Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

excepción de litispendencia

English translation:

lis pendens defense

Added to glossary by Rebecca Jowers
May 29, 2020 18:55
4 yrs ago
38 viewers *
Spanish term

excepción de litispendencia

Spanish to English Law/Patents International Org/Dev/Coop HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention, Hague Conference on Private International Law
The expression "excepción de litispendencia" appears in a response to a question on parallel proceedings:

• Can your courts raise the issue of parallel proceedings on their own motion (ex officio), or can the issue only be raised by a party:

La excepción de litispendencia procede cuando se configura la triple identidad de sujeto, objeto y causa, o bien cuando se evidencia la posibilidad de fallos contradictorios, caso en el cual la solución se logra, habida cuenta de razones de conexidad, por medio de la acumulación de procesos.

Thank you very much for your help.
Change log

May 30, 2020 20:00: Rebecca Jowers Created KOG entry


678 (asker) May 30, 2020:
Thank you! Thank you for your comments! Very useful information and discussion!
678 (asker) May 30, 2020:
Article 7

Where, in their agreement, the parties have designated a court or the courts of a Contracting State without excluding the jurisdiction of other courts, proceedings already pending in any court thus having jurisdiction and which may result in a decision capable of being recognised in the State where the defence is pleaded, shall constitute the basis for the ++++defence of lis pendens+++++.
678 (asker) May 30, 2020:
The Hague
Taña Dalglish May 30, 2020:
Adrian MM I don't think you have to go any further than the UN to establish the English variant, IMO:
English (British English with Oxford spelling). Regards.
Adrian MM. May 30, 2020:
'An International Organis/zation' ‘An international organisation’ – I don’t think we are any the wiser without at least a non-confidential venue, to wit: the IMO: the International Maritime Organisation headquartered in London and for which many of my ex-Royal Navy and British Merchant Navy acquaintances have worked as UK-qualified lawyers uses British English, as opposed to the non-EU European Court and Registry of Human Rights in Strasbourg that uses an odd type of ‘Franglais’ vs. the ECJ in Lux that accepts Anglo-Scots law terminology or the IMF – the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC that uses a species of 'offshore' English.
678 (asker) May 30, 2020:
The translation will be used by an international organization where representatives from countries all over the world will read the translation.
Adrian MM. May 29, 2020:
@ Robert agree with Rebecca:

1. notice of lis pendens in the US is a 'notice of pending action' entered at the HM UK Land Registry.

2. Notice of motion (not motions, though heard in court on a *motions day*) is in fact used in E&W to portend an application ('claim') for a prohibitive / restraining or mandatory - must-do injunction.

3. Toni's objection: used more in AmE and CanE ('I object': Perry Mason etc. on TV) than BrE and IrE, except in UK Town & Country Planning e.g. neighbo(u)rs' planning objections to development: one of the catalysts for my parents pushing me into the law.

4. exceptions in the E&W law of evidence refer invariably to implied or express statutory opt-outs and reverse the burden of proof from the plaintiff / claimant or complainant to the defendant. PS exception in Scots law: 'an obsolete term for a defence or defences, /but/ which survives in the plea of ope exceptionis-' (Butterworths)
Rebecca Jowers May 29, 2020:
In other respects... In other respects, I believe “notice of lis pendens” is not a procedural defense, but rather usually refers to a notice placed on a public register (“anotación preventiva”) to indicate that an action is pending with regard certain real estate (or whatever) appearing on the register.
Rebecca Jowers May 29, 2020:
@Robert I think “exception” may be a literal translation of “excepción,” and “excepciones” are generally known as “defenses” (“defences” in British English). In Spanish civil procedure there are “excepciones procesales/de forma” (procedural or formal defenses) and “excepciones materiales/de fondo” (affirmative defenses). Defense of lis pendens is a procedural defense that seeks to defeat the lawsuit before it can proceed. There are many others: “excepción de falta de legitimación” (lack of standing defense); “excepción de prescripción” (statute of limitations defense; defense that action is time barred); “excepción de cosa juzgada” (res judicata defense), etc. In case you’re interested, I have 21 Spanish “excepciones procesales” translated in my “Léxico temático de terminología juridical español-inglés). As for motion, I believe “file a defense” is more common than “motion” in this context (also, I don’t think “motion” is used in British English). Anyway, if Google means anything, I get 13,400 hits for “defense of lis pendens”; 11,000 for “defence of lis pendens” and 5,000 for “motion for lis pendens”.
AllegroTrans May 29, 2020:
Asker Could you please tell us in what country your translation is to be used? We need to respect the differences between, for example, US and UK English
Adrian MM. May 29, 2020:
@ David H. My response to Ramon A.: 'I agreeing with myself- plea of lis alibi pendens for BrE (including Scotland) or IrE consumption: Osborn's Concise & Curzon's Law Dictionary. Unclear from the asker's (low) profile what the source-country & target-audience is.'

