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English to Spanish: Study Research General field: Medical
Source text - English Protocol title: An open-label phase IIIb study of regorafenib in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) who have progressed after standard therapy
Short title: Regorafenib in subjects with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) who have progressed after standard therapy
Your study doctor would like to invite you to consider taking part in the above research study. Your study doctor considers you to be suitable to take part in this research study, as you have been diagnosed with metastatic (spread to other parts of your body) colorectal (colon) cancer.
The study is considered research because the study drug, which is called regorafenib, is under development and has not yet been approved by the Mexico regulatory authority for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer.
Information about the study treatment
Regorafenib is a compound that targets certain key proteins that are essential for the survival and growth of the cancer cells. Because of the way it works it may stop cancer growth. The study drug is taken orally (by mouth), as four tablets once a day.
Information about how the study is planned and your chances of receiving regorafenib
This is an open-label single arm study which means that both you and your study doctor will be aware of the treatment you are receiving. All subjects who take part in the study will receive the study drug, regorafenib. If you decide to participate, regorafenib tablets will be taken orally (by mouth) once a day (4 tablets) in the morning for three (3) weeks. There will then be one week where you do not take any tablets. You will continue in this four-week cycle consisting of three weeks of study drug and one week without study drug until your disease progresses (gets worse), your study doctor feels the treatment is no longer benefiting you, you experience any intolerable (unbearable) side effects or until study drug is commercially available.
The primary endpoint (the most meaningful result we can track) of this study is based on overall safety. The end of the study will be reached when all subjects have completed all of the study visits in all participating countries and centers.
Translation - Spanish Título del protocolo: estudio en fase IIIb, sin enmascaramiento, para evaluar el uso de regorafenib en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal (CCR) mestastizante que empeoraron después de recibir el tratamiento habitual
Título abreviado: uso del regorafenib en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal (CCR) metastatizante que empeoraron después del tratamiento habitual
El médico investigador lo invita a participar del estudio clínico mencionado anteriormente porque considera que usted es apto para participar de este, ya que se le ha diagnosticado cáncer colorrectal (de colon) metastatizante (que se ha extendido a otras partes del cuerpo).
Este estudio se considera una investigación porque el fármaco en estudio llamado regorafenib se encuentra en su fase de desarrollo, y aún las autoridades del registro sanitario de México no lo han autorizado para el tratamiento del cáncer colorrectal metastatizante.
Información sobre el fármaco investigado
El regorafenib es un compuesto que actúa sobre ciertas proteínas clave esenciales para la supervivencia y el crecimiento de las células cancerosas. Debido a su mecanismo de acción, puede detener el crecimiento del cáncer. El fármaco investigado se toma por vía oral (por boca), cuatro comprimidos una vez al día.
Información sobre cómo está planeado el estudio y sobre las posibilidades de recibir regorafenib
Se trata de un estudio sin enmascaramiento y de grupo único, lo cual significa que tanto usted como el médico investigador conocerán el tratamiento que recibirá. Todas las personas que formen parte del estudio recibirán regorafenib por vía oral (por boca) una vez al día (4 comprimidos) a la mañana por el término de tres (3) semanas. Durante una semana, no tomará ningún comprimido. Continuará con este ciclo de cuatro semanas que comprende tres semanas en las que deberá tomar el fármaco y na semana sin tomarlo hasta que su enfermedad progrese (empeore), hasta que el médico investigador considere que el tratamiento ya no lo beneficia, hasta que presente efectos secundarios intolerables (insoportables) o hasta que el fármaco investigado se encuentre disponible para su comercialización.
El criterio principal de valoración del estudio (el resultado más significativo que podemos registrar) se basa en la seguridad general. El estudio finaliza cuando todos los pacientes hayan completado la totalidad de las consultas en todos los centros y países participantes.
Spanish to English: Critical Care in Pregnacy General field: Medical
Source text - Spanish Critical Care in Pregnancy
The pregnant woman faces two types of critical illness. First, pregnancy may alter her response to critical illness from typical causes, including trauma. Second, diseases specific to pregnancy may develop, such as preeclampsia, eclampsia, amniotic fluid embolism, or HELLP syndrome – that is, Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes, and Low Platelet Count. This module reviews principles of management for the patient facing critical illness specific to pregnancy.
Consider a 28-year-old woman who is at 34 weeks’ gestation and in labor. Her vital signs suggest that she is hypertensive and tachycardic. Her oxygen saturation is 86% in room air, and physical examination reveals obvious signs of respiratory distress. A chest radiograph reveals bilateral diffuse infiltrates consistent with pulmonary edema.
What are some of the potential diagnoses?
The hypertension alone suggests the presence of preeclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension. Respiratory distress could reflect problems such as aspiration, amniotic fluid embolus, or pulmonary embolus. Pulmonary emboli, however, typically do not cause pulmonary edema. Heart failure is also possible, but usually this occurs in the last month of pregnancy or in the early postpartum period and is associated with hypotension. We do not have enough data to assign the diagnosis of HELLP syndrome.
What are the expected changes in vital signs in pregnancy?
Changes in vital signs offer important insights into the patient’s condition. The pregnant woman’s blood pressure should be lower than her normal readings due to decreased vascular resistance during pregnancy. Heart rate does increase later in pregnancy, but typically the increase is no more than 15 to 20 beats per minute. Thus, our patient is tachycardic. Respiratory rate and tidal volume also increase during pregnancy. The hypoxia she exhibits is abnormal and may require urgent treatment.
