The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

francuski > angielski Komputery: systemy, sieci Translation Glossary

francuski term angielski translation
redonder to mirror - to make the system redundant
Entered by: Gina W
Relevés d’inscription-facture admission sheet-register slip
Entered by: Assimina Vavoula
remise sur le relevé statement discount
remontée d'alarmes alarm notifications
renvoyer des données pointing to the data
repassage de trame packet (frame) retransmission
Report d’échéancier (GPA) Payment schedule postponement (GPA)
Report Partielle Delay for partial zone/ partial zone delay
Reporting d’activité en réseau network activity reporting
Entered by: Mark Nathan
reprise retrieval
respectant la politique de système et d'architecture en vigueur in compliance with current policy on systems and architecture
restitution reporting
Entered by: Gina W
retoucher make good
RFA ready for acceptance
rocades de distribution verticale backbone cabling
roulement de bandes rotation of tapes
salle blanche cold site
SAN mutualisé shared SAN
Sauts de passerelles gateway hops
sésame passport
s´établit is established
s’incrémente/se décrémente increments/decrements (by)
se met en coupure cuts/hacks into
secrets d'authentification authentication secret
Service aux caisses Service to Credit Unions
signe de vie heartbeat
Sites directions Division websites
Entered by: EirTranslations
socle de la prestation standard level of service
sonde de détection d'intrusion inrusion detection sensor
Soumissionnaire Bidder
Entered by: Gina W
Spécification Technique d’Interface Interface Technology Specification(s)
specifique (n) white paper
structure serrée tight structure
Entered by: Tony M
subtilisation misappropriation
suivi du périmètre track/monitor the sphere/scope of the process
superviseur supervisor
sur une hauteur de 1U la partie supervision et la ventilation a 1U-high built-in "monitoring" section and fan
switch d’extrémité far end switch
système/logiciel métier in-house system/software
systèmes techniques aux interfaces technology interface systems
Entered by: Gina W
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