Apr 17, 2006 12:46
18 yrs ago
46 viewers *
Spanish term

Homicidio con ensañamiento

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) Criminal law
Gracias por vuestra ayuda.


Flavio Posse Apr 18, 2006:
No problem, it was a "sitmulating" question for sure.
Yamato (X) (asker) Apr 18, 2006:
Overlook You are absolutely right, it was a silly overlook from my part. In fact there is no context, it is a list of words and the background is not really legal.
Thanks to all of you, there are great answers there and I will have trouble deciding.
Flavio Posse Apr 18, 2006:
Pablo, es este un término suelto? o es referente a un caso real? si es un caso real, podrías ofrecer el contexto? Es obvio, en base a la variedad de respuestas, que para tipificar el delito correctamente se necesita mas información. Gracias.
Adrian MM. (X) Apr 17, 2006:
What's the target language: AE, BE or Scots English? 3 different terms used. No first- or second-degree in Eng. & Wales.
A Hayes (X) Apr 17, 2006:
"ensañamiento" is the intentional aggravation of crime, pero en mi opinión el término "aggravated" no es necesario porque forma parte de la definición de "murder"
Yamato (X) (asker) Apr 17, 2006:
ensañamiento Refiriendose a homicidio con especial crueldad.

Proposed translations

18 mins
Spanish term (edited): Homicidio with unnecessary cruelty

Homicide with cruelty

Que yo sepa, no existe equivalente exacto en inglés. Alcaraz lo traduce como "cruelty".

Spanish-English Homicide Terms
alevosía - treachery, perfidy

asesinato - murder

asesinato mediante precio - murder for hire

asesinato por recompensa - murder for hire

autor - perpetrator

dolo - criminal intent

ensañamiento - cruelty, barbarity

homicida - killer, perpetrator of a homicide

homicidio agravado - murder

homicidio alevoso - first-degree murder

homicidio calificado - murder

El siguiente link puede serte interesante en general.

(ascendientes, descendientes o cónyuges).
The notion of kinship is not taken into consideration in the definition of "murder" in English, but the other factors, treachery (alevosía), premeditation, and cruelty (ensañamiento, or in other penal codes, sevicia), and the idea of murder for hire, are certainly present.



Note added at 19 hrs (2006-04-18 08:21:26 GMT) Post-grading

Hi Alejandra - we seem to be running out of space :-)).

I think whatever definition we use of "murder" "homicide" etc..., there's a "matiz" in Spanish which requires conveying, and that is given in the definition offered by Idoia " Der. Circunstancia agravante de la responsabilidad criminal, que consiste en aumentar inhumanamente y de forma deliberada el sufrimiento de la víctima, causándole padecimientos innecesarios para la comisión del delito."

My understanding is that whenever there exists "mens rea" in the taking of a life, this is necessarily qualified as "murder" - whether the "juez aprecia ensañamiento" will depend on whether it was carried out with "special and unnecessary cruelty". It may have no exact equivalent in English law (for example), but we need to convey the idea somehow.
What is undeniable is that in Spanish law there exist both "asesinato" and "asesinato con ensañamiento".
Peer comment(s):

agree Patricia Fierro, M. Sc.
0 min
Gracias Patricia
agree Paula Hernández
5 mins
Gracias, Paul
agree Mario de Echevarría : very helpful.
11 mins
Espero que sí. Gracias Mario.
neutral A Hayes (X) : Thanks for yr comments, Andy, I agree with you. I think this term was particularly confusing because it was out of context, and we didn't know from what country it came or who the target audience was.
22 mins
Hola Alejandra. El problema es que existen tanto "asesinato" como "asesinato con ensañamiento". "Ensañamiento" no se refiere a "mens rea", sino a la forma del "actus reus".// Sorry, Alejandra I'm lost. I haven't suggested "aggravated"
agree MikeGarcia
1 hr
agree Jairo Payan : Él ensañamiento es más conocido en otras culturas como "sevicia". I me parece que tu propuesta es la correcta
2 hrs
agree Egmont
3 hrs
agree Paul García : Así se lo dice en los EEUU. (Acuérdate que "murder" y "homicidio" no son siempre la misma cosa.
8 hrs
agree Idoia Echenique : Exacto. Ensañamiento: 2. m. Der. Circunstancia agravante de la responsabilidad criminal, que consiste en aumentar inhumanamente y de forma deliberada el sufrimiento de la víctima, causándole padecimientos innecesarios para la comisión del delito.
9 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to all"
7 mins

Intentional homicide

Ensañamiento is intentional aggravation of crime. I think intentional is enough.

