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<B><font color=#6495ED>ENGLISH into ITALIAN & FRENCH into ITALIAN // Nanotechnology - Chemistry - Biotechnology - Pharma - Medical // Translator </B>
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English to Italian: The RebiSlideTM injector General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English The RebiSlideTM injector for Rebif® is a device intended for automating subcutaneous injection of Rebif® (interferon beta-1a) in a Rebif® cartridge.
The RebiSlideTM injector for Rebif® is compatible with all type-A needles and
Novofine Autocover 30G safety needles from Novo Nordisk.
Please read the whole leaflet carefully before you start using this device.
• Do not inject yourself using RebiSlideTM injector for Rebif® (interferon beta-1a)
until you have had proper training by your healthcare professional.
• RebiSlideTM injector for Rebif® must be used according to these instructions. Keep this leaflet as you may need to read it again.
• RebiSlideTM injector for Rebif® must only be used with your prescribed cartridge of Rebif® and no other brand of interferon or medication.
• Do not share the RebiSlideTM injector for Rebif® with anyone since doing so may result in injury, including the transmission of infectious blood-borne diseases. Adhere to strict safety and antiseptic precautions at all times.
Translation - Italian L’iniettore RebiSlideTM per Rebif® è un dispositivo destinato ad automatizzare l’iniezione sottocutanea di Rebif® (interferone beta-1a) in cartuccia Rebif® .
L’iniettore RebiSlideTM per Rebif® è compatibile con tutti gli aghi di tipo A e con aghi di sicurezza Novofine Autocover 30G della Novo Nordisk.
Si prega di leggere attentamente l’intero foglietto illustrativo prima di iniziare ad utilizzare questo dispositivo.
• Non effettuare iniezioni utilizzando l’iniettore RebiSlideTM per Rebif® (interferone beta-1a) prima di aver ricevuto una formazione adeguata da parte del proprio medico curante.
• L’iniettore RebiSlideTM per Rebif® deve essere utilizzato in base a queste istruzioni. Conservare questo foglio illustrativo poiché si potrebbe aver bisogno di leggerlo di nuovo.
• L’iniettore RebiSlideTM per Rebif® deve essere utilizzato solo con la cartuccia Rebif® prescritta dal proprio medico curante e non è utilizzabile con farmaci o interferone di altra marca.
• Non condividere l'iniettore RebiSlideTM per Rebif ® con nessuno poiché ciò potrebbe causare lesioni, compresa la trasmissione di malattie infettive per via ematica. Aderire sempre alle norme di sicurezza ed alle precauzioni antisettiche più rigorose.
English to Italian: Insulin General field: Science Detailed field: Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Source text - English Insulin is a hormone that is central to regulating carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body. Insulin causes cells in the liver, muscle, and fat tissue to take up glucose from the blood, storing it as glycogen in the liver and muscle.
Insulin stops the use of fat as an energy source. When insulin is absent, glucose is not taken up by body cells and the body begins to use fat as an energy source, for example, by transfer of lipids from adipose tissue to the liver for mobilization as an energy source. As its level is a central metabolic control mechanism, its status is also used as a control signal to other body systems (such as amino acid uptake by body cells). In addition, it has several other anabolic effects throughout the body.
Translation - Italian L'insulina è un ormone essenziale alla regolazione del metabolismo dei carboidrati e dei grassi nel corpo. L'insulina induce le cellule del fegato, del muscolo e del tessuto adiposo ad assorbire glucosio dal sangue, depositandolo come glicogeno nel fegato e nei muscoli.
L'insulina ostacola l'utilizzo dei grassi come fonte di energia. Quando l'insulina non è presente, il glucosio non viene assorbito ed il corpo inizia ad utilizzare i grassi come fonte di energia, per esempio, attraverso il trasferimento dei lipidi dal tessuto adiposo al fegato utilizzando questa mobilitazzione come fonte di energia.
Poiché il suo livello rappresenta un meccanismo centrale di controllo metabolico, il suo status è utilizzato anche come segnale di controllo per altri apparati del corpo (come l'assorbimento di amminoacidi da parte delle cellule del corpo). Inoltre, possiede diversi altri effetti anabolici in tutto il corpo.
