Search in multiple memories without opening them
Thread poster: Ramunas Kontrimas
Ramunas Kontrimas
Ramunas Kontrimas  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:09
Member (2018)
English to Lithuanian
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Jun 21, 2020

I wonder if it is possible in Trados Studio 2017: to search in multiple memories without opening them.
I only need to find out if the word is present in any of them, then I would open the memory to see in detail.


Ruth Wiedekind
Ruth Wiedekind  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:09
Spanish to German
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What do you mean by 'opening'? Jun 21, 2020

You don't need to open the memories in Trados Studio, but you will have to indicate which memories you wish to be searched. I am not sure if that is what you mean by 'opening' already.

Good luck,

Ramunas Kontrimas
Ramunas Kontrimas  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:09
Member (2018)
English to Lithuanian
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I mean Jun 22, 2020

Ruth Wiedekind wrote:

You don't need to open the memories in Trados Studio, but you will have to indicate which memories you wish to be searched. I am not sure if that is what you mean by 'opening' already.

Good luck,

Say, I want to search in 20 memories. I can create a project with them and search with F3 or open each memory in TM View window. Neither is quick. Is there any other way?

Local time: 22:09
English to Spanish
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Maybe this trick form Nora can help you Jun 22, 2020

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
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Two options Jun 22, 2020

Ramunas Kontrimas wrote:
I wonder if it is possible in Trados Studio 2017: to search in multiple memories without opening them.

I know of no way to do this within Trados itself (but then, I'm no expert). However, if you need to do this frequently, and you don't mind a bit of preparation, you can convert them all to TMX (w.g.Van Nellen's tool) and then use a file search utility to search the TMX files (e.g. Agent Ransack).

In fact, I have been able to search SDLTM files using Agent Ransack: just put them all in one folder, and then perform a search. This way, you can see in which file your term is. I'm not sure if all SDLTM files can be searched this way.

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 23:09
English to Russian
Nothing changed Jun 22, 2020

I tried this method but to no avail. Does it work for you?

Local time: 22:09
English to Spanish
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Re-build index Jun 23, 2020

I tried this method but to no avail. Does it work for you?

Hi Stepan,
No, sorry, I haven't tried Nora's procedure.
If it doesn't work, I believe you need to rebuild the search index. To do so, follow these steps for Windows 10:
1. Visit the classic Windows 7-style Control Panel
2. Search for and select Indexing Options
3. Select the Advanced option
4. Select Rebuild
... See more
I tried this method but to no avail. Does it work for you?

Hi Stepan,
No, sorry, I haven't tried Nora's procedure.
If it doesn't work, I believe you need to rebuild the search index. To do so, follow these steps for Windows 10:
1. Visit the classic Windows 7-style Control Panel
2. Search for and select Indexing Options
3. Select the Advanced option
4. Select Rebuild

P S: You may need to add the location of your TMs before rebuilding. I hope it helps.

South Korea
SDLTM is SQLite file Jun 23, 2020

So, you can handle it (them) with its proper tool(s) with easy.

Wolfgang Schoene
Wolfgang Schoene  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:09
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Try this application (for Windows) Jun 23, 2020

Ramunas Kontrimas wrote:

Ruth Wiedekind wrote:

You don't need to open the memories in Trados Studio, but you will have to indicate which memories you wish to be searched. I am not sure if that is what you mean by 'opening' already.

Good luck,

Say, I want to search in 20 memories. I can create a project with them and search with F3 or open each memory in TM View window. Neither is quick. Is there any other way?

You have to do some homework first, exporting your SDLTMs to TMX and import these TMX into TMLookup.

South Korea
a simple example Jun 23, 2020

You do not have to detour "Export stage" that is time consuming and needless.
Just handle it directly in your tool.

The following is an example.
It emits All the items blindly.
If you add your own criteria then your goal shold be achieved.

To extract TM [1
... See more
You do not have to detour "Export stage" that is time consuming and needless.
Just handle it directly in your tool.

The following is an example.
It emits All the items blindly.
If you add your own criteria then your goal shold be achieved.

To extract TM [1/3] - 2 items

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 23:09
English to Russian
Try English Jun 23, 2020

mengtzu wrote:
You do not have to detour "Export stage" that is time consuming and needless.
Just handle it directly in your tool.

What is "your tool"?
The question was how to find a word without opening the TM. You suggest some third party scripts, Excel ("it makes MS Excel file"), AutoHotkey source code, extract TM...
Are you sure you understand the question?

[Edited at 2020-06-23 23:08 GMT]

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Search in multiple memories without opening them

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