Note added at 12 mins (2006-04-17 12:58:37 GMT)

Also, intentional murder.

Note added at 16 mins (2006-04-17 13:02:51 GMT)

Pablo, podrías agregar Malicious si quisieras reforzar la intención.
Malicious murder or homicide.
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32 mins

Aggravated Homicide

I believe this is the term in the UK
Peer comment(s):

agree Rosa Maria Duenas Rios (X)
1 min
agree Ana Brause
1 hr
agree Cristian Garcia
4 hrs
agree Sarah McGrane Gonzalez
6 hrs
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1 hr

Vlountary manslaughter

La diferencia entre homicidio (Manslaughter) y asesinato (Murder) es la falta de premeditación, intención y alevosía. El homicidio ocurre como consecuencia de un arranque de ira.
En caso de que exista la premeditación se le considera asesinato (Murder)

Peer comment(s):

agree Adrian MM. (X) : vol. manslaughter is also right for Eng. & Wales
7 hrs
Thank you, Tom.
neutral A Hayes (X) : Voluntary manslaughter has to do with provocation/mental state for murder (at least in Aust.), and there is no indication that this is the case http://law.anu.edu.au/criminet/tmans.html#E10E2
11 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 hr

aggravated murder (in the first degree)

This is what they call in the U.S.
Check the definition below. It´s taken from the U.S. Criminal Code (§ 1111. Murder).

(a) Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Every murder perpetrated by poison, lying in wait, or any other kind of willful, deliberate, malicious, and premeditated killing; or committed in the perpetration of, or attempt to perpetrate, any arson, escape, murder, kidnapping, treason, espionage, sabotage, aggravated sexual abuse or sexual abuse, child abuse, burglary, or robbery; or perpetrated as part of a pattern or practice of assault or torture against a child or children; or perpetrated from a premeditated design unlawfully and maliciously to effect the death of any human being other than him who is killed, is murder in the first degree.
Any other murder is murder in the second degree.
Peer comment(s):

agree Maria Baquero : asesinato con agravantes. Murder implica homicidio grave, homicicio no tiene esta implicación porque puede ocurrir accidentalmente y sin malicia
30 mins
agree Barbara Cochran, MFA : Since I'm in the U.S., this is how I would translate it also.
12 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

first degree murder with cruelty

murder in the first degree with cruelty
first degree murder with cruelty
murder by torture


"Whoever is guilty of MURDER COMMITTED WITH DELIBERATELY PREMEDITATED MALICE AFORETHOUGHT OR WITH EXTREME ATROCITY OR CRUELTY, and who had attained the age of eighteen years at the time of the murder, may suffer the punishment of death pursuant to the procedures set forth in sections sixty-eight to seventy-one, inclusive, of chapter two hundred and seventy-nine. Any other person who is guilty of murder in the first degree shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for life."24
If the jury specify MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE WITH DELIBERATE PREMEDITATION OR WITH EXTREME ATROCITY OR CRUELTY, the judge must then conduct a presentence hearing.

murder by torture: A murder preceded by the intencional infliction of pain and suffering on the victim.

“In some jurisdcitons, a murder by torture may constitute murder in the first degree. It occurs when a defendant intencionally inflicts pain and suffering upon his victim for the purpose of revenge, extortion or persuasion.” 2 Charles E. Torcia, Wharton’s Criminal Law § 144, at 281 (15th ed. 1994).
(Black’s Law Dictionary, 8th Edition, ISBN 0-314-15199-0)

UNCORRECTED PROOF OF SENATE JOURNAL FOR 6/2/98 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Upon a judgment of conviction of murder in the first degree and the affirmance thereof by the ... or murder with extreme atrocity or cruelty or both. ...
www.mass.gov/legis/journal/sj060298.htm - 513k - En caché - Páginas similares

Senate Bill, No. 988 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
In all cases of murder in the first degree, in which the penalty of death ... aforethought or murder with extreme atrocity or cruelty by an individual who ...
www.mass.gov/legis/bills/senate/st00/st00988.htm - 34k - En caché - Páginas similares

