How to certify a document?
Thread poster: Sanja Gjurova
Sanja Gjurova
Sanja Gjurova
Local time: 12:24
English to Macedonian
+ ...
Jun 16, 2015


I have recently been accredited by NAATI and I am about to do my first certified translation of a document, but I am unsure as to how to do it.

What do you write next to the stamp? Do you put the stamp on every page?

In Macedonia, where I am from, we had some basic guidelines on how to certify translations. What text to write next to the stamp, and how to certify documents with multiple pages.

Are there any guidelines for this in Austra
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I have recently been accredited by NAATI and I am about to do my first certified translation of a document, but I am unsure as to how to do it.

What do you write next to the stamp? Do you put the stamp on every page?

In Macedonia, where I am from, we had some basic guidelines on how to certify translations. What text to write next to the stamp, and how to certify documents with multiple pages.

Are there any guidelines for this in Australia?

Please, I need some help with this.

Thank you,


Patricia Will
Patricia Will  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:24
Member (2004)
German to English
How to certify a document Jun 16, 2015

Hi, AUSIT has published guidelines about how to certify documents etc. Follow this link and download the PDF:

Hope this helps

Sanja Gjurova
Sanja Gjurova
Local time: 12:24
English to Macedonian
+ ...
Thank you! Jun 16, 2015

Many thanks Patricia!

This is exactly what I was looking for.



GP Translations
GP Translations  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:24
Spanish to English
+ ...
How to certify for UK? Sep 7, 2015


I have the DipTrans and am a member of the CIOL, and I was wondering how I should certify translations for UK agencies. It's for UK Visas and immigration. It would be bank statements and payslips. Should I put something on each page? A statement? My signature? The CIOL logo. Should I invest in a "certified" stamp that I've seen "certified translation agencies" provide?
Any advice would be much appreciated.

Patricia Will
Patricia Will  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:24
Member (2004)
German to English
How to certify for UK Sep 7, 2015

Hi this forum is about translation in Australia so I am not sure anyone here will be able to help you. You need to ask colleagues from the UK, other members of the CIOL would surely know this.


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How to certify a document?

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