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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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3 projects entered 3 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 17500 words Completed: Feb 2011 Languages: English to Polish
A stock trading manual for a major European investment bank
Finance (general)
positive Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): No comment.
Translation Volume: 25000 words Completed: Sep 2010 Languages: English to Polish
A trading platform website for a major European investment bank
Mainly marketing articles / help files explaining the details of various assets available through the trading platform (futures, CFDs, ETFs, equities, forex). Also some legal English: terms and conditions etc.
Investment / Securities
positive Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Highly knowledgeable financial translator
Translation Volume: 200000 words Duration: Mar 2010 to Nov 2010 Languages:
English to Polish
Articles and analyses on forex, equity and commodity markets
The texts cover such areas as the macroeconomic causes of currency rates / prices of equities and commodities fluctuations or prospects for the global economy.
Investment / Securities
positive Blue Board outsourcer (10 to 20 entries): Excellent work
Blue Board entries made by this user
83 entries
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Source text - English After delivery of a product or performance of a service, if uncertainty exists about customer acceptance, revenue should not be recognized until acceptance occurs. Customer acceptance provisions may be included in a contract to enforce a customer's rights to (1) test the delivered product (2) require the seller to perform additional services subsequent to delivery of an initial product or performance of an initial service or (3) identify other work necessary to be done before accepting the product. When such customer acceptance provisions exist, the seller should not recognize revenue until customer acceptance occurs or the acceptance provisions lapse.
Translation - Polish Jeżeli po dostarczeniu towarów lub zrealizowaniu usługi występuje niepewność związana z akceptacją nabywcy, przychodu nie należy ujmować do momentu uzyskania akceptacji. Warunki akceptacji nabywcy mogą zostać podane w umowie, aby możliwe było egzekwowanie przysługujących nabywcy uprawnień do: (1) przetestowania nabywanego produktu; (2) wymagania od sprzedawcy wykonania dodatkowych usług po dostarczeniu pierwotnego produktu lub po wykonaniu pierwotnej usługi; bądź (3) określenia innych prac, których wykonanie wymagane jest przed zaakceptowaniem produktu. Gdy takie warunki akceptacji przez nabywcę zostaną spełnione, sprzedawca nie powinien ujmować przychodu, dopóki nabywca nie udzieli akceptacji lub dopóki nie ustanie konieczność spełnienia warunków akceptacji.
English to Polish: Product License Agreement
Source text - English Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction or any other authority vested with jurisdiction, such holding will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other term or provision hereto and this Agreement will be interpreted and construed as if such term or provision, to the extent the same will have been held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, had never been contained herein. The parties agree to replace any invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision with a valid, legal and enforceable provision that most closely approximates the intent and economic effect of the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision.
Translation - Polish Rozdzielność. Jeżeli jakiekolwiek postanowienie niniejszej Umowy zostanie uznane za nieważne lub niewykonalne przez jakikolwiek sąd właściwy lub jakikolwiek organ posiadający jurysdykcję, takie postanowienie pozostanie bez wpływu na obowiązywanie lub wykonalność wszelkich pozostałych postanowień niniejszej Umowy, a ponadto wykładnia niniejszej Umowy będzie przygotowywana i stosowana tak, jak gdyby takie postanowienie, w zakresie, w jakim zostało uznane za nieważne, sprzeczne z prawem lub niewykonalne, nigdy nie stanowiło części niniejszej Umowy. Strony zgadzają się zastąpić wszelkie nieważne, sprzeczne z prawem lub niewykonalne postanowienia postanowieniami ważnymi, zgodnymi z prawem i wykonalnymi w największym możliwym stopniu zbliżonymi co do skutków gospodarczych do takich postanowień nieważnych, sprzecznych z prawem lub niewykonalnych.
English to Polish: Manual of a large machine
Source text - English The following tools will be required to complete the full maintenance package;
1. Feeler Gauges
2. Dial gauge with universal magnetic indicator
3. Vernier Calipers/depth gauge
4. Drill block
5. Cleaning solution and rags
6. 8 mm dowel pin for calibration (the dowel pin may be of a smaller or larger size, however, the individual must compensate for this when completing the calibration procedure)
7. Can of compressed air
8. Machinist Square
Only authorized individuals with knowledge of the machining center should complete the maintenance package as inaccurate readings and the inputting of falsified information will cause great repercussions to the functionality of the machine and the possibility of damage to the machine and danger to the operator.