On the Horns of a Dilemma: Accuracy vs. Brevity in the Use of ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
... or perpetrating the murder with particular cruelty or atrocity. ... first-degree murder - asesinato en primer grado, asesinato premeditado ...
www.acebo.com/papers/homicide.htm - 42k - En caché - Páginas similares

ALASKA STATUTES *** CURRENT THRU 2000 SUPP & CONSTITUTIONAL ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
These benchmarks are applicable to all aggravated cases because of: (1) ... Sentence of eight-year presumptive term for first-degree sexual abuse of a minor ...
hatemonitor.csusb.edu/other_states/Alaska(c22)html.htm - 113k - En caché - Páginas similares

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Four men who were awaiting trial on first degree murder indictments which might ... with deliberate premeditation, murder with extreme atrocity or cruelty, ...
www.lawlib.state.ma.us/coloncruz.rtf - Páginas similares

Senate Bill, No. 988 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
In all cases of murder in the first degree, in which the penalty of death may be ... (8) the murder involved torture to the victim or the intentional ...
www.mass.gov/legis/bills/senate/st00/st00988.htm - 34k - En caché - Páginas similares

ALASKA STATUTES *** CURRENT THRU 2000 SUPP & CONSTITUTIONAL ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Sentence of eight-year presumptive term for first-degree sexual abuse of a minor and ... murder acted with deliberate cruelty was not clearly mistaken. ...
hatemonitor.csusb.edu/other_states/Alaska(c22)html.htm - 113k - En caché - Páginas similares

[PDF] 2005 PFC
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torture; (15) IN A drive-by shooting; (16) A person 60 or older, with “ . . . wanton cruelty;”. (17) A disabled person; (18) because the victim was A ...
aafc.org/Other_Documents/Penalties.pdf - Resultado Suplementario - Páginas similares

Note added at 4 hrs (2006-04-17 16:53:40 GMT)

Quienes han mencionado “asesinato” en contraposición a “homicidio”, deben tener en cuenta que existen legislaciones, entre ellas la venezolana, que no contemplan ningún delito con el nombre de “asesinato”, sino diversas clases de homicidios.

En la clase “homicidios calificados”, el Código Penal venezolano contempla el “homicidio por motivos fútiles o innobles”, anteriormente denominado “homicidio con brutal ferocidad”, equivalente al “homicidio con ensañamiento”, el cual, de acuerdo con las referencias copiadas arriba, podríamos llamar “first degree murder with extreme atrocity or cruelty”.

Note added at 5 hrs (2006-04-17 18:14:57 GMT)

Quienes han mencionado “asesinato” en contraposición a “homicidio”, deben tener en cuenta que existen legislaciones, entre ellas la venezolana, que no contemplan ningún delito con el nombre de “asesinato”, sino diversas clases de homicidios.

En la clase “homicidios calificados”, el Código Penal venezolano contempla el “homicidio por motivos fútiles o innobles”, anteriormente denominado “homicidio con brutal ferocidad”, equivalente al “homicidio con ensañamiento”, el cual, de acuerdo con las referencias copiadas arriba, podríamos llamar “first degree murder with extreme atrocity or cruelty”.
Something went wrong...
28 mins

(first degree) murder

Pablo, consultá este enlace que es muy bueno como referencia http://www.acebo.com/papers/homicide.htm

The term "murder" refers to killing someone in the most heinous way, not just taking the victim's life but doing so in a particularly violent or malicious way. According to Black's Law Dictionary,

