yaotl has earned KudoZ points by translating tough terms for fellow translators. Click a point total to see term translations provided.

KudoZ points
By language pair

Working languages highlighted.
Non-PRO pts in parentheses.
Pair Points
English to Spanish (656) 6484
Spanish to English (103) 691
Italian to Spanish (32) 448
French to Spanish (20) 207
German to Spanish (16) 104
Italian to English (10) 102
Spanish to Italian (20) 62
Spanish (4) 59
English to Italian (4) 43
Spanish to French (4) 28
Portuguese to Spanish (4) 20
Portuguese to English (16) 16
German to English 12
German to Italian 12
French to English (4) 8
English to Portuguese 8
Italian to French 7
Spanish to German 4
French to Italian (4) 4
Portuguese to German 4
Spanish to Portuguese 4
English 1

KudoZ points
By field (general)

Working fields highlighted.
Non-PRO pts in parentheses.
General Field Points
Tech/Engineering (202) 3066
Other (286) 1911
Medical (72) 972
Bus/Financial (52) 609
Science (76) 537
Law/Patents (45) 434
Social Sciences (64) 330
Art/Literary (56) 240
Marketing (44) 229

KudoZ points
By field (detailed)

Personal specialities highlighted (if reported).
Non-PRO pts in parentheses.
Detailed Field Points
Mechanics / Mech Engineering (34) 620
Electronics / Elect Eng (16) 381
Medical (general) (28) 345
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng (20) 305
Engineering (general) (15) 304
Other (60) 299
Medical: Pharmaceuticals (8) 280
Construction / Civil Engineering (24) 262
Engineering: Industrial (4) 217
Finance (general) (8) 214
Law (general) (36) 211
Sports / Fitness / Recreation (8) 186
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters (32) 168
Energy / Power Generation (4) 165
Government / Politics (14) 157
Business/Commerce (general) (8) 150
Automotive / Cars & Trucks (16) 150
IT (Information Technology) (16) 148
Medical: Instruments (4) 144
Telecom(munications) (12) 141
Education / Pedagogy (32) 138
Petroleum Eng/Sci (7) 136
Marketing (10) 125
Law: Contract(s) (9) 120
Medical: Health Care (16) 120
Computers: Software 101
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-) (8) 100
Computers (general) (12) 99
Poetry & Literature (20) 98
Mining & Minerals / Gems (4) 96
Tourism & Travel (20) 86
Environment & Ecology (24) 80
Human Resources (24) 80
Gaming/Video-games/E-sports (14) 80
Geology (12) 80
Ships, Sailing, Maritime 64
Agriculture (8) 60
Mathematics & Statistics (12) 60
Computers: Systems, Networks 59
History (32) 56
Manufacturing (10) 56
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings (16) 55
Psychology (16) 55
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. (8) 52
Geography (4) 51
Journalism (14) 51
Transport / Transportation / Shipping (4) 50
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs (24) 49
Metallurgy / Casting (4) 49
Architecture 46
International Org/Dev/Coop 44
Accounting (8) 44
Cooking / Culinary (8) 44
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright (8) 44
Science (general) 42
Linguistics (12) 40
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama (4) 39
Printing & Publishing 38
Medical: Dentistry 36
Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.) (4) 33
Slang (8) 32
Internet, e-Commerce (15) 32
Media / Multimedia (4) 32
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting 32
Food & Drink (4) 30
Music 28
Botany (4) 27
Economics (7) 27
Advertising / Public Relations 25
Patents (8) 25
Cosmetics, Beauty (4) 24
Medical: Cardiology 23
Physics (4) 23
Computers: Hardware (12) 22
Livestock / Animal Husbandry (8) 20
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion 20
Furniture / Household Appliances 20
Zoology (8) 20
Law: Taxation & Customs 16
Real Estate 16
Religion (8) 16
Military / Defense (4) 16
Management (4) 15
Astronomy & Space 12
Archaeology 12
Insurance (4) 12
Aerospace / Aviation / Space (4) 12
Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts) 12
Investment / Securities 12
Automation & Robotics 12
Genetics 12
Wine / Oenology / Viticulture 12
Surveying 8
Forestry / Wood / Timber 8
Meteorology 8
Retail 8
Nutrition 4
Names (personal, company) 4
Esoteric practices 4
Nuclear Eng/Sci 4
Fisheries 4
Paper / Paper Manufacturing 4
Folklore (4) 4
Philosophy (4) 4
Anthropology 4
Genealogy (4) 0