The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English History Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
ley del Registro civil y del matrimonio civil the law on Civil Registry and the law on Civil Marriage
Entered by: Richard Hill
librar parade una de Sonora (and) once and for all, liberate/free Sonora
Libro de fábrica general account book
libro de pardos Registry of pardos
libro de resultas bonds book / book of bonds / debentures book / contracts book / book of contracts
libros para cinturon girdle book
licenciado Licenciado
Entered by: Clayton Causey
linderado ... whose borders were established...
litoral - Litoral coastal area(s); (Argentina) river-basin region - Litoral
llave del reino protector of the kingdom
llevaba como bandera una critica al liberalismo democratico took up .... as a/their (collective) battle standard/ battle cry
Lo que supone Its effect/influence
lobas robe or gown, as used by students.
logró cohesionarse internamente y afirmarse contrastivamente succeeded in achieving inner cohesion and asserting itself through contrast
Los botones o Tapa balazos buttons or medals
los desparecidos the Disappeared
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
los hilos de continuidad threads of continuity
los Juegos Píticos, Meneos Pythian and Nemean Games
los más the (great) majority
Los municipios son las Administraciones Locales The municipalities are the Local Authorities
Entered by: Edward Tully
Los niños robados como “botín de guerra” The children stolen/taken as spoils of war
los nietos sucesores de los otros hijos ya fallecidos the grandchildren, heirs of the other children now deceased
los pleitos de vasallaje rites of homage
Los primeros asentamientos mayas The Mayas' first settlements
Los ritos de hospitalidad o de ausentes rites of hospiitality or rites for the absent
los vuelve para siempre entrañables para cada ser humano that will always have great meaning for mankind
Luego de cinco años de haberse firmado los Acuerdo de Paz, la población Indígena Five years after the Peace Agreement had been signed, the indigenous population
Luisa Isabel de Parma Louise-Elisabeth de Bourbon
mando provincial provincial command
manifestaciones politicas adversas a ... political demonstrations adverse to ...
manufactura real royal factory, royal manufactory
Entered by: BristolTEc
marina del rey the king\'s navy/ships
mayorazgo entailed state/ family state
méritos militares military merit/achievements
mediano middle-status
memoria de gobierno memoirs of the government
memoria de urbanización development plan
memorial (in this contrext) memorial / petition/ memorandum book
memoriales petitions
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