Translation glossary: Business terms

Showing entries 201-250 of 465
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German to English
Jobfamiliejob family 
German to English
Kaltakquisecold calling 
German to English
kann Bedarf präzise determinieren und Lösungen skizzierencan precisely define requirements and draft solutions 
German to English
kann Bedarf qualifiziert erkennen und hat Lösungsideencan identify requirements professionally and has solution ideas 
German to English
Kapitalmarktfähigkeitreadiness for the capital market 
German to English
KapitalstrukturoptimierungCapital Structure Optimisation 
German to English
Karriereoptioncareer option 
German to English
Karrierepfadcareer path 
German to English
Karrierestufecareer level 
German to English
German to English
kaum erfülltbarely fulfilled 
German to English
kennt Grundzüge / Eckwerk des Bedarfsknows main features / basic requirement values 
German to English
Kernelementcore element 
German to English
Kerngeschäftsfeldcore business area 
German to English
Kernkompetenzcore competency 
German to English
Kollegiale Beratung lernenLearning peer counselling 
German to English
Kommunikationsfähigkeitencommunication skills 
German to English
Kompetenzmanagercompetence manager 
German to English
Kompetenzprofilcompetence profile 
German to English
Kompetenzthemacompetence-related theme 
German to English
Konfliktfähigkeitconflict management skills 
German to English
Konfliktverhaltenmanaging conflict 
German to English
Konfrontations- und Durchsetzungsfähigkeitassertiveness and ability to deal with confrontation 
German to English
Kontakt- und Kommunikationsfähigkeitinterpersonal and communication skills 
German to English
Kontaktfähigkeitinterpersonal skills 
German to English
konzentriertable to concentrate 
German to English
German to English
Kreditengagementloan exposure 
German to English
Kundenbedafsbereicheclient need areas 
German to English
Kundenbedürfnisse erschließendevelop customer needs 
German to English
Kundenbetreuer, Relationshipmanagerrelationship manager 
German to English
Kundeninteraktioncustomer interaction 
German to English
Kundenkompetenzcustomer competency 
German to English
Kundenorientierungcustomer orientation, client orientation 
German to English
Kundenverständnisunderstanding customer needs 
German to English
Kundenwunsch, Kundenwünschecustomer request/s 
German to English
Laufbahnentwicklungcareer development 
German to English
laufendes Projektproject in progress 
German to English
Lösungskompetenzproblem-solving competency 
German to English
German to English
Leistungs- und Potenzialträger/inhigh-performing and high-potential staff 
German to English
German to English
Leistungsachseperformance axis 
German to English
Leistungsbeurteilungperformance appraisal 
German to English
Leistungsgedankeperformance principle 
German to English
leistungsstarke Mitarbeiter/-innen an das Haus bindento retain high-performing staff within the organisation 
German to English
leistungsstolzproud of performance 
German to English
Leistungsträgerhigh-performing staff 
German to English
German to English
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