The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Aerospace / Aviation / Space Translation Glossary

French term English translation
longes de sécurité lanyards
lunettes antiéclaboussures splash goggles
l\'électronique de gestion de puissance electronics involved in power management
Mach 2 Mach 2 (two times the speed of sound)
MAD PILOTES Pilot hire
Entered by: EirTranslations
manche collectif collective control
manuel de vol (M de V) flight manual
manutention et mise sur terre-plein materials handling and storage ashore
Entered by: liz askew
marquage (aéroport) ground markings
masque anti-émanation respirator
masse a vide hors option Empty weight or unladen weight/mass (without options or optional parts)
matage Peening
matériau d’usure abradable (material)
mât mast / tower / pylon
Entered by: Tony M
mât réacteur poutre douze heures 12 o\'clock beam for jet engine pylon
météo et carton weather and data card
meridienne meridian
mettre sur ordre make boarding on order only
mire point caché hidden point device
mise au point testing and tuning
mise en cap set heading point or set course point
mix produit/marché product/market fit
Entered by: EirTranslations
MMEL Master Mimimun Equipment Lists (MMEL)
moignon wing stub
Entered by: Didier Fourcot
Nettoyage des garnitures - detalonnage cleaning and surfacing/sanding the brake lining/pad/shoe/block
niveau de nuit illumination level
observations macrographiques macrographic findings
on a fait l’Europe avant la plupart des Traités for us Europe was a reality long before most treaties had been signed.
Entered by: Mark Nathan
ondulations undulations
outer fixed tube (barrel) assembly assemblage (hydraulique ou de tube) externe fixe
ouvrir / refermer de X degrés steer towards / steer away from
Entered by: Maria Karra
palé (hélicoptère) bladed (helicopter)
palette ripée sur table pallet (platform) slid onto the pad
Entered by: merlrennes
palonnier spreader, yoke
pannes plus ou moins longues du pilot automatique automatic pilot failures of greater or lesser duration
par mer formée on [moderately] rough seas
paroi verticale vertical face
partenariat avionneur-équipementier partnership between the aircraft manufacturer and the (main) equipment supplier
partie plane flat plane/surface
passage transit or technical stop
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