Criminal homicide constitutes murder when: (a) it is committed purposely or knowingly; or (b) it is committed recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life. Such recklessness and indifference are presumed if the actor is engaged or is an accomplice in the commission of, or an attempt to commit, or flight after committing or attempting to commit robbery rape or deviate sexual intercourse by force or threat of force, arson, burglary, kidnapping or felonious escape. Model Penal Code, §210.
One of the most important features distinguishing murder from lesser forms of homicide is the notion of "malice aforethought." This is a rather enigmatic term that sources seem to have difficulty defining without employing that circuitous logic that drives dictionary users insane: using the term itself in the definition. For example, Black's Law Dictionary cites one precedent decision in which the term is defined as "a malicious design to injure." It goes on to quote other precedent decisions in which the term is defined as "(t)he intentional doing of an unlawful act which was determined upon before it was executed" and "(a)n intent, at the time of killing, willfully to take the life of a human being, or an intent willfully to act in callous and wanton disregard of the consequences to human life." The California Jury Instructions further state that "The mental state constituting malice aforethought does not necessarily require any ill will or hatred of the person killed. The word 'aforethought' does not imply deliberation or the lapse of considerable time. It only means that the required mental state must precede rather than follow the act." Thus, the ordinary meanings of "malice" as ill will or malevolence, and of "aforethought" as planning something ahead of time, do not necessarily hold true. The idea of "intent" seems to be more important than any other factor in constituting malice aforethought.
The real problem arises with the adjectives "voluntary" and "involuntary" that usually accompany the term "manslaughter." There are abundant variations on the homicide theme in Spanish legal doctrine, but whether a precise equivalent for the English term can be found is another question entirely. For example, the Diccionario de derecho penal by Amado Ezaine Chávez lists the following types of homicide: homicidio calificado (discussed in connection with "murder," above), homicidio por emoción violenta, homicidio consentido, homicidio culposo, homicidio doloso, homicidio en riña, homicidio legítimo, homicidio por caso fortuito, homicidio preterintencional o ultraintencional, homicidio simple, and homicidio-suicidio. The Vocabulario de derecho y ciencias sociales by Rogelio Moreno Rodríguez, in addition to some of the terms mentioned above, lists homicidio alevoso, **homicidio con ensañamiento (both of which correspond more closely to "murder," as noted above)**, homicidio concausal, homicidio eugenésico, homicidio pasional, homicidio piadoso, and homicidio premeditado (ditto regarding "murder"). Quite a list for the hapless interpreter to choose from. Obviously, we must delve further into the definitions of these terms.

Note added at 44 mins (2006-04-17 13:30:51 GMT)


According to Black's Law Dictionary, homicide is "(t)he killing of one human being by the act, procurement, or omission of another. The act of a human being in taking away the life of another human being." The dictionary goes on to note that "the term 'homicide' is neutral; while it describes the act, it pronounces no judgment on its moral or legal quality." In other words, killing someone is not necessarily a crime; it depends on the circumstances. In the case of an accident or an act of self-defense that results in a person's death, the term "excusable homicide" applies, and no criminal charges are filed. Similarly, if someone dies as a result of an act carried out in the line of duty, such as when a police officer kills someone to stop a felony in progress, the act is considered "justifiable homicide" and is not a crime.

When homicide is considered a crime, it is known as criminal or felonious homicide (not to be confused with felony murder, about which more later). Within the general category of criminal homicide are murder (subdivided into first- and second-degree murder in many states), manslaughter (often classified as voluntary, involuntary, or vehicular), and other forms of homicide such as negligent or reckless homicide. Not every state in the United States recognizes each of these subcategories, but the general distinction between murder and manslaughter is accepted everywhere.

Claro que habría que ver de qué países se trata -

Note added at 11 hrs (2006-04-18 00:44:43 GMT)

Los sistemas jurídicos varían de un país a otro, e incluso de un estado a otro. De todos modos, creo que si has leido el artículo de Holly Mikkelson, estarás informado como para tomar una buena decisión. Para EE.UU. "(first degree) murder" parecería ser el equivalente más cercano.

Note added at 12 hrs (2006-04-18 01:33:09 GMT)

In Australia,

Unlawful Killing: The Difference Between Murder and Manslaughter

"Homicide" is the general term used to describe offences which cause fatal harm. Homicide may be lawful where the killing was done in self-defence. Unlawful forms of homicide are divided into two categories: murder and manslaughter.

The actus reus of both murder and manslaughter is the same, causing the death of another person. The fault element, ie mens rea, distinguishes the offences. Murder requires mens rea, an intention to kill or inflict grievous bodily harm (hereafter GBH), or recklessness. Manslaughter, on the other hand, does not require an intention to cause death. The fault for manslaughter is divided into two categories: death which results from unlawful dangerous act and death which results from criminal negligence.


En el improbable caso de que la traducción sea para Australia mirá este sitio, es una referencia buena y confiable.

Enough from me now - hope you find this helpful :)

Peer comment(s):

agree Hebe Martorella
34 mins
Gracias, Hebe -
neutral Idoia Echenique : Eso sería "asesinato en primer grado", puede ser con ensañamiento o no, es independiente.
8 hrs
not necessarily, no existe la equivalencia exacta. Puse (1st grade) en parentesis x q eso dependerá del país/estado
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