How do I set automatic space before question mark in French?
Thread poster: Caroline Charlier
Caroline Charlier
Caroline Charlier  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:45
Member (2011)
German to French
+ ...
Jul 14, 2020


Although I ticked the box "replace straight quotation marks with typographical characters", there is no longer any protected space before ?!;: in French, only before » and after «.
I'm sure there is a setting for this somewhere, can anyone help me on this please?


Robert Such
Robert Such  Identity Verified
French to English
+ ...
Is this of any help? Jul 14, 2020

Is this of any help, Caroline?

Silke Walter
Silke Walter  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:45
Member (2014)
English to German
QA Settings Jul 14, 2020

Hello Caroline,

With changing the QA settings (in the global settings, so you don't have to repeat it for every project) it should work, when you run the quality check at the latest. There are two ways:

either via



List of Words



Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 15:45
English to Russian
Ctrl+Shift+Space Jul 14, 2020

AutoCorrect will only replace "?" with "[nbsp]?" if you type normal space first. You will have to go back and delete that superfluous space then. I think the simplest way would be just typing nbsp with Ctrl+Shift+Space.

Caroline Charlier
James Plastow
James Plastow  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:45
Japanese to English
autohotkey Jul 14, 2020

You could use a simple autohotkey script

+/::sendinput, {U+00A0}{U+0x3F}

The "+/" means "Shift plus forward slash" which is the location of ? on my keyboard (your keyboard may be different). {U+00A0} is the ascii code for a non breaking space. {U+0x3F} is the ascii code for a question mark.

With this, every time you type ? it will be replaced with a non breaking space and a question mark.

[Edited at 2020-07-15 00:06 GMT]

Caroline Charlier
Caroline Charlier  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:45
Member (2011)
German to French
+ ...
Thanks Jul 15, 2020

Ok, thank you everybody. I thought it was a settings issue, but seemingly, I'll have to go on with Ctrl Shift Space.

Many thanks for your help!



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How do I set automatic space before question mark in French?

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