Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Italian term or phrase:
significativo abbinato modulo
English translation:
significant associated software module
Added to glossary by
James (Jim) Davis
Oct 12, 2011 07:25
13 yrs ago
Italian term
significativo abbinato modulo
Italian to English
sempre la premessa del bilancio - il collegio sindacale informa che nel 2007 non è stato fatto il bilancio consolidato, ma che "Nel biennio 2008 / 2009, invece, l’attività realizzativa demandata alla neo controllata XYZZ s.c.r.l. – per essere stata di straordinario rilievo, negli esiti produttivi – ci ha indotto, unitamente all’avvertita esigenza di concepire ex novo il significativo abbinato modulo prima mancante nel software aziendale, a predisporre i contestuali bilanci consolidati del Gruppo XXXX al 31/12."
mi sto ingarbugliando!
mi sto ingarbugliando!
Proposed translations
4 | significant associated software module | James (Jim) Davis |
Change log
Oct 16, 2011 20:51: James (Jim) Davis Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
8 mins
significant associated software module
You can probably omit "software" because it is repeated again immediately afterwards. Just why they should do consolidated accounts because of the existence of a software module is beyond me, but that is what the Italian says.
Note from asker:
thanks Jim, you're always a saviour! it was that "abbinato" word that I just couldn't find an appropriate translation, and yes...this is one of the weirdest (and most boring) statements I have had to translate... you know when they want to sound soooooo sophisticated and "elegant".... |
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "thank you Jim, as always your suggestions are lean and straight to the point...I sometimes fail to see the simplicity, blinded by the twisted (burocratese) original (and yes, I omitted "software")"
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