Translation - Polish Pełen pakiet konserwacyjny powinien zawierać następujące narzędzia:
1. Szczelinomierze
2. Czujnik zegarowy z uniwersalnym wskaźnikiem magnetycznym
3. Suwmiarki z noniuszem / głębokościomierz
4. Pryzma wiertarska
5. Roztwór czyszczący i szmaty
6. Kołek ustalający 8 mm do kalibracji (kołek może być większy lub mniejszy, jednak użytkownik musi uwzględnić ewentualną różnicę w trakcie wykonywania procedury kalibracji).
7. Pojemnik ze sprężonym powietrzem.
8. Kątownik ślusarski.
Kompletowaniem pakietu konserwacyjnego powinni zajmować się jedynie uprawnieni użytkownicy znający centrum obróbcze, ponieważ niedokładne odczyty oraz wprowadzanie danych niezgodnych ze stanem faktycznym mogą mieć znaczący negatywny wpływ na funkcjonalność maszyny, a także spowodować jej uszkodzenie lub narażenie operatora na niebezpieczeństwo.
• Provider of regular internal and external communication and marketing copies for Fortune 500 companies Result: your ability to obtain professional, world-class translations that enable effective communication with internal and external customers.
• Provider of regularly published strategy descriptions for one of the world's largest asset managers, with assets under management worth almost 10% of United States GDP. Result: If they are satisfied with my work, so will you.
• Studies at Technical University, major Marketing and Management/Banking and Finance Result: ability to understand complex business issues, from different aspects of manufacturing methods to software development or finance.
• Scored 90% in the TOLES legal English exam at the Advanced level. Result: high competence in legal English confirmed by a proctored exam organized by the Cambridge Law Studio.
• One of the leaders of all-time English to Polish Business/Finance, Accounting, Finance, Investment/Securities and Law: Contracts KudoZ ranking categories. Result: qualifications proven by peer-reviewed responses to questions related to highly advanced issues.
• Native speaker of Polish, living in Poland since birth Result: excellent knowledge of current Polish vocabulary/collocations.
• Working knowledge of written German and Russian Result: ability to work with reference materials in these langugages.
This means that if you choose Wojciech Sztukowski, your clients will see what you mean, hear what you have to say, and feel that they can benefit from working with you. So why don’t you click ‘send email’ above or use another means of communication provided by to make the most of this opportunity to rest assured that your text will be translated by a true professional, who has translated over 10 million words so far? NEW: full licence for memoQ 10 and most recent licence for Xbench.
Banking and finance over 2,000,000 words Articles, press releases and analyses on forex, equity and commodity markets, websites of financial institutions, financial statements, accounting guides, business plans, CEO reports, transfer pricing documentation etc.
Law over 2,000,000 words Construction contracts (FIDIC and other), share transfer agreements, license agreements, international distribution agreements, service agreements, purchase agreements, general conditions of trade, company by-laws, articles of association, shipbuilding contracts, employment contracts, powers of attorney, lease agreements, guarantees, non-disclosure agreements, privacy rules (EU Directive based and other etc.).
Also: cooperation with attorneys related to the translation of case files: summaries, evidence (various kinds and formats, including e.g. phone billings, notes, text messages etc.), witness statements, defence statements, parenting assessments prepared by social workers, official letters, e-mails and interview transcripts. Mainly related to petty criminal charges.
Marketing materials (brochures etc.) over 2,000,000 words Consumer electronics, industrial components, software, cars, paints, B2B services and systems etc. Also: complete sets of marketing copies for web stores selling consumer goods (website functions + descriptions of items).
Human Resources and psychology over 2,000,000 words Codes of ethics, anti-bribery manuals, soft skill trainings etc.
Preferred tools: Phrase, memoq, Trados, Crowdin (excellent for quick communication)
Tools not used any longer due to being outdated or constantly underdeveloped: SDLX, Idiom, Smartling, Wordbee, XTM
Services not offered: reviewing translations that actually need rewriting; fast, reduced quality translation; translation paid by the amount of time in customer's system; translation of content promoting harmful habits/ideologies or companies selling non-essential goods in Russia.
Services offered only for full price of translation: machine translation post-editing.
Minimum rate: 0.05 EUR / 0.06 USD per weighted source word. These rates are non-negotiable, as they constitute the bare miminum to sustain a family in Poland. I don't provide volume discounts, too.
Minimum fee: 10 EUR / 10 USD, payable by papal. Please don't ask for 4 USD jobs etc.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (3 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
English to Polish
Specialty fields
Investment / Securities
Finance (general)
Other fields
Keywords: Business, Banking, Finance, Investment, Contracts, Terms and conditions, SAP, Marketing, Web stores, Anti-corruption manuals. See more.Business, Banking, Finance, Investment, Contracts, Terms and conditions, SAP, Marketing, Web stores, Anti-corruption manuals, Codes of ethics, Health and Safety, Trainings. See less.
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