French to Italian: Les IGFs General field: Science Detailed field: Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Source text - French Les IGFs (insulin like growth factors) et leurs protéines de liaison (IGFBPs)
Les IGFs (IGF I, autrefois appelée somatomédine C, et IGF II) sont présents dans les milieux biologiques des mammifères, associés à des protéines de liaison (IGFBPs) qui en contrôlent la biodisponibilité. Principalement sécrété par le foie, IGF I sérique agit en tant que médiateur des effets de l'hormone de croissance hypophysaire (GH) sur la croissance des os longs pendant la période postnatale. Cet effet est typiquement endocrine. IGF II est surtout impliqué dans la croissance staturopondérale fœtale. Les IGFs sont sécrétés de façon ubiquitaire et possèdent aussi des actions locales de type autocrine et paracrine dans la plupart des tissus. La régulation de leur biosynthèse varie en fonction des stimuli hormonaux (GH, insuline), du tissu et du stade de développement.
Translation - Italian Gli IGF (fattori di crescita insulino-simile) e le loro proteine leganti (IGFBP)
Gli IGF (IGF-I, in passato conosciuto come Somatomedina C, e IGF II) sono presenti nei fluidi biologici dei mammiferi, associati a delle proteine leganti (IGFBP) che ne controllano la biodisponibilità. Secreti soprattutto dal fegato, l’IGF-I sierico agisce come mediatore degli effetti dell’ormone della crescita ipofisaria (GH) sulla crescita delle ossa lunghe durante il periodo post-natale. Questo effetto è tipicamente endocrino. L’IGF II è principalmente implicato nella crescita saturo-ponderale fetale. Gli IGF sono secreti ubiquitariamente e possiedono anche azioni locali di tipo autocrino e paracrino nella maggior parte dei tessuti. La regolazione della loro biosintesi varia in funzione di stimoli ormonali (GH, insulina), del tessuto e dello stadio di sviluppo.
English to Italian (CdL in Biotecnologie Farmaceutiche) French to Italian (CdL in Biotecnologie Farmaceutiche)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Medicine/Nanotechnology/Biotechnology/Chemistry/Pharma & related fields
My name is Alessia and I'm a native Italian translator with a scientific background in the Pharmaceutical Biotechnology field. With an internship at the National Nanotechnology Laboratory (NNL) - National Research Council (CNR) in Lecce (Italy) my research interests focused on the creation of Lab-On-A-Chip (LOCs) devices, microfluidic experiments, smart polymeric surfaces and on-demand drugs release.
I have studied French and English since I was 11 years old, by attending many courses in these languages.
Since 2008, I have TRANSLATED scientific texts, abstracts and papers on Medicine, Biology, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology and related fields.
My experience also includes LINGUISTIC VALIDATION PROCESSES and this allows me to be constantly in touch with clinicians and patients!
I offer my clients TRANSLATION/PROOFREADING AND EDITING SERVICES as well as LINGUISTIC VALIDATION SERVICES in the language pairs ENGLISH → ITALIAN & FRENCH → ITALIAN. I have more than 8 years of experience in Medical, Biotech, Chemistry, Nanotech, Pharma and related fields and in addition to a profound knowledge of the subject matter of translation, the linguistic specificity gained up to now allows me to deliver high quality Italian texts.
I enrich, day by day, my scientific vocabulary and this helps to ensure quality and accuracy in my translations. I'm attentive to detail and my goal is to ensure that Science is translated in the best possible way!
ψ Abstract, Patents & Scientific Papers (approx +55,000 words translated)
ψ Leaflets & User Manuals (approx +45,000 words translated)
ψ e-PRO (approx +20,000 words translated)
ψ Texts on Bio-Medicine, Bio-Pharmacy and Bio-Chemistry and related fields (approx +45,000 words translated)
ψ Clinical trials (approx +55,000 words translated)
- LINGUISTIC VALIDATION PROCESSES - Projects recently completed include:
ψ Projects (+240 projects managed)
ψ Forward and backward translators (+10 high-experience forward and backward translators selected, trained and constantly involved)
ψ Questionnaires (+420 questionnaires administered)
ψ Patients (+2000 patients enrolled)
ψ Clinicians (+50 clinicians recruited)
ψ Etc.
ψ Language pairs: EN/FR > IT;
ψ Fields: medicine, chemistry, pharma, biotechnology, nanotechnology, math;
ψ Tools: SDL Trados Studio 2009 | TMS
ψ References: available upon request - anyway, please refer to the top-left section >> Feedback from clients and colleagues
ψ Volume: 2500 - 3000 words/day
ψ Tools which support me in translation:
- PubMed
- Lab on chip Journal
- Acta Biomaterialia
- Ass.I.Term
- Fasta
- Blast
- Psi-Blast
- Expasy
- etc.
My Portfolio as well as my detailed CV are available upon request.
For further information, feel free to contact me! You can send me an email by clicking here. Thank you!
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