Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:

обособленные члены предложения

English translation:

appositive phrase (adjective, noun, etc.)

Added to glossary by Tatiana Karymshakova
Oct 7, 2022 03:04
1 yr ago
32 viewers *
Russian term

обособленные члены предложения

Russian to English Art/Literary Linguistics синтаксис
или обособления, как здесь: Этот человек, тощий, с палочкой в руке, был мне неприятен.


Gennady Lapardin Oct 11, 2022:
You are going to list the categories (appositives, modifiers, etc.) which relate to the main sentence while the category under discussion covers marked off fragments. That is why they are called 'isolated'. So, volens nolens, one have to use the academic term 'isolated' if he/she happens to describe this phenomenon. One can drive but should never look under the hood. Best!
Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. Oct 11, 2022:
There is one more possibility called "free modifier."
Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. Oct 11, 2022:
@Gennady: English-speaking Africans will, of course, understand the words "isolated," "parts," and "sentence," but what will they understand by the term "isolated parts of a sentence?" An auxiliary question is, Who are we translating for?
I have one more suggestion in a separate comment.
Gennady Lapardin Oct 10, 2022:
the nearest punctuation analogy bracketing/isolating commas
Gennady Lapardin Oct 10, 2022:
I think an isolated part of sentence is isolated in Africa too ))
SirReaL Oct 10, 2022:
are we discussing English or Russian linguistics? if we're talking about Russian linguistics, then it doesn't really matter whether the same concept exists in English linguistics.

this is a question for Tatiana, of course.
Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. Oct 10, 2022:
The problem is that there is no such thing like an isolated/detached part of a sentence (these are the usual translations of the term found in Russian literature)in English (isolated/detached from what?). In the provided example, the definition of appositive fits the context.
SirReaL Oct 10, 2022:
соглашусь с Геннадием совершенно не из чего не следует, что эти термины эквивалентны. как максимум, appositive -- частный случай обособленного члена предложения.
Gennady Lapardin Oct 10, 2022:
да, отличное добавление! В нем указано, что обособленные члены выделяются запятыми, чего нельзя сказать об аппозитивных конструкциях, которые достаточно редко и совсем не обязательно выделяются запятыми. Это совершенно разные понятия (обособленные vs аппозитивные), из разных синтаксических слоев.
Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. Oct 10, 2022:
Here are a few more examples of the concept of обособленные члены предложения:
Gennady Lapardin Oct 10, 2022:
аппозитивная конструкция - это дополнение, а не обособление, хотя звучит "научно". Выделение запятыми вовсе не обязательно, как для обособленных членов.
he writer Wilson

Nprop t Ncom John the Baptist

Nprop (t) NP Bill, the dean’s boy

Ip N you boys

Ip NP you young people

Поэтому в словаре, конечно, надо сделать соответствующее исправление: Russian term "аппозитивная конструкция"
Marlin31 Oct 7, 2022:
С таким вопросом надыть куда-нить к лингвистам/филологам на форум. Пусть оне копья ломают. Но все же, вот ссылка из книги Гальперина " Очерки по стилистике английского языка" (стр. 190):
Таким образом, в русской лингвистике под понятие обособления попадает всякий интонационно выделенный отрезок речи.
Под обособленными членами предложения в современном английском
языке мы будем понимать такие части высказывания — обычно второстепенные члены предложения, — которые в силу разрыва привычных синтаксических связей оказываются изолированными от тех главных членов предложения, от которых они обычно зависят. В этом отношении обособление
родственно инверсии...

Есть еще одна книга Гальперина, "English Stylistics". Если сравнить оглавления 2-х книг, то видно, что раздел "Обособления" в первой соответствует разделу Detached Construction во второй. Хотя, конечно, полную параллель между книгами провести нельзя. Но некоторое представление о том, что понимается учОными мужами под обособлением в русском и английском, вынести можно. Думаю, что однозначного и окончательного ответа нет даже у них. Так что, либо вариант Гальперина, либо Франка.
SirReaL Oct 7, 2022:
а не найдется ли больше контекста? it would be much appreciated
SirReaL Oct 7, 2022:
извините, что нечетко выразился. я имел в виду обратное, а именно, что "обособленный член предложения" -- более широкая категория, чем detached attribute, detached modifier, detached appositive и т. п.
Tatiana Karymshakova (asker) Oct 7, 2022:
спасибо, Михаил; да похоже в английском это понятие сильно шире
SirReaL Oct 7, 2022:
detached attribute или detached modifier в приведенном Вами примере, но что-то мне подсказывает, что он частный и что определение термина "особобленный член предложения" шире.

