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Translation, Interpreting, Subtitling
Specializes in:
Business/Commerce (general)
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Finance (general)
Forestry / Wood / Timber
International Org/Dev/Coop
Law (general)
Real Estate
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Also works in:
Advertising / Public Relations
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Computers (general)
Computers: Hardware
Education / Pedagogy
Furniture / Household Appliances
Government / Politics
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
Investment / Securities
Law: Contract(s)
Law: Taxation & Customs
Names (personal, company)
Science (general)
Ships, Sailing, Maritime
Tourism & Travel
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Spanish to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.08 USD per word / 35 - 35 USD per hour English to Spanish - Rates: 0.08 - 0.08 USD per word / 35 - 35 USD per hour
Spanish to English: Claim adjustment Detailed field: Insurance
De acuerdo a la información proporcionada por el Asegurado, el día 08 de agosto de 2009, cuando la nave M/T XXX ingresaba al muelle, se produjo su encallamiento en el fondo marino de la zona por un lapso de aproximadamente 40 minutos, dificultad que fue resuelta con ayuda de remolcadores presentes en la maniobra.
La nave quedó amarrada al muelle a las 18:36 horas del mismo día; sin embargo, ante la negativa del Capitán de la nave para iniciar la descarga hasta que se realizara la inspección submarina certificada por el seguro de la nave, las operaciones de descarga se iniciaron a las 14:35 horas del 09 de agosto de 2009.
According to information submitted by the Policyholder, on the 8th. August 2009 and in circumstances wherein the M/V XXX approached the wharf, the vessel ran aground on the ocean floor. The ship was aground for approximately 40 minutes until she was shifted by tugboats present in the area.
The tanker tied up to the wharf at 6.36pm on the same day. However, the vessel’s captain refused to commence unloading operations until a certified underwater inspection was carried out, as required under the terms of the ship’s insurance policy. As a result, unloading could only commence at 2.35pm on the 9th. August 2009.
Spanish to English: Loss Adjuster's Report General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Insurance
Source text - Spanish 3.1 OCURRENCIA
Según lo informado por el Asegurado, el día jueves 17 de octubre de 2013, aproximadamente a las 00:05 horas, se produjeron los siguientes eventos:
Cortocircuito en barras de 220 KV de la SET INDEPENDENCIA, propiedad de REP, cuyas causas se encuentran en etapa de investigación y análisis.
Como consecuencia del cortocircuito, los dispositivos de protección mandaron abrir todos los interruptores relacionados y debido a ello, entre otras unidades, quedaron fuera de servicio los dos turbogeneradores de la CT de Pisco.
Posteriormente, con la autorización del COES SINAC, procedieron a arrancar y poner en barras ambas unidades generadoras, lográndolo con la unidad TG2.
La unidad TG1 arrancó y levantó revoluciones hasta las 700 RPM, en estas circunstancias los dispositivos de protección mandaron a apagar la turbina, por fallas en el generador.
Translation - English 3.1 INCIDENT
According to information furnished by the Policyholder, the following events took place at approximately 00.05 hours on Thursday 17th. October 2013:
The INTERPENDENCIA SET of 220 KV busbars (REP property) short circuited. The cause of the short circuit is currently being investigated and analysed.
As a direct result of the short circuit, cut-off protective devices threw all the switches open. As a consequence, the two turbo generators (together with other units) pertaining to the Pisco Thermoelectric Power Station were rendered out of service.
Subsequently, and after due authorization was obtained from COES SINAC, staff proceeded to re-start both generators; TG2 functioned normally.
Initially, TG1 started up and reached 700 RPM. At that point, cut-off protective devices shut down the turbine having detected faults within the unit.
Spanish to English: Loss Adjuster's Report General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Insurance
Source text - Spanish 3.1 OCURRENCIA
De acuerdo a lo manifestado por los representantes del Asegurado el día 20 de julio de 2013 a hora 14:18 p.m. un tramo del puente vehicular San Pedro de Lurín, que cruza la Panamericana Sur por el Km 31+499, colapsó cuando pasaba por sus estructuras un camión cisterna de placa XXX-XXX cargado de combustible con dos compartimientos (petróleo y gasolina aproximadamente 6,000 galones), y tracto de placa XXX-XXX, que era conducida por el Sr. XXX XXX dicho incidente hizo que la pesada unidad de transporte cayera hacia la vía principal sobre la plataforma colapsada. El puente vehicular que colapsó conecta la playa San Pedro con el centro histórico de Lurín.
Como consecuencia de este incidente una camioneta impactó por la parte posterior de la cisterna resultando herido el conductor que fue rescatado por el Cuerpo de Bomberos. Con la caída de la cisterna, de 16 toneladas, el combustible se derramó en la vía con gran cantidad del petróleo que transportaba el vehículo. Esta emergencia paralizó el tránsito por la Panamericana Sur, en el sentido de sur a norte.
Translation - English 3.1 INCIDENT
According to information furnished by the Policyholder, on the 20th. July 2013 at 2.18 pm a section of Lurin’s San Pedro Road Bridge collapsed. The bridge crosses the southern Pan-American highway at Km 31+499. The event occurred as a tanker (licence plate XXX-XXX), loaded with 6,000 US gallons of diesel and petrol in its two compartments, and a prime mover (tag XXX-XXX) driven by Mr XXX XXX were crossing the bridge. The incident caused the heavy transport unit to plunge down with the collapsed segment of the bridge on to the Pan- American trunk road where it came to rest upon the fallen section of the span. The San Pedro Bridge connects San Pedro Beach with the historic centre of Lurin.
As a result of this incident, a van collided with the rear of the tanker. The van’s driver was injured and later rescued by firemen. Also a large volume of diesel fuel from the 16 tonne fallen tanker spilled out onto the turnpike – an emergency that caused the south to north lanes to be closed to traffic.
Translation education
Other - CIoL
Years of experience: 40. Registered at May 2005.
Mza. D, lote 2
Urbanización Miramar,
Punta Hermosa,
Lima 24,
Perú Home telephone: +51 (1) 2307225
Mobile: 99486526
Email: [email protected]
Derek C. Dunn
*26 years residency in Peru.
*Management posts in British/Peruvian and Peruvian companies.
*Shareholder and Managing Director of an Oxford-based import/retail company until 2003.
*Official Interpreter for the Thames Valley Police until 2003.
*Contractual Legal Interpreter for Oxford Crown Court and County Magistrates’ Courts.
*Approved Interpreter within the Central Interpreters Unit of the UK Immigration and Nationality Directorate (Home Office) until 2003.
*Foreign Language Consultant to Sodexho Pass UK Ltd.
Keywords: legal, commerce, textile industry, birth certificates, death certificates, criminal records, finance, subtitling, consecutive interpreting, newspaper/magazine articles. See,commerce,textile industry,birth certificates,death certificates,criminal records,finance,subtitling,consecutive interpreting,newspaper/magazine articles,government agency reports. See less.