I can't vouch for the USA or Canada - see Rebecca J's answer - as I can't get past 'notice of lis pendens': Barron's US Am Law Dictionary and the asker like many others - supposedly in the communications business of T&I - isn't very communicative.

David Hollywood May 29, 2020:
I'm not a lawyer so maybe someone like Adrian MM can come in on this to clarify

Proposed translations

12 mins

lis pendens defense

also: defense of pendency of prior action; defense of another action pending

excepción (in this context) = defense raised to attempt to defeat a lawsuit

Note added at 22 mins (2020-05-29 19:17:28 GMT)


The purpose of the lis pendens defense is to protect a defendant from harassment by having to defend several suits on the same cause of action at the same time. ... The doctrine of lis pendens requires that the prior action be pending.

The lis pendens defense allows for the dismissal of thelater-filed suit when all three of the following requirements aresatisfied: (1) two or more suits are pending in Louisiana courts;(2) the suits are related to the same transaction or occurrence;and (3) the suits involve the same parties in the same capacities.

Different names, same action: complaint dismissed based on lis pendens defense. Plaintiff cannot bring forward two cases based on same circumstances, Court rules. (8/9/2006)

Peer comment(s):

agree Robert Carter : Hi Rebecca, I wonder if can you clarify when to use "exception," "motion" or "defense" to translate "excepción"? I understand an exception is a type of defense, but on procedural grounds, right?
15 mins
Thanks, Robert. In response to your question, I'll post some ideas in the discussion section.
agree Toni Castano : I would call this "objection of lis pendens", the option I actually prefer, but yours is fine too.
50 mins
Thanks, Toni
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much for your response and additional information provided."
4 mins

cause for lis pendens

arises etc.

Note added at 6 mins (2020-05-29 19:01:39 GMT)

In United States law, a lis pendens is a written notice that a lawsuit has been filed concerning real estate, involving either the title to the property or a claimed ownership interest in it. The notice is usually filed in the county land records office. ... Lis pendens is Latin for "suit pending".

Note added at 8 mins (2020-05-29 19:03:50 GMT)

have to be careful with faux amis here as "excepción" doesn't mean "exception" here

Note added at 12 mins (2020-05-29 19:07:18 GMT)

and it's a fine line between "cause" and "plea"
Note from asker:
Hi David, Thank you for your answer. The thing is that in Argentina "litispendencia" means that two cases with same object, subject and cause are initiated in courts of different jurisdictions.
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12 mins

exception/motion of pendency of action/lis pendens

It usually refers to a motion or exception by one of the parties to the suit claiming that another court action is pending between the parties regarding the same cause of action.
I believe in the US the English term is now preferred over the Latin term.

"A "notice of pendency of action" or "notice" is a notice of the pendency of an action in which a real property claim is alleged."
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5 mins

plea of lis pendens

per glossary

Plea that a suit - litigation - is pending elsewhere, in another country etc., so no need to duplicate the action.

ES excepción dilatoria de litispendencia
EN plea in bar on grounds of "lis pendens"

By Adrian MM.

Note added at 27 mins (2020-05-29 19:22:18 GMT)

Here is another one:

When one of the parties raises the plea of lis pendens: when recording that a case which has a similar object and facts has already been laid before another French court...

Note added at 29 mins (2020-05-29 19:24:48 GMT)

When a defendant is arrested pending a former suit or action, in which he was held to bail, he will not, in general, be held to bail, if the second suit be for the same cause of action. But under special circumstances, he may be held to bail twice, and of these circumstances the court will judge. When such a second action is commenced, the first ought to be discontinued and the costs paid; but, it seems, it is sufficient if they are paid before the replication of nul tiel record to a plea of autre action pendant. in the second suit.
Note from asker:
Hi Adrian, Thank you for your answer. According to the reference you mention, the response would be "lis alibi pendens" not "lis pendens". Am I wrong? En Argentina el término litispendencia se utiliza cuando dos causas con identidad de sujeto, objeto y causa se inician en juzgados de distintas jurisdicciones.
The translation will be used by an international organization and representatives from many countries will use the translation.
Peer comment(s):

agree Adrian MM. : yes, ha, ha, 'tis I agreeing with myself- plea of lis *alibi = elsewhere* pendens for BrE or IrE consumption: Osborn's Concise & Curzon's Law Dictionary. Unclear from the asker's (low) profile what the source-country & target-audience is.
41 mins
Hey! you came back! could you please check the discussion entries? Thanks!
agree Toni Castano : I´m strongly in favour of "objection", but I think this works too.
1 hr
yess! agree!
agree AllegroTrans : This seems "internationally" acceptable but it would be useful to know where the translation is targeted
1 hr
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

21 mins


Rocois Construction Inc. v. Québec Ready Mix Inc. - SCC › scc-csc › scc-csc › item
Quebec. Subjects. Civil procedure. Notes. SCC Case Information: 19780 ... Civil procedure ‑‑ Exceptions to dismiss action ‑‑ Lis pendens ‑‑ Action for ... Accordingly, noting that the triple identity of parties, object and cause was present, ...