Proposed translations

8 hrs

appositive phrase (adjective, noun, etc.)

In your example, fat is an appositive adjective. In general, these are appositive phrases.

An appositive is a word or group of words that describes or renames a noun or pronoun. Incorporating appositives into your writing is a useful way of combining sentences that are too short and choppy. An appositive may be placed anywhere in a sentence, but it must come directly before or after the noun to which it refers:

Appositive after noun: Scott, a poorly trained athlete, was not expected to win the race.

Appositive before noun: A poorly trained athlete, Scott was not expected to win the race. Unlike relative clauses, appositives are always punctuated by a comma or a set commas. Take a look at the way Naomi uses appositives to include additional facts in her essay.

An appositive is a noun or pronoun — often with modifiers — set beside another noun or pronoun to explain or identify it. Here are some examples of appositives (the noun or pronoun will be in blue, the appositive will be in red).

Your friend Bill is in trouble.
My brother's car, a sporty red convertible with bucket seats, is the envy of my friends.
The chief surgeon, an expert in organ-transplant procedures, took her nephew on a hospital tour.


An Appositive Adjective is a traditional grammatical term for an adjective (or a series of adjectives) that follows a noun and, like a nonrestrictive appositive, is set off by commas or dashes.

Appositive adjectives often appear in pairs or groups of three (tricolons).

Examples and Observations
"Arthur was a big boy, tall, strong, and broad-shouldered."
(Janet B. Pascal, Arthur Conan Doyle: Beyond Baker Street. Oxford University Press, 2000)
"No Chinese emperor was more resplendently arrayed. As for the cigarette that he holds out, half smoked, to be taken and deposited by his valet, a whole civilization—urbane, authoritative, preposterous, and doomed—resides in that single gesture."
(Anthony Lane, "Life and Death Matters." The New Yorker, February 8, 2010)
"Much of the greatest poetry, ancient and modern, has been occupied with a similar image: the figure of the abandoned woman."
(Lawrence Lipking, Abandoned Women and Poetic Tradition. The University of Chicago Press, 1988)

What Is an Appositive Phrase?
An appositive phrase redefines, renames, or modifies a noun with essential or nonessential information. Basically, appositives clarify a noun with another noun or noun phrase that gives a noun extra context. Appositives can be a single word or a group of words and are often enclosed in commas if they come in the middle of a sentence.
Peer comment(s):

agree DTSM : Parts of the Sentence - Appositives
2 days 23 hrs
Thank you, DTSM. I appreciate your including the link.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you"
1 day 11 hrs

isolated parts of (the) sentence

isolated by comma
обособление (выделение члена предложения паузой, интонацией) = isolation
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2 days 21 hrs

Emphasized part of a sentence

Commas can be used to emphasize a particular word or phrase as an interjection, slowing a sentence down and making a word or phrase stand out. This can also be done with dashes instead of commas.

или чисто английская замена запятым или кавычкам:

How Do I Show Emphasis in a Sentence
If you need to emphasize a word or a particular fact in a sentence, you can use italics to stress it. That said, italics and other font changes lose their impact if overused. It is best to use such devices sparingly and rely on strong writing and strategic word placement to get your point across.
Что такое обособление?
Часто в речи или на письме нам нужно выделить какую-то информацию, деталь, сделать уточнение или пояснение.

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3 days 23 hrs

free modifiers

Free modifiers are phrases that can appear at the beginning (initial modifier), middle (medial modifier), or end (final modifier) of sentences. These types of modifiers add detail to written work and are usually set off with commas.

Often, free modifiers can be moved to different places in the sentence, while maintaining
correct grammatical formatting.
Examples: INITIAL MODIFIER: A comprehensive history final, the test lasted a full
two hours.
MEDIAL MODIFIER: The test, a comprehensive history final, lasted a full
two hours.
FINAL MODIFIER: The test lasted a full two hours, a comprehensive
history final.
At other times, changing the location of the modifier changes the meaning of the sentence.
Examples: INITIAL MODIFIER: Tossing her books on the table, she ran into the
kitchen and grabbed a snack.
MEDIAL MODIFIER: She ran into the kitchen, tossing her books on the
table, and grabbed a snack.
FINAL MODIFIER: She ran into the kitchen and grabbed a snack, tossing
her book on the table.
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