The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Business/Commerce (general) Translation Glossary

French term English translation
blocs de compétence skill sets
bloqueur lock
BO Banques d\'Origine [originating banks]
boite à baffes slapping tackle / brickbat
Entered by: Paul Malone
boite verte "green box"
Bon à graver (BAG) repro quality print
bon à lever automatique automatic release warrant/authorization
bon à payer payment bond
bon d'occupation certificate of occupancy
bon de commande purchase order
bon de mouvement appareil en pret (BMAP) transit slip for loan unit
Entered by: Maria Burnett
bon de portage number porting voucher/receipt
bon de saisi data entry form
Entered by: Maria Burnett
Bon de tri Sort order
Entered by: A-R-Traduction
Bon fonctionnement du chantier smooth running of a work site
boni surplus on liquidation
bonne foi in all sincerety/in all honesty/sincerely
Entered by: EirTranslations
bonne répartition des talents auprès des professionnels good assortment/distribution/lineup of professional talent/expertise
bons fondamentaux good fundamentals
bons provisoires temporary voucher/warrant/security
bordelaise haute tall bordeaux bottle
Bordereau de prix unitaires Bill of Quantities
bordereau de quantités presumées the itemized listing of expected quantities.
Bordereau de transmission de documents Schedule for delivery of documents
bordereau d\'adjudication sale slip or invoice
bordereaux d'entrée et de sortie des magasins merchandise incoming and outgoing slips
bordereaux des prix price lists / price schedules
Entered by: Laurel Clausen
borne escamotable retractable bollard
Entered by: Mark Bossanyi
bouclier fiscal tax shield
bouleversement disruption
boutique de créatrices independent designer boutique / designer-makers' boutique
boutiques externes external shops/boutiques
Entered by: EirTranslations
braderie commerciale street sale
branche complete et autonome d'activite Activities from a wholly Independent subsidiary
Entered by: eltrex
branche d'activité business sector/industry
branche d\'activité apportée par la société business line contributed by Company XXX
branchement connection
briques roses pink blocks
brochure panorama 2006 Year in Review 2006 brochure
Entered by: Ian Davies
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