Web page translation - wrong file?
Thread poster: Lauren Higgins
Lauren Higgins
Lauren Higgins
United States
Local time: 13:03
Chinese to English
Jun 4, 2020

I recently completed a translation of an html file in Studio 2019. However, when I open it in my browser, the other files (images) on the page are absent, replaced by gray blocks. I think that when I started this project, I should have selected the folder of all the files in this web page instead of just the html file as the document to be translated, so that the web page would display intact at the end. Is this correct? If so, what can I do to fix it, short of translating the entire page again ... See more
I recently completed a translation of an html file in Studio 2019. However, when I open it in my browser, the other files (images) on the page are absent, replaced by gray blocks. I think that when I started this project, I should have selected the folder of all the files in this web page instead of just the html file as the document to be translated, so that the web page would display intact at the end. Is this correct? If so, what can I do to fix it, short of translating the entire page again (the right way this time)?Collapse

Ruth Wiedekind
Ruth Wiedekind  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:03
Spanish to German
+ ...
Similar issue? Jun 5, 2020

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Web page translation - wrong file?

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