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Romanian to English Law: Contract(s) Translation Glossary

Romanian term English translation
fisa de evidenta register card
fisa limita Limited consumption stock card
fisa tehnica specification sheet
Entered by: anamaria bulgariu
folosința exclusivă și liniștită a Bunului exclusive use and quiet enjoyment of the property / good
Entered by: Simona Pop
fond aservit servient tenement
fond dominant dominant tenement
forma de ocupare a spatiului type of occupancy [of the building]
formă de atac pe cale administrativă administrative challenge modality
franco cariera FOB quarry
fructe naturale și industriale ale imobilului natural and industrial fruits of the real property
furt calificat aggravated theft
Entered by: Iosif JUHASZ
garanţie de reţinere de garanţie retainage guarantee/holdback guarantee
garanţie reală/garanţie personală tangible security/personal security
garantăm pe cumpărători de orice evicţiune guarantee the buyers against eviction
Entered by: Cristina Bolohan
garantie warranty
garantie reala mobiliara pledge, pawn
garantii reale mobiliare si/sau imobiliare real estate collateral
Entered by: Octavia Veresteanu
Grup Scolar \'\' Victor Babes \'\' nursing care (post) high school
Grupa 26 - VALORI DE RECUPERAT ȘI ALTE SUME DATORATE accounts receivable and other due amounts
identificat cu C.I. seria ... nr... identified by ID Card Series ... No ...
imobil expertizat tehnic încadrat în clasele de risc seismic building(s) (which are) assessed and classified for seismic risk level/class
imprumut in mod gratuit lui ... folosinta make to ... the gratuitous loan for use of the
Imprumutatii The borrowers are...
imputernicim prin prezenta we hereby empower
in cadrul caruia s-a subrogat cedentului in which it is subrogated to the assignor
in calitate de mandatar as authorized agent / authorized representative
in calitate de sportiv as sportswoman
in caz contrar aceste obligatii conventionale nefiindu-i opozabile otherwise, these conventional obligations shall not be opposable to him
in contradictoriu against / in opposition to
Entered by: Mihaela Bordea
in curs de judecata the trial is pending
in exprimare valorica (expressed) in monetary value
in limitele prezentului mandat within the limits of this power of attorney
in masura in care to the extent to which
in minim 48 de ore within 48 hours
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
in optiunea cumparatorului as agreed upon by the Buyer / as per the Buyer's decision
in procent de xxx%
in schimbul unui comision in return for a fee/commission
In situaţia nedenunţării contractului in the event of non termination of the contract
in subsidiar subsidiarily
Entered by: Cristiana Coblis
in urma evaluarii ofertei upon evaluation of the tender submitted as part of ...
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