Transit: expecting but not getting fuzzy matches
Thread poster: transit_user
Sep 30, 2004

Hi all,

please can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong or what I should do?

I have translated a text in Transit, I had the english version and typed the German translation on the right site.
Then I had another text, which was almost 40 % identical with the first one, but the fuzzy-index doesn't find anything.
Additional info: I haven't done anything with a dictionary because I think (don't know though if it is right) that Transit t
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Hi all,

please can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong or what I should do?

I have translated a text in Transit, I had the english version and typed the German translation on the right site.
Then I had another text, which was almost 40 % identical with the first one, but the fuzzy-index doesn't find anything.
Additional info: I haven't done anything with a dictionary because I think (don't know though if it is right) that Transit takes the words of the texts I insert/translate automatically in the project-dictionary.

So, can anyone help me, pls?

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2004-09-30 12:35]

Gillian Scheibelein
Gillian Scheibelein  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:14
German to English
+ ...
Fuzzy index setting Sep 30, 2004

What setting does your fuzzy match have?

Look under Options > Profile > Settings > Fuzzy Index.

Try lowering the preset value and see if that works. 40% is rather low for a match. Another way of taking a look at available matches is to use the concordance option:

highlight term/phrase
select "concordance"


Cheers, Jill

Gillian Scheibelein
Gillian Scheibelein  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:14
German to English
+ ...
Dictionary Sep 30, 2004

I haven't done anything with a dictionary because I think (don't know though if it is right) that Transit takes the words of the texts I insert/translate automatically in the project-dictionary.

To add terms to the dictionary, simple highlight the matching terms in the EN and DE windows and click on the "rapid entry mode" icon (blue book with one arrow on the toolbar) - that is assuming that you have defined project dictionaries in the project settings.

Dictionary terms do not affect fuzzies/concordance.

Jerzy Czopik
Jerzy Czopik  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:14
Member (2003)
Polish to German
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Are you using Tranit XV or Satellite? Sep 30, 2004

I do not know much about Trasit, but if you use Satellite PE, then you will NEVER get anything automated, as you are only able to receive projects from a project manager.
Then you need a trick.
Receive project as usually, set the folder structure as desired, but DO NOT start translating!
Close Transit, open Windows Explorer and copy the language pair files (ie .ENG and .DEU) from the folder of previous project to the folder of the new project.
Then restart Tranist and sta
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I do not know much about Trasit, but if you use Satellite PE, then you will NEVER get anything automated, as you are only able to receive projects from a project manager.
Then you need a trick.
Receive project as usually, set the folder structure as desired, but DO NOT start translating!
Close Transit, open Windows Explorer and copy the language pair files (ie .ENG and .DEU) from the folder of previous project to the folder of the new project.
Then restart Tranist and start translating. After having translated the first unit you press ALT+INS, then Transit creates fuzzy index for the new project, but as there are more files in the folder, it takes them into consideration too.
However, you project will still consist only of those files it has previously, as you have not changed anything on projct settings (as you cannot with Satellite).

Should you allready have started with the translation, close Transit, go to the current project folder and remove the files TRAN*.BAS (2 files) and TRAN*.MTX (1 file).


translation problems Sep 30, 2004

Thank you very much to all of you!
One question, though:
As I have understood now, these Fuzzy-Matches have nothing to do with dictionaries, so why do I then have to take words in dictionaries, which advantages do they have?

Gillian Scheibelein
Gillian Scheibelein  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:14
German to English
+ ...
dictionaries Sep 30, 2004

The dictionaries are one of Transit's strong points. Terms can be added to the dictionary very quickly and terms in the dictionary can be inserted quickly into the text. If the active segment contains a term in the dictionary it is highlighted in red. To replace the term from the dictionary, simply put the cursor in or in front of the term and press ALT + T (or ALT + SHIFT + T if you want to capitalise the first letter). Of course, this doesn't only apply to single words, you can replace whole p... See more
The dictionaries are one of Transit's strong points. Terms can be added to the dictionary very quickly and terms in the dictionary can be inserted quickly into the text. If the active segment contains a term in the dictionary it is highlighted in red. To replace the term from the dictionary, simply put the cursor in or in front of the term and press ALT + T (or ALT + SHIFT + T if you want to capitalise the first letter). Of course, this doesn't only apply to single words, you can replace whole phrases in this way.

If you are working with Transit Satellite, I suggest you work through the computer-based training session. See:

and work through the tutorial. You will save yourself a lot of time in the long run.

Good luck,



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