Nov 2, 2023 02:17
1 yr ago
18 viewers *
Albanian term

burgim afatgjatë

Albanian to English Social Sciences Law (general) criminal punishment
From Kosova's Kodi Penal.
kryerësi dënohet me së paku 10 vjet burgim apo me burgim afatgjatë.

Seems to me that it is a punishment without a fixed end

Life sentence?

Proposed translations

5 hrs

long term imprisonment

This is totally different from life sentence/imprisonment or imprisonment for life.

The Penal Code of Kosovë has three main categories of punishment: life imprisonment, imprisonment and punishment by fine.
Long-term punishment falls under the 2nd category (imprisonment) and differs from the imprisonment for life/life sentence.

Note added at 6 hrs (2023-11-02 08:19:25 GMT)

I just saw that this has already been suggested, although I do not fully agree with the explanation (no offence to the colleague but the interpretation of the Penal Code differs a lot from country to country (in particular in US vs Europe).
Peer comment(s):

agree Valdrin
19 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Faleminderit shumë!"
3 hrs

life imprisonment

Life imprisonment is different from imprisonment for life and life sentence.
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25 mins

long-term imprisonment

This includes people serving indeterminate sentences, such as a Life sentence and the sentence of. Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP); as well as those sentenced to a determinate sentence of 20 years. or more. Most people currently in prison serving a determinate sentence will spend half of their sentence i

Note added at 10 hrs (2023-11-02 12:20:20 GMT)

Notes: According to the Council of Europe, long-term incarceration is a court sentence of 5 years or more regardless of the length of time actually served.
Peer comment(s):

agree Iliana2010 : Have different views on the explanation though - it is not indeterminate (it is just long enough to be considered long-term (20, 30, 40 yrs etc)
5 hrs
Yes, I believe so. I intended to edit the post, but I'm unable to do so. This wasn't what I meant, so there might have been some technical issues.
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