Translation glossary: Documentaries

Showing entries 501-550 of 4,891
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Barely more than a year has passed.A trecut abia un an. 
English to Romanian
Be perfectly quiet!Nici musca să nu o aud! /Nu scoate un sunet! /Fă cât se poate de multă liniște! 
English to Romanian
Be perfectly quiet!Wees heeltemal stil! 
English to Afrikaans
Be perfectly quiet!كن هادئا تماما! 
English to Arabic
Be perfectly quiet!Tamamilə sakit ol! 
English to Azerbaijani
Be perfectly quiet!Budite savršeno tihi! 
English to Croatian
Be perfectly quiet!Buďte naprosto tiší! 
English to Czech
Be perfectly quiet!Vær helt stille! 
English to Danish
Be perfectly quiet!Wees volkomen stil! 
English to Dutch
Be perfectly quiet!Soyez parfaitement silencieux! 
English to French
Be perfectly quiet!Ole täysin hiljaa! 
English to Finnish
Be perfectly quiet!Estea perfectamente tranquilo! 
English to Galician
Be perfectly quiet!იყავით მშვენივრად მშვიდი! 
English to Georgian
Be perfectly quiet!Seien Sie vollkommen ruhig! 
English to German
Be perfectly quiet!Να είστε απόλυτα ήσυχοι! 
English to Greek
Be perfectly quiet!Fè parfe trankil! 
English to Haitian-Creole
Be perfectly quiet!תהיו בשקט מושלם! 
English to Hebrew
Be perfectly quiet!पूरी तरह से शांत रहो! 
English to Hindi
Be perfectly quiet!Légy tökéletesen csendes! 
English to Hungarian
Be perfectly quiet!Þegiðu fullkomlega! 
English to Icelandic
Be perfectly quiet!Sii perfettamente tranquillo! 
English to Italian
Be perfectly quiet!Vær helt stille! 
English to Norwegian (Bokmal)
Be perfectly quiet!Bądź całkowicie cichy! 
English to Polish
Be perfectly quiet!Fique perfeitamente quieto! 
English to Portuguese
Be perfectly quiet!Buďte úplne ticho! 
English to Slovak
Be perfectly quiet!Bodi popolnoma tiho! 
English to Slovenian
Be perfectly quiet!¡Quédate perfectamente callado! 
English to Spanish
Be perfectly quiet!Var helt tyst! 
English to Swedish
Be perfectly quiet!Tamamen sessiz olun! 
English to Turkish
Be perfectly quiet!Birkemsiz ümsüm bol! 
English to Turkmen
Be perfectly quiet!Hãy hoàn toàn yên tĩnh! 
English to Vietnamese
beautifully adapted to their environmentadaptate perfect la mediu 
English to Romanian
Bedankt voor je mooie mening!Thank you for your nice opinion! 
Dutch to English
English to Afrikaans
before fitting themînainte de a fi montate 
English to Romanian
Before proceeding,Înainte să continue, 
English to Romanian
begging for actioncerând măsuri 
English to Romanian
Beiß sie nochmal!Bite her again! 
German to English
Being impressionableFiind o fire ușor de impresionat 
English to Romanian
Bel mij niet vandaag, bel mij morgen.Do not call me today, call me tomorrow. 
Dutch to English
believe it or notfie că crezi sau nu 
English to Romanian
believe it or notvous me croirez si vous voulez 
English to French
believe it or notsage und schreibe 
English to German
believe it or notche tu ci creda o no 
English to Italian
believe it or notaunque parezca mentira 
English to Spanish
believe it or notacredite ou não 
English to Portuguese
believe it or notgeloof het of niet 
English to Dutch
Believe me!¡Créeme! 
English to Spanish
Believe me!Acredita em mim! 
English to Portuguese
Believe me!Credimi! 
English to Italian
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