Transit Satellite PE - no translation memory?
Thread poster: Hilary Davies Shelby
Hilary Davies Shelby
Hilary Davies Shelby
United States
Local time: 13:09
German to English
+ ...
Dec 28, 2003

Hi everyone,

Please excuse my ignorance, but I have been sent a copy of Transit Satellite PE by an agency I am doing a job for, and although I think I have received and imported everything and got it all set up, it doesn\'t seem to be creating a translation memory (the \"fuzzy index\"?) as I translate. Basically, although I am marking segments as translated, they are not being added to anything - at least, there is no match found when they come up again. I have set the fuzzy match thre
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Hi everyone,

Please excuse my ignorance, but I have been sent a copy of Transit Satellite PE by an agency I am doing a job for, and although I think I have received and imported everything and got it all set up, it doesn\'t seem to be creating a translation memory (the \"fuzzy index\"?) as I translate. Basically, although I am marking segments as translated, they are not being added to anything - at least, there is no match found when they come up again. I have set the fuzzy match threshold to 10% just to make sure, but no matches yet.

Is there a setting i have missed, or am I wrong in thinking it should work like Trados/Wordfast and be available immediately?

I am using Transit Satellite PE Version 3 Build 258 with Win XP and would be very grateful for any advice!


Vesna Zivcic
Vesna Zivcic  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:09
German to Croatian
+ ...
Fuzzy Index Dec 28, 2003

Have you checked that both Transit window and the fuzzy index window are active? Perhaps you have accidentally switched off the latter one?

Perhaps the solution suggested in this topic can help you further...


[Edited at 2003-12-28 08:17]

Jerzy Czopik
Jerzy Czopik  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:09
Member (2003)
Polish to German
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Download the newest build of Transit PE Dec 28, 2003

The newest build is 267, so it can be the reason you cannot get the fuzzy working. I have had the same problem some time ago and it was solved by downloading and installing the last build. You can obtain it here:

Kind regards

Jarrah  Identity Verified
German to English
+ ...
Also upgrade to the latest build Dec 28, 2003

Hi Hilary,

It's also advisable to upgrade to the latest build 267, available from

The manuals and the CBT are also helpful if you are using Transit for the first time.



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Transit Satellite PE - no translation memory?

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