additional reductions in the failure rates must be
achieved to further improve the reliability of our electronic equipment. | Translation - Romanian De mai multi ani fiabilitatea unui sistem electronic s-a bazat, intr-o mare masura, pe temperaturile jonctiunii componentei semiconductoare. Eforturi substantiale s-au facut in metodele de fabricatie, in metodele de montare si in tehnicile de racire a dispozitivelor electronice pentru a reduce sub 100 °C punctele fierbinti ale temperaturii.
Acest lucru a produs o semnificativa imbunatatire in fiabilitatea si in durata efectiva de functionare a echipamentului.
Cu toate acestea, proportiile defectelor in dispozitivele electronice sunt inca prea mari. Trebuie realizate reduceri suplimentare la nivelul defectelor, pentru a imbunatati in continuare fiabilitatea in echipamentul electronic. |