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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Would love to meet members here -Henry

March 29, 2019, 12:00 am
TürkiyeIstanbulIn personEnglish

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (17) / Confirmed: 0
Name NoteWill Attend
Henry Dotterer  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" The place had to change! We are at Alemdar Mahallesi, İncili Çhavuş Sokak, Fatih/Istanbul, Turkey. If you are lost you can call me at +1 315 657 3912 or Skype: prozcom  
rayci  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" It would be a pleasure to meet you. I live in Istanbul. Awaiting from you soon   
Mahmoud Awad   ...  
Ashraf Aly  \"Host\" ...  
Bora Taşdemir   ...  
Miray Filiz   Sorry all, apparently, they are closing the pub at 8 pm. But there are various other places around the area.   
Senem Eren   Welcome, Henry. I'd love to join but it seems I won't be able to make it. Hope to meet next time.  
yunis turkoglu   I have just seen the mail. It must be late for me to attend. By the way, wellcome to Istanbul Henry.  n
MelikeErcan   ...  
Virginia Taylor-Saclioglu   Sorry, but I received this way too late.  
Öner Ceylan   I guess this is happening now, so I got the email too late too! :(  
BARIS KOCA   I am afraid I can not come. Have a nice stay and enjoy your journey   
Ayşegül Eliaçık Güdük   Dear Henry, it would be nice, but I live in Bursa. It's hard for me to be there. I hope next time I can participate...   n
Hussein ALHAJ MAWAS   ...  
Puneet Kaur Mahun   Welcome to this beautiful city of Istanbul Henry! I received this message now, unfortunately it's too late to join. Hope to see you next time.   
Beste Gucuns   welcome.. but I am not in Istanbul at the moment, hope to see you all later.  n
NunaLocalizatio   We would like to meet you as Nuna, but unfortunately we saw the invitation late. Hope next time with more time.  

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Powwow: Istanbul - Türkiye
Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 01:13
Anyone available? Mar 28, 2019

I'll be arriving in Istanbul fairly late and will only be staying one night, but would love to meet some members living in Istanbul. Is anyone available to meet? I know it is short notice...

Miray Filiz
Fouad Hassaan
Ashraf Aly
Ali Cetin
Ali Cetin  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:13
German to Turkish
+ ...
Unfortunately not in Istanbul Mar 28, 2019

Dear Henry,

I'd love to meet and chat but I'm not Istanbul.
Maybe next time?

ibrahim arslan
ibrahim arslan
Local time: 08:13
English to Turkish
İbrahim Arslan Mar 28, 2019

I am sory, but I am away from İstanbul.

Selçuk Eryatmaz
Selçuk Eryatmaz  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:13
+ ...
let us know if you visit İzmir Mar 28, 2019

I would love to meet in İstanbul, yet I'm in İzmir at the moment

Sebnem Kinaci
Sirin Yuksel
Sirin Yuksel
Local time: 08:13
English to Turkish
+ ...
Hope you come again soon Mar 28, 2019

Unfortunately not available, hope to meet you next time.

Miray Filiz
Miray Filiz  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:13
English to Turkish
+ ...
:) Mar 28, 2019

Hi Henry,

I think I can manage my schedule, just let me know when are you coming and around where will you be staying.


Nilufer Coskun
Nilufer Coskun
Local time: 08:13
English to Turkish
+ ...
In Greece Mar 28, 2019

Dear Henry,

I live in Athens, Greece at the moment.

If you visit Athens one day I would like to meet you.


Anna Maltseva
Anna Maltseva
Local time: 08:13
English to Russian
+ ...
Welcome to Istanbul Mar 28, 2019

Thank you for inviting. Unfortunately, I won't be able to join. But I loved the idea, I would like to know more about ProZ. Best regards

Mahmoud Awad
Mahmoud Awad  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:13
English to Arabic
+ ...
I'm in. Mar 28, 2019

I'm in Istanbul. let me know when and where. I hope we can meet.

Nuri Razi
Nuri Razi  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:13
Member (2008)
English to Turkish
+ ...
would love to but not in Istanbul Mar 28, 2019

Dear Henry, it would be my honor to meet you in Istanbul, unfortunately I am in another city of this globe, hope to meet you in New York, maybe:)),

Fouad Hassaan
Fouad Hassaan  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:13
English to Arabic
+ ...
Anyone available? Mar 28, 2019

Henry Dotterer wrote:

I'll be arriving in Istanbul fairly late and will only be staying one night, but would love to meet some members living in Istanbul. Is anyone available to meet? I know it is short notice...

It will be great to have you here, please just let me know when and I will manage to meet you. All the best

Bora Taşdemir
Bora Taşdemir  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:13
Member (2012)
English to Turkish
+ ...
I can! Mar 28, 2019

I live in the old-town area, please let me know where and when.
Kind Regards

Aydin Sanli
Aydin Sanli  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:13
English to Turkish
+ ...
Really short notice Mar 28, 2019

Unfortunately I have been living almost 600 kms away from Istanbul for a while, but if I had been noticed at least two days, I would have arranged my schedule and come to meet you for sure.

Erdem Tolga
Erdem Tolga
Local time: 08:13
English to Turkish
+ ...
Yes Mar 28, 2019

Dear Henry,

I'm at Beşiktaş in the center of Istanbul and would love to meet tonight at nearby area for a drink:), if you're not staying too far away.

All the best

Serdar Usta
Serdar Usta  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:13
Member (2010)
English to Turkish
+ ...
Not in İstanbul Mar 28, 2019

I would very much like to come, but I am not in İstanbul right now; so sorry...

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