Translation - English Cuidados críticos durante el embarazo
Las embarazadas enfrentan dos tipos de enfermedades críticas. En primer lugar, el embarazo altera su respuesta ante las enfermedades críticas de causas frecuentes, como un traumatismo. En segundo lugar, pueden presentarse enfermedades específicamente relacionadas con el embarazo, como la preeclampsia, la eclampsia, la embolia amniótica o el síndrome de HELLP (por sus siglas en inglés, hemólisis, enzimas hepáticas elevadas, trombocitopenia). En este módulo, repasaremos los principios para el cuidado de la paciente que enfrenta las enfermedades críticas específicas del embarazo.
Vamos a tomar el ejemplo de una mujer de 28 años que está en trabajo de parto, en la semana 34 de gestación. Las constantes vitales muestran que está hipertensa y taquicárdica. La saturación de oxígeno es del 86 % en el aire ambiental, y la exploración física muestra signos evidentes de disnea. Una radiografía de tórax evidencia un infiltrado difuso bilateral compatible con edema pulmonar.
¿Qué diagnósticos son posibles?
La hipertensión arterial indica la presencia de preeclampsia o de hipertensión gestacional. La disnea puede evidenciar problemas, tales como la aspiración, la embolia amniótica o la embolia pulmonar. Sin embargo, los émbolos pulmonares, por lo general, no provocan edema. También es posible la existencia de insuficiencia cardíaca, pero, generalmente, ocurre durante el último mes de embarazo o durante el período inicial del puerperio y está asociada a la hipertensión. No tenemos suficiente información para diagnosticar síndrome de HELLP.
¿Cuáles son los cambios previstos en las constantes vitales durante el embarazo?
Los cambios en las constantes vitales durante el embarazo nos brindan un importante medio para poder conocer el estado de la paciente. La tensión arterial de la mujer puede ser menor que los valores normales debido a la reducción de la resistencia vascular durante el embarazo. Es cierto que la frecuencia cardíaca aumenta durante el embarazo, pero, generalmente, no supera las 15 a 20 pulsaciones por minuto. En consecuencia, la paciente está taquicárdica. La frecuencia respiratoria y el volumen corriente también aumentan durante el embarazo. La hipoxia que la paciente muestra no es normal y puede necesitar tratamiento urgente.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Universidad del Salvador
Years of experience: 25. Registered at Jul 2009.
English to Spanish (Universidad del Salvador, Facultad de Filosofía, Historia y Letras, verified) Spanish to English (Universidad del Salvador, Facultad de Filosofía, Historia y Letras, verified)
Colegio de Traductores Públicos e Intérpretes de la Provincia, CTPCBA
Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
I am an English<>Spanish Sworn Translator graduated from the Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
During the past nineteen years, I have been working on a freelance basis providing translation, proofreading and editing services for both national and international customers.
My work experience covers a wide scope of subjects, including legal, scientific, technical and general matters.
I am passionate about languages and different cultures and I know the importance of bridging the cultural and language gaps among them. I work with precision and attention to meaning and style and guarantee high quality work in every project I undertake.
I am highly committed to continuing my professional development and regularly attend courses, workshops, webinars and conferences related to translation and my areas of specialization.
My objective is to achieve total client satisfaction as well as to build a long-lasting relationship based on mutual trust.
Main tasks and projects
Full time translator since 1999
Over 19 years of
experience in translating, editing and proofreading documents and texts in the
following subject matters:
LEGAL: personal documentation,
certificates and records. Transcripts, diplomas and documents related to education.
Work and residence permits. Last will and testaments. Criminal records,
judgments, leases, mortgage, pledge or loan agreements, license agreements,
service agreements, corporate by-laws, minutes of meetings, public deeds, power
of attorney, court orders, judgments, decisions, letters rogatory, notices,
summons, official requests.
BUSINESS / FINANCIAL: data sheets, audit reports,
financial agreements, human resources, corporate documents, business
correspondence, presentations.
MEDICINE: case studies, informed consents, protocols, health care, drug leaflets.
SCIENCE: abstracts, thesis, texts related
to fishery, food among a wide variety of topics.
TECHNICAL: user’s manuals and specifications,
training manuals, guides. Import and export documentation. Website content. IT.
GENERAL: how-to articles. Product
descriptions. Web pages. E-commerce.
TRANSCRIPTION PROJECTS: Spanish transcriptions related to
a wide variety of subjects.
TRANSCREATION PROJECTS: adaptation of advertising
PROOFREADING of texts in a wide range of areas of specialization.
Keywords: translation, English, Spanish, proofreader, sworn translator, certified translator, legal translation, technical translation, website, translators. See more.translation, English, Spanish, proofreader, sworn translator, certified translator, legal translation, technical translation, website, translators, editor, transcreation, sworn, trados, technology, memoQ, medicine, medical translations, legal translations, surveys, transcriptions, medicine, IT, health care, human resources, research papers, trademarks corporate law, certificates, entries, criminal records, marketing, academic papers, personal documentation, birth certificates, death certificates, marriage certificates, transcripts, diplomas, residence permits, service agreements, corporate by-laws, minutes of meetings, public deeds, power of attorney, court orders, judgments, decisions, letters rogatory, notices, summons, official requests, financial, e-commerce. See less.