The action brought in the Superior Court should be dismissed on the ground of lis pendens. First, although the jurisdiction of the Federal Court, based on s. 31.1(1) of the Combines Investigation Act, and that of the Superior Court, resulting from its general common law jurisdiction, are different, both courts are equally competent to hear the actions brought before them respectively. Second, the ***three substantive conditions for lis pendens within the meaning of art. 165 C.C.P. have been met. There is an identity of parties, object and cause between the two cases***
The doctrine of lis pendens plays an important role
in both traditions in regard to parallel proceedings, but it has been given different
roles within each tradition as to how it prevents parallel proceedings. What
complicates the matter even more is the fact that there is no general definition of lis
pendens, less any universally adopted standards for its application.

This thesis will examine the problem of parallel proceedings and the adoption of the
doctrine of lis pendens in the common law and civil law traditions respectively, with
the utmost purpose to answer the question as to when parallel proceedings in
international commercial arbitration can be said to take place. The purpose of this
thesis is – to some extent – twofold; it aims at presenting the issue of parallel
proceedings and the doctrine of lis pendens from an overall perspective, as well as at
presenting the issue with a more party-oriented view in mind.

As mentioned in the foregoing, the doctrine of lis pendens has no general definition,
and is certainly not applied in an identical manner in different legal systems.
However, the principle is still recognized in most jurisdictions as it works as a
safeguard against parallel proceedings. This thesis is a
comparative study over the different approaches to the doctrine of lis pendens taken
by the common law and civil law traditions.

4.2.1 The definition of lis pendens
It has been shown in the foregoing that parallel proceedings are commonly viewed
as a negative phenomenon and most, if not all, jurisdictions have adopted different
measures to prevent them from taking place.99 The doctrine of lis pendens is only one
of many possible measures to deal with parallel proceedings. Other measures
include, inter alia, anti-suit injunctions, consolidation of proceedings, and the
application of the doctrine of forum non conveniens.

James Fawcett has described
the doctrine of lis pendens to be applicable in a “situation in which parallel
proceedings, involving the same parties and the same cause of action, are continuing
in two different states at the same time.

The doctrine of lis pendens is closely related to the principle of res judicata, which
establishes that “an earlier and final adjudication by a court or arbitration tribunal is
conclusive in subsequent proceedings involving the same subject matter of relief,
the same legal grounds and the same parties.”109 Precluding following proceedings
between the same parties concerning the same claim, demand or cause of action, the
principle of res judicata serves purposes closely related to those of lis pendens ...

Lis pendens refers to a situation where the same dispute has been brought before two courts of the same level, having equal jurisdiction. ... This ruling is noteworthy considering the low number of courts having granted this exception of international lis pendens
Parallel Proceedings-Converging Views - Osgoode Digital › cgi › viewcontentPDF
ceedings, but the vexing question can be 'which is the abusive party ... only where jurisdiction had been exercised on one of the tradi- ... uations of parallel proceedings or "lis pendens. ... other than the court first seised shall of its own motion stay its proceedings ... The lessons for Canadian courts that can be found in the ex-.
In order to address the concerns of multiplicity and
inconsistent results, the Europeans established a simple rule for situations of parallel proceedings or "lis pendens." This rule requires
all courts, other than the court first seized, to stay proceedings on
the same matter before them of their own motion until the court
first seized has decided the matter or has determined that it cannot
decide the matter.

COMPARATIVE TABLE: The Effect of Recognition of ... - BIICL › files › 3479_comp_table_-_effect_of_j...
matters which could have been raised in the first proceedings to establish or refuse the ... In personam judgments will generally only bind parties or their privies and not ... The former doctrine is also concerned with the substantive objective of ... the court may decide of its own motion to raise the issue of preclusion, but it is ...
Note from asker:
Thank you very much! Very useful information!
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Adrian MM.
22 mins
agree Toni Castano : Thank you for the useful explanatory links.
53 mins
Thanks Tony. Continue to stay safe.
agree AllegroTrans
55 mins
Thank you.
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